1,828 research outputs found

    Foot-operated cell-counter

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    Cell-counter for cell indices consists of a footboard with four pressure sensitive switches and an enclosure for the components and circuitry. This device increases the operators efficiency by reducing the number of required hand movements

    On entanglement evolution across defects in critical chains

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    We consider a local quench where two free-fermion half-chains are coupled via a defect. We show that the logarithmic increase of the entanglement entropy is governed by the same effective central charge which appears in the ground-state properties and which is known exactly. For unequal initial filling of the half-chains, we determine the linear increase of the entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, reference adde

    Entanglement in the XX spin chain with an energy current

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    We consider the ground state of the XX chain that is constrained to carry a current of energy. The von Neumann entropy of a block of LL neighboring spins, describing entanglement of the block with the rest of the chain, is computed. Recent calculations have revealed that the entropy in the XX model diverges logarithmically with the size of the subsystem. We show that the presence of the energy current increases the prefactor of the logarithmic growth. This result indicates that the emergence of the energy current gives rise to an increase of entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting many-body entanglements in noninteracting ultracold atomic fermi gases

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    We explore the possibility of detecting many-body entanglement using time-of-flight (TOF) momentum correlations in ultracold atomic fermi gases. In analogy to the vacuum correlations responsible for Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy, a partitioned atomic gas will exhibit particle-hole correlations responsible for entanglement entropy. The signature of these momentum correlations might be detected by a sensitive TOF type experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, fixed axes labels on figs. 3 and 5, added reference

    Observations Outside the Light-Cone: Algorithms for Non-Equilibrium and Thermal States

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    We apply algorithms based on Lieb-Robinson bounds to simulate time-dependent and thermal quantities in quantum systems. For time-dependent systems, we modify a previous mapping to quantum circuits to significantly reduce the computer resources required. This modification is based on a principle of "observing" the system outside the light-cone. We apply this method to study spin relaxation in systems started out of equilibrium with initial conditions that give rise to very rapid entanglement growth. We also show that it is possible to approximate time evolution under a local Hamiltonian by a quantum circuit whose light-cone naturally matches the Lieb-Robinson velocity. Asymptotically, these modified methods allow a doubling of the system size that one can obtain compared to direct simulation. We then consider a different problem of thermal properties of disordered spin chains and use quantum belief propagation to average over different configurations. We test this algorithm on one dimensional systems with mixed ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic bonds, where we can compare to quantum Monte Carlo, and then we apply it to the study of disordered, frustrated spin systems.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure


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    Hazards to marine and estuarine fauna associated with offshore drilling of oil and with transport of large quantities of oils via tankers are numerous and understandable. At present, there is a growing body of evidence on adverse effects to these organisms of crude oil (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) and chemical oil counteracting agents or dispersants (5) (6) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17). These effects are well summarized by Smith (18) and by Carthy and Arthur (19). Comparatively few workers have studied the influence of oil-dispersant mixtures of marine life. Studies by Rosenthal and Gunkel (20) and Kuhl and Mann (5) have led them to conclude that crude oils are less toxic than oil-dispersant mixtures. Spooner (9) states that work with dispersants and oil together is important, but the varying toxicities of the oils and their mechanical awkwardness in biological experiments makes it difficult to standardize such work and to compare it with that of others

    Liquidity and the multiscaling properties of the volume traded on the stock market

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    We investigate the correlation properties of transaction data from the New York Stock Exchange. The trading activity f(t) of each stock displays a crossover from weaker to stronger correlations at time scales 60-390 minutes. In both regimes, the Hurst exponent H depends logarithmically on the liquidity of the stock, measured by the mean traded value per minute. All multiscaling exponents tau(q) display a similar liquidity dependence, which clearly indicates the lack of a universal form assumed by other studies. The origin of this behavior is both the long memory in the frequency and the size of consecutive transactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Time Evolution within a Comoving Window: Scaling of signal fronts and magnetization plateaus after a local quench in quantum spin chains

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    We present a modification of Matrix Product State time evolution to simulate the propagation of signal fronts on infinite one-dimensional systems. We restrict the calculation to a window moving along with a signal, which by the Lieb-Robinson bound is contained within a light cone. Signal fronts can be studied unperturbed and with high precision for much longer times than on finite systems. Entanglement inside the window is naturally small, greatly lowering computational effort. We investigate the time evolution of the transverse field Ising (TFI) model and of the S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet in their symmetry broken phases after several different local quantum quenches. In both models, we observe distinct magnetization plateaus at the signal front for very large times, resembling those previously observed for the particle density of tight binding (TB) fermions. We show that the normalized difference to the magnetization of the ground state exhibits similar scaling behaviour as the density of TB fermions. In the XXZ model there is an additional internal structure of the signal front due to pairing, and wider plateaus with tight binding scaling exponents for the normalized excess magnetization. We also observe parameter dependent interaction effects between individual plateaus, resulting in a slight spatial compression of the plateau widths. In the TFI model, we additionally find that for an initial Jordan-Wigner domain wall state, the complete time evolution of the normalized excess longitudinal magnetization agrees exactly with the particle density of TB fermions.Comment: 10 pages with 5 figures. Appendix with 23 pages, 13 figures and 4 tables. Largely extended and improved versio

    Stochastic exclusion processes versus coherent transport

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    Stochastic exclusion processes play an integral role in the physics of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. These models are Markovian processes, described by a classical master equation. In this paper a quantum mechanical version of a stochastic hopping process in one dimension is formulated in terms of a quantum master equation. This allows the investigation of coherent and stochastic evolution in the same formal framework. The focus lies on the non-equilibrium steady state. Two stochastic model systems are considered, the totally asymmetric exclusion process and the fully symmetric exclusion process. The steady state transport properties of these models is compared to the case with additional coherent evolution, generated by the XXXX-Hamiltonian

    Edwards-Wilkinson surface over a spherical substrate: 1/f1/f noise in the height fluctuations

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    We study the steady state fluctuations of an Edwards-Wilkinson type surface with the substrate taken to be a sphere. We show that the height fluctuations on circles at a given latitude has the effective action of a perfect Gaussian 1/f1/f noise, just as in the case of fixed radius circles on an infinite planar substrate. The effective surface tension, which is the overall coefficient of the action, does not depend on the latitude angle of the circles.Comment: 6 page
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