16 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Distribusi Penerangan Kapal Ikan Multipurpose 70 GT Menggunakan Metode Zonal Cavity

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    The 70 GT multipurpose fishing vessel is a type of vessel designed to operate longer at sea. This ship has a relatively wider cargo space with a variety of fishing gear (multipurpose). The ship is propelled by a 283 kW diesel engine and the source of electric power is supplied by a 20 kW diesel generator. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of electric power used for ship lighting. The method used is the lumen method or the zonal cavity method. This method is used to determine the proper lighting standards on board according to regulatory standards from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) class. The results of the study showed that the total electric power needed for lighting on board was 0.4 kW. LED lights are an alternative in determining the type of lighting that is energy efficient and durable on board.-Kapal ikan multipurpose 70 GT merupakan salah satu jenis kapal yang didesain untuk beroperasi lebih lama di laut. Kapal ini memiliki ruang muat yang relatif lebih luas dengan alat tangkap yang beraneka ragam (multipurpose). Kapal digerakkan dengan mesin diesel 283 kW dan sumber tenaga listrik disuplai dari generator diesel 20 kW. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan besaran daya listrik yang digunakan untuk penerangan kapal. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode lumen atau zonal cavity method. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengetahui standar pencahaayan yang tepat di atas kapal sesuai dengan standar regulasi dari American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) class. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan total daya listrik yang dibutuhkan untuk penerangan di atas kapal adalah 0,4 Kw. Lampu LED menjadi sebuah alternatif dalam penentuan jenis lampu penerangan yang hemat energi dan tahan lama di atas kapal

    Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Tensile Strength of ASTM A36 Welded Joints: Application on Hull Vessel Material

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    In fact, in the welding process, there are many problems that arise. Such as cracking caused by excessive stress Residual stress can result in a decrease in the mechanical properties of a material such as brittle fracture, fatigue, and cracking. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of tensile strength in ASTM plate welded joints A36 with variations of single vee butt and single bevel butt and knowing the comparison of the effects ofpost-weldd heat treatment on welded joints with variations of single v butt and single bevel butt joints. The method used in this research is experimental. The results of the data obtained in this study The value of the tensile strength of the Single Bevel Butt joint without the influence of Heat Treatment is 153.87 MPa, the tensile strength of the Single Vee Butt joint without the influence of Heat Treatment is 161.75 MPa and the tensile strength of the seam Single Bevel Butt with the effect of Heat Treatment is 196,65 MPa. The tensile strength of the Single Vee Butt seam with the effect of Heat Treatment is 173,36 MPa

    Energy extraction method for EEG channel selection

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    Channel selection is an improvement technique to optimize EEG-based BCI performance. In previous studies, many channel selection methods—mostly based on spatial information of signals—have been introduced. One of these channel selection techniques is the energy calculation method. In this paper, we introduce an energy optimization calculation method, called the energy extraction method. Energy extraction is an extension of the energy calculation method, and is divided into two steps. The first step is energy calculation and the second is energy selection. In the energy calculation step, l2-norm is used to calculate channel energy, while in the energy selection method we propose three techniques: “high value” (HV), “close to mean” (CM), and “automatic”. All proposed framework schemes for energy extraction are applied in two types of datasets. Two classes of datasets i.e. motor movement (hand and foot movement) and motor imagery (imagination of left and right hand movement) were used. The system used a Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) method to extract EEG signal features and k-NN as a classification method to classify the signal features with k = 3. Based on the test results, all schemes for the proposed energy extraction method yielded improved BCI performance of up to 58%. In summary, the energy extraction approach using the CM energy selection method was found to be the best channel selection technique

    A Finite Element Analysis of Structural Strength of Ferry Ro-Ro’s Car Deck

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    Ferry Ro-Ro is a type of ship used to carry passengers and vehicles. This ship has several decks such as navigation decks, passenger decks, and car decks. The car deck is subject to a heavy load as it should accommodate vehicle loads. This study aims to conduct a finite element analysis to determine the stress and deformation experienced on the car deck of the Ferry Ro-Ro and determine the safety factor based on BKI (Indonesian Classification Bureau). The method used in this study is the Finite Element Method (FEM) which has been applied in the finite element based-applications namely Ansys Workhbench. The simulations are carried out using the software by varying the thickness of the car deck’s plate, the plate is subjected to pressure loads which are car loads accommodated by the car deck. Moreover, the fixed support is applied in the deck during the simulation. Based on the simulation results of variations of 90, 100, and 110% plate thickness. It is obtained that the smallest plate experienced maximum stress and the obtained safety factor of all plate thickness variations was satisfied the BKI Standard.Ferry Ro-Ro adalah jenis kapal yang digunakan untuk membawa penumpang dan kendaraan . Kapal ini memiliki beberapa geladak seperti geladak navigasi , geladak penumpang dan geladak kendaraan. Geladak kendaraan mengalami beban yang besar karena harus menampung beban kendaraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melalukan analisis alemen hingga untuk mengetahui tegangan dan deformasi yang terjadi pada geladak kendaraan kapal Ferry Ro-Ro dan mengetahui safety factor berdasarkan BKI.  Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode elemen hingga telah diterapkan pada aplikasi berbasis elemen hingga. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan software tersebut dengan memvariasikan ketebalan plat kapal. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi variasi dari 90, 100, dan 110% ketebalan pelat diperoleh hasil bahwa plat paling kecil mengalami tegangan maksimum dan safety factor yang diperoleh dari semua variasi pelat memenuhi standar BKI

    A new mutation operation for faster convergence in genetic algorithm feature selection

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    Feature selection is an important step in data classification because it has a high impact on classification accuracy. Feature selection using Genetic Algorithm (GA) is usually done in a wrapper method. The process is time consuming especially for large dimensional database. We propose a new mutation operation for faster feature selection by GA based on elitism of the allele. Normal elitism in GA preserves the most fit chromosomes which are evaluated using the fitness function. In the same way, the highest fit allele will be preserved and the fitness of the allele is evaluated based on the frequency of occurrences. The chromosome undergoing this mutation process will have a high if not the highest fitness because it is created based on a high fit allele. It will be the catalyst to increase the rate of convergence towards achieving an optimal features combination. Experiments for feature selection using this method are conducted using a database of tropical wood species which has a large variation of features. Results of the experiments show that a high accuracy is obtained for the recognition of the tropical wood species using the feature selection method. In addition, it has also been shown that the chromosomes created by the new mutation operation have high fitness and the rate of optimal convergence is improved substantially. The new mutation operation is not only useful for large database, but also can be used for small or medium sized database

    Analysis of the Development of Human Resource Management Functions (An Analysis of Qur’anic Verses on Human Resource Management)

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    Human resource issues are still a highlight and priority for an organization or company to survive and develop in the current era of globalization. The existence of human resources is a determining factor in the successful implementation of an effective organization.  Company activities will not be completed properly without being supported by the potential and effective and efficient performance of its human resources.  To achieve this success, the existence of human resource management is an absolute thing that must be done optimally so that the purpose of the organization can be achieved. This research aims to examine further the function of human resource management in general, as well as compare it with Islamic rules regarding human resource management contained in the Qur’an so that it can add to the development of human resource management functions both in general and when associated with human resource management in Islam which views humans as having 2 functions, namely as servants and caliphs on earth. This research on Human Resource Management is also the result of the author's observations of human resource management when viewed from an Islamic perspective. This writing is to answer the question of how the human resource management system is viewed from an Islamic point of view.  This research method is library research and is included in the category of qualitative research. With thematic method (maudu’iy), namely collecting and analyzing the verses of the Qur'an that talk about the function of human resource management. The results showed that many verses of the Qur'an that examine human resources can be used for the development of human resource management functions and add contributions to the development of Sharia human resource management functions. This research can be continued by studying and deepening the verses of the Koran in subsequent studies so that Islamic human resources have specific advantages

    Seleksi Beberapa Hasil Persilangan Genotipe Jagung (Zea mays L) Tipe Daun Tegak

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    This study aims to determine several genotypes of upright leaf-type maize with high production, in addition to knowing the genotypic characters obtained from the selection of upright leaf-type corn with closer spacing. The study was arranged as an experiment using a randomized block design (RBD) with the treatment of types of corn resulting from crosses. There were 6 genotypes tested, namely SU1, SU2, SU3, SU4, SU5, SU6, and 2 control genotypes namely SU7 (variety RK75) and SU8 (variety RK457). Genotypes were tested based on agronomic characteristics and yield. The results showed that the production of the tested and the control genotypes were not significantly different. However, the highest average production was found in the comparison genotype, especially the RK457 variety, which was 7.49 t/ha. The results of the selection of agronomic characters stated that the genotypes tested and the control genotypes showed no significantly different results on the characters of plant height, cob height, leaf length, leaf width, and leaf angle but significantly different on the stem diameter character. Genotype SU5 had an average stem diameter of 20.75 mm, not significantly different from genotype SU6 (18.95mm), RK457 (19.24 mm), and RK75 (17.79 mm). However, it was significantly different from the genotypes SU1 (16.35 mm), SU2 (14.40 mm), SU3 (16.05 mm), and SU4 (16.93 mm). The selection results for yield characteristics stated that the tested and control genotypes did not have significantly different characters

    Smart packing simulator for 3D packing problem using genetic algorithm

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    Every year, at least 100 million tons of solid waste globally comes from packaging waste, in which partly created by inefficient packaging. Multiple box arrangement or bin packing solution directly addresses this problem which also affects storing space in production, manufacturing and logistics sector. Smart packing algorithm is designed for solving three-dimensional bin/container packing problem (3DBPP) which has numerous practical applications in various fields including container ship loading, pallet loading, plane cargo, warehouse management and parcel packing. This project investigates the implementation of genetic algorithm (GA) for a smart packing simulator in solving the 3DBPP applications. The smart packing system has an adaptable chromosome length GA for more robust implementation, where chromosome length will be changing with number of boxes. It can optimize multiple box arrangements and the boxes movements and positions are simulated through each GA generations, for realistic adaptation. The system is able to make optimum arrangement for the boxes so they can fit into a smallest container possible. The time taken for GA to converge varies with number of boxes