50 research outputs found

    Nature 2000 in Nederland : juridische ruimte, natuurdoelen en beheersplanprocessen

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    De Natura 2000-gebieden in Nederland bevatten natuur van Europese betekenis, met een groot aantal Europees beschermde soorten en habitats. De zogenoemde staat van instandhouding van veel van deze soorten en habitats is echter ongunstig en Nederland heeft de plicht die te verbeteren. Het beschermingsregime in en rond de Natura 2000-gebieden brengt activiteiten als landbouw, recreatie en wonen regelmatig in conflict met de te beschermen natuurwaarden. Onzekerheid over de verplichtingen in en rond de Natura 2000-gebieden voedt de maatschappelijke weerstand tegen het beschermingsregime

    Enlarging the European Union: Taxation and Corruption in the New Member States

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    This paper addresses the run up to the recent European Union enlargement. It considers the accession of 10 Eastern European countries in view of the pre-existing economic conditions. The paper also raises the question how the new member states can tackle their deficit problems. In particular, the paper pays attention to the question at what point the emphasis should be placed on cutting expenditure rather than raising revenues. Furthermore, the paper addresses tax capacity and tax effort in the new member states. Finally, the paper looks at possible negative relationships between corruption and tax effort on the one hand and corruption and foreign direct investments on the other

    Study of doubly strange systems using stored antiprotons

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    Bound nuclear systems with two units of strangeness are still poorly known despite their importance for many strong interaction phenomena. Stored antiprotons beams in the GeV range represent an unparalleled factory for various hyperon-antihyperon pairs. Their outstanding large production probability in antiproton collisions will open the floodgates for a series of new studies of systems which contain two or even more units of strangeness at the P‾ANDA experiment at FAIR. For the first time, high resolution γ-spectroscopy of doubly strange ΛΛ-hypernuclei will be performed, thus complementing measurements of ground state decays of ΛΛ-hypernuclei at J-PARC or possible decays of particle unstable hypernuclei in heavy ion reactions. High resolution spectroscopy of multistrange Ξ−-atoms will be feasible and even the production of Ω−-atoms will be within reach. The latter might open the door to the |S|=3 world in strangeness nuclear physics, by the study of the hadronic Ω−-nucleus interaction. For the first time it will be possible to study the behavior of Ξ‾+ in nuclear systems under well controlled conditions

    Economie van sociale vraagstukken.

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