3,615 research outputs found

    Generation of boundary and boundary-layer fitting grids

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    The details of extended physical processes, such as the gas dynamic flow over an airfoil, the reactive flow through a combustor, or the electric field in a multi-contact transistor, are understood by solving the differential equations of a mathematical model of the process. The accuracy of finite difference methods for the numerical solution of the equations is increased if the underlying mesh fits the region boundaries and is closely spaced in regions where the solution is rapidly varying. Automatic methods for producing a satisfactorily adjusted mesh were developed for one dimensional problems. In one simple, effective scheme of this kind the unknown function and the distribution of mesh modes are found simultaneously, the nodes being placed so that they correspond to points uniformly spaced on the solution curve. In a two dimensional generalization, the nodes correspond to points equally spaced on the solution surface in two directions that are as nearly orthogonal as possible. Examples of such meshes are shown

    Quantum spin glass in anisotropic dipolar systems

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    The spin-glass phase in the \LHx compound is considered. At zero transverse field this system is well described by the classical Ising model. At finite transverse field deviations from the transverse field quantum Ising model are significant, and one must take properly into account the hyperfine interactions, the off-diagonal terms in the dipolar interactions, and details of the full J=8 spin Hamiltonian to obtain the correct physical picture. In particular, the system is not a spin glass at finite transverse fields and does not show quantum criticality.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Condens. Matter (proceedings of the HFM2006 conference

    Alternative Large Nc Schemes and Chiral Dynamics

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    We compare the dependences on the number of colors of the leading pion pion scattering amplitudes using the single index quark field and two index quark fields. These are seen to have different relationships to the scattering amplitudes suggested by chiral dynamics which can explain the long puzzling pion pion s wave scattering up to about 1 GeV. This may be interesting for getting a better understanding of the large Nc approach as well as for application to recently proposed technicolor models.Comment: RevTex, two-columns, 6 page

    Semi-leptonic Ds+D_s^+(1968) decays as a scalar meson probe

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    The unusual multiplet structures associated with the light spin zero mesons have recently attracted a good deal of theoretical attention. Here we discuss some aspects associated with the possibility of getting new experimental information on this topic from semi-leptonic decays of heavy charged mesons into an isosinglet scalar or pseudoscalar plus leptons.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Toy model for two chiral nonets

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    Motivated by the possibility that nonets of scalar mesons might be described as mixtures of "two quark" and "four quark" components, we further study a toy model in which corresponding chiral nonets (containing also the pseudoscalar partners) interact with each other. Although the "two quark" and "four quark" chiral fields transform identically under SU(3)L×_L \times SU(3)R_R transformations they transform differently under the U(1)A_A transformation which essentially counts total (quark + antiquark) content of the mesons. To implement this we formulate an effective Lagrangian which mocks up the U(1)A_A behavior of the underlying QCD. We derive generating equations which yield Ward identity type relations based only on the assumed symmetry structure. This is applied to the mass spectrum of the low lying pseudoscalars and scalars. as well as their "excitations". Assuming isotopic spin invariance, it is possible to disentangle the amount of"two quark" vs."four quark" content in the pseudoscalar π,K,η\pi, K ,\eta type states and in the scalar κ\kappa type states. It is found that a small "four quark" content in the lightest pseudoscalars is consistent with a large "four quark" content in the lightest of the scalar κ\kappa mesons. The present toy model also allows one to easily estimate the strength of a "four quark" vacuum condensate. There seems to be a rich and interesting structure.Comment: Numerical results updated, typos corrected, references update

    Exact relativistic beta decay endpoint spectrum

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    The exact relativistic form for the beta decay endpoint spectrum is derived and presented in a simple factorized form. We show that our exact formula can be well approximated to yield the endpoint form used in the fit method of the KATRIN collaboration. We also discuss the three neutrino case and how information from neutrino oscillation experiments may be useful in analyzing future beta decay endpoint experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Charged Lepton Electric Dipole Moments from TeV Scale Right-handed Neutrinos

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    We study the connection between charged lepton electric dipole moments, dld_l (l=e,μ,τ)(l=e,\mu,\tau), and seesaw neutrino mass generation in a simple two Higgs doublet extension of the Standard Model plus three right-handed neutrinos (RHN) NaN_a, a=1,2,3a=1,2,3. For RHN with hierarchical masses and at least one with mass in the 10 TeV range we obtain the upper bounds of de<9×1030|d_e|< 9\times 10^{-30} e-cm and dμ<2×1026|d_{\mu}|<2 \times 10^{-26} e-cm. Our scenario favors the normal mass hierarchy for the light neutrinos. We also calculated the cross section for e^-e^- \ra W^- W^- in a high luminosity collider with constraints from neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei included. Among the rare muon decay experiments we find that \mu\ra e\gamma is most sensitive and the upper limit is <8×1013<8\times 10^{-13}.Comment: references added, typos correcte

    Motion of a Particle with Isospin in the Presence of a Monopole

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    From a consistent expression for the quadriforce describing the interaction between a coloured particle and gauge fields, we investigate the relativistic motion of a particle with isospin interacting with a BPS monopole and with a Julia-Zee dyon. The analysis of such systems reveals the existence of unidimensional unbounded motion and asymptotic trajectories restricted to conical surfaces, which resembles the equivalent case of Electromagnetism.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, onecolum

    Generating dynamic higher-order Markov models in web usage mining

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    Markov models have been widely used for modelling users’ web navigation behaviour. In previous work we have presented a dynamic clustering-based Markov model that accurately represents second-order transition probabilities given by a collection of navigation sessions. Herein, we propose a generalisation of the method that takes into account higher-order conditional probabilities. The method makes use of the state cloning concept together with a clustering technique to separate the navigation paths that reveal differences in the conditional probabilities. We report on experiments conducted with three real world data sets. The results show that some pages require a long history to understand the users choice of link, while others require only a short history. We also show that the number of additional states induced by the method can be controlled through a probability threshold parameter

    A Search for Distant Galactic Cepheids Toward l=60

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    We present results of a survey of a 6-square-degree region near l=60, b=0 to search for distant Milky Way Cepheids. Few MW Cepheids are known at distances >~ R_0, limiting large-scale MW disk models derived from Cepheid kinematics; this work was designed to find a sample of distant Cepheids for use in such models. The survey was conducted in the V and I bands over 8 epochs, to a limiting I~=18, with a total of ~ 5 million photometric observations of ~ 1 million stars. We present a catalog of 578 high-amplitude variables discovered in this field. Cepheid candidates were selected from this catalog on the basis of variability and color change, and observed again the following season. We confirm 10 of these candidates as Cepheids with periods from 4 to 8 days, most at distances > 3 kpc. Many of the Cepheids are heavily reddened by intervening dust, some with implied extinction A_V > 10 mag. With a future addition of infrared photometry and radial velocities, these stars alone can provide a constraint on R_0 to 8%, and in conjunction with other known Cepheids should provide good estimates of the global disk potential ellipticity.Comment: 18 pages, 4 tables, 13 figures (LaTeX / AASTeX