283 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados de trastornos de la alimentación

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar la calidad de vida percibida de pacientes ambulatorios con trastornos de la alimentación en relación a la gravedad de su sintomatología y en comparación a otros trastornos psiquiátricos y con la población general.MétodosEstudio descriptivo transversal de la calidad de vida de 180 pacientes reclutados en una unidad de trastornos de la alimentación. Para estudiar diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, se utilizaron los cuestionarios SF-36, EAT y HAD. Los resultados del SF-36 fueron comparados con los de una muestra de la población general del mismo sexo y edad, así como con otros estudios de trastornos psiquiátricos en los que se utilizó el SF-36.ResultadosLos pacientes con trastornos de la alimentación presentaron peor calidad de vida que la población general de su mismo sexo y edad y similar a la de pacientes con otros trastornos psiquiátricos, como esquizofrenia, depresión y trastornos de pánico. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre los pacientes con diagnóstico de anorexia restrictiva, anorexia purgativa y bulimia. Las áreas del SF-36 más afectadas fueron salud mental, rol emocional y vitalidad.ConclusionesEste estudio muestra la gravedad de estos trastornos, que tienen una gran incidencia entre mujeres jóvenes en edad escolar y laboral. Esto supone un grave problema de salud pública y plantea la necesidad de una asistencia especializada.SummaryObjectiveTo evaluate the quality of life of ambulatory patients with eating disorders in relation to the severity of their symptomatology and in comparison with other psychiatric disorders and general population values.MethodsCross-sectional descriptive study of the quality of life of 180 patients recruited at an eating disorders unit. In order to study different aspects of their Health Related Quality of Life, the SF-36, the EAT and the HAD questionnaires were used. The results of the SF-36 were compared to population values of the same gender and age, and to other studies of psychiatric disorders where the SF-36 questionnaire was used.ResultsPatients with eating disorders presented worse quality of life than the general population of the same gender and age, and similar to patients with other psychiatric diagnoses, as schizophrenia, depression or panic disorder. No significant differences were found between patients with diagnoses of restrictive anorexia, purgative anorexia and bulimia. Mental health, rol emotional and vitality were the most affected areas of the SF-36.ConclusionsThis study shows the severity of these disorders, which have a special incidence in young active women. This fact is becoming an important public health problem and raises the need of specialised assistance

    Discapacidade intelectual e avellentamento

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    [Resumo] Destacan os autores en termos xerais a pouca atención que os investigadores prestaron ó colectivo de poboación maior con deficiencia mental. Os esforzos na actualidade dos traballos de investigación sobre o envellecemento van encamiñados a “engadir vida ós anos, máis que engadir anos a vida”. O proceso de avellentamento dase nun seno familiar raras veces axeitado a esta circunstancia, e con carencias importantes nos sistemas de apoio. Pretendese que no futuro as persoas con discapacidade intelectual vivan máis anos e poidan gozar da súa ancianidade con maior dignidade e con maiores cotas de saúde e benestar. Na actualidade non existen en Galicia centros especializados para atender a estas persoas con discapacidade intelectual engadida o proceso de avellentamento. Por outra banda, os centros xeriatricos non poden acollelos ata que teñan os 60 anos, cando este colectivo xa presenta problemas de ancianidade arredor dos 45 anos. Asimesmo os centros xeriatricos non están deseñados para persoas con discapacidade. Polo tanto compre dar resposta a esta nova demanda de persoas que teñen unha esperanza de vida cada vez maior

    Sexual Function in Women with Breast Cancer : An Evidence Map of Observational Studies

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer in women, and has implications for sexual function (SF). In this study, we used an evidence map to identify, describe, and organise the current available evidence regarding SF in women with BC. We searched the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases for observational studies assessing SF in women with BC published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French between 2000 and 2021 (sample ≥ 50 women). Of the 64 included studies (13,257 women with BC), 58 were published since 2010. Women who were married, partnered, or in relationships represented 74.1% of the entire sample. Only a single study was conducted on women representing a sexual minority. We identified 22 assessment instruments and 40 sexual dysfunction (SdF) domains. The number of publications on SF in women with BC has increased in the last 10 years, but still remains low. Some groups of women are underrepresented, and some SdF domains are underdiagnosed, with the assessment instrument used affecting which domains are studied. Women with BC need to be better screened, as their quality of life (QoL) is affected by Sd

    Anisotropic conduction in the triangle of Koch of mammalian hearts: electrophysiologic and anatomic correlations

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    AbstractObjectives. The purpose of this study was to characterize anisotropy in the triangle of Koch by relating electrophysiology with anatomy.Background. Atrioventricular (AV) node fast and slow pathway characteristics have been suggested to be due to nonuniform anisotropy in the triangle of Koch.Methods. During atrial pacing, we determined the electrical activity within the triangle of Koch by multichannel mapping in 11 isolated hearts from pigs and dogs. Orientation of fibers was determined in nine hearts.Results. Fibers were parallel to the tricuspid valve annulus (TVA) in the posterior part of the triangle of Koch. In the midjunctional area, the direction of the fibers changed to an orientation perpendicular to the TVA. During stimulation from posterior and anterior sites, activation proceeded parallel to the TVA at a high conduction velocity (0.5 to 0.6 m/s). During stimulation from sites near the coronary sinus, a narrowzone of slow conduction occurred in the posterior part of the triangle of Koch where activation proceeded perpendicular to the fiber orientation. Above and below this zone, conduction was fast and parallel to the annulus. After premature stimulation, conduction delay in the triangle of Koch increased by 4 to 21 ms; in contrast, the AH interval increased by 80 to 210 ms.Conclusions. Data support the concept of anisotropic conduction in the triangle of Koch. Activation maps correlated well with the arrangement of superficial atrial fibers. Comparison of conduction delay in the triangle of Koch and AH delay after premature stimulation disproves that anisotropy in the superficial layers plays an important role in slow AV conduction

    Gamma irradiation preservation of chestnut fruits: effects on color and texture

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    Chestnuts are a seasonal fruit that must be postharvest treated to meet food safety regulations. In this study the effect of gamma irradiation on color and texture of chestnut fruits from a European variety (Castanea sativa Miller) was reported. The fruits were subjected to gamma irradiation doses of 0.5, 3 and 6 kGy, with color and texture properties analyzed along a typical commercial period for this fruit after postharvest treatment, at 0, 15 and 30 days of storage. For L and b color parameters, significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed with irradiation dose (ID) only for higher doses of 3 kGy and 6 kGy. Along storage time (ST) significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed for fruits interior (half-cutted) after 15 days of storage. Regarding texture, differences on fruits were only detected for chestnuts irradiated with 6 kGy. With this study we can identify the maximum acceptable dose for irradiation processing of these fruits, concluding that gamma irradiation could be a promising alternative technology for postharvest disinfestation of European chestnuts varieties, to meet food safety international trade regulations, not affecting significantly two important parameters for the consumer, the color and texture

    The distribution of transit durations for Kepler planet candidates and implications for their orbital eccentricities

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    ‘In these times, during the rise in the popularity of institutional repositories, the Society does not forbid authors from depositing their work in such repositories. However, the AAS regards the deposit of scholarly work in such repositories to be a decision of the individual scholar, as long as the individual's actions respect the diligence of the journals and their reviewers.’ Original article can be found at : http://iopscience.iop.org/ Copyright American Astronomical SocietyDoppler planet searches have discovered that giant planets follow orbits with a wide range of orbital eccentricities, revolutionizing theories of planet formation. The discovery of hundreds of exoplanet candidates by NASA's Kepler mission enables astronomers to characterize the eccentricity distribution of small exoplanets. Measuring the eccentricity of individual planets is only practical in favorable cases that are amenable to complementary techniques (e.g., radial velocities, transit timing variations, occultation photometry). Yet even in the absence of individual eccentricities, it is possible to study the distribution of eccentricities based on the distribution of transit durations (relative to the maximum transit duration for a circular orbit). We analyze the transit duration distribution of Kepler planet candidates. We find that for host stars with T > 5100 K we cannot invert this to infer the eccentricity distribution at this time due to uncertainties and possible systematics in the host star densities. With this limitation in mind, we compare the observed transit duration distribution with models to rule out extreme distributions. If we assume a Rayleigh eccentricity distribution for Kepler planet candidates, then we find best fits with a mean eccentricity of 0.1-0.25 for host stars with T ≤ 5100 K. We compare the transit duration distribution for different subsets of Kepler planet candidates and discuss tentative trends with planetary radius and multiplicity. High-precision spectroscopic follow-up observations for a large sample of host stars will be required to confirm which trends are real and which are the results of systematic errors in stellar radii. Finally, we identify planet candidates that must be eccentric or have a significantly underestimated stellar radius.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Intellectual disability and ageing: a new challenge for the twenty-first century

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    [Resumen] OBJETIVO: Mediante el presente trabajo se pretende conocer las características de la población con retraso mental que ha supera- do la edad de 45 años. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo de carácter transversal, entre una muestra representativa de 189 personas mayores de 45 años, con certificado de minusvalía que acredite la discapacidad psíquica, seleccionadas aleatoriamente entre las institucionalizadas en los centros de la comunidad autónoma gallega. La herramienta para recoger la información ha sido un cuestionario de elaboración propia, debidamente contrastado. RESULTADOS: El 60% de los entrevistados reside con sus familias, con las que mantienen una relación calificada como buena en el 49,7% de los casos. El 48,7% presenta un coeficiente intelectual con un retraso moderado, y profundo en el 36,5%; no se conoce el origen del retraso mental en el 42,85% de los casos. CONCLUSIONES: Las necesidades detectadas en la calidad asistencial llevan a concluir la urgencia de actuar sobre los recursos, equipamientos y el grado de especialización de los profesionales implicados, sin obviar a las familias, que constituyen el verdadero soporte asistencial.[Abstract] OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of adults with intellectual disability who survive for more than45 years. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional, descriptive study of a representative sample of 189 individuals aged more than 45 years with certified intellectual disability. The subjects were randomly selected from individuals attending centres of the Autonomous Community of Galicia in Spain. The instrument used to gather information was a specifically-designed and validated questionnaire. RESULTS: Sixty percent of subjects lived with their families, with whom 49.7% reported a good relationship. The degree of intellectual disability was moderate in 49.7% and severe in 36.5%. Aetiology was unknown in 42.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Shortfalls detected in the quality of care indicate that urgent action should be taken to improve resources and the degree of specialisation among staff, as well as to aid families, who provide the main support to individuals with mental disability

    The problems with systematic reviews: a living systematic review

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    Objectives Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are proliferating as they are an important building block to inform evidence-based guidelines and decision-making. Enforcement of best practice in clinical trials is firmly on the research agenda of good clinical practice, but there is less clarity as to how evidence syntheses that combine these studies can be influenced by bad practice. Our aim was to conduct a living systematic review of articles that highlight flaws in published systematic reviews to formally document and understand these problems. Study Design and Setting We conducted a comprehensive assessment of all literature examining problems, which relate to published systematic reviews. Results The first iteration of our living systematic review (https://systematicreviewlution.com/) has found 485 articles documenting 67 discrete problems relating to the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews which can potentially jeopardize their reliability or validity. Conclusion Many hundreds of articles highlight that there are many flaws in the conduct, methods, and reporting of published systematic reviews, despite the existence and frequent application of guidelines. Considering the pivotal role that systematic reviews have in medical decision-making due to having apparently transparent, objective, and replicable processes, a failure to appreciate and regulate problems with these highly cited research designs is a threat to credible science