6,356 research outputs found

    Sanctioning Value: The Legal System, Hyper-Power and the legitimation of MP3

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    This article offers an historical account of the contestation surrounding MP3 and its legitimation as a consumer choice option. We juxtapose our narrative against the service-dominant logic (SDL) literature, which positions the consumer as the co-creator of value. In these debates issues of power and politics are downplayed. By contrast, we foreground the politicized processes that frame consumer choice options. Through a study of the legal disputes around MP3 and digital delivery services, we make a case that law courts provide the scaffolding for judgements of value in the market system. Contrary to proponents of SDL, value is not only a function of co-production between company and customer. Nor do all consumption practices acquire sufficient legitimacy to enter into legally sanctioned value co-creation interactions. This is a function of the ‘hyper-power’ practiced by the legal community and related actors, which constitute or deny value to product offerings. Value is not, therefore, necessarily phenomenologically determined by the ultimate consumer. Neither are they the sovereign individual of marketing lore. Their subjectivity is patterned by macro and meso actors and service provision is permitted when it is capable of enrolment within the circuits of capital accumulation

    Intestinal parasites of zoonotic importance in dogs from the District of General Pueyrredón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Lavallén, C.M.; Dopchiz, M.C.; Lobianco, E.; Hollmann, P.; Denegri, G.: Intestinal parasites of zoonotic importance in dogs from the District of General Pueyrredón (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Rev. vet. 22: 1, 19–24, 2011. Key words: dog, intestinal parasites, zoonoses

    The Impact of Public Credit Programs on Brazilian Firms

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    This paper analyzes the effectiveness of public credit lines in promoting the performances of Brazilian firms. We focus on the impact of the credit lines managed by BNDES and FINEP in fostering growth measured in terms of employment, labor productivity and export. For this purpose, we use a unique panel data set developed by the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), which includes information on both firm-level performances and access to public credit lines. This particular data setting allows us to use quasi-experimental techniques to control for selection bias when estimating the impact of the public credit lines. The core of our estimation strategy is based on a difference-in-differences technique, which we complement with matching methods for robustness check. Our results consistently show that access to public credit lines has a significant and robust positive impact on employment growth and exports, while we do not find evidence of a significant effect on our measure of productivity. Interestingly enough, our findings show that impact on exports is driven by the increase in export volumes among exporting firms, while no significant effect on the probability of becoming an exporter is detected

    Inherited calcium channelopathies in the pathophysiology of arrhythmias.

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    Regulation of calcium flux in the heart is a key process that affects cardiac excitability and contractility. Degenerative diseases, such as coronary artery disease, have long been recognized to alter the physiology of intracellular calcium regulation, leading to contractile dysfunction or arrhythmias. Since the discovery of the first gene mutation associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) in 2001, a new area of interest in this field has emerged-the genetic abnormalities of key components of the calcium regulatory system. Such anomalies cause a variety of genetic diseases characterized by the development of life-threatening arrhythmias in young individuals. In this Review, we provide an overview of the structural organization and the function of calcium-handling proteins and describe the mechanisms by which mutations determine the clinical phenotype. Firstly, we discuss mutations in the genes encoding the ryanodine receptor 2 (RYR2) and calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2). These proteins are pivotal to the regulation of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and mutations can cause CPVT. Secondly, we review defects in genes encoding proteins that form the voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel, which regulates calcium entry into myocytes. Mutations in these genes cause various phenotypes, including Timothy syndrome, Brugada syndrome, and early repolarization syndrome. The identification of mutations associated with 'calcium-handling diseases' has led to an improved understanding of the role of calcium in cardiac physiology

    Estilos de vida en relación a la alimentación y hábitos alimentarios dentro y

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    Lobos, G (Lobos, German). Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Empresariales, Escuela Ingn Comercial, Talca, ChileResumen Objetivo: Distinguir tipologías de consumidores en base a su estilo de vida en relación a la alimentación en las principales comunas de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile, y caracterizarlas según sus hábitos de consumo de alimentos dentro y fuera del hogar, características sociodemográficas y su nivel de satisfacción con su alimentación. Material y método: Se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado a una muestra de 951 personas en las principales comunas de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago (más de 100.000 habitantes). El instrumento de recogida de información incluyó una adaptación del cuestionario de estilos de vida en relación a la alimentación (FRL) y la escala SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life). Se consultaron los hábitos de consumo de alimentos dentro y fuera del hogar y variables de clasificación sociodemográfica de los encuestados. Resultados: Mediante análisis cluster se distinguieron cinco tipologías con diferencias significativas en los cinco componentes obtenidos del FRL, con análisis factorial de componentes principales. Las tipologías presentaron distinto perfil de género, edad y nivel socioeconómico y difirieron en los puntajes obtenidos en la SWFL. Se diferenciaron en la frecuencia en que la persona almuerza, toma once y cena en su hogar. Respecto a las comidas fuera del hogar, las tipologías se distinguieron según la frecuencia de comidas en restaurantes, locales de comida rápida y en la compra de comida preparada. Conclusiones: Un estilo de vida en relación a la alimentación con baja implicación y disfrute de los alimentos se asocia con un mayor nivel socioeconómico y menor edad de las personas. Adicionalmente, se asocia con comportamientos alimentarios poco saludables y no beneficiosos para las personas, como una mayor frecuencia de comidas en restaurantes y de compra de comida preparada, junto a una menor frecuencia de comidas en el hogar, lo que estaría influyendo en un nivel inferior de satisfacción con la alimentación

    Presentación y Líneas de Investigación Institucionales

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    El IIPROSAM es un instituto de investigación que realiza actividades científicas y técnicas, de docencia de grado y posgrado, de formación de recursos humanos, de extensión y de servicios de transferencia de tecnología a terceras instituciones públicas o privadas. Con estos objetivos compartidos o relacionados que los vinculan, se reunieron en una misma estructura, profesionales que tienen una importante historia de interacciones científico-académicas y de vinculación entre sí. Los proyectos de investigación y desa- rrollo en curso, enfocan problemáticas vinculadas al manejo integrado de plagas, estudio de las parasito- sis de importancia sanitaria, con especial énfasis en formas de control no contaminantes, la diversidad y el cuidado del medio ambiente. El IIPROSAM cuenta con aproximadamente 70 personas en su plantel, donde la pirámide está equilibrada en lo que respecta a la cantidad de investigadores en sus distintas categorías, becarios posdoctorales y becarios doctorales. La interacción fecunda entre la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y la Comisión de Inves- tigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC), tiene como objetivo fundamental aportar a la generación de conocimiento básico, aplicado y desarrollo tecnológico, que permita abordar problemáticas regionales, provinciales y nacionales que mejoren la calidad de vida de nuestros conciudadanos que son en definitiva la razón de ser de nuestra actividad

    Supersymmetric Sudakov corrections

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    For superpartner masses not much heavier than the weak scale M=MWM=M_{\rm W}, large logarithmic corrections of the Sudakov type arise at TeV energies. In this paper we discuss the general structure of electroweak supersymmetric (susy) Sudakov corrections in the framework of the infrared evolution equation method. We discuss Yukawa sector Ward-identities which lead to the exponentiation of the subleading (SL) logarithmic Yukawa enhanced Sudakov corrections in both the Standard Model (SM) as well as in softly broken supersymmetric extensions. The results are given to SL accuracy to all orders in perturbation theory for arbitrary external lines in the ``light'' susy-mass scenario. The susy-QCD limit for virtual corrections is presented. Phenomenological applications regarding the precise determination of the important parameter tanβ\tan \beta through virtual corrections are discussed which are independent of the soft susy breaking mechanism to sub-subleading accuracy to all orders.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, contribution to RADCOR02/Loops and Legs 200

    Dark Matter and LHC: What is the Connection?

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    We review what can (and cannot) be learned if dark matter is detected in one or more experiments, emphasizing the importance of combining LHC data with direct, astrophysical and cosmological probes of dark matter. We briefly review the conventional picture of a thermally produced WIMP relic density and its connection with theories of electroweak symmetry breaking. We then discuss both experimental and theoretical reasons why one might generically expect this picture to fail. If this is the case, we argue that a combined effort bringing together all types of data -- combined with explicitly constructed theoretical models -- will be the only way to achieve a complete understanding of the dark matter in our universe and become confident that any candidate actually provides the relic density.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, Invited review for Modern Physics Letters

    Histochemical analyses of muscle injury induced by venom from Argentine Bothrops alternatus (víbora de la cruz)

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    Histochemical methods were used to study necrosis of skeletal muscle fibers induced by Bothrops alternatus snake venom from Argentina. Rats with a body weight between 220–270 g, were used. Animals received an i.m. venom injection (800 μg) in the gastrocnemius. To determine creatinphosphokinase activity (CPK), blood samples were taken from the tail 60 min, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after the envenoming. About 24 h later, rats received chloral hydrate anesthesia for histological analysis with Hematoxilin–Eosin (H–E) stain, and histochemical studies such as lipid peroxidation (Schiff’s reaction), and calcium precipitation (alizarin red stain). Results showed an increment in plasma CPK level, with its major peak at 3 h. Histochemical analyses revealed an intense destruction of muscular fibers as a consequence of a significant lipid peroxidation and calcium precipitation as well. Histochemical methods can be considered as a valuable tool in applied research regarding toxicological problems such as snake venom intoxication. It can be concluded that B. alternatus snake venom leads to a lipid peroxidation accompanied by citoplasmatic calcium precipitation. In addition, it was demonstrated that H–E stain made on frozen cuts (histochemical technique) is effective to evidence a panoramic tissular view of muscular lesion caused by B. alternatus venom, with the advantage of demanding a shorter execution lapse (few hours) in relationship to classic H–E histological technique, which requires several days of procesing

    Integral forest supply model with Eucalyptus globulus to the southeast region of Buenos Aires province, Argentine

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    El Sudeste de Buenos Aires, Argentina, es una zona tradicionalmente agropecuaria, con una actividad forestal relativamente pequeña pese a su buena aptitud ecológica y estratégica. Su situación comenzó a modificarse en el año 1987 con la exportación de rollos de eucalipto para la industria celulósica - papelera europea. La falta de planificación adecuada puede condicionar la evolución del sector. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un modelo dinámico de oferta forestal que incluyese componentes de corto y largo plazo, que prediga la oferta de madera para la exportación en función de variables de fácil medición, que reproduzca la evolución de la superficie forestada en la región y determine qué factores son relevantes en la decisión de los productores al planificar la inclusión o ampliación de la actividad. Se desarrolló un modelo sobre la base de la teoría del control óptimo que se subdividió en submodelos de superficie cortada y forestada. Esos modelos fueron ajustados empíricamente a través de técnicas de regresión mediante mínimos cuadrados ordinarios y bietápicos. Se demostró que mientras la corta fue regida por los precios de la celulosa expresados en moneda local, la forestación se explicó por variables cualitativas como la seguridad de obtener un precio mínimo futuro para el producto y con menor significancia, las tareas de extensión por parte de instituciones. También evidenció que no hay competencia entre la actividad forestal y la agropecuaria, lo que permitiría una complementación productiva y la obtención de los beneficios propios de la diversificación.The Southeast region of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina, a traditionally agricultural area, has little forest activity despite its ecologic and strategic aptitude. Such situation started to change in 1987, due to the export of eucalyptus log for European pulp and paper mills. Lack of adequate planning may condition the evolution of the region. The purpose of this work was to develop a dynamic forest supply model including long and short term components, predicting export pulpwood supply according to easily measurable variables, reproducing the evolution of the afforested area in the region and finding out which factors are relevant to landowners’ decision making when planning to start on the activity or increase the afforested area. A theorical model was developed based on the optimal control theory; it was divided into two submodels of harvested and afforested areas. Both submodels were empirically adjusted through regression techniques by Ordinary Least Squares and Two State Least Squares. It was shown that the harvest was ruled by pulp prices in local currency, while afforestation was governed by qualitative variables such as certainty of a future minimum stumpage price and, less significantly, extension tasks carried out by institutions. Evidence was also found that there is no competition between forest and agricultural activities, thus allowing productive complementation and the gaining of benefits inherent in diversification.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale