78 research outputs found

    Primeros testimonios de época antigua en el tramo final del valle del Oria: el yacimiento de Irigan (Usurbil, Gipuzkoa)

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    El presente artículo pretende dar a conocer el descubrimiento del yaciemiento de Irigain (Usurbil, Gipuzkoa). Los testimonios descubiertos son los primeros conocidos sobre el poblamiento en época antigua en el curso bajo del Oria. En este trabajo se plantea una interpretación de lo que pudo ser el modelo de poblamiento de la zona

    Alternative Representations for Codifying Solutions in Permutation-Based Problems

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    Since their introduction, Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) have proved to be very competitive algorithms to solve many optimization problems. However, despite recent developments, in the case of permutation-based combinatorial optimization problems, there are still many aspects that deserve further research. One of them is the influence of the codification employed to represent the solutions on the overall performance of the algorithm. When considering classical EDAs, optimizing permutation problems is challenging, and specific mechanisms are needed to hold the restrictions associated with the permutation nature of solutions.In this paper, in addition to the permutation-vector codification, we investigate alternative representations to describe solutions of permutation problems in the context of EDAs. In order to evaluate their influence, we adopted a classical EDA and conducted an experimental study on two different permutation problems and representations for codifying solutions. The results revealed a narrow relationship between the type of combinatorial problem optimized and the selected representation used to codify its solutions. Moreover, the results point out that choosing the appropriate representation to codify solutions of the given permutation problem is critical for the performance of the algorithm

    Diseño y evaluación de una secuencia sobre la capacidad eléctrica, en un curso de introducción a la física universitaria, como enseñanza problematizada

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    Habitualmente en el estudio de la electricidad para primer curso de física en la universidad, no se suele contemplar una secuencia de enseñanza que analice la transición de cargas puntuales a cuerpos cargados, impidiendo la construcción de un modelo capaz de explicar los procesos inherentes a la carga de los cuerpos. Esto, que constituyó un problema histórico relevante, exigió la introducción del concepto de capacidad eléctrica. La comunicación, tiene como objetivo el diseño y evaluación de una secuencia de enseñanza que intente superar las dificultades de aprendizaje ya detectadas. La estructura de la secuencia, se concretó siguiendo un diseño de ‘estructura problematizada’. Los resultados indican que un considerable número de estudiantes han alcanzado una comprensión más satisfactoria sobre la capacidad eléctrica y los procesos de carga subyacentes

    Requirements for the development of school audiovisuals

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    En este trabajo se muestran algunos de los condicionantes que intervienen en la elaboración de documentales escolares. La producción de un material audiovisual es una tarea compleja que depende básicamente de los medios técnicos de los que se disponga, de los requisitos de calidad que se exijan y de los conocimientos que se manejen (Barroso, 1988). Nuestro objetivo es mostrar las técnicas audiovisuales en el desarrollo de contenidos educativos, analizar su aplicación en la enseñanza de la ciencia y facilitar el trabajo a aquellos profesores que perciban la necesidad de utilizar estos medios tan relacionados con el sustrato cultural de nuestra sociedad.This paper discusses some of the factors involved in the creation of documentaries for teaching purposes. The production of audiovisual material is a complex task which highly depends on the technical resources available, quality standards required and prior audiovisual experience (Barroso, 1988). Our aim was to show the technical requirements, to examine the implementation of audiovisual techniques in the teaching of Science (for secundary students) and helping teachers who perceive the need to use the media as related to the cultural matrix of our society

    Requisitos para la elaboración de audiovisuales escolares

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    En este trabajo se muestran algunos de los condicionantes que intervienen en la elaboración de documentales escolares. La producción de un material audiovisual es una tarea compleja que depende básicamente de los medios técnicos de los que se disponga, de los requisitos de calidad que se exijan y de los conocimientos que se manejen (Barroso, 1988). Nuestro objetivo es mostrar las técnicas audiovisuales en el desarrollo de contenidos educativos, analizar su aplicación en la enseñanza de la ciencia y facilitar el trabajo a aquellos profesores que perciban la necesidad de utilizar estos medios tan relacionados con el sustrato cultural de nuestra sociedad.This paper discusses some of the factors involved in the creation of documentaries for teaching purposes. The production of audiovisual material is a complex task which highly depends on the technical resources available, quality standards required and prior audiovisual experience (Barroso, 1988). Our aim was to show the technical requirements, to examine the implementation of audiovisual techniques in the teaching of Science (for secundary students) and helping teachers who perceive the need to use the media as related to the cultural matrix of our society

    Estimating Probability of Failure of a Complex System Based on Inexact Information about Subsystems and Components, with Potential Applications to Aircraft Maintenance

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    In many real-life applications (e.g., in aircraft maintenance), we need to estimate the probability of failure of a complex system (such as an aircraft as a whole or one of its subsystems). Complex systems are usually built with redundancy allowing them to withstand the failure of a small number of components. In this paper, we assume that we know the structure of the system, and, as a result, for each possible set of failed components, we can tell whether this set will lead to a system failure. For each component A, we know the probability P(A) of its failure with some uncertainty: e.g., we know the lower and upper bounds P(A) and P(A) for this probability. Usually, it is assumed that failures of different components are independent events. Our objective is to use all this information to estimate the probability of failure of the entire the complex system. In this paper, we describe several methods for solving this problem, including a new efficient method for such estimation based on Cauchy deviates

    Proving Tight Bounds on Univariate Expressions with Elementary Functions in Coq

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    International audienceThe verification of floating-point mathematical libraries requires computing numerical bounds on approximation errors. Due to the tightness of these bounds and the peculiar structure of approximation errors, such a verification is out of the reach of generic tools such as computer algebra systems. In fact, the inherent difficulty of computing such bounds often mandates a formal proof of them. In this paper, we present a tactic for the Coq proof assistant that is designed to automatically and formally prove bounds on univariate expressions. It is based on a formalization of floating-point and interval arithmetic, associated with an on-the-fly computation of Taylor expansions. All the computations are performed inside Coq's logic, in a reflexive setting. This paper also compares our tactic with various existing tools on a large set of examples