269 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Promnosi Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Kualitas Produk Dan Pembelian Ulang Terhadap Aplikasi Belanja Online Di Lazada (Studi Kasus Di Surakarta)

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    This study aims to analyze how the effect of promotion on repeat purchase in online applications in Lazada. To analyze how customer satisfaction with re-purchases in online applications in Lazada. To analyze how the quality of the products against re-purchase in online applications in lazada. The population in this research is all Solo people who have used the application of Lazada and samples researched as many as 100 respondents (sample). Pursuant to research result of variable of promotion have significant effect to repurchase. Customer satisfaction variable significantly influences repeat purchase. Product quality variables significantly influence repeat purchas

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mental Wirausaha Menjadi Pengusaha (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    This research is observational analytical research with a cross-secional approach. The research was conducted on industrial engineering students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta with a sample of 250 respondents selected using purposive sampling. Independent or exogenous variables are predisposing factors (interests, talents, passions, hobbies, knowledge, attitudes and education levels); reinforcing factors (creativity, motivation, opportunity and model (success story); enabling factors (willingness of facilities and social networks). Intervening variables are internal factors (gender and age) and external factors (social and environmental support). Dependent or endogenous variables are mental entrepreneurship. The mental grain of entrepreneurship is judged from tenacious, diligent, capable, unyielding, independent, professional and confident indicators. The data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed with path analysis

    Influence of Falling Height on the Behavior of Skid- Launching Free-Fall Lifeboat in Regular Waves

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    This paper numerically investigated the influence of falling height on the behavior of the skid-launching free-fall lifeboat (FFLB) in regular waves. The boat has been treated as a rigid body when the differential equations of motion for the four falling phases, i.e., sliding or ramp phase, rotation phase, free-fall phase and water entry phase of the lifeboat were solved in the time domain. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the lifeboat has been studied for different falling heights such as H = 1.5m, 1.75m and 2.00m. Horizontal and vertical excursions and the rotation of the axis of the boat have been computed at different time along with its horizontal and vertical velocities. Hydrodynamic forces and accelerations at normal and axial directions have also been determined. At first the analysis has been done in still water and then in regular wave with amplitude of 0.5m and a period of 2.0 sec. In all of the cases, effects of regular wave are shown by comparing the results with those considering the falling of FFLB into calm water

    Pengaruh Modal Intelektual Dan Manajemen Pengetahuan Dalam Adopsi Inovasi, Dimediasi Oleh Orientasi Inovasi (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (Persero))

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    Adopsi inovasi memiliki peran yang penting dalam memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan, akan tetapi pengaruh modal intelektual dan manajemen pengetahuan pada adopsi inovasi belum dapat dijelaskan secara mendalam. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur inovasi pengetahuan dengan menganalisis pemanfaatan aset tidak berwujud, pengetahuan perusahaan dan adopsi inovasi. Penelitian ini juga dapat menjadi literatur untuk membantu memahami faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan perusahaan dengan tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi untuk memanfaatkan dan memperoleh kesuksesan juga keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan Modal Intelektual dan Manajemen Pengetahuan dengan Adopsi Inovasi, dengan Orientasi Inovasi menjadi mediator. Variabel yang digunakan terdiri dari Modal Intelektual (X1) dan Manajemen Pengetahuan (X2) sebagai variabel independen, Orientasi Inovasi (X3) sebagai variabel mediasi dan Adopsi Inovasi (Y) sebagai variabel dependen dengan masing-masing variabel akan diukur dengan indikator. Data Primer penelitian berupa hasil olahan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 103 responden. Pernyataan disusun menggunakan skala Likert dengan lima jawaban yaitu: Sangat Setuju (SS), Setuju (S), Cukup Setuju (CS), Tidak Setuju (TS) dan Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Metode Partial Least Square- Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan aplikasi SmartPLS 3.0 serta bantuan Microsoft Excel Windows 10. Berdasar hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa Modal Intelektual dan Manajemen Pengetahuan masing-masing berhubungan dan signifikan dengan Adopsi Inovasi jika dimediasi oleh Orientasi Inovasi dengan hasil R-Squared sebesar 0,673

    Socioeconomic disparities in diabetes prevalence and management among the adult population in Bangladesh

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    Background Diabetes, one of the major metabolic disorders, is rising in Bangladesh. Studies indicate there is inequality in prevalence and care-seeking behavior, which requires further exploration to understand the socioeconomic disparities in the pathophysiology of diabetes. This study examined the latest nationally representative estimates of diabetes prevalence, awareness, and management among adults aged 18 years and above in Bangladesh and its association with socioeconomic status in 2017-18. Methods We used the 2017-18 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data. Diabetic status of 12,092 adults aged 18 years and above was measured in the survey using fasting plasma glucose levels. We applied multivariate logistic regressions to examine the role of socioeconomic status on diabetes prevalence, awareness, and management, after controlling for relevant covariates. Results Overall, 10% of adults had diabetes in Bangladesh in 2017-18, with the highest prevalence of 16% in the age group 55-64 years. Our analyses found statistically significant disparities by socioeconomic status in the prevalence of diabetes as well as the person's awareness of his/her diabetic condition. However, the effect of socioeconomic status on receiving anti-diabetic medication only approached significance (p = 0.07), and we found no significant association between socioeconomic status and control of diabetes. Conclusions We expect to see an 'accumulation' of the number of people with diabetes to continue in the coming years. The rising prevalence of diabetes is only the tip of an iceberg; a large number of people with uncontrolled diabetes and a lack of awareness of their condition will lead to increased morbidity and mortality, and that could be the real threat. Immediate measures to increase screening coverage and exploration of poor control of diabetes are required to mitigate the situation

    The Library of Babel: On the origin of gravitational thermodynamics

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    We show that heavy pure states of gravity can appear to be mixed states to almost all probes. For AdS_5 Schwarzschild black holes, our arguments are made using the field theory dual to string theory in such spacetimes. Our results follow from applying information theoretic notions to field theory operators capable of describing very heavy states in gravity. For half-BPS states of the theory which are incipient black holes, our account is exact: typical microstates are described in gravity by a spacetime ``foam'', the precise details of which are almost invisible to almost all probes. We show that universal low-energy effective description of a foam of given global charges is via certain singular spacetime geometries. When one of the specified charges is the number of D-branes, the effective singular geometry is the half-BPS ``superstar''. We propose this as the general mechanism by which the effective thermodynamic character of gravity emerges.Comment: LaTeX, 6 eps figures, uses young.sty and wick.sty; Version 2: typos corrected, minor rewordings and clarifications, references adde

    Z^* Resonances: Phenomenology and Models

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    We explore the phenomenology of, and models for, the Z^* resonances, the lowest of which is now well established, and called the Theta. We provide an overview of three models which have been proposed to explain its existence and/or its small width, and point out other relevant predictions, and potential problems, for each. The relation to what is known about KN scattering, including possible resonance signals in other channels, is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, uses RevTeX4; expanded version (published form

    Women’s participation in household decision-making: qualitative findings from the Shonjibon Trial in rural Bangladesh

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    A key element of women’s empowerment is the ability to participate in household decision-making. This study presents the qualitative results from the Shonjibon Cash and Counselling Trial baseline process evaluation with the aim of exploring the status of women’s decision-making at the trial’s outset and to facilitate the exploration of any changes in women’s empowerment over the course of the trial. Between January and March 2021, we conducted forty-one in-depth interviews with pregnant women in rural Bangladesh. The research team translated, transcribed, coded, and discussed the interviews. We used thematic analysis to examine women’s experience and perceptions on household decision-making. The key findings that emerged; women jointly participated in financial decision-making with their husbands; men made the final decision regarding seeking healthcare, and women solely made choices regarding infant and young child feeding. Our findings revealed that women felt that they needed to discuss their plans to go outside the house with their husbands, many perceived a lack of importance in the community towards women’s participation in decision-making. This study documents current contextual information on the status of women’s involvement in household decision-making and intrahousehold power dynamics at the start of the Shonjibon Cash and Counselling Trial

    The Making of the NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18)

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    The NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) is a probabilistic hazard model for tsunamis generated by earthquakes. It covers the coastlines of the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and connected seas (NEAM). NEAMTHM18 was designed as a three-phase project. The first two phases were dedicated to the model development and hazard calculations, following a formalized decision-making process based on a multiple-expert protocol. The third phase was dedicated to documentation and dissemination. The hazard assessment workflow was structured in Steps and Levels. There are four Steps: Step-1) probabilistic earthquake model; Step-2) tsunami generation and modeling in deep water; Step-3) shoaling and inundation; Step-4) hazard aggregation and uncertainty quantification. Each Step includes a different number of Levels. Level-0 always describes the input data; the other Levels describe the intermediate results needed to proceed from one Step to another. Alternative datasets and models were considered in the implementation. The epistemic hazard uncertainty was quantified through an ensemble modeling technique accounting for alternative models’ weights and yielding a distribution of hazard curves represented by the mean and various percentiles. Hazard curves were calculated at 2,343 Points of Interest (POI) distributed at an average spacing of ∼20 km. Precalculated probability maps for five maximum inundation heights (MIH) and hazard intensity maps for five average return periods (ARP) were produced from hazard curves. In the entire NEAM Region, MIHs of several meters are rare but not impossible. Considering a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (ARP≈2,475 years), the POIs with MIH >5 m are fewer than 1% and are all in the Mediterranean on Libya, Egypt, Cyprus, and Greece coasts. In the North-East Atlantic, POIs with MIH >3 m are on the coasts of Mauritania and Gulf of Cadiz. Overall, 30% of the POIs have MIH >1 m. NEAMTHM18 results and documentation are available through the TSUMAPS-NEAM project website (http://www.tsumaps-neam.eu/), featuring an interactive web mapper. Although the NEAMTHM18 cannot substitute in-depth analyses at local scales, it represents the first action to start local and more detailed hazard and risk assessments and contributes to designing evacuation maps for tsunami early warning.publishedVersio

    New System for the Acceleration of the Airflow in Wind Turbines

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    Background: This patent is based on the wind industry technology called Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWTs). This technology consists of a horizontal axis wind turbine, which is housed inside a duct with diverging section in the direction of the free air stream. In this paper, a review of preceding patents related to this technology is carried out. Objective: This paper presents an innovative patent to improve the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines. In particular, this system is aimed at improving the performance of those turbines that otherwise might not be installed due to the low wind resource existing at certain locations. Methods: The most innovative elements of this patent are: (1) the semi-spherical grooves, which are mechanized on the surface of the two diffusers in order to guarantee a more energetic boundary layer; (2) the coaxial diffuser, which is located downwind following the first diffuser in order to increase the suction effect on the air mass close to the inlet; (3) the coaxial rings located around the first diffuser outlet, which are used to deflect the external airflow toward the turbine wake; and (4), the selforientating system to orientate the system by the prevailing wind direction. Results: An application of the patent for increasing the power generated by a horizontal axis wind turbine with three blades is presented. The patent is designed and its performance is evaluated by using a Computational Fluid Dynamics code. The numerical results show that this system rises the airflow going through the rotor of the turbine. Conclusion: The patented device is an original contribution aimed at enabling a more profitable installation of wind turbines in places where the wind resource is insufficient because of the wind shear caused both by the proximity of the earth and the obstacles on the earth surface.This work was supported by the OASIS Research Project that was cofinanced by CDTI (Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry) and developed with the Spanish companies: Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Abertis, Sice, Indra, Dragados, OHL, Geocisa, GMV, Asfaltos Augusta, Hidrofersa, Eipsa, PyG, CPS, AEC and Torre de Comares Arquitectos S.L and 16 research centres. The authors also acknowledge the partial funding with FEDER funds under the Research Project FC-15-GRUPIN14-004. Finally, we also thank Swanson Analysis Inc. for the use of ANSYS University Research programs as well as the Workbench simulation environment
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