2,821 research outputs found

    Addressing Tobacco through Organizational Change (ATTOC)

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    Describes the Addressing Tobacco through Organizational Change (ATTOC) intervention that provides services and ongoing support for agencies and organizations that are interested in learning how to initiate, improve, and or provide treatment for tobacco addiction; reduce tobacco addiction amongst employees; restrict or eliminate tobacco use on campus; and change the work environment to promote health and wellness. Originally published as: Research in the Works, Issue 1, 2011

    Integration of the ATTOC 12-Steps into the UMass Tobacco-Free Initiative

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    On May 27, 2008, UMass Memorial Health Care and The University of Massachusetts Medical School implemented a complete tobacco- free policy, both indoors and outdoors-- for all properties, including parking facilities and in vehicles parked there. This ban is for all tobacco products, including chewing tobacco, and extends to everyone who smokes--patients, visitors, employees, students and vendors

    Large Scale Structure traced by Molecular Gas at High Redshift

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    We present observations of redshifted CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) in a field containing an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z=5.12. Our Australia Telescope Compact Array observations were centered between two spectroscopically-confirmed z=5.12 galaxies. We place upper limits on the molecular gas masses in these two galaxies of M(H_2) <1.7 x 10^10 M_sun and <2.9 x 10^9 M_sun (2 sigma), comparable to their stellar masses. We detect an optically-faint line emitter situated between the two LBGs which we identify as warm molecular gas at z=5.1245 +/- 0.0001. This source, detected in the CO(2-1) transition but undetected in CO(1-0), has an integrated line flux of 0.106 +/- 0.012 Jy km/s, yielding an inferred gas mass M(H_2)=(1.9 +/- 0.2) x 10^10 M_sun. Molecular line emitters without detectable counterparts at optical and infrared wavelengths may be crucial tracers of structure and mass at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Constraining the Thermal Dust Content of Lyman-Break Galaxies in an Overdense Field at z~5

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    We have carried out 870 micron observations in the J1040.7-1155 field, known to host an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies at z=5.16 +/- 0.05. We do not detect any individual source at the S(870)=3.0 mJy/beam (2 sigma) level. A stack of nine spectroscopically confirmed z>5 galaxies also yields a non-detection, constraining the submillimeter flux from a typical galaxy at this redshift to S(870)<0.85 mJy, which corresponds to a mass limit M(dust)<1.2x10^8 M_sun (2 sigma). This constrains the mass of thermal dust in distant Lyman break galaxies to less than one tenth of their typical stellar mass. We see no evidence for strong submillimeter galaxies associated with the ultraviolet-selected galaxy overdensity, but cannot rule out the presence of fainter, less massive sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. MNRAS in pres

    Limits on dust emission from z~5 LBGs and their local environments

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    We present 1.2mm MAMBO-2 observations of a field which is over-dense in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z~5. The field includes seven spectroscopically-confirmed LBGs contained within a narrow (z=4.95+/-0.08) redshift range and an eighth at z=5.2. We do not detect any individual source to a limit of 1.6 mJy/beam (2*rms). When stacking the flux from the positions of all eight galaxies, we obtain a limit to the average 1.2 mm flux of these sources of 0.6mJy/beam. This limit is consistent with FIR imaging in other fields which are over-dense in UV-bright galaxies at z~5. Independently and combined, these limits constrain the FIR luminosity (8-1000 micron) to a typical z~5 LBG of LFIR<~3x10^11 Lsun, implying a dust mass of Mdust<~10^8 Msun (both assuming a grey body at 30K). This LFIR limit is an order of magnitude fainter than the LFIR of lower redshift sub-mm sources (z~1-3). We see no emission from any other sources within the field at the above level. While this is not unexpected given millimetre source counts, the clustered LBGs trace significantly over-dense large scale structure in the field at z = 4.95. The lack of any such detection in either this or the previous work, implies that massive, obscured star-forming galaxies may not always trace the same structures as over-densities of LBGs, at least on the length scale probed here. We briefly discuss the implications of these results for future observations with ALMA.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS Accepte

    Reducing in-stent restenosis therapeutic manipulation of miRNA in vascular remodeling and inflammation

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    Background: Drug-eluting stents reduce the incidence of in-stent restenosis, but they result in delayed arterial healing and are associated with a chronic inflammatory response and hypersensitivity reactions. Identifying novel interventions to enhance wound healing and reduce the inflammatory response may improve long-term clinical outcomes. Micro–ribonucleic acids (miRNAs) are noncoding small ribonucleic acids that play a prominent role in the initiation and resolution of inflammation after vascular injury.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Objectives: This study sought to identify miRNA regulation and function after implantation of bare-metal and drug-eluting stents.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods: Pig, mouse, and in vitro models were used to investigate the role of miRNA in in-stent restenosis.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results: We documented a subset of inflammatory miRNAs activated after stenting in pigs, including the miR-21 stem loop miRNAs. Genetic ablation of the miR-21 stem loop attenuated neointimal formation in mice post-stenting. This occurred via enhanced levels of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages coupled with an impaired sensitivity of smooth muscle cells to respond to vascular activation.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions: MiR-21 plays a prominent role in promoting vascular inflammation and remodeling after stent injury. MiRNA-mediated modulation of the inflammatory response post-stenting may have therapeutic potential to accelerate wound healing and enhance the clinical efficacy of stenting

    Fusion of secretory vesicles isolated from rat liver

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    Secretory vesicles isolated from rat liver were found to fuse after exposure to Ca2+. Vescle fusion is characterized by the occurrence of twinned vesicles with a continuous cleavage plane between two vesicles in freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The number of fused vesicles increases with increasing Ca2+-concentrations and is half maximal around 10–6 m. Other divalent cations (Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+) were ineffective. Mg2+ inhibits Ca2+-induced fusion. Therefore, the fusion of secretory vesiclesin vitro is Ca2+ specific and exhibits properties similar to the exocytotic process of various secretory cells. Various substances affecting secretionin vivo (microtubular inhibitors, local anethetics, ionophores) were tested for their effect on membrane fusion in our system. The fusion of isolated secretory vesicles from liver was found to differ from that of pure phospholipid membranes in its temperature dependence, in its much lower requirement for Ca2+, and in its Ca2+-specificity. Chemical and enzymatic modifications of the vesicle membrane indicate that glycoproteins may account for these differences
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