614 research outputs found

    La inmaterialidad de las sustancias espirituales (Santo Tomás versus Avicebrón)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación sobre el pensamiento de Santo Tomás acerca de la inmaterialidad de las sustancias espirituales se centra en la I q. 50 a. 2 de la Summa Theologiae. El artículo escogido se ubica casi al comienzo del tratado tomista sobre la creación y plantea en toda su crudeza la validez o no de ese sobrenombre que Chesterton ideó para Santo Tomás, Thomas a Creatore. En este pasaje se resume el punto central de la metafísica: ¿qué es lo que me distingue a mí radicalmente y a todos los seres existentes, de Dios? ¿qué somos propiamente? Santo Tomás responde: somos creaturas. Hay algo que marca profundamente al mundo que nos rodea y al hombre, y esto es —como señala Pieper— el ser creación, el tener la condición de ser algo creado. Y en qué consiste tal condición? En estar compuesto. ¿Pero de qué? De essentia y actus essendi, no necesariamente de materia y forma. Con tal afirmación el Aquinantense derrumba en un instante toda la tradición de ochocientos años, realimentada en plena Edad Media por el Fons vitae de Avicebrón

    A connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and matrix orthogonal polynomials on the real line

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    Szego's procedure to connect orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1] is generalized to nonsymmetric measures. It generates the so-called semi-orthogonal functions on the linear space of Laurent polynomials L, and leads to a new orthogonality structure in the module LxL. This structure can be interpreted in terms of a 2x2 matrix measure on [-1,1], and semi-orthogonal functions provide the corresponding sequence of orthogonal matrix polynomials. This gives a connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and certain classes of matrix orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1]. As an application, the strong asymptotics of these matrix orthogonal polynomials is derived, obtaining an explicit expression for the corresponding Szego's matrix function.Comment: 28 page

    Invasive Plants in the Coastal Vegetal Communities in Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] A botanical survey has been conducted to determine the influence of invasive species on the main indigenous communities in the Spanish Mediterranean coast and evaluate the current status of these communities in the eastern coast of Spain. The work was done in about 35 km of coastline located in Valencia (Spain). A total of 361 species cataloged are present in the study area, belonging to 79 different families. 49 of them have been inventoried invasive species which currently affect 38 plant communities. For this cause, we have developed a map of location finding out the area occupied by the same at every point and key to indigenous communities it affects. The plant communities characteristic of semi-mobile dunes Centaureo maritimae-Echietum sabulicolae and Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum australis have turned out to have a greater degree of invasion. Carpobrotus edulis, Agave americana, Arundo donax, Oxalis pes-caprae and Cortaderia sellowiana are invasive species that cause further encroachment, both in area as a number of vegetation communities they affect.This study is part of a project to study the coast by the UPV and directed by Jose Serra, has been sponsored by government institutions (General Directorate of Coasts, Ministry of Environment (“Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino”) and Wildlife Service of Valencia Regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana, the Local Government of the Valencian region).Ferrer Merino, FJ.; Donat-Torres, M. (2011). Invasive Plants in the Coastal Vegetal Communities in Valencia (Spain). Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 39(1):9-17. doi:10.15835/nbha3915712S91739

    Evolution of salt structures during extension and inversion of the Offshore Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay)

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    The Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay) illustrates a complex geological interplay between crustal tectonics and salt tectonics. Salt structures are mainly near the edges of the basin, where Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous overburden is thinner than in the basin centre and allowed salt anticlines and diapirs to form. Salt diapirs and walls began to rise reactively during the Late Jurassic as the North Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay opened. Some salt-cored drape folds formed above basement faults from the Upper Jurassic to Albian. During Albian-Late Cretaceous times, passive salt diapirs rose in chains of massive salt walls. Many salt diapirs stopped growing in the Mid-Cretaceous when their source layer depleted. During the Pyrenean orogeny (Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic), the basin was mildly shortened. Salt structures absorbed almost all the shortening and were rejuvenated to form squeezed diapirs, salt glaciers and probably subvertical welds, some of which were later reactivated as reverse faults. No new diapirs formed during the Pyrenean compression, and salt tectonics ended with the close of the Pyrenean orogeny in the Middle Miocene. Using reprocessed industrial seismic surveys, we document how salt tectonics affected the structural evolution of this offshore basin largely unknown to the international audience

    Movements of a juvenile Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) tracked by satellite telemetry in central Argentina

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    Background: A juvenile Crowned Eagle was tagged at its nest with a satellite transmitter. The Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) is one of the most unknown raptor species from the American continent. Their current distribution ranges from central Brazil to central Argentina, with a total population of 350 1500 individuals across this large area, being thus largely fragmented. Results: During the three years of tracking the bird concentrated its movements in a range spanning for 12845 km2, but concentrating mainly in four smaller areas accounting for 3073 km2. The locations were recorded mainly over shrubland habitats (86.5%), whereas other habitats used were different types of mosaics that included cropland and natural vegetation (forest, shrubland or grassland) close to wetlands. Conclusions: The home-range estimated for this individual during the whole period was 12845 km2 (according to 95% fixed kernel). However, the bird concentrated most of its movements in smaller areas (as defined above), that accounted for a total of 3073 km2 (50% fixed kernel). During these three years, most of the locations of the juvenile solitary Crowned Eagle were recorded over shrubland habitats (86.5% of the locations). Understanding in a more detailed way the juvenile ranging behaviour and habitat preferences would be of great importance for the conservation of the Crowned Eagle.We are indebted to North Star Inc. for donating the satellite transmitter and to J. Sarasola (Universidad Nacional de La Pampa) for placing it on the eagle. The Terra Natura Foundation funded the reception of the satellite data from ARGOS during the three years of the study. We are indebted to Ruben Liminana (Universidad de Alicante) for helping in the statistical analysis.Urios, V.; Donat-Torres, M.; Bechard, M.; Ferrer, M. (2014). Movements of a juvenile Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) tracked by satellite telemetry in central Argentina. Journal of Biological Research. 21:1-6. doi:10.1186/2241-5793-21-12S1621Clobert J, Danchin E, Dhont AA, Nichols J: (Eds): Dispersal, Causes, Consequences and Mechanisms of Dispersal at the Individual, Population and Community Level. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2001.Whitfield DP, Douse A, Evans RJ, Grant J, Love J, McLeod DRA, Reid R, Wilson JD: Natal and breeding dispersal in a reintroduced population of white-tailed eagles Haliaeetus albicilla . Bird Study 2009, 56: 177–186. 10.1080/00063650902792023Penteriani V, Delgado MM: Thoughts on natal dispersal. J Raptor Res 2009, 43: 90–98. 10.3356/JRR-08-39.1Limiñana R, García JT, González JM, Guerrero Á, Lavedán J, Moreno JD, Román-Muñoz A, Palomares LE, Pinilla A, Ros G, Serrano C, Surroca M, Tena J, Arroyo B: Philopatry and natal dispersal of Montagu’s harriers ( Circus pygargus ) breeding in Spain: a review of existing data. Eur J Wildlife Res 2012, 58: 549–555. 10.1007/s10344-011-0602-2Whitfield DP, Fielding AH, McLeod DRA, Haworth PF: The effects of persecution on age of breeding and territory occupation in golden eagles in Scotland. Biol Conserv 2004, 118: 249–259. 10.1016/j.biocon.2003.09.003Penteriani V, Otalora F, Ferrer M: Floater dynamics can explain positive patterns of density-dependent fecundity in animal populations. Am Nat 2006, 168: 697–703. 10.1086/507995Penteriani V, Ferrer M, Delgado MM: Floater strategies and dynamics in birds, and their importance in conservation biology: towards an understanding of nonbreeders in avian populations. 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Endanger Species Res 2010, 11: 207–213. 10.3354/esr00280Bellocq MI, Ramírez-Llorens P, Filloy J: Recent records of crowned eagles ( Harpyhaliaetus coronatus ) from Argentina, 1981–2000. J Raptor Res 2002, 36: 206–212.Di Giacomo AG: Aves de la Reserva El Bagual. In Historia natural y paisaje de la Reserva El Bagual, Provincia de Formosa, Argentina. Inventario de la fauna de vertebrados y de la flora vascular de un área protegida del Chaco Húmedo. Aves Argentinas. Edited by: Di Giacomo AG, Krapovickas SF. Buenos Aires: Asociación Ornitológica del Plata; 2005:301–465.Bellocq MI, Bonaventura SM, Marcelino FN, Sabatini M: Habitat use of crowned eagles ( Harpyhaliaetus coronatus ) in the southern limits of the species’ range. J Raptor Res 1998, 32: 312–314.Urios V, Soutullo A, López-López P, Cadahía L, Limiñana R, Ferrer M: The first case of successful breeding of a golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos tracked from birth by satellite telemetry. Acta Ornithol 2007, 42: 205–209. 10.3161/068.042.0205Soutullo A, Urios V, Ferrer M, López-López P: Habitat use by juvenile golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Spain. Bird Study 2008, 55: 236–240. 10.1080/00063650809461528Cadahía L, Lopez-Lopez P, Urios V, Negro JJ: Satellite telemetry reveals individual variation in juvenile Bonelli’s eagle dispersal areas. Eur J Wildlife Res 2010, 56: 923–930. 10.1007/s10344-010-0391-zMuñiz-López R, Limiñana R, Cortés GD, Urios V: Movements of harpy eagles Harpia harpyja during their first two years after hatching. Bird Study 2012, 59: 509–514. 10.1080/00063657.2012.722190Ferrer M: Juvenile dispersal behaviour and natal philopatry of a long-lived raptor, the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila adalberti . Ibis 1993, 135: 132–138.Balbontín J: Identifying suitable habitat for dispersal in Bonelli’s eagle: an important issue in halting its decline in Europe. Biol Conserv 2005, 126: 74–83. 10.1016/j.biocon.2005.04.023Cadahía L, Urios V, Negro JJ: Survival and movements of satellite-tracked Bonelli’s eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus during their first winter. Ibis 2005, 147: 415–419. 10.1111/j.1474-919x.2005.00405.xCadahía L, Urios V, Negro JJ: Bonelli’s eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus juvenile dispersal: hourly and daily movements tracked by GPS. Bird Study 2007, 54: 271–274. 10.1080/00063650709461484Soutullo A, Urios V, Ferrer M, Peñarrubia SG: Post-fledging behaviour in golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos : onset of juvenile dispersal and progressive distancing from the nest. Ibis 2006, 148: 307–312. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2006.00530.xSoutullo A, Urios V, Ferrer M, Peñarrubia SG: Dispersal of golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos during their first year of life. Bird Study 2006, 53: 258–264. 10.1080/00063650609461441Vuilleumier S, Perrin N: Effects of cognitive abilities on metapopulation connectivity. 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J Biogeogr 2004, 31: 295–306. 10.1046/j.0305-0270.2003.01006.xLópez-Iborra GM, Limiñana R, Pavón D, Martínez-Pérez JE: Modelling the distribution of short-toed eagle ( Circaetus gallicus ) in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes: identifying important explanatory variables and their implications for its conservation. Eur J Wildlife Res 2011, 57: 83–93. 10.1007/s10344-010-0402-0Bakaloudis DE, Vlachos CG: Feeding habits and provisioning rate of breeding short-toed eagles Circaetus gallicus in northeastern Greece. J Biol Res-Thessalon 2011, 16: 166–176.Merken R, Servaes F, Sfougaris A, Koedam N: Birds in a complex agricultural landscape in Central Greece: the role of landscape elements and the landscape matrix. J Biol Res-Thessalon 2012, 17: 137–147.Tzortzakaki O, Simaiakis S, Xirouchakis S: Abundance of common buzzards ( Buteo buteo ) in olive monocultures on the island of Crete. J Biol Res-Thessalon 2012, 17: 44–50.Panuccio M, Chiatante G, Tarini D: Two different migration strategies in response to an ecological barrier: Western Marsh Harriers and juvenile European Honey Buzzards crossing the central-eastern Mediterranean in autumn. J Biol Res-Thessalon 2013, 19: 10–18.Urios V, López-López P, Limiñana R, Godino A: Ranging behaviour of a juvenile Bearded Vulture ( Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis ) in South Africa revealed by GPS satellite telemetry. Ornis Fennica 2010, 87: 114–118.Cadahía L, López-López P, Urios V, Negro JJ: Estimating the onset of dispersal in endangered Bonelli’s eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus tracked by satellite telemetry: a comparison among methods. Ibis 2008, 150: 416–420.Cabrera AL: Regiones Fitogeográficas Argentinas. Tomo 2. Fascículo I. In Enciclopedia Argentina de Agricultura y Jardinería. Segunda edición edition. Edited by: Ferreira Sobral EF. 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    Algoritmo de actuación en la farmacia comunitaria para optimizar la utilización de estatinas

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Pacientes en tratamiento con estatinas suelen presentar numerosos problemas relacionados con la medicación, no solo de seguridad sino también de necesidad y de efectividad. OBJETIVO: Proponer un algoritmo de actuación del farmacéutico comunitario en la dispensación de estatinas para optimizar la utilización de este grupo de medicamentos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Recogida de datos (cuestionario) en farmacia comunitaria (3 meses) en pacientes con prescripción de estatinas. Determinación de presión arterial, IMC, perímetro abdominal y cálculo del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) (tablas SCORE y REGICOR). RESULTADOS: Se incluyen 48 pacientes. Se evidencia falta de control del colesterol (25%) y de la presión arterial (48%). Se deriva al médico el 21% que tiene la presión arterial >140/90 mm Hg y no están diagnosticados. También se derivan al médico cuando la falta de adherencia no es la causa de la inefectividad (29%) o cuando no tienen RCV alto (38%) que justifique la necesidad de estatina. En los restantes se detecta necesidad de información/educación y se interviene. Se han realizado un total de 145 intervenciones enel 90% de pacientes incluidos. En base a estos resultados se propone un algoritmo simplificado de actuación en la dispensación de estatinas. CONCLUSIONES: El grupo de pacientes tratados con estatinas es susceptible de actuación por parte del farmacéutico comunitario, que, mediante un algoritmo de actuación sencillo, puede detectar durante la dispensación numerosos problemas relacionados con la medicación e intervenir para mejorar el uso y la efectividad de estos fármacos