154 research outputs found

    The materials production and processing facility at the Spanish National Centre for fusion technologies (TechnoFusión)

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    Proceedings of : The 26th Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26), Porto (Portugal),- 27 september - 1 october 2010.In response to the urgent request from the EU Fusion Program, a new facility (TechnoFusion) for research and development of fusion materials has been planned with support from the Regional Government of Madrid and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. TechnoFusion, the National Centre for Fusion Technologies, aims screening different technologies relevant for ITER and DEMO environments while promoting the contribution of international companies and research groups into the Fusion Programme. For this purpose, the centre will be provided with a large number of unique facilities for the manufacture, testing (a triple-beam multi-ion irradiation, a plasma-wall interaction device, a remote handling for under ionizing radiation testing) and analysis of critical fusion materials. Particularly, the objectives, semi-industrial scale capabilities and present status of the TechnoFusion Materials Production and Processing (MPP) facility are presented. Previous studies revealed that the MPP facility will be a very promising infrastructure for the development of new materials and prototypes demanded by the fusion technology and therefore some of them will be here briefly summarized.This work has been supported by Madrid Community through the project TECHNOFUSION (S2009/ENE/1679).Publicad

    Impact of Early Intrapatient Variability of Tacrolimus Concentrations on the Risk of Graft-Versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Using High-Dose Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide

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    Tacrolimus (Tac) is a pivotal immunosuppressant agent used to prevent graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT). Tac is characterized by a narrow therapeutic window and a high inter-patient and intra-patient pharmacokinetic variability (IPV). Although high IPV of Tac concentrations has been associated with adverse post-transplant outcomes following solid organ transplantation, the effects of Tac IPV on alloHSCT recipients have not been determined. Tac IPV was therefore retrospectively evaluated in 128 alloHSCT recipients receiving high-dose post-transplant cyclophosphamide (PTCy) and the effects of Tac IPV on the occurrence of acute GVHD (aGVHD) were analyzed. Tac IPV was calculated from pre-dose concentrations (C0) measured during the first month after Tac initiation. The cumulative rates of grades II-IV and grades III-IV aGVHD at day +100 were 22.7% and 7%, respectively. Higher Tac IPV was associated with a greater risk of developing GVHD, with patients having IPV > 50th percentile having significantly higher rates of grades II-IV (34.9% vs. 10.8%; hazard ratio [HR] 3.858, p < 0.001) and grades III-IV (12.7% vs. 1.5%; HR 9.69, p = 0.033) aGVHD than patients having IPV ? 50th percentile. Similarly, patients with IPV > 75th percentile had higher rates of grades II-IV (41.9% vs. 16.5%; HR 3.30, p < 0.001) and grades III-IV (16.1% vs. 4.1%; HR 4.99, p = 0.012) aGVHD than patients with IPV ? 75th percentile. Multivariate analyses showed that high Tac IPV (>50th percentile) was an independent risk factor for grades II-IV (HR 2.99, p = 0.018) and grades III-IV (HR 9.12, p = 0.047) aGVHD. Determination of Tac IPV soon after alloHSCT could be useful in identifying patients at greater risk of aGVHD

    Beyond faith: Biomolecular evidence for changing urban economies in multi‐faith medieval Portugal

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    During the Middle Ages, Portugal witnessed unprecedented socioeconomic and religious changes under transitioning religious political rule. The implications of changing ruling powers for urban food systems and individual diets in medieval Portugal is poorly understood. This study aimed to elucidate the dietary impact of the Islamic and Christian conquests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FAP- Anion Ionic Liquids Used in the Lubrication of a Steel–Steel Contact

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    This study compares the tribological behavior of two ionic liquids ([BMP][FAP] and [(NEMM)MOE][FAP]) used as oil additive for the lubrication of a steel–steel contact. Friction and wear experiments were performed using a HFRR test machine. Friction coefficient and electrical contact resistance were measured during the tests, and the wear surface was analyzed by confocal microscopy and XPS. The tribological results showed that both ionic liquids used as additive decrease friction and wear but the [BMP][FAP] had a better performance than the [(NEMM)MOE][FAP] due to its higher reactivity with the steel

    Breast cancer Multiple cycles of dose-intensive chemotherapy with repeated stem cell support as induction treatment in metastatic breast cancer: a feasibility study

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    Summary: The purpose of this trial was to study feasibility and tolerance of a dose-intensive multicyclic alternating induction chemotherapy with repeated stem cell support in a series of 43 metastatic breast cancer patients. ades. Extensive literature reviews by Hryniuk et al 1,2 have found dose intensity to be correlated with response rate and survival. This effect has been considered in the rationale of many clinical trials that attempted to improve long-term survival in metastatic BC by delivering single courses of high-dose chemotherapy (HDC). Despite some promising data derived from phase II trials, results of the randomized studies published thus far have failed to show a sound clinical benefit for single autografts. 8 Multicyclic treatment schemes appear to take advantage of the inherent time-dependant responsiveness of most cancer tissues. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell infusions have been extensively used to support single courses of HDC. Nonetheless, their possible use in programs of multicyclic non-myeloablative dose-intense chemotherapy has been little explored. Materials and methods Women with histologically proven metastatic BC were evaluated for study entry. An ECOG performance status of 0-1, age less than 65 years, and no evidence of cardiac, pulmonary, liver or renal impairment were required. All patients gave written informed consent according to institutional policy before entering the study. Patients presenting with brain metastases, leptomeningeal disease, or bone marrow involvement, as well as patients previousl

    Hsp90 orchestrates transcriptional regulation by Hsf1 and cell wall remodelling by MAPK signalling during thermal adaptation in a pathogenic yeast

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    Acknowledgments We thank Rebecca Shapiro for creating CaLC1819, CaLC1855 and CaLC1875, Gillian Milne for help with EM, Aaron Mitchell for generously providing the transposon insertion mutant library, Jesus Pla for generously providing the hog1 hst7 mutant, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Shells and humans: molluscs and other coastal resources from the earliest human occupations at the Mesolithic shell midden of El Mazo (Asturias, Northern Spain)

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    Human populations exploited coastal areas with intensity during the Mesolithic in Atlantic Europe, resulting in the accumulation of large shell middens. Northern Spain is one of the most prolific regions, and especially the so-called Asturian area. Large accumulations of shellfish led some scholars to propose the existence of intensification in the exploitation of coastal resources in the region during the Mesolithic. In this paper, shell remains (molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms) from stratigraphic units 114 and 115 (dated to the early Mesolithic c. 9 kys cal BP) at El Mazo cave (Asturias, northern Spain) were studied in order to establish resource exploitation patterns and environmental conditions. Species representation showed that limpets, top shells and sea urchins were preferentially exploited. One-millimetre mesh screens were crucial in establishing an accurate minimum number of individuals for sea urchins and to determine their importance in exploitation patterns. Environmental conditions deduced from shell assemblages indicated that temperate conditions prevailed at the time of the occupation and the morphology of the coastline was similar to today (rocky exposed shores). Information recovered relating to species representation, collection areas and shell biometry reflected some evidence of intensification (reduced shell size, collection in lower areas of exposed shores, no size selection in some units and species) in the exploitation of coastal resources through time. However, the results suggested the existence of changes in collection strategies and resource management, and periods of intense shell collection may have alternated with times of shell stock recovery throughout the Mesolithic.This research was performed as part of the project “The human response to the global climatic change in a littoral zone: the case of the transition to the Holocene in the Cantabrian coast (10,000–5000 cal BC) (HAR2010-22115-C02-01)” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. AGE was funded by the University of Cantabria through a predoctoral grant and IGZ was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through a Juan de la Cierva grant. We also would like to thank the University of Cantabria and the IIIPC for providing support, David Cuenca-Solana, Alejandro García Moreno and Lucia Agudo Pérez for their help. We also thank Jennifer Jones for correcting the English. Comments from two anonymous reviewers helped to improve the paper

    Functional foods. Reflexions of a scientist regarding a market in expansion

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    The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) decidió en 2006 impulsar el estudio en América Latina de los nutracéuticos como una oportunidad científica y de interés comercial para toda la comunidad. La inciativa, impulsada por el Subcommittee on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Development de la IUPAC, presidido por C.R. Ganellin, ha permitido unir esfuerzos de investigadores de América Latina. El proyecto se ha realizado con una presentación general del tema, que se corresponde con este trabajo, al que seguirá inmediatamente una publicación acerca de la situación concreta en diferentes países de la región. El trabajo se presenta de forma simultánea en distintas revistas de manera que se facilite el acceso a él y su siguiente discusión por parte de los interesados, en un intento de crear un clima de interés por el tema sobre la base de la investigación de conocimientos tradicionales y experiencias científicas que permitan la innovación en beneficio de todos, muy especialmente, de las sociedades productoras, así como de las personas que precisen de los compuesto

    Guidelines for delineation of lymphatic clinical target volumes for high conformal radiotherapy: head and neck region

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    The success of radiotherapy depends on the accurate delineation of the clinical target volume. The delineation of the lymph node regions has most impact, especially for tumors in the head and neck region. The purpose of this article was the development an atlas for the delineation of the clinical target volume for patients, who should receive radiotherapy for a tumor of the head and neck region. Literature was reviewed for localisations of the adjacent lymph node regions and their lymph drain in dependence of the tumor entity. On this basis the lymph node regions were contoured on transversal CT slices. The probability for involvement was reviewed and a recommendation for the delineation of the CTV was generated