577 research outputs found

    Impact of Socialization in Elderly Public-Housing Residents

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    Older adults who experience social isolation have higher rates of mortality relative to their counterparts. Social interactions are an important way to combat this isolation. This research aims to better understand how social isolation in older adults living in low-income households in Richmond, Virginia (RVA) is related to their economic, physical, and psychological health status. As part of the iCubed Health and Wellness Aging Core and in collaboration with the Richmond Memorial: East End Housing Coalition for Older Adults, older adults from a selected public housing unit (n=28) self-reported their financial status, experiences with physical and psycho-social health, and feelings of social isolation. Survey participants were 71.4% female, the mean age was 69.75 years, and 25% were high school graduates. Participants averaged 34 years living in the East End and reported an average of $300 to spend on rent monthly. Overall, 55% (n=20) reported having two or more supports and 61% (n=22) reported hardly ever feeling isolated. However, a small subset of the sample reported having either no supports (5.6%, n=2) and 41.7% (n=15) lacked companionship some of the time or often. A one-way ANOVA was conducted and it was determined that participants who reported feeling left out more often were significantly more likely to report stress, anxiety, and depression (F[2, 25] = 6.998). Findings support the existence of supportive communities formed in low-income areas. Findings also indicate some older individuals residing in public housing in RVA experience social isolation and that this status is linked to poorer psycho-social health.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Development of subject specific finite element models of the mouse knee joint for preclinical applications

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    Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal disabling disease worldwide. Preclinical studies on mice are commonly performed to test new interventions. Finite element (FE) models can be used to study joint mechanics, but usually simplified geometries are used. The aim of this project was to create a realistic subject specific FE model of the mouse knee joint for the assessment of joint mechanical properties. Four different FE models of a C57Bl/6 female mouse knee joint were created based on micro-computed tomography images of specimens stained with phosphotungstic acid in order to include different features: individual cartilage layers with meniscus, individual cartilage layers without meniscus, homogeneous cartilage layers with two different thickness values, and homogeneous cartilage with same thickness for both condyles. They were all analyzed under compressive displacement and the cartilage contact pressure was compared at 0.3 N reaction force. Peak contact pressure in the femur cartilage was 25% lower in the model with subject specific cartilage compared to the simpler model with homogeneous cartilage. A much more homogeneous pressure distribution across the joint was observed in the model with meniscus, with cartilage peak pressure 5–34% lower in the two condyles compared to that with individual cartilage layers. In conclusion, modeling the meniscus and individual cartilage was found to affect the pressure distribution in the mouse knee joint under compressive load and should be included in realistic models for assessing the effect of interventions preclinically

    Estudio sobre el efecto del carbón activo con tierra decolorante sobre la reducción de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) en aceite de soja decolorado

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    Considering the importance of bleaching earth with activated carbon for reducing the Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as an important chemical contaminant, this study was conducted to confirm the effects of the bleaching process on the reduction or elimination of the BαP index and 4 PAH (BαA, CHR, BβF, BαP) contents in soybean oil. The bleaching process was carried out with different amounts of bleaching earth (1% w/w) and activated carbon (0.1% up to 0.5% w/w). A HPLC/FLD device was employed to determine the PAHs in the oil samples after undergoing extraction and clean-up procedures. The results of linearity indicated that there was a linear response with high linear regression coefficients of determination for all the 4 PAHs analyzed. (R2 > 0.9950). Furthermore, the recovery percentage was calculated from 83.8% to 106.2%; LOD and LOQ were 0.06–0.2 μgkg−1 and 0.2–0.61 μgkg−1, respectively. An analysis of the PAH contents indicated that the bleaching process, including a 0.27% to 0.5% w/w activated carbon application led to the elimination of the PAH content. Since vegetable oils have been shown to be the major sources of PAHs in the diet, the industrial use of activated carbon during the bleaching of vegetable oils is highly recommended.Considerando la importancia de decolorar la tierra con carbón activo para reducir los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) como un contaminante químico importante, este estudio se realizó para confirmar los efectos del proceso de decolorado sobre la reducción o eliminación del índice BαP y 4 HAP (BαA CHR, BβF, y BαP) en aceite de soja. El proceso de decolorado se realizó con diferentes cantidades de tierra decolorante (1% p/p) y carbón activo (0,1% hasta 0,5% p/p). Se empleó un HPLC/FLD para determinar los HAP en las muestras de aceite después de someterse a procedimientos de extracción y limpieza. Los resultados de linealidad indicaron que hubo una respuesta lineal con altos coeficientes de regresión lineal para los 4 HAP analizados. (R2 > 0,9950). Además, el porcentaje de recuperación se calculó de 83,8% a 106,2%; LOD y LOQ fueron 0.06–0.2 μgkg−1 y 0,2–0,61 μgkg−1, respectivamente. El análisis de los contenidos de HAP indicó que el proceso de decoloración que incluían un porcentaje de carbón activo de 0.27% hasta 0.5% p/p llevó a la eliminación del contenido de HAP. Dado que se ha demostrado que los aceites vegetales son las principales fuentes de HAP en la dieta, el uso industrial de carbón activado durante la decoloración de los aceites vegetales es muy recomendable

    Spectroscopic observation of resonant electric dipole-dipole interactions between cold Rydberg atoms

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    Resonant electric dipole-dipole interactions between cold Rydberg atoms were observed using microwave spectroscopy. Laser-cooled Rb atoms in a magneto-optical trap were optically excited to 45d Rydberg states using a pulsed laser. A microwave pulse transferred a fraction of these Rydberg atoms to the 46p state. A second microwave pulse then drove atoms in the 45d state to the 46d state, and was used as a probe of interatomic interactions. The spectral width of this two-photon probe transition was found to depend on the presence of the 46p atoms, and is due to the resonant electric dipole-dipole interaction between 45d and 46p Rydberg atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Titles and e-print numbers of references added to this versio

    Influence of genotype and plant growth regulator on somatic embryogenesis in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)

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    Two genotypes of Brassica napus species (Talayeh and RGS003) and the explants segment (hypocotyls and cotyledon) were tested for their potential to produce somatic embryos in in vitro condition. The effect of genotype, different explants and also different concentrations of plant growth regulators (PGRs) including: -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP), were investigated. The basal medium was Murashige and Skoog (MS)supplemented with 2% sucrose and 1% agar. Explants plated on different callus induction medium and each 4 week was subculture in the same medium. The results showed that ‘Talayeh’, in terms of regeneration, had significant difference with RGS003 and produce more somatic embryos. In this genotype, modified MS medium containing 2% sucrose, 6 mg l-1 sodium chloride (NaCl), 3 mg l-1 BAP, 2 mg l-1 NAA and 2 mg l-1 2,4-D was the most efficient medium for somatic embryogenesis in ‘Talayeh’and also, hypocotyl explants were found to be more suitable than cotyledon for somatic embryogenesis

    Banishayban in the Islamic era

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    Genealogists have related BaniShayban origin from Mosni-bin HarithaShaybani to prophet’s 19th ancestor called Nazar. Mosni-bin HarithaShaybani was a significant character who played a basic role in the events of early Islam. He managemd to earn reputation among Arabs due to his victory over the army of Iran in Zuqar battle, so that the first and second caliphs let him attack Iranian borders with other Islamic commanders.In addition to Zuqar battle under commandment of Mosni-bin HarithaShaybani, BaniShayban tribe had several battles with Shahrbaraz, Iranian self-styled king, including battle of chains and battle of Ullais during 11 to 14 A.H years. They participated in battle of the bridge with Abu Obadiah, another commander of the Muslim Arabs. They were also present at the battle of Boveib. The commander of Shaybanis attended the battle of al-Qādisiyyah with several injuries on his body and wished to participate in the battle of Jalula, but his life came to its end before that.In the days of Imam Ali, Shaybanis helped him and were his commanders, particularly in the  battle of Siffin, because of being allied with the descendants of Abu Talib. Although some of them stood against Imam Ali, some others lost their lives guilty of friendship with him. They acquired high positions at the time of Umayyad and Bani Abbas and were even appointed in Armenia.The most important question is whether Shaybanis had any relationships with caliphs in early Islam; what role did they play in early Muslim conquests; and what positions were they assigned in the early centuries of Islam? The present study investigates the role of Shaybanis in Islamic era, particularly during early Islam as well as Umayyad and Bani Abbas reign.Keywords: BaniShayban, Mosni-bin Haritha, Iranian army, Umayyad, Bani Abba

    Cross-Cultural Adaptations of the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Treatment in Iran

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    Background: According to general ethical and legal principles, valid consent must be obtained before starting any procedure. Objectives: Due to the lack of a standard tool for assessing patients’ capacity to consent to medical treatment in Iran, the present study was carried out aiming to devise a Persian version of a cross-cultural adaptation of the MacArthur competence assessment tool. Patients and Methods: By reviewing different methods of cultural translation and adaptation for assessment tools, and due to the lack of consensus on its processes, we selected Wild’s model as one of the most comprehensive methods in this regard. Wild’s (2005) 10-stage model includes preparation, forward translation, reconciliation of the forward translation, back translation of reconciliation, back translation review, cognitive debriefing and cognitive review, and finalization, proofreading and final reporting. Using this model, we translated the MacArthur assessment tool and made it adaptable to Iranian patients. Results: The MacArthur assessment tool is not dependent on any specific culture and language. As a result, if translation and its scientific adaptation are done based on an integrated and detailed model, the tool can be used for every culture and language. In other words, this tool is not culture-specific; so, it is applicable in cases where a translation is needed, and it can be culturally adapted to suit different societies. Conclusions: In the present study, we are able to focus on and prove the efficacy and benefits of this measurement tool

    Application of lidocaine spray for tracheal intubation in neonates - A clinical trial study

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    Background: Tracheal intubation is extremely distressing, painful, and may influence heart rate and blood pressure. Sedatives, analgesics, and muscle relaxants are not commonly used for intubation in neonates. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of lidocaine spray as a non-intravenous drug before neonatal intubation on blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and time of intubation. Patients and Methods: In a randomized, controlled study each neonate was randomly assigned to one of the two study groups by staffs who were not involved in the infant's care. The allocation concealment was kept in an opaque sealed envelope, and the investigators, the patient care team, and the assessors were blinded to the treatment allocation. The selected setting was NICU unit of a teaching hospital in Ilam city, Iran and participants were 60 neonates with indication of tracheal intubation with gestational age >30 weeks. Patients in the treatment group received lidocaine spray and the placebo group received spray of normal saline prior to intubation. Main outcome measurements were the mean rates of blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, intubation time and lidocaine side effects were measured before and after intubation. Results: Totally 60 newborns including 31 boys and 29 girls were entered into the study (drug group n = 30; placebo group n = 30). Boy/girl ratio in treatment and placebo groups were 1.3 and 0.88, respectively. Mean age ± SD of participants was 34.1 ± 24.8 hours (treatment: 35.3 ± 25.7; placebo: 32.9 ± 24.3; P < 0.0001). Mean weight ± SD of neonates was 2012.5 ± 969 g. Application of lidocaine spray caused a significant reduction of mean intubation time among treatment group compared with placebo group (treatment: 15.03 ± 2.2 seconds; placebo: 18.3 ± 2.3 seconds; P < 0.0001). Mean blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation rate, among neonates in treatment group was reduced after intubation compared with their relevant figures before intubation; however, their differences were not statistically significant except for mean oxygen saturation rate that was reduced significantly in placebo group. No side effects were observed during study. Conclusions: Though the current study revealed some promising results in the application of lidocaine spray during neonatal intubation without any considerable side effects; however, the current investigation could only be considered as a pilot study for further attempts in different locations with higher sample sizes and in different situations. © 2015, Growth & Development Research Center

    Plasmon-Mediated Drilling in Thin Metallic Nanostructures

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    Tetrahedral nanopyramids made of silver and gold over ITO/glass surfaces are fabricated. Our protocol is based on nanosphere lithography (NSL) with the deposition of thicker metal layers. After removing the microspheres used in the NSL process, an array of metallic tetrahedral nanostructures of ~350-400 nm height is formed. The reported procedure avoids the use of any stabilizing surfactant molecules that are generally necessary to segregate the individual particles onto surfaces. We focus here on the optical and the physical properties of these plasmonic surfaces using near-field spectroscopy in conjunction with finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the electric field. Remarkably, FDTD shows that the localized surface plasmon resonance is confined in the plane formed by the edges of two facing pyramids that is parallel to the polarization of the impinging excitation laser. The variable gap between the edges of two adjacent pyramids shows a broader localized surface plasmon and larger specific surface as opposed to the usual nanotriangle array. Localized enhancement of the electric field is experimentally investigated by coating the plasmonic surface with a thin film of photosensitive azopolymer onto the surface of the nanopyramids. The reported deformation upon radiation of the surface topography is visualized by atomic force microscopy and suggests the potentiality of these 3D nanopyramids for near-field enhancement. This last feature is clearly confirmed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering measurement with 4-nitrothiophenol molecules deposited on the pyramid platforms. The potentiality of such 3D nanostructures in plasmonics and surface spectroscopy is thus clearly demonstrated