300 research outputs found

    Constraints for behavioural specifications

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    Behavioural specifications with constraints for the incremental development of algebraic specifications are presented. The behavioural constraints correspond to the completely defined subparts of a given incomplete behavioural specification. Moreover, the local observability criteria used within a behavioural constraint could not coincide with the global criteria used in the behavioural specification. This is absolutely needed because, otherwise, some constraints could involve only non observable sorts and therefore have trivial semantics. Finally, the extension operations and completion operations for refining specifications are defined. The extension operations correspond to horizontal refinements and build larger specifications on top of existing ones in a conservative way. The completion operations correspond to vertical refinements, they add detail to an incomplete behavioural specification and they do restrict the class of models.Postprint (published version

    Characterizations of perfect recall

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    This paper considers the condition of perfect recall for the class of arbitrarily large discrete extensive form games. The known definitions of perfect recall are shown to be equivalent even beyond finite games. Further, a qualitatively new characterization in terms of choices is obtained. In particular, an extensive form game satisfies perfect recall if and only if the set of choices, viewed as sets of ultimate outcomes, fulfill the Trivial Intersection property, that is, any two choices with nonempty intersection are ordered by set inclusion

    Local interactions under switching costs

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    We study the impact of switching costs on the long-run outcome in 2×2 coordination games played in the circular city model of local interactions. For low levels of switching costs, the predictions are in line with the previous literature and the risk-dominant convention is the unique long-run equilibrium. For intermediate levels of switching costs, the set of long-run equilibria still contain the risk-dominant convention but may also contain conventions that are not risk dominant. The set of long-run equilibria may further be non-monotonic in the level of switching costs, i.e., as switching costs increase the prediction that the risk-dominant convention is the unique long-run equilibrium and the prediction that both conventions are long-run equilibria alternate. Finally, for high levels of switching costs, also non-monomorphic states will be included in the set of long-run equilibria

    A Sequential Inspection Procedure for Fault Detection in Multistage Manufacturing Processes

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    Fault diagnosis in multistage manufacturing processes (MMPs) is a challenging task where most of the research presented in the literature considers a predefined inspection scheme to identify the sources of variation and make the process diagnosable. In this paper, a sequential inspection procedure to detect the process fault based on a sequential testing algorithm and a minimum monitoring system is proposed. After the monitoring system detects that the process is out of statistical control, the features to be inspected (end of line or in process measurements) are defined sequentially according to the expected information gain of each potential inspection measurement. A case study is analyzed to prove the benefits of this approach with respect to a predefined inspection scheme and a randomized sequential inspection considering both the use and non-use of fault probabilities from historical maintenance data

    Novel Bread Wheat Lines Enriched in Carotenoids Carrying Hordeum chilense Chromosome Arms in the ph1b Background

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    The use of crop wild relative species to improve major crops performance is well established. Hordeum chilense has a high potential as a genetic donor to increase the carotenoid content of wheat. Crosses between the 7Hch H. chilense substitution lines in wheat and the wheat pairing homoeologous1b (ph1b) mutant allowed the development of wheat-H. chilense translocation lines for both 7Hchα and 7Hchβ chromosome arms in the wheat background. These translocation lines were characterized by in situ hybridization and using molecular markers. In addition, reverse phase chromatography (HPLC) analysis was carried out to evaluate the carotenoid content and both 7Hchα∙7AL and 7AS∙7Hchβ disomic translocation lines. The carotenoid content in 7Hchα∙7AL and 7AS∙7Hchβ disomic translocation lines was higher than the wheat-7Hch addition line and double amount of carotenoids than the wheat itself. A proteomic analysis confirmed that the presence of chromosome 7Hch introgressions in wheat scarcely altered the proteomic profile of the wheat flour. The Psy1 (Phytoene Synthase1) gene, which is the first committed step in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, was also cytogenetically mapped on the 7Hchα chromosome arm. These new wheat-H. chilense translocation lines can be used as a powerful tool in wheat breeding programs to enrich the diet in bioactive compounds.This work was supported by the ERC Starting Grant 243118 (http://www.ias.csic.es/ercstg-superwheatcrops/).Peer reviewe

    Intrinsic noise-induced phase transitions: beyond the noise interpretation

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    We discuss intrinsic noise effects in stochastic multiplicative-noise partial differential equations, which are qualitatively independent of the noise interpretation (Ito vs. Stratonovich), in particular in the context of noise-induced ordering phase transitions. We study a model which, contrary to all cases known so far, exhibits such ordering transitions when the noise is interpreted not only according to Stratonovich, but also to Ito. The main feature of this model is the absence of a linear instability at the transition point. The dynamical properties of the resulting noise-induced growth processes are studied and compared in the two interpretations and with a reference Ginzburg-Landau type model. A detailed discussion of new numerical algorithms used in both interpretations is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Visions of the World by Pepper and its application to Health Education

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las metáforas impregnan nuestra vida cotidiana y no sólo el lenguaje también el pensamiento y la acción. La enfermera usa las metáforas como recurso didáctico para facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión de conceptos abstractos. Los usuarios expresan sus vivencias de salud o enfermedad a través de metáforas de su ámbito personal y cotidiano. La comprensión del uso de las metáforas en Educación para la Salud (EpS) requiere examinar también los paradigmas dentro de los cuales las metáforas son construidas. Este estudio pretende conocer las metáforas básicas o “visones del mundo” que utilizan la enfermera en la consulta de atención primaria en sus intervenciones educativas-asistenciales con usuarios afectados enfermedades crónicas

    The Category of Node-and-Choice Forms, with Subcategories for Choice-Sequence Forms and Choice-Set Forms

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    The literature specifies extensive-form games in many styles, and eventually I hope to formally translate games across those styles. Toward that end, this paper defines NCF\mathbf{NCF}, the category of node-and-choice forms. The category's objects are extensive forms in essentially any style, and the category's isomorphisms are made to accord with the literature's small handful of ad hoc style equivalences. Further, this paper develops two full subcategories: CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} for forms whose nodes are choice-sequences, and CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} for forms whose nodes are choice-sets. I show that NCF\mathbf{NCF} is "isomorphically enclosed" in CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} in the sense that each NCF\mathbf{NCF} form is isomorphic to a CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} form. Similarly, I show that CsqFa~\mathbf{CsqF_{\tilde a}} is isomorphically enclosed in CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} in the sense that each CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} form with no-absentmindedness is isomorphic to a CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} form. The converses are found to be almost immediate, and the resulting equivalences unify and simplify two ad hoc style equivalences in Kline and Luckraz 2016 and Streufert 2019. Aside from the larger agenda, this paper already makes three practical contributions. Style equivalences are made easier to derive by [1] a natural concept of isomorphic invariance and [2] the composability of isomorphic enclosures. In addition, [3] some new consequences of equivalence are systematically deduced.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figure

    Ordocoordinación: cómo organizar 700 estudiantes en un nuevo campus (y no morir en el intento)

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    Since Autumn Term 2017 the Department of Computer Science of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya UPC-BarcelonaTech is in charge of teaching ”Fundamentals of Programming” in the new DiagonalBeso ´s Campus, at EEBE School. This new endeavour had to face two particular challenges: First, due to organizing constraints, it had to be organized at the same time it was being first taught. Second, all the numbers involved were large. In effect, in Autumn Term 2017, 686 students enroled, with a teaching staff of 18 instructors, and 108 laboratory tests being prepared. To deal with these challenges, we agreed to coordinate ourselves in a particular way which we name ordocoordination. We define ordocoordation as a flexible and quick particular way of coordination in which teachers generate and agree on a minimum set of rules. It is a bottom-up procedure, requiring taking quick decisions. As a consequence of applying this particular coordination, the number of sent emails has been a large one: in Autumn Term 2017: 350 ×18 = 6300 emails were interchanged. We believe that this approach deserves to be reported, and also that it is relevant to other subjects.A partir del Q1 de 2017 el Departamento de CS de la UPC se ocupa de la docencia de Informática I en el nuevo campus de la EEBE. Dicha docencia ha sido singular en dos aspectos. Primero, hubo que organizarla al mismo tiempo que se impartía. Segundo, todos los números son grandes. En el Q1 de 2017, hubo 686 estudiantes matriculados, 18 docentes y se prepararon 108 exámenes de laboratorio. Para tratar con estas singularidades hemos adoptado una forma de coordinación a la que hemos llamado ordocoordinación. Es una coordinación flexible y rápida en la que los docentes generan y consensúan un conjunto mínimo de reglas. Es de abajo a arriba y requiere una toma de decisiones ágil, por lo que el número de emails ha sido importante. En Q1 de 2017: 350 x 18 = 6300 emails. Creemos que esta aproximación merece ser explicada y que puede ser aplicada a otras asignaturas.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Predator Avoidance in the European Seabass After Recovery From Short-Term Hypoxia and Different CO2 Conditions

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    Short-term hypoxia that lasts just a few days or even hours is a major threat for the marine ecosystems. The single effect of the human-induced levels of hypoxia and other anthropogenic impacts such as elevated pCO2 can reduce the ability of preys to detect their predators across taxa. Moreover, both processes, hypoxia and elevated pCO2, are expected to co-occur in certain habitats, but the synergic consequences of both processes and the ability of fish to recover remain unknown. To provide empirical evidence to this synergy, we experimentally evaluated the risk-taking behavior in juveniles of the European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax), an important commercial fisheries species after recovering from short-term hypoxia and different pH scenarios. The behavior of seabass juveniles was monitored in an experimental arena before and after the exposure to a simulated predator and contrasted to control fish (BACI design) (current levels of hypoxia and elevated pCO2) using a mechanistic function-valued modeling trait approach. Results revealed that fish recovering from elevated pCO2, alone or combined with hypoxia, presented less avoidance behavior in failing to seek refuge when a simulated predator was present in the arena compared to those exposed to control pCO2 levels. Our results show that recovery from short-term exposure to acidification and hypoxia was not synergistic and suggest that recovery from acidification takes longer than from short-term hypoxia treatment through a potential effect on the sensorial and hence behavioral capacities of fish