1,710 research outputs found

    Analytical approach to viscous fingering in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell

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    We report analytical results for the development of the viscous fingering instability in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell of radius a and thickness b. We derive a generalized version of Darcy's law in such cylindrical background, and find it recovers the usual Darcy's law for flow in flat, rectangular cells, with corrections of higher order in b/a. We focus our interest on the influence of cell's radius of curvature on the instability characteristics. Linear and slightly nonlinear flow regimes are studied through a mode-coupling analysis. Our analytical results reveal that linear growth rates and finger competition are inhibited for increasingly larger radius of curvature. The absence of tip-splitting events in cylindrical cells is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 ps figures, Revte

    Asymptotic Giant Branch Variables in the Galaxy and the Local Group

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    AGB variables, particularly the large amplitude Mira type, are a vital step on the distance scale ladder. They will prove particularly important in the era of space telescopes and extremely large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics, which will be optimized for infrared observing. Our current understanding of the distances to these stars is reviewed with particular emphasis on improvements that came from Hipparcos as well as on recent work on Local Group galaxies. In addition to providing the essential calibration for extragalactic distances Gaia may also provide unprecedented insight into the poorly understood mass-loss process itself.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. From a presentation at the conference "The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale: State of the Art and Gaia Perspective, Naples May 2011. 8 Pages, 9 Figure

    Adsorption-desorption kinetics in nanoscopically confined oligomer films under shear

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    The method of molecular dynamics computer simulations is employed to study oligomer melts confined in ultra-thin films and subjected to shear. The focus is on the self-diffusion of oligomers near attractive surfaces and on their desorption, together with the effects of increasing energy of adsorption and shear. It is found that the mobility of the oligomers near an attractive surface is strongly decreased. Moreover, although shearing the system forces the chains to stretch parallel to the surfaces and thus increase the energy of adsorption per chain, flow also promotes desorption. The study of chain desorption kinetics reveals the molecular processes responsible for the enhancement of desorption under shear. They involve sequences of conformations starting with a desorbed tail and proceeding in a very fast, correlated, segment-by-segment manner to the desorption of the oligomers from the surfaces.

    Passive Maple-seed Robotic Fliers for Education, Research and Entrepreneurship

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    As inspirations from flora and fauna have led to many advances in modern technology, the concept of drawing ideas from nature for design should be reflected in engineering education. This paper focuses on a maple-seed robotic flier (MRF) with various complexities, a robotic platform modeled after the samaras of maple or ash trees, to teach STEM concepts to K-12 learners. Experiments using MRFs were also designed and incorporated into an undergraduate engineering course. Details are given on how the MRFs have been incorporated into K-12 camps and the undergraduate course. Unique features of MRF development are (a) very simple (using LEGOs and paper) to extremely complex (incorporation of microcontrollers and sensors) learning suitable for pre-K children, free-will adult learners, workforce training, undergraduate and graduate students, (b) research-oriented education, (c) entrepreneurship education and (d) trans-disciplinary education and research. Using microfabrication and nanofabrication technologies, the long range goal is to mass produce MRFs for surveillance in hard-to-reach and dangerous environments

    Continuing or temporarily stopping prestroke antihypertensive medication in acute stroke: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Over 50% of patients are already taking blood pressure–lowering therapy on hospital admission for acute stroke. An individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized controlled trials was undertaken to determine the effect of continuation versus temporarily stopping preexisting antihypertensive medication in acute stroke. Key databases were searched for trials against the following inclusion criteria: randomized design; stroke onset ≤48 hours; investigating the effect of continuation versus stopping prestroke antihypertensive medication; and follow-up of ≥2 weeks. Two randomized controlled trials were identified and included in this meta-analysis of individual patient data from 2860 patients with ≤48 hours of acute stroke. Risk of bias in each study was low. In adjusted logistic regression and multiple regression analyses (using random effects), we found no significant association between continuation of prestroke antihypertensive therapy (versus stopping) and risk of death or dependency at final follow-up: odds ratio 0.96 (95% confidence interval, 0.80–1.14). No significant associations were found between continuation (versus stopping) of therapy and secondary outcomes at final follow-up. Analyses for death and dependency in prespecified subgroups revealed no significant associations with continuation versus temporarily stopping therapy, with the exception of patients randomized ≤12 hours, in whom a difference favoring stopping treatment met statistical significance. We found no significant benefit with continuation of antihypertensive treatment in the acute stroke period. Therefore, there is no urgency to administer preexisting antihypertensive therapy in the first few hours or days after stroke, unless indicated for other comorbid conditions

    Pre-existing virus-specific CD8+ T-cells provide protection against pneumovirus-induced disease in mice

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    Pneumoviruses such as pneumonia virus of mice (PVM), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (bRSV) or human (h)RSV are closely related pneumoviruses that cause severe respiratory disease in their respective hosts. It is well-known that T-cell responses are essential in pneumovirus clearance, but pneumovirus-specific T-cell responses also are important mediators of severe immunopathology. In this study we determined whether memory- or pre-existing, transferred virus-specific CD8 + T-cells provide protection against PVM-induced disease. We show that during infection with a sublethal dose of PVM, both natural killer (NK) cells and CD8 + T-cells expand relatively late. Induction of CD8 + T-cell memory against a single CD8 + T-cell epitope, by dendritic cell (DC)-peptide immunization, leads to partial protection against PVM challenge and prevents Th2 differentiation of PVM-induced CD4 T-cells. In addition, adoptively transferred PVM-specific CD8 + T-cells, covering the entire PVM-specific CD8 + T-cell repertoire, provide partial protection from PVM-induced disease. From these data we infer that antigen-specific memory CD8 + T-cells offer significant protection to PVM-induced disease. Thus, CD8 + T-cells, despite being a major cause of PVM-associated pathology during primary infection, may offer promising targets of a protective pneumovirus vaccine

    The Basics of Water Waves Theory for Analogue Gravity

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    This chapter gives an introduction to the connection between the physics of water waves and analogue gravity. Only a basic knowledge of fluid mechanics is assumed as a prerequisite.Comment: 36 pages. Lecture Notes for the IX SIGRAV School on "Analogue Gravity", Como (Italy), May 201

    Effect of treatment delay, stroke type, and thrombolysis on the effect of glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient from randomised trials

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    Background. Nitric oxide (NO) donors are a candidate treatment for acute stroke and two trials have suggested that they might improve outcome if administered within 4–6 hours of stroke onset. We assessed the safety and efficacy of NO donors using individual patient data (IPD) from completed trials. Methods. Randomised controlled trials of NO donors in patients with acute or subacute stroke were identified and IPD sought from the trialists. The effect of NO donor versus control on functional outcome was assessed using the modified Rankin scale (mRS) and death, by time to randomisation. Secondary outcomes included measures of disability, mood, and quality of life. Results. Five trials (4,197 participants) were identified, all involving glyceryl trinitrate (GTN). Compared with control, GTN lowered blood pressure by 7.4/3.3 mmHg. At day 90, GTN did not alter any clinical measures. However, in 312 patients randomised within 6 hours of stroke onset, GTN was associated with beneficial shifts in the mRS (odds ratio (OR) 0.52, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.34–0.78) and reduced death (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.14–0.78). Conclusions. NO donors do not alter outcome in patients with recent stroke. However, when administered within 6 hours, NO donors might improve outcomes in both ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke

    Excited Baryons in Lattice QCD

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    We present first results for the masses of positive and negative parity excited baryons calculated in lattice QCD using an O(a^2)-improved gluon action and a fat-link irrelevant clover (FLIC) fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators are constructed with APE-smeared links. The results are in agreement with earlier calculations of N^* resonances using improved actions and exhibit a clear mass splitting between the nucleon and its chiral partner. An correlation matrix analysis reveals two low-lying J^P=(1/2)^- states with a small mass splitting. The study of different Lambda interpolating fields suggests a similar splitting between the lowest two Lambda1/2^- octet states. However, the empirical mass suppression of the Lambda^*(1405) is not evident in these quenched QCD simulations, suggesting a potentially important role for the meson cloud of the Lambda^*(1405) and/or a need for more exotic interpolating fields.Comment: Correlation matrix analysis performed. Increased to 400 configurations. 22 pages, 13 figures, 15 table