273 research outputs found

    ALMA observations of atomic carbon in z~4 dusty star-forming galaxies

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    We present ALMA [CI](1−01-0) (rest frequency 492 GHz) observations for a sample of 13 strongly-lensed dusty star-forming galaxies originally discovered at 1.4mm in a blank-field survey by the South Pole Telescope. We compare these new data with available [CI] observations from the literature, allowing a study of the ISM properties of ∼30\sim 30 extreme dusty star-forming galaxies spanning a redshift range 2<z<52 < z < 5. Using the [CI] line as a tracer of the molecular ISM, we find a mean molecular gas mass for SPT-DSFGs of 6.6×10106.6 \times 10^{10} M⊙_{\odot}. This is in tension with gas masses derived via low-JJ 12^{12}CO and dust masses; bringing the estimates into accordance requires either (a) an elevated CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor for our sample of αCO∼2.5\alpha_{\rm CO} \sim 2.5 and a gas-to-dust ratio ∼200\sim200, or (b) an high carbon abundance XCI∼7×10−5X_{\rm CI} \sim 7\times10^{-5}. Using observations of a range of additional atomic and molecular lines (including [CI], [CII], and multiple transitions of CO), we use a modern Photodissociation Region code (3D-PDR) to assess the physical conditions (including the density, UV radiation field strength, and gas temperature) within the ISM of the DSFGs in our sample. We find that the ISM within our DSFGs is characterised by dense gas permeated by strong UV fields. We note that previous efforts to characterise PDR regions in DSFGs may have significantly underestimated the density of the ISM. Combined, our analysis suggests that the ISM of extreme dusty starbursts at high redshift consists of dense, carbon-rich gas not directly comparable to the ISM of starbursts in the local Universe.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Are published standards for haematological indices in pregnancy applicable across populations: an evaluation in healthy pregnant Jamaican women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The haematological profile of the pregnant woman has an impact on the outcome of the pregnancy. Published guidelines indicate acceptable levels for haematological indices in pregnancy but they are population specific. Indicators of haemoglobin concentration are the most commonly utilized of the indices. These published international norms are used across populations, however, there is no evidence confirming their applicability to a population such as the Jamaican pregnant woman. This study was therefore undertaken with the intent of documenting the haematological profile of pregnant primigravid Jamaican women and comparing these to the established norms to determine whether the norms apply or whether there was a need to establish local norms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a longitudinal study done on a cohort of 157 healthy primigravid women ages 15 to 25 and without anaemia, and who were recruited from the antenatal clinic of the University Hospital of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica. The haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin, mean cell haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, red blood cell count and platelet count were measured on samples of blood obtained from each consenting participant during each of the three trimesters. The results were analysed using SPSS for windows (Version 11) and the data expressed as means ± S.D. Means were compared using the student's paired <it>t-test</it>. Comparison was then made with the international norms as recommended by the United States Center for Disease Control (1989). Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the University Hospital of the West Indies/University of the West Indies Ethics Committee.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed changes by trimester in all measured variables. For most of the indices the changes achieved levels of significance across trimesters. These changes were however in keeping with the expected physiological response in pregnancy and the values were similar to the published international norms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that the international norms for haematological indices in pregnancy are applicable across populations and to the pregnant Jamaican primigravid woman. This finding may be reassuring to others with a similar population and stage of development as Jamaica.</p

    Sub-kiloparsec Imaging of Cool Molecular Gas in Two Strongly Lensed Dusty, Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present spatially-resolved imaging obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) of three CO lines in two high-redshift gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxies, discovered by the South Pole Telescope. Strong lensing allows us to probe the structure and dynamics of the molecular gas in these two objects, at z=2.78 and z=5.66, with effective source-plane resolution of less than 1kpc. We model the lensed emission from multiple CO transitions and the dust continuum in a consistent manner, finding that the cold molecular gas as traced by low-J CO always has a larger half-light radius than the 870um dust continuum emission. This size difference leads to up to 50% differences in the magnification factor for the cold gas compared to dust. In the z=2.78 galaxy, these CO observations confirm that the background source is undergoing a major merger, while the velocity field of the other source is more complex. We use the ATCA CO observations and comparable resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array dust continuum imaging of the same objects to constrain the CO-H_2 conversion factor with three different procedures, finding good agreement between the methods and values consistent with those found for rapidly star-forming systems. We discuss these galaxies in the context of the star formation - gas mass surface density relation, noting that the change in emitting area with observed CO transition must be accounted for when comparing high-redshift galaxies to their lower redshift counterparts.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    SPT0346-52: Negligible AGN Activity in a Compact, Hyper-starburst Galaxy at z = 5.7

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    We present Chandra ACIS-S and ATCA radio continuum observations of the strongly lensed dusty, star-forming galaxy SPT-S J034640-5204.9 (hereafter SPT0346-52) at zz = 5.656. This galaxy has also been observed with ALMA, HST, Spitzer, Herschel, APEX, and the VLT. Previous observations indicate that if the infrared (IR) emission is driven by star formation, then the inferred lensing-corrected star formation rate (∼\sim 4500 M_{\sun} yr−1^{-1}) and star formation rate surface density ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} (∼\sim 2000 M_{\sun} {yr^{-1}} {kpc^{-2}}) are both exceptionally high. It remained unclear from the previous data, however, whether a central active galactic nucleus (AGN) contributes appreciably to the IR luminosity. The {\it Chandra} upper limit shows that SPT0346-52 is consistent with being star-formation dominated in the X-ray, and any AGN contribution to the IR emission is negligible. The ATCA radio continuum upper limits are also consistent with the FIR-to-radio correlation for star-forming galaxies with no indication of an additional AGN contribution. The observed prodigious intrinsic IR luminosity of (3.6 ±\pm 0.3) ×\times 1013^{13} L_{\sun} originates almost solely from vigorous star formation activity. With an intrinsic source size of 0.61 ±\pm 0.03 kpc, SPT0346-52 is confirmed to have one of the highest ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR} of any known galaxy. This high ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR}, which approaches the Eddington limit for a radiation pressure supported starburst, may be explained by a combination of very high star formation efficiency and gas fraction.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Rest-Frame Submillimeter Spectrum of High-Redshift, Dusty, Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present the average rest-frame spectrum of high-redshift dusty, star-forming galaxies from 250-770GHz. This spectrum was constructed by stacking ALMA 3mm spectra of 22 such sources discovered by the South Pole Telescope and spanning z=2.0-5.7. In addition to multiple bright spectral features of 12CO, [CI], and H2O, we also detect several faint transitions of 13CO, HCN, HNC, HCO+, and CN, and use the observed line strengths to characterize the typical properties of the interstellar medium of these high-redshift starburst galaxies. We find that the 13CO brightness in these objects is comparable to that of the only other z>2 star-forming galaxy in which 13CO has been observed. We show that the emission from the high-critical density molecules HCN, HNC, HCO+, and CN is consistent with a warm, dense medium with T_kin ~ 55K and n_H2 >~ 10^5.5 cm^-3. High molecular hydrogen densities are required to reproduce the observed line ratios, and we demonstrate that alternatives to purely collisional excitation are unlikely to be significant for the bulk of these systems. We quantify the average emission from several species with no individually detected transitions, and find emission from the hydride CH and the linear molecule CCH for the first time at high redshift, indicating that these molecules may be powerful probes of interstellar chemistry in high-redshift systems. These observations represent the first constraints on many molecular species with rest-frame transitions from 0.4-1.2mm in star-forming systems at high redshift, and will be invaluable in making effective use of ALMA in full science operations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures (2 in appendices); accepted for publication in Ap

    Effect of continuous nutrient enrichment on microalgae colonizing hard substrates

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    In order to understand the effect of changing nutrient conditions on benthic microalgae on hard substrates, in-situ experiments with artificial substrates were conducted in Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic Sea. As an extension of previous investigations, we used artificial substrates without silicate and thus were able to supply nutrient media with different Si:N ratios to porous substrates, from where they trickled out continuously. The biofilm developing on these substrates showed a significant increase in biovolume due to N + P enrichment, while Si alone had only minor effects. The stoichiometric composition of the biomass indicated nitrogen limitation during most of the year. The C:N ratios were lowered by the N + P addition. The algae were dominated by diatoms in most cases, but rhodophytes and chlorophytes also became important. The nutrient treatment affected the taxonomic composition mostly at the species level. The significance of the results with regard to coastal eutrophication is discussed

    The final data release of ALLSMOG: a survey of CO in typical local low-M* star-forming galaxies

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    We present the final data release of the APEX low-redshift legacy survey for molecular gas (ALLSMOG), comprising CO(2-1) emission line observations of 88 nearby, low-mass (10^8.5<M* [M_Sun]<10^10) star-forming galaxies carried out with the 230 GHz APEX-1 receiver on the APEX telescope. The main goal of ALLSMOG is to probe the molecular gas content of more typical and lower stellar mass galaxies than have been studied by previous CO surveys. We also present IRAM 30m observations of the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) emission lines in nine galaxies aimed at increasing the M*<10^9 M_Sun sample size. In this paper we describe the observations, data reduction and analysis methods and we present the final CO spectra together with archival HI 21cm line observations for the entire sample of 97 galaxies. At the sensitivity limit of ALLSMOG, we register a total CO detection rate of 47%. Galaxies with higher M*, SFR, nebular extinction (A_V), gas-phase metallicity (O/H), and HI gas mass have systematically higher CO detection rates. In particular, the parameter according to which CO detections and non-detections show the strongest statistical differences is the gas-phase metallicity, for any of the five metallicity calibrations examined in this work. We investigate scaling relations between the CO(1-0) line luminosity and galaxy-averaged properties using ALLSMOG and a sub-sample of COLD GASS for a total of 185 sources that probe the local main sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies and its +-0.3 dex intrinsic scatter from M* = 10^8.5 M_Sun to M* = 10^11 M_Sun. L'_{CO(1-0)} is most strongly correlated with the SFR, but the correlation with M* is closer to linear and almost comparably tight. The relation between L'_{CO(1-0)} and metallicity is the steepest one, although deeper CO observations of galaxies with A_V<0.5 mag may reveal an as much steep correlation with A_V. [abridged

    SPT 0538-50: Physical conditions in the ISM of a strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.8

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    We present observations of SPT-S J053816-5030.8, a gravitationally-lensed dusty star forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 2.7817, first discovered at millimeter wavelengths by the South Pole Telescope. SPT 0538-50 is typical of the brightest sources found by wide-field millimeter-wavelength surveys, being lensed by an intervening galaxy at moderate redshift (in this instance, at z = 0.441). We present a wide array of multi-wavelength spectroscopic and photometric data on SPT 0538-50, including data from ALMA, Herschel PACS and SPIRE, Hubble, Spitzer, VLT, ATCA, APEX, and the SMA. We use high resolution imaging from HST to de-blend SPT 0538-50, separating DSFG emission from that of the foreground lens. Combined with a source model derived from ALMA imaging (which suggests a magnification factor of 21 +/- 4), we derive the intrinsic properties of SPT 0538-50, including the stellar mass, far-IR luminosity, star formation rate, molecular gas mass, and - using molecular line fluxes - the excitation conditions within the ISM. The derived physical properties argue that we are witnessing compact, merger-driven star formation in SPT 0538-50, similar to local starburst galaxies, and unlike that seen in some other DSFGs at this epoch.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    An ALMA view of the interstellar medium of the z = 4.77 lensed starburst SPT-S J213242-5802.9

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    We present ALMA detections of the [NII] 205 μm and CO(12−11) emission lines, and the tentative detection of [CI] ^3P_1–^3P_0 for the strongly lensed (μ = 5.7 ± 0.5) dusty, star-forming galaxy SPT-S J213242-5802.9 (hereafter SPT2132-58) at z = 4.77. The [NII] and CO(12−11) lines are detected at 11.5 and 8.5σ levels, respectively, by our band 6 observations. The [CI] line is detected at 3.2σ after a reanalysis of existing band 3 data. The [CI] luminosity implies a gas mass of (3.8 ± 1.2) × 10^(10)M_⊙, and, consequently, a very short depletion timescale of 34 ± 13 Myr and a CO luminosity to gas mass conversion factor α_(CO) of 1.0 ± 0.3 M_⊙ (K km s^(-1) pc^2)^(-1). SPT2132-58 is an extreme starburst with an intrinsic star formation rate of 1100 ± 200 M_⊙/yr. We find a [CII]/[NII] ratio of 26 ± 6, which is the highest ratio reported at z > 4. This suggests that SPT2132-58 hosts an evolved interstellar medium (0.5 Z_⊙< Z < 1.5 Z_⊙), which may be dominated by photodissociation regions. The CO(2−1) and CO(5−4) transitions have lower CO to far-infrared ratios than local and high-redshift samples, while CO(12−11) is similar to these samples, suggesting the presence of an additional very excited component or an active galactic nucleus
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