3,510 research outputs found

    Influence of different fibers on the change of pore pressure of self-consolidating concrete exposed to fire

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    The focus of this paper is given to investigate the effect of different fibers on the pore pressure of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete under fire. The investigation on the pore pressure-time and temperature relationships at different depths of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete beams was carried out. The results indicated that micro PP fiber is more effective in mitigating the pore pressure than macro PP fiber and steel fiber. The composed use of steel fiber, micro PP fiber and macro PP fiber showed clear positive hybrid effect on the pore pressure reduction near the beam bottom subjected to fire. Compared to the effect of macro PP fiber with high dosages, the effect of micro PP fiber with low fiber contents on the pore pressure reduction is much stronger. The significant factor for reduction of pore pressure depends mainly on the number of PP fibers and not only on the fiber content. An empirical formula was proposed to predict the relative maximum pore pressure of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete exposed to fire by considering the moisture content, compressive strength and various fibers. The suggested model corresponds well with the experimental results of other research and tends to prove that the micro PP fiber can be the vital component for reduction in pore pressure, temperature as well spalling of concrete.National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant: 51121005), DUT and Fundaçãopara a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/22680/2005), the FEDER Funds through “Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE" and by Portuguese Funds through FCT-within the Projects PEst-CMAT/UI0013/2011 and PTDC/MAT/112273/2009

    Classical Duals, Legendre Transforms and the Vainshtein Mechanism

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    We show how to generalize the classical duals found by Gabadadze {\it et al} to a very large class of self-interacting theories. This enables one to adopt a perturbative description beyond the scale at which classical perturbation theory breaks down in the original theory. This is particularly relevant if we want to test modified gravity scenarios that exhibit Vainshtein screening on solar system scales. We recognise the duals as being related to the Legendre transform of the original Lagrangian, and present a practical method for finding the dual in general; our methods can also be applied to self-interacting theories with a hierarchy of strong coupling scales, and with multiple fields. We find the classical dual of the full quintic galileon theory as an example.Comment: 16 page

    The dark flow induced small scale kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect

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    Recently Kashlinsky et al. 2008, 2010 reported a discovery of a 103\sim 10^3 km/ss bulk flow of the universe out to z0.3z\simeq 0.3, through the dark flow induced CMB dipole in directions of clusters. We point out that, if this dark flow exists, it will also induce observable CMB temperature fluctuations at multipole 103\ell\sim 10^3, through modulation of the inhomogeneous electron distribution on the uniform dark flow. The induced small scale kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) effect will reach \sim 1\muk^2 at multipole 10^3\la \ell\la 10^4, only a factor of 2\sim 2 smaller than the conventional kinetic SZ effect. Furthermore, it will be correlated with the large scale structure (LSS) and its correlation with 2MASS galaxy distribution reaches 0.3μ0.3 \muK at =103\ell=10^3, under a directional dependent optimal weighting scheme. We estimate that, WMAP plus 2MASS should already be able to detect this dark flow induced small scale kinetic SZ effect with 6σ\sim 6\sigma confidence. Deeper galaxy surveys such as SDSS can further improve the measurement. Planck plus existing galaxy surveys can reach \ga 14\sigma detection. Existing CMB-LSS cross correlation measurements shall be reanalyzed to test the existence of the dark flow and, if it exists, shall be used to eliminate possible bias on the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect measurement through the CMB-LSS cross correlation.Comment: Minor revisions. 5 pages, 3 figures. MNRAS letters in pres

    Relations Between Closed String Amplitudes at Higher-order Tree Level and Open String Amplitudes

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    KLT relations almost factorize closed string amplitudes on S2S_2 by two open string tree amplitudes which correspond to the left- and the right- moving sectors. In this paper, we investigate string amplitudes on D2D_2 and RP2RP_2. We find that KLT factorization relations do not hold in these two cases. The relations between closed and open string amplitudes have new forms. On D2D_2 and RP2RP_2, the left- and the right- moving sectors are connected into a single sector. Then an amplitude with closed strings on D2D_2 or RP2RP_2 can be given by one open string tree amplitude except for a phase factor. The relations depends on the topologies of the world-sheets.Under T-duality, the relations on D2D_2 and RP2RP_2 give the amplitudes between closed strings scattering from D-brane and O-plane respectively by open string partial amplitudes.In the low energy limits of these two cases, the factorization relations for graviton amplitudes do not hold. The amplitudes for gravitons must be given by the new relations instead.Comment: 19 page

    Classical Stability of the Galileon

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    We consider the classical equations of motion for a single Galileon field with generic parameters in the presence of non-relativistic sources. We introduce the concept of absolute stability of a theory: if one can show that a field at a single point---like infinity for instance---in spacetime is stable, then stability of the field over the rest of spacetime is guaranteed for any positive energy source configuration. The Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) model is stable in this manner, and previous studies of spherically symmetric solutions suggest that certain classes of the single field Galileon (of which the DGP model is a subclass) may have this property as well. We find, however, that when general solutions are considered this is not the case. In fact, when considering generic solutions there are no choices of free parameters in the Galileon theory that will lead to absolute stability except the DGP choice. Our analysis indicates that the DGP model is an exceptional choice among the large class of possible single field Galileon theories. This implies that if general solutions (non-spherically symmetric) exist they may be unstable. Given astrophysical motivation for the Galileon, further investigation into these unstable solutions may prove fruitful.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Cluster number counts dependence on dark energy inhomogeneities and coupling to dark matter

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    Cluster number counts can be used to test dark energy models. We investigate dark energy candidates which are coupled to dark matter. We analyze the cluster number counts dependence on the amount of dark matter coupled to dark energy. Further more, we study how dark energy inhomogeneities affect cluster abundances. It is shown that increasing the coupling reduces significantly the cluster number counts, and that dark energy inhomogeneities increases cluster abundances. Wiggles in cluster number counts are shown to be a specific signature of coupled dark energy models. Future observations will possibly detect such oscillations and discriminate among the different dark energy models.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Further extensions on section on discriminating models with future surveys. Accepted for publication in Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. So

    Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence: Null geodesics

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    We have studied the null geodesics of the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence matter. Quintessence matter is a candidate for dark energy. Here, we have done a detailed analysis of the geodesics and exact solutions are presented in terms of Jacobi-elliptic integrals for all possible energy and angular momentum of the photons. The circular orbits of the photons are studied in detail. As an application of the null geodesics, the angle of deflection of the photons are computed.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures. typos corrected and some of the notation change