938 research outputs found

    Infinite-dimensional representations of the rotation group and Dirac's monopole problem

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    Within the context of infinite-dimensional representations of the rotation group the Dirac monopole problem is studied in details. Irreducible infinite-dimensional representations, being realized in the indefinite metric Hilbert space, are given by linear unbounded operators in infinite-dimensional topological spaces, supplied with a weak topology and associated weak convergence. We argue that an arbitrary magnetic charge is allowed, and the Dirac quantization condition can be replaced by a generalized quantization rule yielding a new quantum number, the so-called topological spin, which is related to the weight of the Dirac string.Comment: JHEP style. Extended version of hep-th/0403146. Revised version, title and some notations are changed. References and Appendix B are adde

    Does relaxation education in anxious primigravid Iranian women influence adverse pregnancy outcomes? A randomized controlled trial

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    Context: Maternal anxiety and stress are found to be predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including low birth weight and prematurity. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine whether relaxation education in anxious pregnant Iranian women in their first pregnancy affects selected pregnancy outcomes, including birth weight, preterm birth, and surgical delivery rate. SUBJECTS: A total of 110 obstetrically and medically low-risk primigravid women in Iran with a high anxiety level demonstrated by Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. METHOD: In this randomized controlled trial, the experimental group received routine prenatal care along with 7-week applied relaxation training sessions, while the control group received only routine prenatal care. Anxiety and perceived stress were measured by preeducational and posteducational intervention. Data related to pregnancy outcomes include birth weight, gestational age at birth, and type of delivery. RESULTS: Significant reductions in low birth weight, cesarean section, and/or instrumental extraction were found in the experimental group compared with the control group. No significant differences were found in the rate of preterm birth. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest beneficial effects of nurse-led relaxation education sessions during the prenatal period. This intervention could serve as a resource for improving pregnancy outcomes in women with high anxiety. © 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc

    Signals of Disoriented Chiral Condensate

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    If a disoriented chiral condensate is created over an extended space-time region following a rapid cooling in hadronic or nuclear collisions, the misalignment of the condensate with the electroweak symmetry breaking can generate observable effects in the processes which involve both strong and electromagnetic interactions. We point out the relevance of the dilepton decay of light vector mesons as a signal for formation of the disoriented condensate. We predict that the decay \rho^0 to dileptons will be suppressed and/or the \rho resonance peak widens, while the decay \omega to dileptons will not be affected by the condensate.Comment: 13 pages in LaTeX, UCB-PTH-94/05, LBL-3533

    Spatially Explicit Modeling Reveals Cephalopod Distributions Match Contrasting Trophic Pathways in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Populations of the same species can experience different responses to the environment throughout their distributional range as a result of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in habitat conditions. This highlights the importance of understanding the processes governing species distribution at local scales. However, research on species distribution often averages environmental covariates across large geographic areas, missing variability in population- environment interactions within geographically distinct regions. We used spatially explicit models to identify interactions between species and environmental, including chlorophyll a (Chla) and sea surface temperature (SST), and trophic (prey density) conditions, along with processes governing the distribution of two cephalopods with contrasting life-histories (octopus and squid) across the western Mediterranean Sea. This approach is relevant for cephalopods, since their population dynamics are especially sensitive to variations in habitat conditions and rarely stable in abundance and location. The regional distributions of the two cephalopod species matched two different trophic pathways present in the western Mediterranean Sea, associated with the Gulf of Lion upwelling and the Ebro river discharges respectively. The effects of the studied environmental and trophic conditions were spatially variant in both species, with usually stronger effects along their distributional boundaries. We identify areas where prey availability limited the abundance of cephalopod populations as well as contrasting effects of temperature in the warmest regions. Despite distributional patterns matching productive areas, a general negative effect of Chla on cephalopod densities suggests that competition pressure is common in the study area. Additionally, results highlight the importance of trophic interactions, beyond other common environmental factors, in shaping the distribution of cephalopod populations. Our study presents a valuable approach for understanding the spatially variant ecology of cephalopod populations, which is important for fisheries and ecosystem management.Versión del editor4,411

    Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering on Nuclear Targets: Parametrizing Transverse Enhancement (Meson Exchange Currents)

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    We present a parametrization of the observed enhancement in the transverse electron quasielastic (QE) response function for nucleons bound in carbon as a function of the square of the four momentum transfer (Q2Q^2) in terms of a correction to the magnetic form factors of bound nucleons. The parametrization should also be applicable to the transverse cross section in neutrino scattering. If the transverse enhancement originates from meson exchange currents (MEC), then it is theoretically expected that any enhancement in the longitudinal or axial contributions is small. We present the predictions of the "Transverse Enhancement" model (which is based on electron scattering data only) for the νμ,νˉμ\nu_\mu, \bar{\nu}_\mu differential and total QE cross sections for nucleons bound in carbon. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the transverse enhancement is observed to resolve much of the long standing discrepancy in the QE total cross sections and differential distributions between low energy and high energy neutrino experiments on nuclear targets.Comment: Revised Version- July 21, 2011: 17 pages, 20 Figures. To be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Study of ATLAS sensitivity to FCNC top decays

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    The ATLAS experiment sensitivity to top quark Flavour Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) decays was studied at LHC using ttbar events. While one of the top quarks is expected to follow the dominant Standard Model decay t->bW, the other decays through a FCNC channel, i.e. t-> Z u(c), t-> gamma u(c) or t-> g u(c). Different types of analyses, applied to each FCNC decay mode, were compared. The FCNC branching ratio sensitivity (assuming a 5sigma signal significance) and 95% confidence level limits on the branching ratios (in the hypothesis of signal absence) were obtained

    Compuestos orgánicos volátiles de especies aromáticas como promotores de crecimiento del tomate saladette (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)

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    Objetive: The present study analysed the effects of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) of the foliage and flowers of Ocimum basilicum, Tagetes erecta and Origanum majorana on the growth of the Saladette tomato. Design/Method/Approach: The aromatic species in their phase of development and flowering were transplanted between grooves of tomato plants. The treatments (Association of aromatic species 1, 2 and 3 in development + tomato plant, association of aromatic species 1, 2 and 3 in flowering + tomato plant and tomato plant without association) were randomized under a completely randomized experimental design, with arrangements in blocks. The indicators of the phenology and growth of tomato plants were measured. The information was analyzed according to the ANOVA (0.05) and based on the calculated F. Next, the Tukey method (0.5) was applied. Results: The results show that the association of aromatic species offers a positive effect on the growth of tomato plants and the flowering stage showed clear results. The Tagetes erecta species produced a highly significant difference with respect to the control and Ocimum basilicum (Tukey 0.05), this showed that Marigold improves the height, diameter of the stem and the biomass of the vegetable. In addition, the Volatile Organic Compounds of T. erecta caused early flowering in the tomato (5 days). Research Limitations/ Implications:  The plantation interspersed between aromatic species and vegetables generated costs, this can be a limiting factor in the transfer of technology. Findings/Conclusions: The Volatile Organic Compounds of the aromatic species participate as plant breeders and controlling tomato stress. Thus, the primary crop or the vegetable associated with Tagetes erecta and Origanum majorana favors the height, the diameter of the stem, the biomass and presents an early flowering (5 days) obtaining an early harvest.  Objetivo: Analizar los efectos de los Compuesto Orgánicos Volátiles (COVs) del follaje y de las flores de Ocimum basilicum, Tagetes erecta y Origanum majorana, en el crecimiento del tomate Saladette. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Las especies aromáticas en su fase de desarrollo y floración se trasplantaron entre los surcos de las plantas de tomate; los tratamientos (Asociación de especies aromáticas  1, 2 y 3 en desarrollo + planta de tomate; asociación de especies aromáticas 1, 2 y 3 en floración + planta de tomate y planta tomate sin asociación) fueron aleatorizadas bajo un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con arreglos en bloques. Los indicadores de la fenología y crecimiento de las plantas de tomate fueron medidos; la información se analizó de acuerdo al ANOVA (0.05) y con base a la F calcula, se procedió con la prueba posteriori por el método de Tukey (0.05). Resultados: Los resultados demuestran que la asociación de especies aromáticas ofrece un efecto positivo en el crecimiento de las plantas de tomate; expresándose más notorios en etapa de floración de las especies aromáticas. La especie Tagetes erecta produjo una diferencia altamente significativa con respecto al testigo y Ocimum basilicum (Tukey 0.05), esto demostró que el Cempasúchil mejora la altura, diámetro del tallo y la biomasa de la hortaliza. Además, los Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles de T. erecta causaron floración temprana en el tomate (5 días). Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La plantación intercalada entre especies aromáticas y hortalizas generó costos, ésto puede ser un factor limitante en la transferencia de tecnología. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los compuestos orgánicos volátiles de las especies aromáticas participan como fitomejoradores y controlan el estrés del tomate. Así, el cultivo primario o la hortaliza asociado con Tagetes erecta y Origanum majorana favorece la altura, el diámetro del tallo, la biomasa y presenta una floración temprana (5 días) obteniendo una cosecha anticipada. &nbsp

    Percepción del servicio público, evaluación para mejora del servidor municipal en SLP 2022

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    This is a quantitative and cross-sectional study on the perception of municipal public services in a population of less than 50,000 inhabitants, the results indicate that the confidence inspired by the public servant 55.4%, the understanding of the needs 55.4% and the kindness of satisfactory attention or more 52.5% should be taken advantage of and strengthened. Finally, when evaluating the three aspects worst rated by the citizen, the fulfillment of promises is found, 32.8% of the respondents evaluate this way. It is clear that from the municipality and even from the previous stages the citizen creates expectations that, if not fulfilled, deteriorate the image of the public service. The second red flag to attend to is the materials produced and here it can be included, from the place of attention file to the most sophisticated means of communication, they must be taken care of in message, image, clarity, language, medium, materials and periodicity. Communicating without having a trained area is wasting the advantages that communication gives to municipalities.Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo y transversal sobre la percepción de los servicios públicos municipales en una población de menos de 50 000 habitante, los resultados indican que la confianza inspirada por el servidor público 55.4%, la comprensión de las necesidades 55.4% y la amabilidad de atención satisfactoria o más 52.5% deberán ser aprovechas y fortalecidas. Finalmente al evaluar los tres aspectos peor calificados por el ciudadano se encuentra el cumplimiento de promesas 32.8% de los respondientes evalúan así. Es claro que desde el municipio e incluso desde las etapas previas el ciudadano crea expectativas que al no cumplirse deterioran la imagen del servicio público. El segundo foco rojo a atender son los materiales elaborados y aquí se puede incluye, desde la ficha de lugar de atención hasta los medios de comunicación más sofisticados deben ser cuidados en mensaje, imagen, claridad, lenguaje, medio, materiales y periodicidad. Comunicar sin contar con un área capacitada es desaprovechar las ventajas que la comunicación da a los municipios

    Posicionamiento de marcas, las competencias nacionales vs locales

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    This paper provides positioning information, more frequent use of brands, shopping sites, frequency of acquisition and spending on various products so that local companies know their position in the market and can design strategies that allow their subsistence through the use of the information for the design of image maintenance strategies, knowledge of the positioning and spending that consumers carry out biweekly.Two fundamental ways of achieving the positioning of brands according to their size are ratified, those that through media and mass dissemination achieve the top of mind at the national level and those that, being small, base their positioning on tradition and perseverance of decades in local markets.The research reports the data for five categories of everyday consumer products in order to offer local entrepreneurs information for the design of their employment sustainability strategies contemplated in the tasks and objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility.  El presente trabajo aporta información de posicionamiento, uso más frecuente de marcas, sitios de compra, frecuencia de adquisición y gasto en diversos productos con el fin de que las empresas locales conozcan su posición en el mercado y puedan diseñar estrategias que permitan su subsistencia mediante el uso de la información para el diseño de estrategias de mantenimiento de imagen, conocimiento del posicionamiento y gasto que los consumidores realizan quincenalmente. Se ratifican dos formas fundamentales de lograr el posicionamiento de marcas según su tamaño, aquellas que mediante medios y difusión masiva logran el top of mind a nivel nacional y aquellas que siendo pequeñas basan su posicionamiento en la tradición y constancia de décadas en los mercados locales. La investigación reporta la data para cinco categorías de productos de consumo cotidiano a fin de ofrecer a empresarios locales información para el diseño de sus estrategias de sostenibilidad del empleo contempladas en las tareas y objetivos de la Responsabilidad Social empresarial