471 research outputs found

    Acute lower limb ischemia due to thrombo-embolic arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a)

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    Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a well-documented risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Its role in acute thrombo-embolic occlusions of peripheral arteries is not known. We describe two cases of multiple, acute, peripheral arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a). Both cases had unsatisfactory results after percutaneous and surgical revascularization procedures. Experience yielded in these two cases suggests that when an unfavorable outcome occurs in a peripheral artery disease patient in the absence of the regular risk factors, Lp(a) should be determined and its role investigated

    High-Level Expression of Various Apolipoprotein (a) Isoforms by "Transferrinfection". The Role of Kringle IV Sequences in the Extracellular Association with Low-Density Lipoprotein

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    Characterization of the assembly of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is of fundamental importance to understanding the biosynthesis and metabolism of this atherogenic lipoprotein. Since no established cell lines exist that express Lp(a) or apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], a "transferrinfection" system for apo(a) was developed utilizing adenovirus receptor- and transferrin receptor-mediated DNA uptake into cells. Using this method, different apo(a) cDNA constructions of variable length, due to the presence of 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, or 18 internal kringle IV sequences, were expressed in cos-7 cells or CHO cells. All constructions contained kringle IV-36, which includes the only unpaired cysteine residue (Cys-4057) in apo(a). r-Apo(a) was synthesized as a precursor and secreted as mature apolipoprotein into the medium. When medium containing r-apo(a) with 9, 15, or 18 kringle IV repeats was mixed with normal human plasma LDL, stable complexes formed that had a bouyant density typical of Lp(a). Association was substantially decreased if Cys-4057 on r-apo(a) was replaced by Arg by site-directed mutagenesis or if Cys-4057 was chemically modified. Lack of association was also observed with r-apo(a) containing only 3, 5, or 7 kringle IV repeats without "unique kringle IV sequences", although Cys-4057 was present in all of these constructions. Synthesis and secretion of r-apo(a) was not dependent on its sialic acid content. r-Apo(a) was expressed even more efficiently in sialylation-defective CHO cells than in wild-type CHO cells. In transfected CHO cells defective in the addition of N-acetylglucosamine, apo(a) secretion was found to be decreased by 50%. Extracellular association with LDL was not affected by the carbohydrate moiety of r-apo(a), indicating a protein-protein interaction between r-apo(a) and apoB. These results show that, besides kringle IV-36, other kringle IV sequences are necessary for the extracellular association of r-apo(a) with LDL. Changes in the carbohydrate moiety of apo(a), however, do not affect complex formation

    Natural variability of geochemical conditions, biogeochemical processes and element fluxes in sediments of the CCZ

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    During RV SONNE cruise SO239 in March/April 2015 five sites in the area of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the eastern equatorial Pacific were visited as part of the JPI Oceans pilot action Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining“. Here, we present a comparable study on (1) the redox zonation in the sediments induced by the input flux of organic matter, (2) biogeochemical reactions including the driver of organic matter degradation and (3) diagenetic manganese redistribution and implications for manganese nodule formation

    On mesogranulation, network formation and supergranulation

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    We present arguments which show that in all likelihood mesogranulation is not a true scale of solar convection but the combination of the effects of both highly energetic granules, which give birth to strong positive divergences (SPDs) among which we find exploders, and averaging effects of data processing. The important role played by SPDs in horizontal velocity fields appears in the spectra of these fields where the scale ∌\sim4 Mm is most energetic; we illustrate the effect of averaging with a one-dimensional toy model which shows how two independent non-moving (but evolving) structures can be transformed into a single moving structure when time and space resolution are degraded. The role of SPDs in the formation of the photospheric network is shown by computing the advection of floating corks by the granular flow. The coincidence of the network bright points distribution and that of the corks is remarkable. We conclude with the possibility that supergranulation is not a proper scale of convection but the result of a large-scale instability of the granular flow, which manifests itself through a correlation of the flows generated by SPDs.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Position of High Frequency Waves with Respect to the Granulation Pattern

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    High frequency velocity oscillations were observed in the spectral lines Fe I 543.45nm and 543.29nm, using 2D spectroscopy with a Fabry- Perot and speckle reconstruction, at the VTT in Tenerife. We investigate the radial component of waves with frequencies in the range 8 - 22mHz in the internetwork, network and a pore. We find that the occurrence of waves do not show any preference on location and are equally distributed over down-flows and up-flows, regardless of the activity of the observed area in the line of Fe I 543.45nm. The waves observed in the lower formed line of Fe I 543.29nm seem to appear preferentially over down-flows.Comment: Article has 12 pages and 7 images. It is accepted in Solar Physics Journa

    Diking, young volcanism and diffuse hydrothermal activity on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: The Lilliput field at 9°33'S

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    Detailed exploration with remotely operated and autonomous deep submergence vehicles has revealed, at 9 degrees 33'S, the presence of the southernmost active hydrothermal field known so far on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The size of the hydrothermal field, which we have named "Lilliput", is about 1000 m x 250 m. It lies in a water depth of 1500 m on a ridge segment (Segment A3) with considerably thickened crust of 11 km. Four relatively small diffuse vent sites occur on a large young (estimated <100 years old) lava flow, partly covering the flow with hydrothermal Fe-oxide/hydroxide sediments. Based on homogeneous major element compositions of ca. 25 lava samples, this flow covers an area of at least 5 km x 0.6 km. The lava flow erupted from a series of parallel fissures at the western edge of the flow and a volcanic ridge consisting of up to 30 m high pillow mounds. The volcanic ridge probably represents the surface expression of an underlying dike which fed the flow. Several drained lava pond structures were observed within the flow but only one shows hydrothermal activity. The hydrothermal venting and precipitation of abundant Fe-oxyhydroxides appear to be related to the young diking and eruption event and the four different hydrothermally active sites of the Lilliput field lie along and almost equidistant from the eastern flank of the supposed dike. Although a hydrothermal plume some 500 m above the seafloor was found in two consecutive years (2005 and 2006), no high-temperature venting associated with Lilliput has been found. in agreement with findings at other ridges with thick crust such as Reykjanes. High magma supply rate and frequent diking and eruption events may lead to hot hydrothermal vents being rare in slow-spreading segments with thick crust whereas diffuse venting is abundant. Interestingly, the fauna at the Lilliput vents largely consists of small and apparently juvenile mussels (Bathymodiolus sp.) and did not show any signs of growth during the four years of continuing observations possibly reflecting pulsing hydrothermal activity

    Reconstitution of lipoprotein(a) by infusion of human low density lipoprotein into transgenic mice expressing human apolipoprotein(a)

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    Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) is an atherosclerosis-causing lipoprotein that circulates in human plasma as a complex of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)). It is not known whether apo(a) attaches to LDL within hepatocytes prior to secretion or in plasma subsequent to secretion. Here we describe the development of a line of mice expressing the human apo(a) transgene under the control of the murine transferrin promoter. The apo(a) was secreted into the plasma, but circulated free of lipoproteins. When human (h)-LDL was injected intravenously, the circulating apo(a) rapidly associated with the lipoproteins, as determined by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Human HDL and mouse LDL had no such effect. When h-VLDL was injected, there was a delayed association of apo(a) with the lipoprotein fraction which suggests that apo(a) preferentially associated with a metabolic product of VLDL. The complex of apo(a) with LDL formed both in vivo and in vitro was resistant to boiling in the presence of detergents and denaturants, but was resolved upon disulfide reduction. These studies suggest that apo(a) fails to associate with mouse lipoproteins due to structural differences between human and mouse LDL, and that Lp(a) formation can occur in plasma through the association of apo(a) with circulating LDL

    Natural spatial variability of depositional conditions, biogeochemical processes and element fluxes in sediments of the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean

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    The manganese nodule belt within the Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones (CCZ) in the abyssal NE Pacific Ocean is characterized by numerous seamounts, low organic matter (OM) depositional fluxes and meter-scale oxygen penetration depths (OPD) into the sediment. The region hosts contract areas for the exploration of polymetallic nodules and Areas of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI) as protected areas. In order to assess the impact of potential mining on these deep-sea sediments and ecosystems, a thorough determination of the natural spatial variability of depositional and geochemical conditions as well as biogeochemical processes and element fluxes in the different exploration areas is required. Here, we present a comparative study on (1) sedimentation rates and bioturbation depths, (2) redox zonation of the sediments and element fluxes as well as (3) rates and pathways of biogeochemical reactions at six sites in the eastern CCZ. The sites are located in four European contract areas and in the APEI3. Our results demonstrate that the natural spatial variability of depositional and (bio)geochemical conditions in this deep-sea sedimentary environment is much larger than previously thought. We found that the OPD varies between 1 and 4.5 m, while the sediments at two sites are oxic throughout the sampled interval (7.5 m depth). Below the OPD, manganese and nitrate reduction occur concurrently in the suboxic zone with pore-water Mn2+ concentrations of up to 25 ”M. The thickness of the suboxic zone extends over depth intervals of less than 3 m to more than 8 m. Our data and the applied transport-reaction model suggest that the extension of the oxic and suboxic zones is ultimately determined by the (1) low flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) of 1–2 mg Corg m−2 d−1 to the seafloor, (2) low sedimentation rates between 0.2 and 1.15 cm kyr−1 and (3) oxidation of pore-water Mn2+ at depth. The diagenetic model reveals that aerobic respiration is the main biogeochemical process driving OM degradation. Due to very low POC fluxes of 1 mg Corg m−2 d−1 to the seafloor at the site investigated in the protected APEI3 area, respiration rates are twofold lower than at the other study sites. Thus, the APEI3 site does not represent the (bio)geochemical conditions that prevail in the other investigated sites located in the European contract areas. Lateral variations in surface water productivity are generally reflected in the POC fluxes to the seafloor across the various areas but deviate from this trend at two of the study sites. We suggest that the observed spatial variations in depositional and (bio)geochemical conditions result from differences in the degree of degradation of OM in the water column and heterogeneous sedimentation patterns caused by the interaction of bottom water currents with seafloor topography

    Copper-nickel-rich, amalgamated ferromanganese crust-nodule deposits from Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific

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    A unique set of ferromanganese crusts and nodules collected from Shatsky Rise (SR), NW Pacific, were analyzed for mineralogical and chemical compositions, and dated using Be isotopes and cobalt chronometry. The composition of these midlatitude, deep-water deposits is markedly different from northwest-equatorial Pacific (PCZ) crusts, where most studies have been conducted. Crusts and nodules on SR formed in close proximity and some nodule deposits were cemented and overgrown by crusts, forming amalgamated deposits. The deep-water SR crusts are high in Cu, Li, and Th and low in Co, Te, and Tl concentrations compared to PCZ crusts. Thorium concentrations (ppm) are especially striking with a high of 152 (mean 56), compared to PCZ crusts (mean 11). The deep-water SR crusts show a diagenetic chemical signal, but not a diagenetic mineralogy, which together constrain the redox conditions to early oxic diagenesis. Diagenetic input to crusts is rare, but unequivocal in these deep-water crusts. Copper, Ni, and Li are strongly enriched in SR deep-water deposits, but only in layers older than about 3.4 Ma. Diagenetic reactions in the sediment and dissolution of biogenic calcite in the water column are the likely sources of these metals. The highest concentrations of Li are in crust layers that formed near the calcite compensation depth. The onset of Ni, Cu, and Li enrichment in the middle Miocene and cessation at about 3.4 Ma were accompanied by changes in the deep-water environment, especially composition and flow rates of water masses, and location of the carbonate compensation depth. Key Points - Fe-Mn crusts can have a diagenetic component - Mid-latitude N. Pacific deep-water Fe-Mn crusts are uniquely enriched in Cu, Th, Li - Temporal changes in deep-ocean geochemical processes are recorde
