313 research outputs found

    Interseismic coupling, segmentation and mechanical behavior of the Central Chile subduction zone.

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    International audienceGlobal Positioning System (GPS) measurements carried out in Chile over the last two decades showed that an entire portion of the Nazca-South America subduction zone (38°S ␣ 24°S) was locked over this period of time. The induced accumulation of elastic deformation in the upper-plate was not released until the recent Maule earthquake of 27 February 2010 (Mw 8.8) that ruptured the southern part of this section. Locking or coupling between the two plates varies both with depth and along strike. Here we use our own GPS data (an updated solution of our extended network in central Chile), combined with other published data sets, to quantify the spatial variations of the coupling that prevailed before the Maule earthquake. Using a simple elastic model based on the back-slip assumption, we show that coupling variations on the subduction plane are sufficient to explain the observed surface deformation, with no need of a sliver in central Chile. We identify four segments characterized by higher coupling and separated by narrow areas of lower coupling. This segmentation is in good agreement with historical and recent seismicity in Chile. In particular the narrow zones of lower coupling seem to have stopped most large seismic ruptures, including Maule's. These zones are often associated with irregular bathymetric or coastal features (fracture zones or peninsulas). Finally, coseismic and early post-seismic slip distribution of the Maule earthquake, occurring either in previously highly or weakly coupled zones, map a complex distribution of velocity-weakening and velocity-strengthening patches on the subduction interface

    Oblique Convergence in the Himalayas of Western Nepal Deduced from Preliminary Results of GPS Measurements

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    A GPS network consisting of 29 sites was installed in central and western Nepal, with measurements taken in 1995 and partial remeasurements in 1997. Data suggest 15 +/−5 mm/yr of N180° convergence between the Higher Himalayas and India, a result that is consistent with N‐S shortening across the arcuate shape of the Nepalese Himalayas and an oblique underthrusting of the Indian crust below the High Himalayas of western Nepal. A 4 +/−3 mm/year E‐W extension and deviation of the principal shortening axes are inferred east of 83°E, where Quaternary faults (Darma‐Bari Gad fault system and Thakkhola graben) delineate a crustal wedge. This wedge is located on the SE projection of the Karakorum fault and may segment the Himalayan thrust belt. The convergence between the outer belt of western Nepal and India is less than 3 mm/yr, an attenuation consistent with creep on a dislocation locked beneath the Lesser Himalayas. A preliminary model suggests that this N 120°E striking dislocation is affected by a 19 mm/yr thrust component and a 7 mm/yr right lateral component

    GPS-derived interseismic coupling on the subduction and seismic hazards in the Atacama region, Chile

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    International audienceThe Atacama region (between 29°S and 25°S) is located in the North-Central area of Chile, a tectonically complex transition area between North and Central Chile. Deformation in Atacama is due mainly to elastic loading on the subduction interface but also to diffuse shortening in the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. The seismicity of the subduction is complex in this region: seismic swarms often occur, moderate (Mw ∌ 6) to large (Mw ∌ 7) earthquakes occur repeatedly and finally, megathrust earthquakes of magnitudes significantly larger than 8 occur once in a while, the last one being in 1922—almost a century ago. We use new GPS data we collected in the Atacama region between 2008 and 2012 to complete and densify existing data we acquired since 2004 in North-Central Chile. These new data allow to quantify the motion of the Andean sliver and assess the kinematic coupling on the subduction interface at these latitudes. We find that only 7 per cent of the whole convergence motion is taken up by an eastward rotation of the rigid sliver. A large part of the remaining 93 per cent (approximately 6 cm/yr) gives way to accumulation of elastic deformation in the upper plate, due to locking on the plate interface. This accumulation shows important along-strike and along-dip variations, interpreted in terms of variable coupling which we correlate with seismicity. We identify two areas of low coupling near the 'La Serena' (30°S) and 'Baranquilla' (27.5°S) bays. Both are correlated with the subduction of singular bathymetric features and seem to stop the propagation of large seismic ruptures. These zones are also seismic swarm prone areas, which seem to occur rather on their edges. These low coupling areas separate two seismic segments where coupling is high: the Atacama segment ( ∌100 km long between 29◩S and 28◩S) and the Cha ̃naral segment (∌200 km long between 27◩S and 25◩S). Should they rupture alone, these segments are sufficiently coupled and apparently since long enough, to produce Mw∌8 events. However, a collective failure of both segments could generate a megathrust earthquake of magnitude close to 8.5, similar to the 1819 and 1922 complex events, which produced important tsunamis. Such giant events may occur in the area once a century

    Transplantation of Quail Collagen-tailed Acetylcholinesterase Molecules Onto the Frog Neuromuscular Synapse

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    The highly organized pattern of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) molecules attached to the basal lamina of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) suggests the existence of specific binding sites for their precise localization. To test this hypothesis we immunoaffinity purified quail globular and collagen-tailed AChE forms and determined their ability to attach to frog NMJs which had been pretreated with high-salt detergent buffers. The NMJs were visualized by labeling acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) with TRITC-α-bungarotoxin and AChE by indirect immunofluorescence; there was excellent correspondence (>97%) between the distribution of frog AChRs and AChE. Binding of the exogenous quail AChE was determined using a speciesspecific monoclonal antibody. When frog neuromuscular junctions were incubated with the globular G4/G2 quail AChE forms, there was no detectable binding above background levels, whereas when similar preparations were incubated with the collagen-tailed A12 AChE form >80% of the frog synaptic sites were also immunolabeled for quail AChE attached. Binding of the A12 quail AChE was blocked by heparin, yet could not be removed with high salt buffer containing detergent once attached. Similar results were obtained using empty myofiber basal lamina sheaths produced by mechanical or freeze-thaw damage. These experiments show that specific binding sites exist for collagen-tailed AChE molecules on the synaptic basal lamina of the vertebrate NMJ and suggest that these binding sites comprise a “molecular parking lot” in which the AChE molecules can be released, retained, and turned over

    Revisiting the North Chile seismic gap segmentation using GPS-derived interseismic coupling

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    International audienceNo major earthquake occurred in North Chile since the 1877 M w 8.6 subduction earthquake that produced a huge tsunami. However, geodetic measurements conducted over the last decade in this area show that the upper plate is actually deforming, which reveals some degree of locking on the subduction interface. This accumulation of elastic deformation is likely to be released in a future earthquake. Because of the long elapsed time since 1877 and the rapid accumulation of deformation (thought to be 6–7 cm/yr), many consider this area is a mature seismic gap where a major earthquake is due and seismic hazard is high. We present a new Global Positioning System (GPS) velocity field, acquired between 2008 and 2012, that describes in some detail the interseismic deformation between 18°S and 24°S. We invert for coupling distribution on the Nazca-South America subduction interface using elastic modelling. Our measurements require that, at these latitudes, 10 to 12 mm yr−1 (i.e. 15 per cent of the whole convergence rate) are accommodated by the clockwise rotation of an Andean block bounded to the East by the subandean fold-and-thrust belt. This reduces the accumulation rate on the subduction interface to 56 mm yr−1 in this area. Coupling variations on the subduction interface both along-strike and along-dip are described. We find that the North Chile seismic gap is segmented in at least two highly locked segments bounded by narrow areas of weak coupling. This coupling segmentation is consistent with our knowledge of the historical ruptures and of the instrumental seismicity of the region. Intersegment zones (Iquique, Mejillones) correlate with high background seismic rate and local tectonic complexities on the upper or downgoing plates. The rupture of either the Paranal or the Loa segment alone could easily produce a Mw 8.0–8.3 rupture, and we propose that the Loa segment (from 22.5◩S to 20.8◩S) may be the one that ruptured in 1877

    Asperities and barriers on the seismogenic zone in North Chile: state-of-the-art after the 2007 Mw 7.7 Tocopilla earthquake inferred by GPS and InSAR data

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    The Mw 7.7 2007 November 14 earthquake had an epicentre located close to the city of Tocopilla, at the southern end of a known seismic gap in North Chile. Through modelling of Global Positioning System (GPS) and radar interferometry (InSAR) data, we show that this event ruptured the deeper part of the seismogenic interface (30–50 km) and did not reach the surface. The earthquake initiated at the hypocentre and was arrested ~150 km south, beneath the Mejillones Peninsula, an area already identified as an important structural barrier between two segments of the Peru–Chile subduction zone. Our preferred models for the Tocopilla main shock show slip concentrated in two main asperities, consistent with previous inversions of seismological data. Slip appears to have propagated towards relatively shallow depths at its southern extremity, under the Mejillones Peninsula. Our analysis of post-seismic deformation suggests that small but still significant post-seismic slip occurred within the first 10 d after the main shock, and that it was mostly concentrated at the southern end of the rupture. The post-seismic deformation occurring in this period represents ~12–19 per cent of the coseismic deformation, of which ~30–55 per cent has been released aseismically. Post-seismic slip appears to concentrate within regions that exhibit low coseismic slip, suggesting that the afterslip distribution during the first month of the post-seismic interval complements the coseismic slip. The 2007 Tocopilla earthquake released only ~2.5 per cent of the moment deficit accumulated on the interface during the past 130 yr and may be regarded as a possible precursor of a larger subduction earthquake rupturing partially or completely the 500-km-long North Chile seismic gap

    Contrasting Decollement and Prism Properties over the Sumatra 2004-2005 Earthquake Rupture Boundary

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    Styles of subduction zone deformation and earthquake rupture dynamics are strongly linked, jointly influencing hazard potential. Seismic reflection profiles across the trench west of Sumatra, Indonesia, show differences across the boundary between the major 2004 and 2005 plate interface earthquakes, which exhibited contrasting earthquake rupture and tsunami generation. In the southern part of the 2004 rupture, we interpret a negative-polarity sedimentary reflector ~500 meters above the subducting oceanic basement as the seaward extension of the plate interface. This predécollement reflector corresponds to unusual prism structure, morphology, and seismogenic behavior that are absent along the 2005 rupture zone. Although margins like the 2004 rupture zone are globally rare, our results suggest that sediment properties influence earthquake rupture, tsunami hazard, and prism development at subducting plate boundaries

    Heterogeneous coupling of the Sumatran megathrust constrained by geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements

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    Geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements of interseismic strain above the Sumatran portion of the Sunda subduction zone reveal a heterogeneous pattern of coupling. Annual banding in corals provides vertical rates of deformation spanning the last half of the 20th century, and repeated GPS surveys between 1991 and 2001 and continuous measurements at GPS stations operated since 2002 provide horizontal velocities. Near the equator, the megathrust is locked over a narrow width of only a few tens of kilometers. In contrast, the locked fault zone is up to about 175 km wide in areas where great interplate earthquakes have occurred in the past. Formal inversion of the data reveals that these strongly coupled patches are roughly coincident with asperities that ruptured during these events. The correlation is most spectacular for rupture of the M_w 8.7 Nias-Simeulue earthquake of 2005, which released half of the moment deficit that had accumulated since its previous rupture in 1861, suggesting that this earthquake was overdue. Beneath the Mentawai islands, strong coupling is observed within the overlapping rupture areas of the great earthquakes of 1797 and 1833. The accumulated slip deficit since these events is slowly reaching the amount of slip that occurred during the 1833 earthquake but already exceeds the slip that occurred during the 1797 earthquake. Thus, rerupture of part of the Mentawai patch in September 2007 was not a surprise. In contrast, coupling is low below the Batu islands near the equator and around Enggano island at about 5°S, where only moderate earthquakes (M_w < 8.0) have occurred in the past two centuries. The correlation of large seismic asperities with patches that are locked during the interseismic period suggests that they are persistent features. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact that the large locked patches and great ruptures occur beneath persistent geomorphologic features, the largest outer arc islands. Depth- and convergence-rate-dependent temperature might influence the pattern of coupling, through its effect on the rheology of the plate interface, but other influences are required to account for the observed along-strike heterogeneity of coupling. In particular, subduction of the Investigator Fracture Zone could be the cause for the low coupling near the equator

    GPS network monitor the Western Alps deformation over a five year period: 1993-1998

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    GPS surveys in the Western Alps, performed in the time span 1993-2003, estimated the current crustal deformation of this area.Published63-763.2. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalreserve

    In-situ evidence for dextral active motion at the Arabia-India plate boundary

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    International audienceThe Arabia-India plate boundary--also called theOwen fracture zone--is perhaps the least-known boundary among large tectonic plates1-6. Although it was identified early on as an example of a transform fault converting the divergent motion along the Carlsberg Ridge to convergent motion in the Himalayas7, its structure and rate of motion remains poorly constrained. Here we present the first direct evidence for active dextral strike-slip motion along this fault, based on seafloor multibeam mapping of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction in the northwest Indian Ocean. There is evidence for 12km of apparent strike-slip motion along the mapped segment of the Owen fracture zone, which is terminated to the south by a 50-km-wide pull-apart basin bounded by active faults. By evaluating these new constraints within the context of geodetic models of global plate motions, we determine a robust angular velocity for the Arabian plate relative to the Indian plate that predicts 2-4mmyr−1 dextral motion along the Owen fracture zone. This transformfault was probably initiated around 8 million years ago in response to a regional reorganization of plate velocities and directions8-11, which induced a change in configuration of the triple junction. Infrequent earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater may occur along the Arabia-India plate boundary, unless deformation is in the formof aseismic creep
