919 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Home Consumption Value System

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    The Philippines has been one among the few that still adheres to the home consumption valuation (HCV), a system that, according to many importers, results to overvaluation. This article assesses the validity of the claim through analysis of HCV’s impact on the level of protection structure. It also estimates the revenue effects of a change in valuation basis.Bureau of Customs, trade sector, import commodities, consumption pattern, valuation system

    Achieving sub-diffraction imaging through bound surface states in negative-refracting photonic crystals at the near-infrared

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    We report the observation of imaging beyond the diffraction limit due to bound surface states in negative refraction photonic crystals. We achieve an effective negative index figure-of-merit [-Re(n)/Im(n)] of at least 380, ~125x improvement over recent efforts in the near-infrared, with a 0.4 THz bandwidth. Supported by numerical and theoretical analyses, the observed near-field resolution is 0.47 lambda, clearly smaller than the diffraction limit of 0.61 lambda. Importantly, we show this sub-diffraction imaging is due to the resonant excitation of surface slab modes, allowing refocusing of non-propagating evanescent waves

    Displasia epifisaria hemimélica: Revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso

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    La displasia epifisiaria hemimélica es una alteración infrecuente del crecimiento osteocartilaginoso a nivel de la mitad de una o varias epífisis, localizada generalmente en una extremidad inferior, existiendo diferentes formas clínicas. La edad de presentación suele ser precoz, apareciendo una tumoración indolora, idéntica a un osteocondroma, que debe ser extirpada para evitar complicaciones tales como dismetrías, angulaciones y artrosis secundaria. La recidiva es frecuente, por lo que es importante planificar la intervención y realizar una adecuada técnica quirúrgica.Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica is an uncommon alteration of bone and cartilage growth, located at the middle of one or more epiphysis, which usually affects the lower extremity in a variable fashion. It begins at a very early age, as a painless mass, just like an osteochondroma, and must be removed to avoid complications as leg length discrepancy, angular deformity and secondary osteoarthritis. It often recurs, and so is important to plan the most appropriate surgery for each case

    Blocking two-component signalling enhances Candida albicans virulence and reveals adaptive mechanisms that counteract sustained SAPK activation

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    This work was funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council [www.bbsrc.ac.uk] JQ (BB/K016393/1); AJPB (BB/K017365/1). The work was also supported by the Wellcome Trust [www.wellcome.ac.uk], JQ (086048, 097377); AJPB (097377)); LPE (097377). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effects of in-plane magnetic fields on the electronic cyclotron effective mass and Landé factor in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum wells

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    The dependence of the electron Landé g-factor on carrier confinement in quantum wells recently gained both experimental and theoretical interest. The g factor of electrons in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum wells is of special interest, as it changes its sign at a certain value of the well width. In the present work, the effects of an in-plane magnetic field on the cyclotron effective mass and on the Landé g^-factor in single GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum wells are studied. Theoretical calculations are performed in the framework of the effective-mass and non-parabolic-band approximations. The Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian is used for the conduction-band electrons in the semiconductor heterostructure, and the Landé g^-factor theoretically evaluated is found in good agrement with available experimental measurements.858861Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Morphological and structural evidences concerning the origin of sheet fractures

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    [Abstract] Sheet fractures are well and widely developed in massive rocks, i.e., rocks lacking other partings, and they have been discussed in the literature for more than a century. Yet there is no agreement as to their origino Two contrasted interpretations hold sway. Almost without exception, geologist adhere to the pressure release or erosional offloading hypothesis. Engineers and engineering geologist, on the other hand, interpret sheet partings as buckling, i.e., crumpling or bending out of plane, related to compressive stresses, particularly lateral stresses. After a review of nomenclature and a description of the characteristics of sheet fractures, a critique ofprevious explanations of their origin is presented. What are perceived to be critical Enes of structural and morphological evidence. bearing on the origin ofsheet fracture are next reviewed, and this is followed by a discusion of the possible origins of the structures

    E-cadherin expression is associated with somatostatin analogue response in acromegaly

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    Acromegaly is a rare disease resulting from hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF1) typically caused by pituitary adenomas, which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Somatostatin analogues (SSAs) represent the primary medical therapy for acromegaly and are currently used as first‐line treatment or as second‐line therapy after unsuccessful pituitary surgery. However, a considerable proportion of patients do not adequately respond to SSAs treatment, and therefore, there is an urgent need to identify biomarkers predictors of response to SSAs. The aim of this study was to examine E‐cadherin expression by immunohistochemistry in fifty‐five GH‐producing pituitary tumours and determine the potential association with response to SSAs as well as other clinical and histopathological features. Acromegaly patients with tumours expressing low E‐cadherin levels exhibit a worse response to SSAs. E‐cadherin levels are associated with GH‐producing tumour histological subtypes. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical detection of E‐cadherin might be useful in categorizing acromegaly patients based on the response to SSAs.ISCIII‐Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación PI13/02043 PI16/00175FEDER PI13/02043 PI16/00175Junta de Andalucía A‐0023‐2015 A‐0003‐2016 CTS‐1406 BIO‐0139Andalusian Ministry of Health C‐0015‐2014CIBERobn PI13/ 02043 PI16/0017


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    Plans directeurs dans le Parc naturel de Sierra Espuña et le paysage protégé de Gebas (Murcie, Espagne). La planification participative au service du développement socio-économique et de la conservation écologique -

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    Le projet européen Qualigouv a pour objectif principal de renforcer l'interaction entre les gestionnaires et les populations, à travers la conception et l'expérimentation de stratégies et d'outils innovants pour améliorer la gouvernance et la gestion intégrée des forêts méditerranéennes dans les espaces protégés. C'est dans ce cadre-là, qu'un projet local a été développé dans la région de Murcie, en Espagne, à travers la mise en place de plans directeurs pour le développement socio-économique et la conservation écologique

    Master Plans in Sierra Espuña Natural Park and Gebas Protected Landscape (Murcia, Spain). Participative planning for socio-economical development and ecological conservation -

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    The main objective of the European Project Qualigouv, is to strenghten the interaction between managers and people, through designing and testing strategies and innovative tools to improve governance and integral management of Mediterranean forest in protected areas. Within the framework of this program, a local project in Murcia (Spain) is focused in the Master Plans for socio-economical development and ecological conservation