502 research outputs found

    The Dark Side of the Self-Determination Theory and Its Influence on the Emotional and Cognitive Processes of Students in Physical Education

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    Amongst the main objectives of physical education (PE) classes is the consolidation of healthy lifestyle habits in young people and adolescents. Nonetheless, these classes can also provide the basis from which adverse experiences are generated which affect students’ perceptions of these classes. Previously conducted studies have focused on motivational processes and not on emotional processes, nor on the way in which students learn. The objective of the present study was to explore the dark side of the self-determination theory, its influence on emotional intelligence and the meta-cognitive strategies of students. Methodology: A total of 1602 young people undertaking secondary education participated, with self-reported ages between 13 and 19 years. The following questionnaires were utilized: Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale, Frustration of Psychological Needs in PE classes Scale, Emotional Intelligence in PE Scale and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. A structural equation model was developed which explained causal associations between the study variables. Results: Psychological control positively predicted each one of the sub-factors of frustration of psychological needs. Frustration of psychological needs negatively predicted emotional intelligence. Finally, emotional intelligence positively predicted meta-cognitive thinking. Conclusions: The influence and importance of the teaching style adopted by teachers is indicated, in addition to the effect of students’ psychological experiences on emotions and learning strategie

    The Principles of Gold-Catalyzed Molecular Gymnastics

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    L'or(I) dirigeix el contorsionisme molecular mitjançant reaccions intramoleculars i intermoleculars d'enins per mitjà d'intermedis ciclopropil o carbens altament distorsionats. La síntesi de productes naturals com (+)-orienalol F i (-)-englerin A mostra l'estat d'art de la catàlisi de l'or(I) per a construir complexitat molecular.Gold(I) orchestrates molecular gymnastics by intraand intermolecular reaction of enymes via highly distorted cyclopropyl gold carbenes as intermediates. The synthesis of natural products such as (+)-orientalol F and (−)-englerin A illustrates the state of the art of gold (I) catalysis for the buildup of molecular complexity

    Veinte años de producción científica en psicología en la Universidad Católica de Colombia: análisis bibliométrico de la investigación publicada (1983 - 2002)

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    Se presenta un detallado análisis bibliométrico de los artículos producto de la actividad científica de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Colombia publicados desde 1983 hasta el 2002. Se revisaron las tres principales bases de datos Psicodoc, PsycInfo, PsycLit, además de una revisión directa en revistas de Psicología y Ciencias afines. A partir de los artículos encontrados se construyó una base de datos, que incluía autor o autores, otras instituciones con quien se publicó, áreas de investigación, lugar de publicación, tipo de publicación, modalidad y fuente donde fue encontrado. En resumen se encontró lo siguiente: setenta y dos artículos en catorce revistas, nueve de ellas internacionales y cinco nacionales, de las cuales en aproximadamente once de las catorce, es decir, el 78.57% se encuentra incluida en alguna base de datos o índice internacional, sin embargo un 79.16% de los artículos encontrados se encuentran concentrados en revistas nacionales, y solo el 20.83% en las internacionales. Un 43% de los artículos fueron escritos por mas de un autor lo que muestra una importante producción en grupo y el 57 % es producto de actividad individual y por autores que no repitieron, es importante también reseñar que algunos autores jalonan la producción general, es así como cinco autores concentran el 35 % del total el 65% restante escribió entre uno y dos artículos el área de mayor trabajo es la clínica seguida por la básica y la educativa y el 71 % de la misma se concentra en los últimos cinco años y aquí es claro el papel tan relevante que ha tenido la publicación de la revista en la producción de artículos el 51 % se han publicado en Acta Colombiana De Psicología.A detailed bibliometric analysis is presented of the articles product of the scientific activity of the Psychology Department at the Catholic University between 1983 to 2002. In this order the Psicodoc, PsycInfo, PsycLit databases were revised, besides other psychological and related science journals. The collected data included for each article: author (s), other institution that supported, year, place, type of publication, modality and source where was found. The results showed: The production of 72 published articles in 14 journal (nine international and five Colombian), of which in approximately eleven of the fourteen, that is to say, the 78.6% is found included in data base or international index, nevertheless 79% of the articles found are concentrated in colombian journals, and 20.83% in the international journals. 43% of the articles were written by but of an author what shows an important production in group and 57% is individual product of activity and by authors that did not repeat. Is important also show that some authors mark the general production, is as well as five authors concentrate 35% of the total. 65% remainder wrote between one and two articles. Finally, the most production areas, in order, were clinical, basic and educative. and 71% of the same one concentrates on the last five years and here is clear the so prominent role that has had the publication of the magazine in the production of articles 51% have been published in Acta Colombiana de Psicología

    Effect of hypoxia on lung gene expression and proteomic profile: insights into the pulmonary surfactant response

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    Exposure of lung to hypoxia has been previously reported to be associated with significant alterations in the protein content of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and lung tissue. In the present work we have used a proteomic approach to describe the changes in protein complement induced by moderate long-term hypoxia (rats exposed to 10% O2 for 72h) in BAL and lung tissue, with a special focus on the proteins associated with pulmonary surfactant, which could indicate adaptation of this system to limited oxygen availability. The analysis of the general proteomic profile indicates a hypoxia-induced increase in proteins associated with inflammation both in lavage and lung tissue. Analysis at mRNA and protein levels revealed no significant changes induced by hypoxia on the content in surfactant proteins or their apparent oligomeric state. In contrast, we detected a hypoxia-induced significant increase in the expression and accumulation of hemoglobin in lung tissue, at both mRNA and protein levels, as well as an accumulation of hemoglobin both in BAL and associated with surface-active membranes of the pulmonary surfactant complex. Evaluation of pulmonary surfactant surface activity from hypoxic rats showed no alterations in its spreading ability, ruling out inhibition by increased levels of serum or inflammatory proteins.Ministerio de Ciencia BIO2012-30733Ministerio de Ciencia CSD2007-00010Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid S2009MAT-1507National Institutes of Health NIH HL3478

    Synergic Effect of α

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    Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death among Mexican women. The treatment with cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (CDDP) has some serious side effects. Alpha-mangostin (α-M), has a protective effect against CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity, as well as antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, we explored the in vitro and in vivo effect of α-M on human cervical cancer cell proliferation when combined with CDDP. In vitro, The cytotoxic effect of α-M and/or CDDP was measured by the 3-(3,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)2,5-diphenyltetrazolium assay. Meanwhile, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and the cell cycle were determined with flow cytometry. For α-M+CDDP treatment, both a coincubation and preincubation scheme were employed. In vivo, xenotransplantation was performed in female athymic BALB/c (nu/nu) mice, and then tumor volume and body weight were measured weekly, whereas α-M interfered with the antiproliferative activity of CDDP in the coincubation scheme, with preincubation with α-M+CDDP showing significantly greater cytotoxicity than CDDP or α-M alone, significantly inhibiting average tumor volume and preventing nephrotoxicity. This effect was accompanied by increased apoptosis and ROS production by HeLa cervical cancer cells, as well as an arrest in the cell cycle. These results suggest that α-M may be useful as a neoadjuvant agent in cervical cancer therapy

    Comparison of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and porcine circovirus 2 commercial vaccines efficacy when applied separate or combined under experimental conditions

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) and Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) are two of the most significant infectious agents causing economic losses in the weaning to slaughter period. Due to their similar vaccination age, the objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of two already existing Mhyo (Hyogen®) and PCV-2 (Circovac®) vaccines when administered separately or combined (RTM) by means of Mhyo or PCV-2 experimental challenges. Seven groups of animals were included in the study, being three of them challenged with PCV-2, three with Mhyo and one composed of non-challenged, non-vaccinated pigs. Within each experimental challenge, non-vaccinated (NV) groups were compared with double vaccinated groups using the commercial products separated (VS) or combined (VC). Both vaccinated groups showed significant differences for most parameters measured regarding PCV-2 (serology, percentage of infected animals and viral load in tissues) and Mhyo (serology and gross lesions) when compared to NV groups. VS and VC offered similar results, being only significantly different the PCV-2 antibody values at different time points (higher in the VS group) of the study, although not at the termination day (21 days post-PCV-2 inoculation). The present study expands the knowledge on the possibility of using two separate Mhyo and PCV-2 commercial vaccines as a RTM product, which offered equivalent virological, immunological and pathological outcomes as compared to these vaccines when used by separate

    Sexual differences in depressive-like behaviours after juvenile and adult stress.

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    Early stress episodes affect brain development and is related to increased risk of developing stress-induced depression in adulthood. However, little is known about the sexual differences in this process. Our goal is to study how stress in different developmental periods affects depression-like behaviours in male and female mice. For this purpose, four experimental groups of both male and female mice of strain C57BL/6J were used: control (C) Juvenile (JE), adult (AE), and double stress JE+AE (DE). Depression-like behaviours were evaluated in the adult period. Nest building test was used to assess motivation and fatigue, the open field test to study exploratory behaviour, and the tail suspension test for learned helplessness. Taken together, the results suggest that male mice behaviours are more affected by adult stress (AE, DE), while female mice behaviours are more affected by juvenile stress (JE, DE). A PCA was performed to integrate the results. It revealed three principal components that account for 64,62% of the variance. The first is related to exploratory behavior, the second to active coping mechanisms and the third is the motivation for basic behaviors. Exploratory behaviour seems to be affected by all types of stress, while motivation is specially hindered in the female DE. Taken together, these results suggest that stress in different developmental periods affects differently male and female mice, with DE females exhibiting more depressive-like behaviours.Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades, Junta de Andalucía P20_00460-Co-financing by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Plan Nacional I+D+I from Spain Grant PID2020-117464RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10. 13039/501100011033 ; ERDF/Junta de Andalucía-Proyectos I+D+I en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 (UMA20-FEDERJA-112). II plan propio de investigación, transferencia y divulgación científica de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Representaciones y estereotipos latinoamericanos en las series españolas de prime time (2014-2017)

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    The present article aims to analyze the representations and projected stereotypes of Latin American characters in Spanish fiction prime-time series (2014-2017). The study will be based on a comparison of the projected image of the Latin American countries in the three major Spanish print media and fictional elements of the actors of the series. Secondly, we will analyze the projected personality traits, based on the cognitive-behavioral theory and non-participant observation, allowing us to remove their psychological profiles. Among the main results and conclusions, it should be noted that the majority of the emerging codes are highly negative connotations, exalting the anti-stereotyping of the Latin American community in Spain

    Representaciones y estereotipos latinoamericanos en las series españolas de prime time (2014-2017)

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    The present article aims to analyze the representations and projected stereotypes of Latin American characters in Spanish fiction prime-time series (2014-2017). The study will be based on a comparison of the projected image of the Latin American countries in the three major Spanish print media and fictional elements of the actors of the series. Secondly, we will analyze the projected personality traits, based on the cognitive-behavioral theory and non-participant observation, allowing us to remove their psychological profiles. Among the main results and conclusions, it should be noted that the majority of the emerging codes are highly negative connotations, exalting the anti-stereotyping of the Latin American community in Spain

    Microglial and neurogenic alterations in hypothalamus due to acute stress

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    This study was supported by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación from Spain (PSI2017-83408-P to Pedraza C.), and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte from Spain (FPU16/05308 to Nieto-Quero A).Microglial cells are an important glial population known to be involved in several biological processes such as stress response. These cells engage an activated state following a stress insult that may lead to nervous tissue damage, including new cell generation impairment. This has been widely studied in regions with notable neurogenesis such as de hippocampus, however, the effect in other regions with fewer yet relevant neurogenesis remains partially unknown. One of them is the hypothalamus, a key vegetative control center playing an important role in stress response. Moreover, most of the stress models studied concern neuroinflammatory and neurogenic changes due to a chronic stressor but not a single stress event. Given the repercussion of these processes alone, it would be interesting to elucidate the relationship between microglial response, hypothalamic neurogenesis, and acute stress. This project focuses on studying acute stressed C57BL/6J mice, both at the histological and molecular level. An intense stressor combining water immersion and movement restriction was performed. Using immunohistochemical and molecular analysis with Luminex, we could analyze microglial distribution and morphology, neurogenesis, and inflammatory environment in the hypothalamic parenchyma (paraventromedial, ventromedial and arcuate nucleus).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech