82 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Pada penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) reformasibirokrasi dan budaya kerja, kinerja pegawai dan kinerja Sekretariat DaerahAceh, (2) reformasi birokrasi terhadap kinerja pegawai Sekretariat DaerahAceh, (3) budaya kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Sekretariat DaerahAceh, (4) reformasi birokrasi terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (5)budaya kerja terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (6) kinerja pegawaiterhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (7) kinerja pegawai memediasireformasi birokrasi terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (8 kinerjapegawai memediasi budaya kerja terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh.Objek yang dilakukan pada penlitian ini yaitu reformasi birokrasi, budayakerja, kinerja pegawai, dan kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh. Dalampenelitian ini menggunakan peralatan analisis datanya adalah uji deskriptifdimana dapat menguji model secara statistic sesuai dengan nilai rerata danuji verifikatif dengan SEM sebagai analisis data, dibantu oleh programAMOS. Hasil terhadap penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) reformasi birokrasi dan budaya kerja, kinerja pegawai dan kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh sudah maksimal, (2) reformasi birokrasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap kinerja pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (3) terdapat pengaruhbudaya kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (4)penelitian ini juga membuktikan reformasi birokrasi berpengaruh terhadapkinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (5) penelitian ini juga membuktikanterdapat pengaruh budaya kerja terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh,(6) hasil penelitain membuktikan pengaruh kinerja pegawai berpengaruhterhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, (7) hasil penelitian ini jugadibuktikan dengan pengaruh kinerja pegawai memediasi reformasibirokrasi terhadap kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh.Kata kunci : Reformasi birokrasi, budaya kerja, kinerja pegawai dan kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Aceh ABSTRACT In this study, researchers aimed to find out: (1) bureaucratic reform and workculture, employee performance and the performance of the Aceh RegionalSecretariat, (2) bureaucratic reform on the performance of Aceh RegionalSecretariat employees, (3) work culture on performance employees at the AcehRegional Secretariat, (4) bureaucratic reform on the performance of the AcehRegional Secretariat, (5) work culture on the performance of the Aceh RegionalSecretariat, (6) employee performance on the performance of the Aceh RegionalSecretariat, (7) employee performance mediating bureaucratic reform on theperformance of the Secretariat Daerah Aceh, (8 employee performance mediatedwork culture towards the performance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat Thisresearch was carried out in the form of bureaucratic reform, work culture,employee performance, and the performance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat. Inthis study using data analysis tools is a descriptive test which can test the modelstatistically according to the mean value and verification test with SEM as dataanalysis, assisted by the AMOS program. The results of this study indicate (1)bureaucratic reform and work culture, employee performance and theperformance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat are already maximum, (2)bureaucratic reform has a positive and significant impact on the performance ofemployees of the Aceh Regional Secretariat, (3) there is an influence of workculture on employee performance Aceh Regional Secretariat, (4) this study alsoproves that bureaucratic reform affects the performance of the Aceh RegionalSecretariat, (5) this study also proves that there is an influence of work culture onthe performance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat, (6) Aceh Region, (7) the resultsof this study are also evidenced by the effect of employee performance mediatingbureaucratic reform on the performance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat. Keywords: Bureaucratic reform, work culture, employee performance and theperformance of Secretariat. the Aceh Regiona

    Kesadaran Pendidikan; Kunci Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam

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    Manusia secara naluriah memiliki potensi intelektual dalam bidang afektif, kognitif danpsikomotorik yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitasnya melalui prosespendidikan. Macam-macam kesadaran pendidikan itu berupa dapat dilihat dari segi alurtahap pelaksanaan pendidikan, dari segi sasaran bimbimgan, dari segi sudut pelaku, darifungsi kesadaran pendidikan, atau Mekanisme membudayakan kesadaran pendidikan.Tahap-tahap yang ditempuh untuk membudayakan kesadarn pendidikan , antara lain;Membentuk mindset, Mendemonstrasikan dan mendalami model sebgai contoh, Melaksakankesadaran pendidikan secara realistis dalam tugas/wilayah kerja masing-masing komponenmasyarakat, Mempublikasikan dan mempopulerkan hasil dan dampak kesadaranpendidikan untuk memberikan pengaruh dalam membudayakan kesadaran pendidikan,Melakukan evaluasi kritis terhadap semua tahapan-tahapan diatas, secara rasional, obyektif,kritis dan membandingkan dengan kondisi sebelumnya, Melakukan tindak lanjut dari hasilevaluasi.Kata kunci : Kesadaran Pendidikan, Pendidikan Isla

    Melalui pengembangan kurikulum Madrasah berbasis pesantren: Studi Multisitus di Madrasah Muallimin Tambakberas Jombang dan Madrasah Aliyah Mambaus Sholihin Suci Gresik

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    ABSTRAK Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang fokus pada pengajaran ilmu agama Islam kepada para santri. Tradisi agung (great tradition) pesantren ialah kajian ajaran Islam dari Kitab Kuning atau kitab klasik yang ditulis beberapa abad lalu yang dijaga dan dilestarikan sampai saat ini. Globalisasi dan modernisasi membawa dampak perubahan pada budaya dan pendidikan. Termasuk pendidikan di pesantren akhirnya harus mau membuka diri agar dapat eksis.Banyak pesantren yang kemudian mendirikan madrasah formal dengan mengikuti kurikulum nasional. Dari sini muncul kekhawatiran akan terjadi pergeseran tujuan utama dari pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga tafaquh fiddin untuk melakukan reproduksi ulama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan orientasi, implementasi dan hasil pengembangan kurikulum madrasah berbasis pesantren dalam upaya melakukan reproduksi ulama. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, studi kasus dengan rancangan studi multi situs. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan kajian dokumen. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan dua tahap, yaitu analisis data tunggal dan analisis data lintas situs. Teknik analisis data meliputi : reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitiannya menyimpulkan : (1). Upaya orientasi pengembangan Kurikulum dikembangkan dengan berbasis pelestarian intelektualitas pesantren dalam rangka tafaqquh fiddin dan mengutamakan kecakapan sosial. (2). Implementasi pengembangan kurikulum dengan menerapkan kolaborasi kurikulum pesantrenan dengan kurikulum Nasional yang menekankan pada kajian kitab turats sebagai tradisi intelektualitas pesantren dan evaluasi pembelajaran yang ketat. (3). hasil dari pengembangan kurikulum di kedua situs adalah: (a) Peningkatan kualitas akademik siswa; (b) kepercayaan yang tinggi di masyarakat terhadap lulusan kedua madrasah; (c) perkembangan dan kemajuan kelembagaan instituti madrasah dan pondok pesantren. Dengan konsep pengembangan kurikulum tersebut maka lulusan dari Madrasah Muallimin Tambakberas jombnag dan MA mambaus sholihin Suci Gresik memiliki kualifikasi akademik, ketrampilan sosial dan kepercayaan untuk melakukan pembinaan masyarakat dibidang keagamaan sebagai bagian dari tugas dan fungsi ulama sebagai pewaris nabi. Dan Temuan formal penelitian ini adalah konsep kurikulum madrasah kader ulama. مستخلص البحث بسانترين مؤسسة تربوية اسلامية قام بالتركيز على تعليم الدين الاسلامى نحو الطلاب. التقليد العظيم من بسانترين هو دراسة اسلامية المنبثقة عن الكتب التراثية المكتوبة على عبر العصور المهتمة فيها والمحافظة عليها حتى الأن. الهدف من بسانترين اعداد الطالب التفقه والتعمق فى الدين ومعهدا فى تناسل العلماء. العولمة والتحديث تؤثر على تغيير الثقافة والتربية منها تربية بسانترين حيث صارت اخيرا شاملا لتكون قوية. وكثير من بسانترين ينشأ اخيرا مدرسة رسمية تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم بمنهج الدراسة الوطنى. من هنا يظهر الخشية على وقوع تحويل الهدف الاساسى من بسانترين من كونه معهد التفقه فى الدين وتناسل العلماء الهدف من هذا البحث ايجاد التوجيه والتطبيق ونتيجة تنوير المتهج الدراسى المنبثقة عن بسانترين فى محاولة لتتاسل العلماء وتكاثرهم هذه الرسالة تستخدم الطريقة الكيفية بدراسة الحالة بتخطيط المواقع المتعددة. وطريقة اخذ العنات بالمقابلة العميقة والملاحظة ودراسة الوثائق وتصحيح البيانات بتعديد المصدر والمنهج. اما تحليل البيانات تقام بدفئتين وهما تحليل البيانات الفردية وتحليل الببانات عبر المواقع النتعددة. وطريقة تحليل البيانات تشتمل على : تحليل البيانات, عرض البيانات, التحقيق, واخذ النتيجة. النتيجة من هذا اليحث (1). التوجيه نحو تطوير منهج الدراسة يخطط ويطور على اساس الحفظ الفكر البسانترينى فى التفقه فى الدين وتقديم المهارة الاجتماعية. (2). تطبيق وتطوير مناهج الدراسة بتنفيذ التعاون بين منهج الدراسة البسانترينى ومنهج الدراسة الوطنى بتقديم تعليم الكتب التراثية كتقليد الفكر البسانترينى والتقويم الشديد. (3) النتيجة من تطوير المناهج الدراسية فى كلا الموقعين ( ء)ترقية قدرة الطلاب الاكادمية. (ب). وجود الثقة العالية من المجتمع نحو خريجى كلا المدرستين. (ج) وجود التطور والتقدم المعهدى من مؤسسة المدرسة ومؤسسة بسانترين. بنطرية تطوير مناهج الدراسية السابق سيكون الخريجون فى المدرسة معلمين تمبأ براس جومبانج ومدرسة منبأ الصالحين الثاتوية الاسلامية سوتجى جرسيك مؤهلين علميا والمهارة الاجتماعية والثفة بالنفس على ارشاد المجتمع وتوجيههم فى الامورالدينية من وظيفة العلماء ودورهم ورثة للانبياء. النتائح الرسمية من هذا البحث هو تظرية المنهج الدراسي فى تعليم رجال الدين. ABSTRACT Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions focused on teaching Islamic religious knowledge to students (santri). The great tradition of pesantren is the study of Islamic teachings from the Yellow Book or classical books written several centuries ago which are preserved until now. Globalization and modernization bring about changes in culture and education. That's why education in pesantren must accept the effects of changing. To be exist, many pesantren then establish formal madrasah following the national curriculum. From this, the problems arise. The main goal of Islamic boarding schools as tafaquh fiddin institutions to reproduce ulama may change. The purpose of conducting this research on the Development of Madrasah using Pesantren- Based Curriculum is to find the orientation, implementation and reproduction of ulama This study covers a qualitative approach, a case study with multi-site study designs. The technique used in data collection are in-depth interviews, observation, and document review. To check the validity of the data, the writer used triangulation of sources and methods. Data analysis was carried out in two stages, namely single and cross-site data analysis. Data analysis techniques include: data reduction, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. . The results show that (1) the orientation of the curriculum developmentis based on pesantren intellectuals in the context of tafaqquh fiddin and prioritizing social skills; (2) the implementation of curriculum development is applying collaboration between the pesantren curriculum and the National curriculum which emphasize the study of the turats book as a pesantren intellectual tradition and strict learning evaluation according National standard; (3)thecurriculum development at the two sites are (a) the improvement of academic quality of students (santri); (b) the high trust of the community towards the graduates of the two madrasahs; (c) institutional development and progress of madrasah and pesantren. With the concept of curriculum development, graduates from Madrasah Muallimin Tambakberas Jombang and MA mambaus sholihin Suci Gresik have academic qualifications, social skills and beliefs to carry out community development in the religious field as part of the duties and functions of ulama as heirs of the prophet. And the finding of this research is the concept of a cadre of ulama madrasa curriculu

    Microwave System for the Early Stage Detection of Congestive Heart Failure

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    Fluid accumulation inside the lungs, known as cardiac pulmonary edema, is one of the main early symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF). That accumulation causes significant changes in the electrical properties of the lung tissues, which in turn can be detected using microwave techniques. To that end, the design and implementation of an automated ultrahigh-frequency microwave-based system for CHF detection and monitoring is presented. The hardware of the system consists of a wideband folded antenna attached to a fully automated vertical scanning platform, compact microwave transceiver, and laptop. The system includes software in the form of operational control, signal processing, and visualizing algorithms. To detect CHF, the system is designed to vertically scan the rear side of the human torso in a monostatic radar approach. The collected data from the scanning is then visualized in the time domain using the inverse Fourier transform. These images show the intensity of the reflected signals from different parts of the torso. Using a differential based detection technique, a threshold is defined to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy cases. This paper includes details of developing the automated platform, designing the antenna with the required properties imposed by the system, developing a signal processing algorithm, and introducing differential detection technique besides investigating miscellaneous probable CHF cases

    Bina Kesadaran Hak-hak Perempuan Dan Anak Dalam Lingkup Hukum Keluarga Islam Di Kampung Kandang Haur Desa Kadikaran Kecamatan Ciruas Kabupaten Serang

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    A good understanding of the substance and implementation of Islamic law in society can create a good religious and state life. The implementation of Islamic law that is very significant is the implementation of women's rights and children's rights both in terms of fiqh law and legislation as well as compilations where these rights need to be fulfilled. In order to fulfill the rights of women and children, it is necessary to raise awareness and understanding of the rights of women and children themselves in society in a comprehensive manner. This service activity focuses on raising awareness of women's and children's rights within the scope of Islamic family law in Kandang Haur, Kadikaran Village, Ciruas District, Serang Regency. The method used in this activity is Participatory Action Research (PAR) or the process of community empowerment through participation and social mobilization using a form of community-based research which is research to address problems experienced by the community. The purpose of this activity is to convey good information and awareness education to the public regarding the rights of women and children within the scope of Islamic family law so as to create harmonious family resilience as expected by Islamic teachings themselves. Keywords: Awareness, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Islamic Family LawPemahaman yang baik terkait substansi serta implementasi hukum Islam di tengah masyarakat dapat terciptanya kehidupan beragama dan bernegara dengan baik.  Implementasi hukum Islam yang sangat signifikan ialah implementasi hak-hak perempuan dan hak anak baik dari segi hukum fiqh dan perundang-undangan maupun kompilasi dimana hak-hak tersebut perlu dipenuhi. Untuk terpenuhinya hak-hak perempuan dan anak, perlu ditumbuhkan kesadaran dan pemahaman akan hak-hak perempuan dan anak itu sendiri di masyarakat secara komprehensif. Kegiatan pengabdian ini berfokus pada sosialisasi bina kesadaran hak-hak perempuan dan anak dalam lingkup Hukum keluarga Islam di Kampung Kandang Haur, Desa Kadikaran, Kec. Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini ialah Participatory Action Reseacrh (PAR) atau proses pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui partisipasi dan mobilisasi sosial dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian bersama masyarakat (Communiy Based Research) yang merupakan penelitian guna mengatasi permaslahan yang dialami masyarakat. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini dapat tersampaikannya informasi dan edukasi kesadaran yang baik kepada masyarakat terkait hak-hak perempuan dan anak dalam lingkup hukum keluarga Islam sehingga terciptanya ketahanan keluarga yang harmonis sesuai yang diharapkan oleh ajaran Islam itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: Kesadaran, Hak-hak Perempuan, Hak-hak Anak, Hukum Keluarga Isla

    Reinterpretation of the Islamic education thought of Burhan al-Islam al-Zarnuji: an analysis of Islamic epistemology

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    The intellectual contribution of al-Zarnuji has significantly impacted the field of Islamic education. However, certain elements of society perceive his ideas as potential hindrances to contemporary progress. This article attempted to comprehensively reinterpret al-Zarnuji's beliefs through the lens of Islamic epistemology to promote constructive discourse between al-Zarnuji’s intellectual heritage and the dynamics of the modern era. It used a qualitative approach and a literature review method, with the book Ta’lim al-Muta’allim as the primary source. Through an examination of topics related to the diversity of knowledge and its legal dimensions, the intentions underlying the act of learning, and the reverence for knowledge and scholars, this article presents findings that elucidate al-Zarnuji's advocacy of two distinct epistemological paradigms: Bayani and Irfani. Among these paradigms, it is evident that Irfani's epistemology is more dominant than Bayani's. Irfani's reasoning significantly contributes to cultivating moral and spiritual aspects in learners. However, this thinking must not exert excessive hegemony over Islamic education. The most prudent course is maintaining a harmonious equilibrium among the three epistemologies–Bayani, Burhani, and Irfani–to ensure that Islamic education continues to progress

    MADRASAH: QUALITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE (Case Study in Banjarmasin Indonesia)

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    According to Indonesian Constitution of 1945, every citizent has his/her right to get education. Consequently, Indonesian government has to provide educational institutions for its nation, like school, madrasah and other forms of non-formal education. Both school and madrasah are carried out in different management. School management is on the hands of the Manistry of Education and Culture, madrasah is managed under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The difference, however, presents dualism of educational system in Indonesia. As the result, madrasah has no more progress, treated discriminatively, and marginalized. What a negative action it has, nowadays madrasah still exists in this country. The purpose of this article is to explain the quality of madrasah (plural: madrasahs) and their role as the agent of social change. This is a field research of qualitative-quantitative approach carried out in a provencial capital city, that is Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan Indonesia. The madrasahs studied were 15 (n=15) with various levels and status including the founding organizations that are responsible. The data were collected by questionaire, interview, observation and documentary. By measuring the eight indicators of National Education Standard consisting of content standard, process, outputs, teachers and non-educational staff, structures and infrastructures, management, cost, and standard of assesment, it is finally concluded that the quality of madrasahs was very good, although a little difference found out among the educational levels of them, between the state and private madrasahs. In addition, by understanding the students mind set, value, belief, norm, behaviour and their moral or ethics, madrasahs also have played the role largerly and significantly in social change, except in some aspects which have been deeply rooted in their tradition like their belief on supernatural life, sacrality and irrational power, that basically have not changed yet

    Cellular origin and microRNA profiles of circulating extracellular vesicles in different stages of diabetic nephropathy

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major complication of diabetes and the main cause of end-stage renal disease. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small cell-derived vesicles that can alter disease progression by microRNA (miRNA) transfer. Methods: In this study, we aimed to characterize the cellular origin and miRNA content of EVs in plasma samples of type 2 diabetes patients at various stages of DN. Type 2 diabetes patients were classified in three groups: normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria. The concentration and cellular origin of plasma EVs were measured by flow cytometry. A total of 752 EV miRNAs were profiled in 18 subjects and differentially expressed miRNAs were validated. Results: Diabetic patients with microalbuminuria and/or macroalbuminuria showed elevated concentrations of total EVs and EVs from endothelial cells, platelets, leucocytes and erythrocytes compared with diabetic controls. miR-99a-5p was upregulated in macroalbuminuric patients compared with normoalbuminuric and microalbuminuric patients. Transfection of miR-99a-5p in cultured human podocytes downregulated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein expression and downregulated the podocyte injury marker vimentin. Conclusions: Type 2 diabetes patients with microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria display differential EV profiles. miR-99a-5p expression is elevated in EVs from macroalbuminuria and mTOR is its validated mRNA target

    Cellular origin and microRNA profiles of circulating extracellular vesicles in different stages of diabetic nephropathy

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    Background. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major complication of diabetes and the main cause of end-stage renal disease. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small cell-derived vesicles that can alter disease progression by microRNA (miRNA) transfer.Methods. In this study, we aimed to characterize the cellular origin and miRNA content of EVs in plasma samples of type 2 diabetes patients at various stages of DN. Type 2 diabetes patients were classified in three groups: normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria. The concentration and cellular origin of plasma EVs were measured by flow cytometry. A total of 752 EV miRNAs were profiled in 18 subjects and differentially expressed miRNAs were validated.Results. Diabetic patients with microalbuminuria and/or macroalbuminuria showed elevated concentrations of total EVs and EVs from endothelial cells, platelets, leucocytes and erythrocytes compared with diabetic controls. miR-99a-5p was upregulated in macroalbuminuric patients compared with normoalbuminuric and microalbuminuric patients. Transfection of miR-99a-5p in cultured human podocytes downregulated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein expression and downregulated the podocyte injury marker vimentin.Conclusions. Type 2 diabetes patients with microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria display differential EV profiles. miR-99a-5p expression is elevated in EVs from macroalbuminuria and mTOR is its validated mRNA target.Immunopathology of vascular and renal diseases and of organ and celltransplantationIP1