
The Principles of Gold-Catalyzed Molecular Gymnastics


L'or(I) dirigeix el contorsionisme molecular mitjançant reaccions intramoleculars i intermoleculars d'enins per mitjà d'intermedis ciclopropil o carbens altament distorsionats. La síntesi de productes naturals com (+)-orienalol F i (-)-englerin A mostra l'estat d'art de la catàlisi de l'or(I) per a construir complexitat molecular.Gold(I) orchestrates molecular gymnastics by intraand intermolecular reaction of enymes via highly distorted cyclopropyl gold carbenes as intermediates. The synthesis of natural products such as (+)-orientalol F and (−)-englerin A illustrates the state of the art of gold (I) catalysis for the buildup of molecular complexity

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