2,849 research outputs found

    Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-ray Flux in Main Sequence Stars

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate whether a convective dynamo can account quantitatively for the observed lower limit of X-ray surface flux in solar-type main sequence stars. Our approach is to use 3D numerical simulations of a turbulent dynamo driven by convection to characterize the dynamic behavior, magnetic field strengths, and filling factors in a non-rotating stratified medium, and to predict these magnetic properties at the surface of cool stars. We use simple applications of stellar structure theory for the convective envelopes of main-sequence stars to scale our simulations to the outer layers of stars in the F0--M0 spectral range, which allows us to estimate the unsigned magnetic flux on the surface of non-rotating reference stars. With these estimates we use the recent results of \citet{Pevtsov03} to predict the level of X-ray emission from such a turbulent dynamo, and find that our results compare well with observed lower limits of surface X-ray flux. If we scale our predicted X-ray fluxes to \ion{Mg}{2} fluxes we also find good agreement with the observed lower limit of chromospheric emission in K dwarfs. This suggests that dynamo action from a convecting, non-rotating plasma is a viable alternative to acoustic heating models as an explanation for the basal emission level seen in chromospheric, transition region, and coronal diagnostics from late-type stars.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 30 pages with 7 figure

    Ca II H and K Chromospheric Emission Lines in Late K and M Dwarfs

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    We have measured the profiles of the Ca II H and K chromospheric emission lines in 147 main sequence stars of spectral type M5-K7 (0.30-0.55 solar masses) using multiple high resolution spectra obtained during six years with the HIRES spectrometer on the Keck 1 telescope. Remarkably, the average FWHM, equivalent widths, and line luminosities of Ca II H and K increase by a factor of 3 with increasing stellar mass over this small range of stellar masses. We fit the H and K lines with a double Gaussian model to represent both the chromospheric emission and the non-LTE central absorption. Most of the sample stars display a central absorption that is typically redshifted by ~0.1 km/s relative to the emission, but the nature of this velocity gradient remains unknown. The FWHM of the H and K lines increase with stellar luminosity, reminiscent of the Wilson-Bappu effect in FGK-type stars. Both the equivalent widths and FWHM exhibit modest temporal variability in individual stars. At a given value of M_v, stars exhibit a spread in both the equivalent width and FWHM of Ca II H and K, due both to a spread in fundamental stellar parameters including rotation rate, age, and possibly metallicity, and to the spread in stellar mass at a given M_v. The K line is consistently wider than the H line, as expected, and its central absorption is more redshifted, indicating that the H and K lines form at slightly different heights in the chromosphere where the velocities are slightly different. The equivalent width of H-alpha correlates with Ca II H and K only for stars having Ca II equivalent widths above ~2 angstroms, suggesting the existence of a magnetic threshold above which the lower and upper chromospheres become thermally coupled.Comment: 40 pages including 12 figures and 17 pages of tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Quiet-Sun Photosphere and Chromosphere

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    The overall structure and the fine structure of the solar photosphere outside active regions are largely understood, except possibly important roles of a turbulent near-surface dynamo at its bottom, internal gravity waves at its top, and small-scale vorticity. Classical 1D static radiation-escape modelling has been replaced by 3D time-dependent MHD simulations that come closer to reality. The solar chromosphere, in contrast, remains ill-understood although its pivotal role in coronal mass and energy loading makes it a principal research area. Its fine structure defines its overall structure, so that hard-to-observe and hard-to-model small-scale dynamical processes are the key to understanding. However, both chromospheric observation and chromospheric simulation presently mature towards the required sophistication. The open-field features seem of greater interest than the easier-to-see closed-field features.Comment: Accepted for special issue "Astrophysical Processes on the Sun" of Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, ed. C. Parnell. Note: clicking on the year in a citation opens the corresponding ADS abstract page in the browse

    Динамика объемов промышленного производства в период кризиса и ее прогнозирование

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    Целью статьи является определение факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятия и, выявление антикризисных мер для улучшения их состояния. Ведь проблема состоит в том, что не существует такого метода, который бы стопроцентно истребил кризис, многие научные исследования посвящены именно этой проблеме, в них присутствуют попытки выявления причин возникновения кризиса и факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятий

    A Component-oriented Framework for Autonomous Agents

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    The design of a complex system warrants a compositional methodology, i.e., composing simple components to obtain a larger system that exhibits their collective behavior in a meaningful way. We propose an automaton-based paradigm for compositional design of such systems where an action is accompanied by one or more preferences. At run-time, these preferences provide a natural fallback mechanism for the component, while at design-time they can be used to reason about the behavior of the component in an uncertain physical world. Using structures that tell us how to compose preferences and actions, we can compose formal representations of individual components or agents to obtain a representation of the composed system. We extend Linear Temporal Logic with two unary connectives that reflect the compositional structure of the actions, and show how it can be used to diagnose undesired behavior by tracing the falsification of a specification back to one or more culpable components

    Концепт «девушка» в национально-языковых картинах мира (на материале фразеологических единиц русского, украинского, польского, болгарского языков)

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    Данная статья является попыткой сопоставительного анализа концепта "девушка" в национально-языковых картинах мира на материале фразеологии и паремиологии некоторых славянских языков. Выделяются наиболее характерные, идентичные для разных этнокультур качества молодой девушки. Делается вывод о разной степени языковой андроцентричности в экспликации рассматриваемого концепта.Дана стаття є спробою зіставного аналізу концепту "дівчина" в національномовних картинах світу на матеріалі фразеології та пареміології деяких слов'янських мов. Виділяються найбільш характерні, ідентичні для різних етнокультур риси молодої дівчини. Авторка приходить до висновку щодо різної міри мовної андроцентричності в експлікації розглянутого концепту.The given article is an attempt to analyze the concept "Girl" in the nationallanguage world pictures based on phraseology of some Slavonic languages. The most typical features of a young girl identified for different ethnical cultures are elicited. The author finds that the androcentrical verbal expression of this concept is different, to some extent

    HST/FOS Eclipse Observations of the Nova-like Cataclysmic Variable UX Ursae Majoris

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    [abridged abstract] We present and analyze Hubble Space Telescope observations of the eclipsing nova-like cataclysmic variable UX UMa obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph. Two eclipses each were observed with the G160L grating (covering the ultraviolet waveband) in August of 1994 and with the PRISM (covering the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared) in November of the same year. The system was 50% brighter in November than in August, which, if due to a change in the accretion rate, indicates a fairly substantial increase in Mdot_acc by >~ 50%. Model disk spectra constructed as ensembles of stellar atmospheres provide poor descriptions of the observed post-eclipse spectra, despite the fact that UX UMa's light should be dominated by the disk at this time. Suitably scaled single temperature model stellar atmospheres with T_eff = 12,500-14,500 K actually provide a better match to both the ultraviolet and optical post-eclipse spectra. Evidently, great care must be taken in attempts to derive accretion rates from comparisons of disk models to observations. One way to reconcile disk models with the observed post-eclipse spectra is to postulate the presence of a significant amount of optically thin material in the system. Such an optically thin component might be associated with the transition region (``chromosphere'') between the disk photosphere and the fast wind from the system, whose presence has been suggested by Knigge & Drew (1997).Comment: 35 pages, including 12 figures; to appear in the ApJ (Vol. 499

    Modeling component connectors in Reo by constraint automata

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    Reo is an exogenous coordination language for compositional construction of component connectors based on a calculus of channels. Building automated tools to address such concerns as equivalence or containment of the behavior of two given connectors, verification of the behavior of a connector, etc. requires an operational semantic model suitable for model checking. In this paper we introduce constraint automata and propose them as a semantic model for Reo