76 research outputs found

    Membrane proteins: always an insoluble problem?

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    Membrane proteins play crucial roles in cellular processes and are often important pharmacological drug targets. The hydrophobic properties of these proteins make full structural and functional characterization challenging because of the need to use detergents or other solubilizing agents when extracting them from their native lipid membranes. To aid membrane protein research, new methodologies are required to allow these proteins to be expressed and purified cheaply, easily, in high yield and to provide water soluble proteins for subsequent study. This mini review focuses on the relatively new area of water soluble membrane proteins and in particular two innovative approaches: the redesign of membrane proteins to yield water soluble variants and how adding solubilizing fusion proteins can help to overcome these challenges. This review also looks at naturally occurring membrane proteins, which are able to exist as stable, functional, water soluble assemblies with no alteration to their native sequence

    Assembling the Tat protein translocase

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    The twin-arginine protein translocation system (Tat) transports folded proteins across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and the thylakoid membranes of plant chloroplasts. The Tat transporter is assembled from multiple copies of the membrane proteins TatA, TatB, and TatC. We combine sequence co-evolution analysis, molecular simulations, and experimentation to define the interactions between the Tat proteins of Escherichia coli at molecular-level resolution. In the TatBC receptor complex the transmembrane helix of each TatB molecule is sandwiched between two TatC molecules, with one of the inter-subunit interfaces incorporating a functionally important cluster of interacting polar residues. Unexpectedly, we find that TatA also associates with TatC at the polar cluster site. Our data provide a structural model for assembly of the active Tat translocase in which substrate binding triggers replacement of TatB by TatA at the polar cluster site. Our work demonstrates the power of co-evolution analysis to predict protein interfaces in multi-subunit complexes

    Perturbation of the yeast mitochondrial lipidome and associated membrane proteins following heterologous expression of Artemia-ANT

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    Heterologous expression is a landmark technique for studying a protein itself or its effect on the expression host, in which membrane-embedded proteins are a common choice. Yet, the impact of inserting a foreign protein to the lipid environment of host membranes, has never been addressed. Here we demonstrated that heterologous expression of the Artemia franciscana adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) in yeasts altered lipidomic composition of their inner mitochondrial membranes. Along with this, activities of complex II, IV and ATP synthase, all membrane-embedded components, were significantly decreased while their expression levels remained unaffected. Although the results represent an individual case of expressing a crustacean protein in yeast inner mitochondrial membranes, it cannot be excluded that host lipidome alterations is a more widespread epiphenomenon, potentially biasing heterologous expression experiments. Finally, our results raise the possibility that not only lipids modulate protein function, but also membrane-embedded proteins modulate lipid composition, thus revealing a reciprocal mode of regulation for these two biomolecular entities

    A Folding Pathway-Dependent Score to Recognize Membrane Proteins

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    While various approaches exist to study protein localization, it is still a challenge to predict where proteins localize. Here, we consider a mechanistic viewpoint for membrane localization. Taking into account the steps for the folding pathway of α-helical membrane proteins and relating biophysical parameters to each of these steps, we create a score capable of predicting the propensity for membrane localization and call it FP3mem. This score is driven from the principal component analysis (PCA) of the biophysical parameters related to membrane localization. FP3mem allows us to rationalize the colocalization of a number of channel proteins with the Cav1.2 channel by their fewer propensities for membrane localization

    Chlorophylls, ligands and assembly of light-harvesting complexes in chloroplasts

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    Chlorophyll (Chl) b serves an essential function in accumulation of light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) in plants. In this article, this role of Chl b is explored by considering the properties of Chls and the ligands with which they interact in the complexes. The overall properties of the Chls, not only their spectral features, are altered as consequences of chemical modifications on the periphery of the molecules. Important modifications are introduction of oxygen atoms at specific locations and reduction or desaturation of sidechains. These modifications influence formation of coordination bonds by which the central Mg atom, the Lewis acid, of Chl molecules interacts with amino acid sidechains, as the Lewis base, in proteins. Chl a is a versatile Lewis acid and interacts principally with imidazole groups but also with sidechain amides and water. The 7-formyl group on Chl b withdraws electron density toward the periphery of the molecule and consequently the positive Mg is less shielded by the molecular electron cloud than in Chl a. Chl b thus tends to form electrostatic bonds with Lewis bases with a fixed dipole, such as water and, in particular, peptide backbone carbonyl groups. The coordination bonds are enhanced by H-bonds between the protein and the 7-formyl group. These additional strong interactions with Chl b are necessary to achieve assembly of stable LHCs

    Carbonyl reductase 1 catalyzes 20β-reduction of glucocorticoids, modulating receptor activation and metabolic complications of obesity

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    Carbonyl Reductase 1 (CBR1) is a ubiquitously expressed cytosolic enzyme important in exogenous drug metabolism but the physiological function of which is unknown. Here, we describe a role for CBR1 in metabolism of glucocorticoids. CBR1 catalyzes the NADPH-dependent production of 20 beta-dihydrocortisol (20 beta-DHF) from cortisol. CBR1 provides the major route of cortisol metabolism in horses and is up-regulated in adipose tissue in obesity in horses, humans and mice. We demonstrate that 20 beta-DHF is a weak endogenous agonist of the human glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Pharmacological inhibition of CBR1 in diet-induced obesity in mice results in more marked glucose intolerance with evidence for enhanced hepatic GR signaling. These findings suggest that CBR1 generating 20 beta-dihydrocortisol is a novel pathway modulating GR activation and providing enzymatic protection against excessive GR activation in obesity

    Detection of exogenous hydrocortisone in horse urine by gas chromatography-combustion-carbon isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

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    International audienceA gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry method for confirmation of hydrocortisone abuse in horseracing and equine sports is proposed. Urinary hydrocortisone was converted to a bismethylenedioxy derivative which presents good gas chromatographic properties and brings an extra carbon contribution of only two carbon atoms. Synthetic hydrocortisone has a different 13C abundance from that of natural urinary horse hydrocortisone and the difference is significant, therefore exogenous and endogenous hydrocortisone can be distinguished.A gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry method for confirmation of hydrocortisone abuse in horseracing and equine sports is proposed. Urinary hydrocortisone was converted to a bismethylenedioxy derivative which presents good gas chromatographic properties and brings an extra carbon contribution of only two carbon atoms. Synthetic hydrocortisone has a different 13C abundance from that of natural urinary horse hydrocortisone and the difference is significant, therefore exogenous and endogenous hydrocortisone can be distinguished