2,262 research outputs found

    TabText: A Flexible and Contextual Approach to Tabular Data Representation

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    Tabular data is essential for applying machine learning tasks across various industries. However, traditional data processing methods do not fully utilize all the information available in the tables, ignoring important contextual information such as column header descriptions. In addition, pre-processing data into a tabular format can remain a labor-intensive bottleneck in model development. This work introduces TabText, a processing and feature extraction framework that extracts contextual information from tabular data structures. TabText addresses processing difficulties by converting the content into language and utilizing pre-trained large language models (LLMs). We evaluate our framework on nine healthcare prediction tasks ranging from patient discharge, ICU admission, and mortality. We show that 1) applying our TabText framework enables the generation of high-performing and simple machine learning baseline models with minimal data pre-processing, and 2) augmenting pre-processed tabular data with TabText representations improves the average and worst-case AUC performance of standard machine learning models by as much as 6%

    Recent developments in the application of plant growth-promoting drought adaptive rhizobacteria for drought mitigation

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    Drought intensity that has increased as a result of human activity and global warming poses a serious danger to agricultural output. The demand for ecologically friendly solutions to ensure the security of the world’s food supply has increased as a result. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) treatment may be advantageous in this situation. PGPR guarantees the survival of the plant during a drought through a variety of processes including osmotic adjustments, improved phytohormone synthesis, and antioxidant activity, among others and these mechanisms also promote the plant’s development. In addition, new developments in omics technology have improved our understanding of PGPR, which makes it easier to investigate the genes involved in colonizing plant tissue. Therefore, this review addresses the mechanisms of PGPR in drought stress resistance to summarize the most current omics-based and molecular methodologies for exploring the function of drought-responsive genes. The study discusses a detailed mechanistic approach, PGPR-based bioinoculant design, and a potential roadmap for enhancing their efficacy in combating drought stress

    Economical analysis of four bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris) intercropped with maize (Zea mays) in several pl ng systems

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    Se realizó un análisis económico de cuatro cultivares de frijol (Huetar, hábito II, Brunca, hábito IIIa, Alajuela 1 y México 29-N ambos de hábito IIIb) asociados al cultivar de maíz Tico V-1 mejorado bajo los Sistemas de siembra simultánea y de relevo, en Grecia, Alajuela, Costa Rica. El tratamiento más rentable para explotaciones de subsistencia fue el cultivar Huetar en siembra simultánea y Alajuela 1 en siembra de relevo, duran-te el mismo ciclo vegetativo del maíz. No obstante, para otro tipo de explotaciones el cultivar Huetar en siembra simultánea constituyó la mejor alternativa económica.An economical analysis of bean varieties Huetar, Brunca, México29-N and Alajuela l intercropped with the maize cultivar Improved TicoV-1 was conducted in Alajuela, Costa Rica, in-simultaneous association and relay planting systems. The cultivars Huetar and Alajuela I in association and relay plantings, respectively, during the same vegetative cycle of maize, showed themselves as the most profitable treatments for peasant farmers. For other types of cultivators, Huetar in association planting was the best economical alternative.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Cuál es la percepción del logro de las competencias genéricas de los alumnos del Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya al egreso de su formación profesional

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    En esta investigación se aplicó un cuestionario a los estudiantes del Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya ITC) que egresarán en diciembre de 2015, para conocer cómo perciben el grado de desarrollo de las competencias genéricas que adquirieron en su formación profesional y hacer una comparación entre la adquisición de las competencias genéricas percibidas por los estudiantes y las que propone el perfil de egreso de cada especialidad.Los resultados revelan que la percepción respecto al grado de adquisición de las competencias genéricas varía desde un 68% de las competencias incluidas en esta investigación en el caso de la carrera de ingeniería química, hasta un 93% en el caso de la carrera de ingeniería informática.Algunas de las competencias que los alumnos indican que no tienen desarrolladas son: el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, la capacidad de distribuir el tiempo y priorizar actividades, el dominio de un segundo idioma, la comunicación oral, la habilidad de emprender y la de dirigir personas y administrar recursos.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Competencias genéricas, perfil de egreso, formación profesional

    Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films

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    [EN] The effect of surfactant addition on structural, mechanical, optical and barrier properties of corn starch-glycerol based films was studied. Sorbitan monopalmitate, monostearate or monooleate were incorporated into starch-glycerol (1:0.25) at a surfactant:starch ratio of 0.15:1. The film forming dispersions (FFD) were characterized as to rheology, ζ-potential, particle size distribution and contact angle. Film characterization was carried out at 1 and 5 storage weeks (at 25ºC and 53 % relative humidity). Surfactants led to different particle size distribution, zeta potential and viscosity in FFD, and film extensibility, depending on their hydrophobicity and melting properties. Their incorporation to the corn starch-glycerol films produced a coarser film microstructure due to the appearance of free surfactant aggregates or V-amylose inclusion complexes which produce discontinuities in the amorphous continuous matrix. The size of these crystalline complexes was smaller for the surfactant with the lowest hydrophobicity with saturated fatty acid (span 40). This contributed to decrease the WVP values with respect to surfactant-free film. Films containing surfactants were less hard, resistant and extensible, and more permeable to oxygen, than surfactant-free films, but they did not notably affect the film gloss and transparency. Saturated fatty acid compounds with higher melting temperature are recommended to ensure a finer microstructure in the final film which favours water barrier efficiency.The authors acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia throughout the project AGL2010-20694. Rodrigo Ortega-Toro thanks Conselleria de Educacio de la Comunitat Valenciana for the Santiago Grisolia grant.Ortega Toro, R.; Jiménez Marco, A.; Talens Oliag, P.; Chiralt, A. (2014). Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films. Food Hydrocolloids. 38:66-75. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2013.11.011S66753


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    ResumenSe presenta una propuesta didáctica de una aplicación de las ecuaciones diferenciales de orden superior, para el diseño y simulación de la respuesta de un sistema masa resorte, modelado con el apoyo de un applet, el cual se elaboró con el software GeoGebra. El applet se usa para simular la respuesta de  una masa suspendida en un resorte, a la cual se le aplica una fuerza externa, que puede ser del tipo: constante, senoidal o cosenoidal, bajo el esquema de un sistema que se encuentra amortiguado. Se hace el análisis de la respuesta  para cada uno de los tres tipos de función forzante mencionados, considerando los tres casos de la respuesta transitoria asociada: sistema sobreamortiguado, críticamente amortiguado y subamortiguado. El uso del software tiene la ventaja de que puede ser uno de los soportes del  proceso  enseñanza - aprendizaje en la asignatura de ecuaciones diferenciales en Ingeniería.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Ecuaciones Diferenciales, sistema masa resorte amortiguado, función forzante y  GeoGebra. AbstractWe present a didactic proposal of an application of the differential equations of higher order, for the design and simulation of the response of a mass spring system, modeled with the support of an applet, which was elaborated with GeoGebra software. The applet is used to simulate the response of a mass suspended in a spring, to which is applied an external force, that can be of the type: constant, sinusoidal or cosenoidal, under the scheme of a system that is damped. The analysis of the response is performed for each of the three types of forcing function mentioned, considering the three cases of the associated transient response: overdamped, critically damped and underdamped system. The use of software has the advantage that it can be one of the supports of the teaching - learning process in the subject of differential equations in Engineering.Keywords: Differential Equations, damped spring mass system, GeoGebra

    Trichoderma species : our best fungal allies in the biocontrol of plant diseases : a review

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    Biocontrol agents (BCA) have been an important tool in agriculture to prevent crop losses due to plant pathogens infections and to increase plant food production globally, diminishing the necessity for chemical pesticides and fertilizers and offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option. Fungi from the genus Trichoderma are among the most used and studied microorganisms as BCA due to the variety of biocontrol traits, such as parasitism, antibiosis, secondary metabolites (SM) production, and plant defense system induction. Several Trichoderma species are well-known mycoparasites. However, some of those species can antagonize other organisms such as nematodes and plant pests, making this fungus a very versatile BCA. Trichoderma has been used in agriculture as part of innovative bioformulations, either just Trichoderma species or in combination with other plant-beneficial microbes, such as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). Here, we review the most recent literature regarding the biocontrol studies about six of the most used Trichoderma species, T. atroviride, T. harzianum, T. asperellum, T. virens, T. longibrachiatum, and T. viride, highlighting their biocontrol traits and the use of these fungal genera in Trichoderma-based formulations to control or prevent plant diseases, and their importance as a substitute for chemical pesticides and fertilizers

    Morphological and biochemical characteristics in fruits of Mangifera indica L. var. Ataulfo with and without conventional management

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    Objective: To identify the morphometric and biochemical variation in mango fruits var. Ataulfo (Mangifera indica L.) in two contrasting environments with and without conventional management. Design/methodology/approximation: Morphological and biochemical variables were studied in mango fruits var. Ataulfo in two environments, one of them (La Norteña) with Leptosol soil and Aw climate with conventional agrochemical-based management and the other (Santa Cecilia) on Acrisol soil and Am climate with agroecological management. There were 30 fruits used, all from five trees (n=150) per study garden in a state of commercial maturity. Each fruit was considered as an experimental unit, and morphological and biochemical variables were evaluated for each fruit. Results: Increase in fruit weight, higher pH and increase in total soluble solids, but decrease in pulp weight on site with conventional handling. Increase in pulp content and firmness in fruits from the site without handling. Study Limitations/implications: Changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall in both environments each year. Findings / conclusions: Morphological and biochemical modifications are presented. Greater size and weight, pH and TSS content in the conventional production system, but increased pulp and greater firmness, as well as higher citric acid content in the agroecological system. The results suggest differential effects in mango fruits according to the management and environment where they develop


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    La enseñanza de las matemáticas ha cambiado en los últimos años, haciéndose cada vez más frecuente el uso de las tecnologías de la información, a través de software matemático que utilice el estudiante para trabajar las situaciones ordinarias y problemas de los libros desde un nuevo enfoque.El uso de GeoGebra permite construir diferentes representaciones del problema, tales como tablas y gráficas, que facilitan al estudiante observar el comportamiento del fenómeno en particular  y con ello, lograr el aprendizaje significativo.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una metodología de ajuste numérico y la solución de ecuaciones trascendentes que permita la determinación directa de los parámetros D y hm, a partir de datos experimentales los cuales se utilizan en el desarrollo de modelos dinámicos en el secado solar de alimentos, utilizando GeoGebra

    Aplicación y Solución de Sistemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Lineales con el Apoyo de Software Geogebra, Caso: Resortes Acoplados

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    Se presenta el caso de estudio del modelado y solución de un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias lineales, con el apoyo de software GeoGebra, se pretende ayudar al estudiante de manera interactiva para la comprensión del comportamiento de modelos de sistemas reales, es decir, pasar de un campo matemático abstracto a una interpretación geométrica visual más comprensible, con el fin de analizar las respuestas de los cambios dinámicos de los sistemas con mayor facilidad. La idea principal de los programas es poder dar una interpretación física a los resultados mostrados, con ayuda de las soluciones de los modelos dinámicos, para así mejorar el aprendizaje de todo alumno que se encuentra estudiando en una ingeniería los temas correspondientes asolución a sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales, vibraciones mecánicas, modeladodinámico, etc