7,369 research outputs found

    Continuous-flow laboratory simulation of stream water quality changes downstream of an untreated wastewater discharge.

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    In regions of the world with poor provision of wastewater treatment, raw sewage is often discharged directly into surface waters. This paper describes an experimental evaluation of the fate of two organic chemicals under these conditions using an artificial channel cascade fed with a mix of settled sewage and river water at its upstream end and operated under continuous steady-state conditions. The experiments underpin an environmental risk assessment methodology based on the idea of an “impact zone” (IZ) – the zone downstream of wastewater emission in which water quality is severely impaired by high concentrations of unionised ammonia, nitrite and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Radiolabelled dodecane-6-benzene sulphonate (DOBS) and aniline hydrochloride were used as the model chemical and reference compound respectively. Rapid changes in 14C counts were observed with flow-time for both these materials. These changes were most likely to be due to complete mineralisation. A dissipation half-life of approximately 7.1 h was observed for the 14C label with DOBS. The end of the IZ was defined as the point at which the concentration of both unionised ammonia and nitrite fell below their respective predicted no-effect concentrations for salmonids. At these points in the cascade, approximately 83 and 90% of the initial concentration of 14C had been removed from the water column, respectively. A simple model of mineral nitrogen transformations based on Michaelis–Menten kinetics was fitted to observed concentrations of NH4, NO2 and NO3. The cascade is intended to provide a confirmatory methodology for assessing the ecological risks of chemicals under direct discharge co

    Accretion-ejection connection in the young brown dwarf candidate ISO-Cha1 217

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    As the number of observed brown dwarf outflows is growing it is important to investigate how these outflows compare to the well studied jets from young stellar objects. A key point of comparison is the relationship between outflow and accretion activity and in particular the ratio between the mass outflow and accretion rates (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The brown dwarf candidate ISO-ChaI 217 was discovered by our group, as part of a spectro-astrometric study of brown dwarfs, to be driving an asymmetric outflow with the blue-shifted lobe having a position angle of \sim 20^{\circ}. The aim here is to further investigate the properties of ISO-ChaI 217, the morphology and kinematics of its outflow, and to better constrain (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The outflow is spatially resolved in the [SII]λλ6716,6731[SII]\lambda \lambda 6716,6731 lines and is detected out to \sim 1\farcs6 in the blue-shifted lobe and ~ 1" in the red-shifted lobe. The asymmetry between the two lobes is confirmed although the velocity asymmetry is less pronounced with respect to our previous study. Using thirteen different accretion tracers we measure log(M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}) [Msun_{sun}/yr]= -10.6 ±\pm 0.4. As it was not possible to measure the effect of extinction on the ISO-ChaI 217 outflow M˙out\dot{M}_{out} was derived for a range of values of Av_{v}, up to a value of Av_{v} = 2.5 mag estimated for the source extinction. The logarithm of the mass outflow (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}) was estimated in the range -11.7 to -11.1 for both jets combined. Thus M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc} [\Msun/yr] lies below the maximum value predicted by magneto-centrifugal jet launching models. Finally, both model fitting of the Balmer decrements and spectro-astrometric analysis of the Hα\alpha line show that the bulk of the H I emission comes from the accretion flow.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Development and application of a catchment scale pesticide fate and transport model for use in drinking water risk assessment

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    This paper describes the development and application of IMPT (Integrated Model for Pesticide Transport), a parameter-efficient tool for predicting diffuse-source pesticide concentrations in surface waters used for drinking water supply. The model was applied to a small UK headwater catchment with high frequency (8 h) pesticide monitoring data and to five larger catchments (479–1653 km2) with sampling approximately every 14 days. Model performance was good for predictions of both flow (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency generally > 0.59 and PBIAS < 10%) and pesticide concentrations, although low sampling frequency in the larger catchments is likely to mask the true episodic nature of exposure. The computational efficiency of the model, along with the fact that most of its parameters can be derived from existing national soil property data mean that it can be used to rapidly predict pesticide exposure in multiple surface water resources to support operational and strategic risk assessments

    XMM-Newton observation of SNR J0533-7202 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Aims. We present an X-ray study of the supernova remnant SNR J0533-7202 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and determine its physical characteristics based on its X-ray emission. Methods. We observed SNR J0533-7202 with XMM-Newton (flare-filtered exposure times of 18 ks EPIC-pn and 31 ks EPIC-MOS1/MOS2). We produced X-ray images of the SNR, performed an X-ray spectral analysis, and compared the results to multi-wavelength studies. Results. The distribution of X-ray emission is highly non-uniform, with the south-west region brighter than the north-east. The X-ray emission is correlated with the radio emission from the remnant. We determine that this morphology is likely due to the SNR expanding into a non-uniform ambient medium and not an absorption effect. We estimate the size to be 53.9 (\pm 3.4) x 43.6 (\pm 3.4) pc, with the major axis rotated ~64 degrees east of north. We find no spectral signatures of ejecta and infer that the X-ray plasma is dominated by swept-up interstellar medium. Using the spectral fit results and the Sedov self-similar solution, we estimate an age of ~17-27 kyr, with an initial explosion energy of (0.09-0.83) x 10^51 erg. We detected an X-ray source located near the centre of the remnant, namely XMMU J053348.2-720233. The source type could not be conclusively determined due to the lack of a multi-wavelength counterpart and low X-ray counts. We find that it is likely either a background active galactic nucleus or a low-mass X-ray binary in the LMC. Conclusions. We detected bright thermal X-ray emission from SNR J0533-7202 and determined that the remnant is in the Sedov phase of its evolution. The lack of ejecta emission prohibits us from typing the remnant with the X-ray data. Therefore, the likely Type Ia classification based on the local stellar population and star formation history reported in the literature cannot be improved upon.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Population of Short-Period Variable Quasars from PTF as Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates

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    Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) at sub-parsec separations should be common in galactic nuclei, as a result of frequent galaxy mergers. Hydrodynamical simulations of circumbinary discs predict strong periodic modulation of the mass accretion rate on time-scales comparable to the orbital period of the binary. As a result, SMBHBs may be recognized by the periodic modulation of their brightness. We conducted a statistical search for periodic variability in a sample of 35,383 spectroscopically confirmed quasars in the photometric database of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). We analysed Lomb-Scargle periodograms and assessed the significance of our findings by modeling each individual quasar's variability as a damped random walk (DRW). We identified 50 quasars with significant periodicity beyond the DRW model, typically with short periods of a few hundred days. We find 33 of these to remain significant after a re-analysis of their periodograms including additional optical data from the intermediate-PTF and the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS). Assuming that the observed periods correspond to the redshifted orbital periods of SMBHBs, we conclude that our findings are consistent with a population of unequal-mass SMBHBs, with a typical mass ratio as low as q = M2/M1 ~ 0.01.Comment: MNRAS (accepted), new section 4.

    Sensitivity of predicted bioaerosol exposure from open windrow composting facilities to ADMS dispersion model parameters

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    Bioaerosols are released in elevated quantities from composting facilities and are associated with negative health effects, although dose-response relationships are not well understood, and require improved exposure classification. Dispersion modelling has great potential to improve exposure classification, but has not yet been extensively used or validated in this context. We present a sensitivity analysis of the ADMS dispersion model specific to input parameter ranges relevant to bioaerosol emissions from open windrow composting. This analysis provides an aid for model calibration by prioritising parameter adjustment and targeting independent parameter estimation. Results showed that predicted exposure was most sensitive to the wet and dry deposition modules and the majority of parameters relating to emission source characteristics, including pollutant emission velocity, source geometry and source height. This research improves understanding of the accuracy of model input data required to provide more reliable exposure predictions

    A fast stroboscopic spectral method for rotating systems in numerical relativity

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    We present a numerical technique for solving evolution equations, as the wave equation, in the description of rotating astrophysical compact objects in comoving coordinates, which avoids the problems associated with the light cylinder. The technique implements a fast spectral matching between two domains in relative rotation: an inner spherical domain, comoving with the sources and lying strictly inside the light cylinder, and an outer inertial spherical shell. Even though the emphasis is placed on spectral techniques, the matching is independent of the specific manner in which equations are solved inside each domain, and can be adapted to different schemes. We illustrate the strategy with some simple but representative examples.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Models of helically symmetric binary systems

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    Results from helically symmetric scalar field models and first results from a convergent helically symmetric binary neutron star code are reported here; these are models stationary in the rotating frame of a source with constant angular velocity omega. In the scalar field models and the neutron star code, helical symmetry leads to a system of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic character. The scalar field models involve nonlinear terms that mimic nonlinear terms of the Einstein equation. Convergence is strikingly different for different signs of each nonlinear term; it is typically insensitive to the iterative method used; and it improves with an outer boundary in the near zone. In the neutron star code, one has no control on the sign of the source, and convergence has been achieved only for an outer boundary less than approximately 1 wavelength from the source or for a code that imposes helical symmetry only inside a near zone of that size. The inaccuracy of helically symmetric solutions with appropriate boundary conditions should be comparable to the inaccuracy of a waveless formalism that neglects gravitational waves; and the (near zone) solutions we obtain for waveless and helically symmetric BNS codes with the same boundary conditions nearly coincide.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Expanded version of article to be published in Class. Quantum Grav. special issue on Numerical Relativit

    PENGARUH KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM (Studi pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012-2014)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2012 sampai 2014. Variabel yang digunakan adalah Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Return On Asset (ROA), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Firm Size (Ukuran Perusahaan). Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling selama kurun waktu penelitian tahun 2012 sampai 2014. Data diperoleh berdasarkan publikasi Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD 2015). Dan diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 18 perusahaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan persamaan kuadrat terkecil dan uji hipotesis menggunakan t-statistik untuk menguji koefisien regresi parsial serta f-statistik untuk menguji keberartian pengaruh secara bersama-sama dengan level of significance 5%. Selain itu juga dilakukan uji asumsi klasik yang meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, dan uji autokolerasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik keseluruhan data, tidak terjadi penyimpangan asumsi klasik, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa data yang tersedia telah memenuhi syarat untuk menggunakan model persamaan regresi linier berganda. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel independen yang terdiri dari CAR, NPL, ROA, LDR, dan FIRM SIZE tahun 2012-2014 secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham. Adapun secara parsial, variabel ROA berpengaruh signifikan positif. Sedangkan variabel CAR, NPL, LDR dan FIRM SIZE berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap harga saham. Hasil uji R square pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel CAR, NPL, ROA, LDR, dan FIRM SIZE memiliki pengaruh 20,7% terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci : CAR, NPL, ROA, LDR, Firm Size, Harga Saham