182 research outputs found

    Dolor osteoarticular y depresión en adultos mayores atendidos en un hospital geriátrico de Lima-Perú

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    Objective: To determine the relationship between osteoarticular pain and depression in older adults treated in a geriatric hospital in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: An observational and descriptive study. A sample of 74 older adults treated in the outpatient department of a geriatric hospital in Lima, Peru, in 2021 was selected. A survey was used as technique and a questionnaire as instrument. Using the IBM SPSS Statistics statistical software, a chi-square test was performed with a significance level of 5 %. Results: Concerning the older adults’ general characteristics, 51.35 % were over 70 years of age, 55.41 % were women, 60.81 % had secondary education and 86.49 % were married or cohabiting. Regarding the characteristics of pain, 32.43 % stated that the pain decreased when they were not alone, 20.27 % pointed out that the pain was more intense at home, 81.08 % had moderate pain and 64.86 % had experienced pain for more than six months. As for depression, 43.24 % dealt with mild depression and 29.73 % had persistent depression. The characteristics of osteoarticular pain associated with depression were the degree of pain (p = 0.041) and duration of pain (p = 0.024). Conclusions: Osteoarticular pain was significantly associated with depression in older adults treated in a geriatric hospital in Lima, Peru.Objetivo: Determinar la relación existente entre el dolor osteoarticular y la depresión en adultos mayores atendidos en un hospital geriátrico de Lima-Perú.Materiales y métodos: Estudio de diseño observacional y descriptivo. Se seleccionó una muestra de 74 adultos mayores que fueron atendidos en consulta externa de un hospital geriátrico de Lima-Perú, en el 2021. Se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento, el cuestionario. Mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS se realizó la prueba de chi cuadrado, con un nivel de significancia del 5 %. Resultados: Acerca de las características generales, el 51,35 % de los adultos mayores fueron mayores de 70 años, el 55,41 % fueron mujeres, el 60,81 % tuvo instrucción secundaria y el 86,49 % eran casados o convivientes. Respecto a las características del dolor, el 32,43 % manifestó que el dolor disminuía cuando estaba acompañado, el 20,27 % señaló que el dolor es más intenso en casa, el 81,08 % tuvo un dolor moderado y el 64,86 % experimentó dolor mayor a 6 meses. La frecuencia de la depresión en su mayoría fue leve, con el 43,24 %, seguido de la depresión establecida, con el 29,73 %. Las características del dolor osteoarticular asociados a la depresión fue el grado del dolor (p = 0,041) y el tiempo de dolor (p = 0,024). Conclusiones: El dolor osteoarticular se asocia de manera significativa con la depresión en adultos mayores atendidos en un hospital geriátrico de Lima-Perú

    Ecologically relevant biomarkers reveal that chronic effects of nitrate depend on sex and life stage in the invasive fish Gambusia holbrooki

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    Agricultural intensification and shifts in precipitation regimes due to global climate change are expected to increase nutrient concentrations in aquatic ecosystems. However, the direct effects of nutrients widely present in wastewaters, such as nitrate, are poorly studied. Here, we use multiple indicators of fish health to experimentally test the effects of three ecologically relevant nitrate concentrations (<10, 50 and 250 mg NO /l) on wild-collected mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), a species widely introduced for mosquito biocontrol in often eutrophic waters. Overall, biomarkers (histopathology, feeding assays, growth and caloric content and stable isotopes as indicators of energy content) did not detect overt signs of serious disease in juveniles, males or females of mosquitofish. However, males reduced food intake at the highest nitrate concentration compared to the controls and females. Similarly, juveniles reduced energy reserves without significant changes in growth or food intake. Calorimetry was positively associated with the number of perivisceral fat cells in juveniles, and the growth rate of females was negatively associated with δ N signature in muscle. This study shows that females are more tolerant to nitrate than males and juveniles and illustrates the advantages of combing short- and long-term biomarkers in environmental risk assessment, including when testing for the adequacy of legal thresholds for pollutants

    Inside the Redbox: Applications of haematology in wildlife monitoring and ecosystem health assessment

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    Blood analyses have great potential in studies of ecology, ecotoxicology and veterinary science inwild vertebrates based on advances in human and domestic animalmedicine. The major caveat for field researchers, however, is that the ‘rules’ for human or domestic animal haematology do not always apply towildlife. The present overview shows the strengths and limitations of blood analyses inwild vertebrates, and proposes a standardisation of preanalytical procedures plus some suggestions for a more systematic examination of blood smears to increase the diagnostic value of blood data. By discussing the common problems that field researchers face with blood variables, we also aim to highlight common ground enabling new researchers in the field to accurately collect blood samples and interpret and place their haematological findings into the overall picture of an ecological or eco-toxicological study. Besides showing the practicality and ecological relevance of simple blood variables, this study illustrates the suitability of blood samples for the application of cutting-edge analytical procedures for expanding the current repertoire of diagnostic tools inwildlifemonitoring and ecosystemhealth assessmentPeer reviewe

    Unidades Económicas De Mujeres De Comunidades Rurales Ante Las Nuevas Perspectivas Del Ámbito Nacional

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar una propuesta para fomentar la creación, el desarrollo y la consolidación de unidades económicas creadas por mujeres rurales de la Región Mixteca Oaxaqueña con apoyos federales a partir del desarrollo humano. Para lograr este objetivo, será necesario adoptar una visión holística, donde los apoyos que se han otorgado tradicionalmente sean acompañados por el desarrollo humano de la mujer, a fin de potencializar sus capacidades y garantizar un impacto que le permita mejorar sus condiciones de vida y promueva el desarrollo económico local

    Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en las empresas mexicanas, el desempleo resultante y los emprendimientos por necesidad

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    En esta investigación se identificaron algunas características que deben tener los emprendimientos para asegurar que tendrán mayores posibilidades de permanecer y que constituyan fuentes de empleo para otras personas además de los fundadores. Estos temas se abordan en tres apartados: I. Cambios, afectaciones y muerte de las empresas a causa del COVID-19, II. El efecto de la emergencia sanitaria en la pérdida de empleos y III. Análisis del emprendimiento frente al desempleo generado por la pandemia de COVID-1

    Anthropology and GIS: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Philippine Negrito Groups

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    The Philippine negrito groups comprise a diverse group of populations speaking over 30 different languages, who are spread all over the archipelago, mostly in marginal areas of Luzon Island in the north, the central Visayas islands, and Mindanao in the south. They exhibit physical characteristics that are different from more than 100 Philippine ethnolinguistic groups that are categorized as non-negritos. Given their numbers, it is not surprising that Philippine negritos make up a major category in a number of general ethnographic maps produced since the nineteenth century. Reports from various ethnological surveys during this period, however, have further enriched our understanding regarding the extent and distribution of negrito populations. Using the data contained in these reports, it is possible to plot and create a map showing the historical locations and distribution of negrito groups. Using geographic information systems (GIS), the location and distribution of negrito groups at any given time can be overlaid on historical or current maps. In the present study, a GIS layer was compiled and extracted from the 2000 Philippine Census of population at the village level and overlaid on existing maps of the Philippines. The maps that were generated from this project will complement ongoing anthropological and genetic studies of negrito groups that inhabit different locations within the Philippine archipelago

    Risk reduction through community-based monitoring:the vigías of Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    Since 2000, a network of volunteers known as vigías has been engaged in community-based volcano monitoring, which involves local citizens in the collection of scientific data, around volcán Tungurahua, Ecuador. This paper provides the first detailed description and analysis of this well-established initiative, drawing implications for volcanic risk reduction elsewhere. Based on 32 semi-structured interviews and other qualitative data collected in June and July 2013 with institutional actors and with vigías themselves, the paper documents the origins and development of the network, identifies factors that have sustained it, and analyses the ways in which it contributes to disaster risk reduction. Importantly, the case highlights how this community-based network performs multiple functions in reducing volcanic risk. The vigías network functions simultaneously as a source of observational data for scientists; as a communication channel for increasing community awareness, understanding of hazard processes and for enhancing preparedness; and as an early warning system for civil protection. Less tangible benefits with nonetheless material consequences include enhanced social capital – through the relationships and capabilities that are fostered – and improved trust between partners. Establishing trust-based relationships between citizens, the vigías, scientists and civil protection authorities is one important factor in the effectiveness and resilience of the network. Other factors discussed in the paper that have contributed to the longevity of the network include the motivations of the vigías, a clear and regular communication protocol, persistent volcanic activity, the efforts of key individuals, and examples of successful risk reduction attributable to the activities of the network. Lessons that can be learned about the potential of community-based monitoring for disaster risk reduction in other contexts are identified, including what the case tells us about the conditions that can affect the effectiveness of such initiatives and their resilience to changing circumstances

    Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species

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    Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of non-native species, but consistency among them has received limited attention. To estimate the consistency across impact assessment protocols, 89 specialists in biological invasions used 11 protocols to screen 57 NNS (2614 assessments). We tested if the consistency in the impact scoring across assessors, quantified as the coefficient of variation (CV), was dependent on the characteristics of the protocol, the taxonomic group and the expertise of the assessor. Mean CV across assessors was 40%, with a maximum of 223%. CV was lower for protocols with a low number of score levels, which demanded high levels of expertise, and when the assessors had greater expertise on the assessed species. The similarity among protocols with respect to the final scores was higher when the protocols considered the same impact types. We conclude that all protocols led to considerable inconsistency among assessors. In order to improve consistency, we highlight the importance of selecting assessors with high expertise, providing clear guidelines and adequate training but also deriving final decisions collaboratively by consensus