2,099 research outputs found

    Kepler Cycle 1 Observations of Low Mass Stars: New Eclipsing Binaries, Single Star Rotation Rates, and the Nature and Frequency of Starspots

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    We have analyzed Kepler light curves for 849 stars with T_eff < 5200 K from our Cycle 1 Guest Observer program. We identify six new eclipsing binaries, one of which has an orbital period of 29.91 d, and two of which are probably W UMa variables. In addition, we identify a candidate "warm Jupiter" exoplanet. We further examine a subset of 670 sources for variability. Of these objects, 265 stars clearly show periodic variability that we assign to rotation of the low-mass star. At the photometric precision level provided by Kepler, 251 of our objects showed no evidence for variability. We were unable to determine periods for 154 variable objects. We find that 79% of stars with T_eff < 5200 K are variable. The rotation periods we derive for the periodic variables span the range 0.31 < P_rot < 126.5 d. A considerable number of stars with rotation periods similar to the solar value show activity levels that are 100 times higher than the Sun. This is consistent with results for solar-like field stars. As has been found in previous studies, stars with shorter rotation periods generally exhibit larger modulations. This trend flattens beyond P_rot = 25 d, demonstrating that even long period binaries may still have components with high levels of activity and investigating whether the masses and radii of the stellar components in these systems are consistent with stellar models could remain problematic. Surprisingly, our modeling of the light curves suggests that the active regions on these cool stars are either preferentially located near the rotational poles, or that there are two spot groups located at lower latitudes, but in opposing hemispheres.Comment: 48 pages, 11 figure

    Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries in the Initial Kepler Data Release

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    We identify 231 objects in the newly released Cycle 0 dataset from the Kepler Mission as double-eclipse, detached eclipsing binary systems with Teff < 5500 K and orbital periods shorter than ~32 days. We model each light curve using the JKTEBOP code with a genetic algorithm to obtain precise values for each system. We identify 95 new systems with both components below 1.0 M_sun and eclipses of at least 0.1 magnitudes, suitable for ground-based follow-up. Of these, 14 have periods less than 1.0 day, 52 have periods between 1.0 and 10.0 days, and 29 have periods greater than 10.0 days. This new sample of main-sequence, low-mass, double-eclipse, detached eclipsing binary candidates more than doubles the number of previously known systems, and extends the sample into the completely heretofore unexplored P > 10.0 day period regime. We find preliminary evidence from these systems that the radii of low-mass stars in binary systems decrease with period. This supports the theory that binary spin-up is the primary cause of inflated radii in low-mass binary systems, although a full analysis of each system with radial-velocity and multi-color light curves is needed to fully explore this hypothesis. As well, we present 7 new transiting planet candidates that do not appear among the recently released list of 706 candidates by the Kepler team, nor in the Kepler False Positive Catalog, along with several other new and interesting systems. We also present novel techniques for the identification, period analysis, and modeling of eclipsing binaries.Comment: 22 pages in emulateapj format. 9 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendices. Accepted to AJ. Includes a significant addition of new material since last arXiv submission and an updated method for estimating masses and radi

    Encapsulación de pulpa de guanábana (Annona muricata) en hidrogeles de alginato de calcio

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    La guanábana (Annona muricata) constituye una fuente rica de compuestos bioactivos que pueden tener un gran potencial en el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron hidrogeles de alginato añadidos de diferentes concentraciones de pulpa de guanábana (5, 10 y 20%), mediante gelificación iónica. Los hidrogeles mostraron diámetros de alrededor de 4 mm y alta circularidad. Posterior al secado, los sistemas exhibieron valores de contenido de humedad entre 8 y 10% y de actividad acuosa entre 0,3 y 0,4. Micrografías obtenidas mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido mostraron que la incorporación de pulpa de guanábana al 20% permitió preservar mejor la morfología de las cápsulas. Estos resultados preliminares sugieren que las cápsulas de alginato de calcio conteniendo pulpa de guanábana pueden tener aplicaciones útiles como ingredientes alimentarios saludables.Soursop (Annona muricata), so known as guanábana, constitutes a rich source of bioactive compounds which would have great potential to develop functional foods. In the current work, alginate hydrogels added of different concentrations of soursop pulp (5, 10 and 20 wt.%) were obtained by ionic gelation. Hydrogels showed diameters around 4 mm and high circularity. After drying, the systems exhibited values of water content between 8 and 10% and water activity between 0.3 and 0.4. Moreover, micrographs obtained by scanning electron microscopy showed that the incorporation of soursop pulp at 20% led to better preservation of the morphology of the beads. These preliminary results suggest that the calcium alginate beads containing soursop pulp would have useful applications as healthy food ingredients.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Encapsulación de pulpa de guanábana (Annona muricata) en hidrogeles de alginato de calcio

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    La guanábana (Annona muricata) constituye una fuente rica de compuestos bioactivos que pueden tener un gran potencial en el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron hidrogeles de alginato añadidos de diferentes concentraciones de pulpa de guanábana (5, 10 y 20%), mediante gelificación iónica. Los hidrogeles mostraron diámetros de alrededor de 4 mm y alta circularidad. Posterior al secado, los sistemas exhibieron valores de contenido de humedad entre 8 y 10% y de actividad acuosa entre 0,3 y 0,4. Micrografías obtenidas mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido mostraron que la incorporación de pulpa de guanábana al 20% permitió preservar mejor la morfología de las cápsulas. Estos resultados preliminares sugieren que las cápsulas de alginato de calcio conteniendo pulpa de guanábana pueden tener aplicaciones útiles como ingredientes alimentarios saludables.Soursop (Annona muricata), so known as guanábana, constitutes a rich source of bioactive compounds which would have great potential to develop functional foods. In the current work, alginate hydrogels added of different concentrations of soursop pulp (5, 10 and 20 wt.%) were obtained by ionic gelation. Hydrogels showed diameters around 4 mm and high circularity. After drying, the systems exhibited values of water content between 8 and 10% and water activity between 0.3 and 0.4. Moreover, micrographs obtained by scanning electron microscopy showed that the incorporation of soursop pulp at 20% led to better preservation of the morphology of the beads. These preliminary results suggest that the calcium alginate beads containing soursop pulp would have useful applications as healthy food ingredients.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Hepatozoonosis canina

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    Se diagnosticó hepatozoonosis en cuatro perras de raza beagle que habían sufrido una infestación masiva por garrapatas. Se describe el cuadro clínico, protocolo laboratorial, diagnóstico diferencial, tratamiento y evolución. Tras eliminar la presencia de otros procesos patológicos, concluimos que Hepatozoon canis produce una reacción leucoeritroblástica, que remite con el tratamiento.The study diagnosed canine hepatozoonosis in four Beagles, that become infested with ticks. It describes the clinical signs, laboratory protocol, diferential diagnosis, treatment and evolution. After eliminate the presence of other pathology, we conclude what Heparozoon canis causes a leucoeritroblastic reaction, that remit with treatment

    Tabaquismo: un problema que afecta a los jóvenes universitarios a nivel nacional e internacional: Tobacco: A problem that affects young universities at the national and international levels

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    The World Health Organization defines smoking as a chronic addictive disease widespread worldwide. It represents one of the greatest threats to public health, affecting children, youth and adults. It is estimated, that there are 1.300 million smokers in the world and about 80% of these live in countries where there is a high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with tobacco mainly in adult consumers. In particular, the consumption of tobacco among young university students is evident and worrisome. Different authors in the world have raised factors for tobacco use among adolescents and young adults. Such studies argue that the habit of smoking usually begins during adolescence and consolidates in the university stage. Smoking in parents, relatives, and friends is a factor, perhaps the most remarkable, which is associated with the acquisition of smoking as a habit.La Organización Mundial de la Salud define al tabaquismo como una enfermedad adictiva crónica muy extendida a nivel mundial. Representa una de las mayores amenazas para la salud púbica, afectando a niños, jóvenes y adultos. Se calcula que existen 1.300 millones de fumadores en el mundo y alrededor del 80% de estos viven en países en los que existe una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad asociada al tabaco principalmente en consumidores adultos. De manera particular, el consumo de tabaco ente jóvenes universitarios es evidente y preocupante. Diferentes autores en el mundo han planteado factores para el consumo de tabaco entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Tales estudios sostienen que el hábito de fumar inicia, por lo general, durante la adolescencia y se consolida en la etapa universitaria. Además, el tabaquismo en progenitores, familiares y amigos es un factor, quizás el más destacable, que se asocia a la adquisición del hábito tabáquico