68 research outputs found

    Phenolic profiles, antioxidant activity and in vitro antiviral properties of apple pomace

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    Methanolic and acetonic extracts of apple pomace were evaluated for phenolic profiles, antioxidant properties and antiviral effect against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2). Acetone extraction yielded the higher amounts of phenolic compounds. The extraction method influenced the phenolic composition although antioxidant activity correlated weakly with phenols concentration. Among the polyphenols analysed, quercetin glycosides were the most important family, followed by dihydrochalcones. Apple pomace extracts were able to inhibit both HSV-1 and HSV-2 replication in Vero cells by more than 50%, at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Selectivity indexes (SI) ranged from 9.5 to 12.2

    Detección de alérgenos de cacahuete mediante un sensor de ADN

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    In the present work an electrochemical genosensor for detecting a DNA segment encoding part of the allergenic protein peanut Ara h 2 is proposed. Genosensors is based on a sandwich assay format, the analyte hybridized with two base sequences, one immobilized onto a screen printed gold electrode, forming a self-assembled monolayer. The optimization of the device was performed using Response Surface Methodology. The maximum response was found to be 1 µM of capture probe concentration and 2,5 mM of blocking agent concentration.En el presente trabajo se propone un genosensor electroquímico para la detección de un segmento de ADN que codifica parte de la proteína alergénica Ara h 2 del cacahuete. El genosensor se basa en un ensayo tipo sándwich, el analito hibrida con dos secuencias de bases, una de ellas inmovilizada sobre un electrodo de oro serigrafiado, formando una monocapa autoensamblada. La optimización del dispositivo se realizó utilizando la metodología de Superficies de Respuesta. La máxima respuesta se encontró para concentraciones de sonda de captura y agente bloqueante, 1 μM y 2,5 mM respectivamente

    Monitoring Antibiotic Comsumption in the Surgery and Orthopaedics

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    A monitorização do consumo de antimicrobianos é um instrumento de interesse indiscutível e tem merecido uma atenção particular nos últimos anos, devido às crescentes preocupações com a emergência de estirpes microbianas multi-resistentes. Os objectivos do presente estudo consistiram, por um lado, na monitorização do consumo e na avaliação do impacto económico da prescrição hospitalar de antimicrobianos, em serviços de cirurgia e ortopedia. Por outro lado, pretendeu-se estudar e a relação indicação-prescrição terapêutica e profilática. Tendo presentes estes objectivos realizou-se um estudo-piloto longitudinal, com recolha de dados durante o mês de Maio de 2004, em seis Hospitais SA, incidindo numa amostra total de 1.122 doentes internados. Verificámos uma taxa de incidência de prescrição de 76,9%, com dispensa de 1.154 antimicrobianos, dos quais 71,2% se destinaram, em média, à profilaxia da infecção pós-cirúrgica, atestando a adesão geral à prática da profilaxia da infecção no local cirúrgico. O custo médio da antibioterapia foi mais elevado nos casos de “suspeita de infecção” (€9,09) ou “infecção declarada” (€8,74) e mais baixo quando utilizados para “profilaxia” (€5,67), facto relacionado com a menor duração média dos episódios de profilaxia. Os regimes de profilaxia utilizados apresentaram variações consideráveis entre os diferentes hospitais no que respeita ao tipo de antibiótico utilizado e uma duração média de 2,61 dias, com cerca de metade dos episódios de profilaxia prolongando-se por mais de 24 horas, sugerindo uma implementação insuficiente das actuais recomendações quanto ao tipo de fármaco a utilizar para esta prática, o que aponta para o necessidade duma avaliação da existência nas unidades hospitalares, de recomendações claras para a profilaxia da infecção do local cirúrgico, bem como da adesão dos clínicos a estas

    Prevalence of disability in a composite ≥75 year-old population in Spain: A screening survey based on the International Classification of Functioning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence and predictors of functional status and disability of elderly people have been studied in several European countries including Spain. However, there has been no population-based study incorporating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework as the basis for assessing disability. The present study reports prevalence rates for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability by the domains of activities and participation of the ICF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nine populations surveyed in previous prevalence studies contributed probabilistic and geographically defined samples in June 2005. The study sample was composed of 503 subjects aged ≥75 years. We implemented a two-phase screening design using the MMSE and the World Health Organization-Disability Assessment Schedule 2<sup>nd </sup>edition (WHO-DAS II, 12 items) as cognitive and disability screening tools, respectively. Participants scoring within the positive range of the disability screening were administered the full WHO-DAS II (36 items; score range: 0-100) assessing the following areas: Understanding and communication, Getting along with people, Life activities, Getting around, Participation in society, and Self-care. Each disability area assessed by WHO-DAS II (36 items) was reported according to the ICF severity ranges (No problem, 0-4; Mild disability, 5-24; Moderate disability, 25-49; Severe/Extreme disability, 50-100).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The age-adjusted disability prevalence figures were: 39.17 ± 2.18%, 15.31 ± 1.61%, and 10.14 ± 1.35% for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability, respectively. Severe and extreme disability prevalence in mobility and life activities was three times higher than the average, and highest among women. Sex variations were minimal, although life activities for women of 85 years and over had more severe/extreme disability as compared to men (OR = 5.15 95% CI 3.19-8.32).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Disability is highly prevalent among the Spanish elderly. Sex- and age-specific variations of disability are associated with particular disability domains.</p

    Peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase in long-term frozen stored papaya slices. Differences among hermaphrodite and female fruits.

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    The effects of freezing and frozen storage on hermaphrodite and female papayas (cv Sunrise, solo group) polyphenol oxidase (EC; PPO) and peroxidase (EC; POD) were evaluated. The freezing process produces a significant increase in both enzymatic activities (22–11%, PPO and 13%, POD) depending on the kind of papaya fruit. During frozen storage, the soluble PPO activity shows a continuous increase up to 9 months of storage only in hermaphrodite tissues. This same sample also showed a significant activation of soluble POD at 3 months of storage. Female frozen samples maintained a continuous decrease in soluble POD activity during storage, while PPO activity showed some increase up to 12 months. Isoenzyme pattern of PPO in freshly frozen papaya tissues showed an intensification of the most cationic forms, D and E (Rf=0·55 and Rf=0·64, respectively) and a disappearance of band B (Rf=0·28). This band B was not regenerated during frozen storage. However, female tissues only showed a continuous inactivation of bands D and E through storage. POD isoenzyme pattern showed different changes depending on the kind of papaya fruit. In both frozen papayas a new isoenzyme (Rf=0·39) form appeared at three months of storage. From this date, hermaphrodite frozen samples lost this isoenzyme together with original the most anionic POD form (Rf=0·58), increasing the intensity of the only remaining form (Rf=0·24). © 1998 SCI.Peer Reviewe