1,867 research outputs found

    Qubits entanglement dynamics modified by an effective atomic environment

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    We study entanglement dynamics of a couple of two-level atoms resonantly interacting with a cavity mode and embedded in a dispersive atomic environment. We show that in the absence of the environment the entanglement reaches its maximum value when only one exitation is involved. Then, we find that the atomic environment modifies that entanglement dynamics and induces a typical collapse-revival structure even for an initial one photon Fock state of the field.Comment: eight pages, two figure include

    Decoherence assisting a measurement-driven quantum evolution process

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    We study the problem of driving an unknown initial mixed quantum state onto a known pure state without using unitary transformations. This can be achieved, in an efficient manner, with the help of sequential measurements on at least two unbiased bases. However here we found that, when the system is affected by a decoherence mechanism, only one observable is required in order to achieve the same goal. In this way the decoherence can assist the process. We show that, depending on the sort of decoherence, the process can converge faster or slower than the method implemented by means of two complementary observables.Comment: Four pages, three figures included ([email protected]

    Scaling law for the transient behavior of type-II neuron models

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    We study the transient regime of type-II biophysical neuron models and determine the scaling behavior of relaxation times τ\tau near but below the repetitive firing critical current, τC(IcI)Δ\tau \simeq C (I_c-I)^{-\Delta}. For both the Hodgkin-Huxley and Morris-Lecar models we find that the critical exponent is independent of the numerical integration time step and that both systems belong to the same universality class, with Δ=1/2\Delta = 1/2. For appropriately chosen parameters, the FitzHugh-Nagumo model presents the same generic transient behavior, but the critical region is significantly smaller. We propose an experiment that may reveal nontrivial critical exponents in the squid axon.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Variations of the Vocal Fold Epithelium in a Menopause Induced Model

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    During menopause, changes occur in the laryngeal structures that have implications for the voice. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of induced menopause on the morphological parameters of the vocal fold mucosa in rats. Ten adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were used as samples and divided into two groups: 5 were surgically oophorectomized (OVX), and 5 underwent a surgical procedure similar to oophorectomy but without removal of the ovaries (SHAM). After 30 days surgery, the characteristics of the epithelium that forms the vocal fold mucosa in terms of cellular arrangement and organization of the epithelium were observed. Through the Morphometrics XS software, the epithelial height and the number and density of cellular layers were determined. Our results indicate that there were alterations in the number of cell layers that constitute the epithelium, as well as features, such as cellular cohesion and increased extracellular matrix. The number of cell layers was significantly higher (p<0.01) in the SHAM group with 6.66 (SD 1.07), whereas in the OVX was 3.2 (SD 0.83). The average thickness of the epithelium was 534.71 mm (SD 119.89), whereas in the SHAM group was 486.84 mm (SD 82.95); these differences were not statistically significant (p = 0.112). Changes in the characteristics of the epithelium covering the vocal folds can be related to clinical abnormalities, such as reduced voice quality and degeneration of the vocal folds in postmenopausal women

    Co-dynamics of Symbiodiniaceae and bacterial populations during the first year of symbiosis with Acropora tenuis juveniles

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    MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Interactions between corals and their associated microbial communities (Symbiodiniaceae and prokaryotes) are key to understanding corals' potential for and rate of acclimatory and adaptive responses. However, the establishment of microalgal and bacterial communities is poorly understood during coral ontogeny in the wild. We examined the establishment and co-occurrence between multiple microbial communities using 16S rRNA (bacterial) and ITS2 rDNA (Symbiodiniaceae) gene amplicon sequencing in juveniles of the common coral, Acropora tenuis, across the first year of development. Symbiodiniaceae communities in juveniles were dominated by Durusdinium trenchii and glynnii (D1 and D1a), with lower abundances of Cladocopium (C1, C1d, C50, and Cspc). Bacterial communities were more diverse and dominated by taxa within Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Planctomycetes. Both communities were characterized by significant changes in relative abundance and diversity of taxa throughout the year. D1, D1a, and C1 were significantly correlated with multiple bacterial taxa, including Alpha-, Deltra-, and Gammaproteobacteria, Planctomycetacia, Oxyphotobacteria, Phycisphaerae, and Rhizobiales. Specifically, D1a tended to associate with Oxyphotobacteria and D1 with Alphaproteobacteria, although these associations may represent correlational and not causal relationships. Bioenergetic modeling combined with physiological measurements of coral juveniles (surface area and Symbiodiniaceae cell densities) identified key periods of carbon limitation and nitrogen assimilation, potentially coinciding with shifts in microbial community composition. These results demonstrate that Symbiodiniaceae and bacterial communities are dynamic throughout the first year of ontology and may vary in tandem, with important fitness effects on host juveniles

    Infering Air Quality from Traffic Data using Transferable Neural Network Models

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    This work presents a neural network based model for inferring air quality from traffic measurements. It is important to obtain information on air quality in urban environments in order to meet legislative and policy requirements. Measurement equipment tends to be expensive to purchase and maintain. Therefore, a model based approach capable of accurate determination of pollution levels is highly beneficial. The objective of this study was to develop a neural network model to accurately infer pollution levels from existing data sources in Leicester, UK. Neural Networks are models made of several highly interconnected processing elements. These elements process information by their dynamic state response to inputs. Problems which were not solvable by traditional algorithmic approaches frequently can be solved using neural networks. This paper shows that using a simple neural network with traffic and meteorological data as inputs, the air quality can be estimated with a good level of generalisation and in near real-time. By applying these models to links rather than nodes, this methodology can directly be used to inform traffic engineers and direct traffic management decisions towards enhancing local air quality and traffic management simultaneously.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Energy Conservation in an Internet Routing of a Packet Delivery by Routing Algebra

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    We rather pick a hop-by-hop approach. Such an approach is appropriate for the systems without MPLS conveyed. All the more particularly, every router can independently figure next hops, the same as what they do in Dijkstra today. We would then be able to effectively join the routing algorithm into the OSPF protocol. We initially build up a power demonstrate and approve the model utilizing genuine examinations in business routers. We at that point create standards and a benchmark hop-by-hop green routing algorithm that ensures circle free directing. The algorithm takes after the generally known steering variable based math with isotonic property. We additionally build up a propelled algorithm that generously enhances the pattern algorithm in energy preservation. We likewise build up an algorithm that simultaneously considers energy protection and way extend. We assess our algorithm utilizing thorough reproductions on manufactured and genuine topologies and activity traces

    miR-28 regulates the germinal center reaction and blocks tumor growth in preclinical models of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma comprises a variety of neoplasms, many of which arise from germinal center (GC)-experienced B cells. microRNA-28 (miR-28) is a GC-specific miRNA whose expression is lost in numerous mature B-cell neoplasms. Here we show that miR-28 regulates the GC reaction in primary B cells by impairing class switch recombination and memory B and plasma cell differentiation. Deep quantitative proteomics combined with transcriptome analysis identified miR-28 targets involved in cell-cycle and B-cell receptor signaling. Accordingly, we found that miR-28 expression diminished proliferation in primary and lymphoma cells in vitro. Importantly, miR-28 reexpression in human Burkitt (BL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) xenografts blocked tumor growth, both when delivered in viral vectors or as synthetic, clinically amenable, molecules. Further, the antitumoral effect of miR-28 is conserved in a primary murine in vivo model of BL. Thus, miR-28 replacement is uncovered as a novel therapeutic strategy for DLBCL and BL treatment.This work was supported by a Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad's research training program (Formacion de Personal Investigador [FPI]) fellowship (N.B.-I.); the Ramon y Cajal program (RYC-2009-04503) funded by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte and the European Research Council Proof of Concept program (HEAL-BY-MIRNA 713728) (V.G.d.Y.); the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovaculares (CNIC) (A.F.A.-P., S.M.M., A.R.R.); the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2010-21394, SAF2013-42767-R), the European Research Council Starting Grant program (BCLYM-207844), and Proof of Concept program (HEAL-BY-MIRNA 713728) (A.R.R.); the People Programme-Marie Curie Actions (FP7-PIIF-2012-328177), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; SAF2013-45787-R), and Gobierno de Navarra (GN-106/2014) (S.R.); and the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BIO2012-37926 and BIO2015-67580-P), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria [FIS] grants PRB2 [IPT13/0001, Proteo-Red], the Fundacion La Marato TV3, and Redes tematicas de investigacion cooperativa en salud [RETICS] [RD12/0042/00056, RIC]) (J.V.). This work has been cofunded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) funds. The CNIC is supported by the and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015-0505).S