554 research outputs found

    Differences in the nonverbal requests of Great Apes and human infants

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    This study investigated how great apes and human infants use imperative pointing to request objects. In a series of three experiments (infants, N = 44; apes, N = 12), subjects were given the opportunity to either point to a desired object from a distance or else to approach closer and request it proximally. The apes always approached close to the object, signaling their request through instrumental actions. In contrast, the infants quite often stayed at a distance, directing the experimenters' attention to the desired object through index-finger pointing, even when the object was in the open and they could obtain it by themselves. Findings distinguish 12-month-olds' imperative pointing from ontogenetic and phylogenetic earlier forms of ritualized reaching


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    The article presents main issues concerning palliative and hospice care to incurable patients that were discussed at the regional scientific-practical conference within the preparation for the anniversary of the educational institution.У статті наведено основні питання, що розглядались на регіональній науково-практичній конференції в рамках підготовки до ювілею навчального закладу стосовно паліативної та хоспісної допомоги інкурабельним хворим

    Bacterial pore-forming toxins: The (w)hole story?

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    Abstract.: Pore-forming toxins (PFTs) are the most common class of bacterial protein toxins and constitute important bacterial virulence factors. The mode of action of PFT is starting to be better understood. In contrast, little is known about the cellular response to this threat. Recent studies reveal that cells do not just swell and lyse, but are able to sense and react to pore formation, mount a defense, even repair the damaged membrane and thus survive. These responses involve a variety of signal-transduction pathways and sophisticated cellular mechanisms such as the pathway regulating lipid metabolism. In this review we discuss the different classes of bacterial PFTs and their modes of action, and provide examples of how the different bacteria use PFTs. Finally, we address the more recent field dealing with the eukaryotic cell response to PFT-induced damag

    Bedrijfsgebonden dierziekten op varkens-, rundvee- en pluimveebedrijven

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    In deze rapportage is een inventarisatie en prioritering van bedrijfsgebonden aandoeningen in de rundvee- varkens- en pluimveesector uitgewerkt. Deze kunnen de overheid en veehouderijsectoren een handvat geven voor een nadere invulling van haar Nationale Agenda Diergezondheid en behulpzaam zijn bij het formuleren van additioneel beleid. Bovendien geven ze aanwijzingen waar met nieuwe inspanningen winst kan worden geboekt bij bedrijfsgebonden diergezondheidsproblemen

    Dual chaperone role of the c-terminal propeptide in folding and oligomerization of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin

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    Throughout evolution, one of the most ancient forms of aggression between cells or organisms has been the production of proteins or peptides affecting the permeability of the target cell membrane. This class of virulence factors includes the largest family of bacterial toxins, the pore-forming toxins (PFTs). PFTs are bistable structures that can exist in a soluble and a transmembrane state. It is unclear what drives biosynthetic folding towards the soluble state, a requirement that is essential to protect the PFT-producing cell. Here we have investigated the folding of aerolysin, produced by the human pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, and more specifically the role of the C-terminal propeptide (CTP). By combining the predictive power of computational techniques with experimental validation using both structural and functional approaches, we show that the CTP prevents aggregation during biosynthetic folding. We identified specific residues that mediate binding of the CTP to the toxin. We show that the CTP is crucial for the control of the aerolysin activity, since it protects individual subunits from aggregation within the bacterium and later controls assembly of the quaternary pore-forming complex at the surface of the target host cell. The CTP is the first example of a C-terminal chain-linked chaperone with dual function

    Trainee-environment interactions that stimulate motivation:A rich pictures study

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    Staying motivated when working and learning in complex workplaces can be challenging. When complex environments exceed trainees' aptitude, this may reduce feelings of competence, which can hamper motivation. Motivation theories explain how intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects influence motivation. Clinical environments include additional aspects that may not fit into these theories. We used a systems approach to explore how the clinical environment influences trainees' motivation and how they are intertwined. We employed the rich pictures drawing method as a visual tool to capture the complexities of the clinical environment. A total of 15 trainees drew a rich picture representing a motivating situation in the workplace and were interviewed afterwards. Data collection and analysis were performed iteratively, following a constructivist grounded theory approach, using open, focused and selective coding strategies as well as memo writing. Both drawings and the interviews were used to reach our results. Trainees drew situations pertaining to tasks they enjoyed doing and that mattered for their learning or patient care. Four dimensions of the environment were identified that supported trainees' motivation. First, social interactions, including interpersonal relationships, supported motivation through close collaboration between health care professionals and trainees. Second, organisational features, including processes and procedures, supported motivation when learning opportunities were provided or trainees were able to influence their work schedule. Third, technical possibilities, including tools and artefacts, supported motivation when tools were used to provide trainees with feedback or trainees used specific instruments in their training. Finally, physical space supported motivation when the actual setting improved the atmosphere or trainees were able to modify the environment to help them focus. Different clinical environment dimensions can support motivation and be modified to create optimal motivating situations. To understand motivational dynamics and support trainees to navigate through postgraduate medical education, we need to take all clinical environment dimensions into account54324225

    Leukocyte migration in experimental inflammatory bowel disease

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    Emigration of leukocytes from the circulation into tissue by transendothelial migration, is mediated subsequently by adhesion molecules such as selectins, chemokines and integrins. This multistep paradigm, with multiple molecular choices at each step, provides a diversity in signals. The influx of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes into inflamed tissue is important in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The importance of each of these groups of adhesion molecules in chronic inflammatory bowel disease, either in human disease or in animal models, will be discussed below. Furthermore, the possibilities of blocking these different steps in the process of leukocyte extravasation in an attempt to prevent further tissue damage, will be taken into account