350 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium orientational patterns in two-component Langmuir monolayers

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    A model of a phase-separating two-component Langmuir monolayer in the presence of a photo-induced reaction interconvering two components is formulated. An interplay between phase separation, orientational ordering and treaction is found to lead to a variety of nonequilibrium self-organized patterns, both stationary and traveling. Examples of the patterns, observed in numerical simulations, include flowing droplets, traveling stripes, wave sources and vortex defects.Comment: Submitted to the Physical Review

    Effect of Interdot Resistance on Single Electron Devices with Silicon Multi Dots

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    The effect of interdot resistance on single electron devices with Si (silicon) multi dots has been studied in this work. The devices were fabricated by a fabrication method consisting of three steps, i.e., sample preparation by wafer bonding technique, formation of Si dots and formation of Si channel and electrodes. It was found that the interdot resistance, which is influenced by the thickness of the interdot barrier region, determines the localization of the carrier. The device with strong carrier localization reveals the current oscillations on the drain current versus gate voltage characteristics. Such characteristics are caused by the Coulomb blockade effect, and this means that the device works based on single electron phenomenon. These results indicate that the interdot resistance plays an essential role on the device operation

    Generation of Multiple Circular Walls on a Thin Film of Nematic Liquid Crystal by Laser Scanning

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    We found that multiple circular walls (MCW) can be generated on a thin film of a nematic liquid crystal through a spiral scanning of a focused IR laser. The ratios between radii of adjacent rings of MCW were almost constant. These constant ratios can be explained theoretically by minimization of the Frank elastic free energy of nematic medium. The director field on a MCW exhibits chiral symmetry-breaking although the elastic free energies of both chiral MCWs are degenerated, i.e., the director on a MCW can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise along the radial direction.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Chemical Physics Letters 2nd Editio

    Observation of Photovoltaic Effect and Single-photon Detection in Nanowire Silicon Pn-junction

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    We  study  nanowire  silicon  pin  and  pn-junctions  at  room  and  low  temperature.  Photovoltaic  effects  are  observed  for both devices at room temperature. At low temperature, nanowire pn-junction devices show their ability to detect single photon. This ability was not been observed for pin devices. Phosphorus-boron dopant cluster in the depletion region is considered  to  have  the  main  role  for  single-photon  detection  capability.  Fundamental  mechanism  of  dopant-based single-photon detection in nanowire pn-junction is described in details

    Neural network design and feature selection using principal component analysis and Taguchi method for identifying wood veneer defects

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    Nowadays, ensuring high quality can be considered the main strength for a company’s success. Especially, in a period of economic recession, quality control is crucial from the operational and strategic point of view. There are different quality control methods and it has been proven that on the whole companies using a continuous improvement approach, eliminating waste and maximizing productive flow, are more efficient and produce more with lower costs. This paper presents a method to optimize the quality control stage for a wood manufacturing firm. The method is based on the employment of the principal component analysis in order to reduce the number of critical variables to be given as input for an artificial neural network (ANN) to identify wood veneer defects. The proposed method allows the ANN classifier to identify defects in real time and increase the response speed during the quality control stage so that veneers with defects do not pass through the whole production cycle but are rejected at the beginning

    Working Capital Efficiency, Liquidity, and Solvency on Profitability of Indonesian State-Private Bank

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    Bank merupakan perusahaan jasa terbesar di Indonesia berdasarkan data Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang sangat mempengaruhi fluktuasi pasar di bidang jasa. Komponen yang dijadikan sebagai pengukuran dalam menentukan tingkat kekuatan dan kemampuan lembaga perbankan diantarnya rasio keuangan yang terkait dengan profitabilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Efisiensi Modal Kerja, Liquidity, dan Solvency terhadap Profitability Bank BUMN Indonesia. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi data yang digunakan yakni seluruh laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan di website Bursa Efek Indonesia dan website bank objek penelitian. Sedangkan sampelnya adalah laporan keuangan yang dibatasi 8 tahun yakni 2014 sampai 2021. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui laporan keuangan yang di download dari website bank objek penelitian, kemudian pengujian data dengan regresi ganda dengan menggunakan SPSS v. 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi modal kerja dan liquidity tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap profitability, sementara solvency memberikan pengaruh terhadap profitability. Kemudian bila dianalisis secara simultan efisiensi modal kerja, likuiditas dan solvency memberikan pengaruh terhadap profitability

    Laser information encoded in atomic asymmetrical ionization in few-cycle laser fields

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    The pulse duration and carry-envelope phase (CEP) are two important parameters to characterize a few-cycle intense laser. We systematically study asymmetrical ionization of Ar in few-cycle laser fields with different pulse durations (3–7 fs) and laser intensities (1013–1014 W/cm2) by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Analyzing the CEP-dependent asymmetry of above-threshold ionization as a function of the photoelectron energy, we find that the qualitative global features of CEP-dependent asymmetry are insensitive to the pulse duration. But the fine structures of the asymmetry are sensitive to the laser pulse duration. Changing Ar to H atoms, we find that the information encoded in asymmetry is insensitive to target atoms at a moderate laser intensity

    Theory of monolayers with boundaries: Exact results and Perturbative analysis

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    Domains and bubbles in tilted phases of Langmuir monolayers contain a class of textures knows as boojums. The boundaries of such domains and bubbles may display either cusp-like features or indentations. We derive analytic expressions for the textures within domains and surrounding bubbles, and for the shapes of the boundaries of these regions. The derivation is perturbative in the deviation of the bounding curve from a circle. This method is not expected to be accurate when the boundary suffers large distortions, but it does provide important clues with regard to the influence of various energetic terms on the order-parameter texture and the shape of the domain or bubble bounding curve. We also look into the effects of thermal fluctuations, which include a sample-size-dependent effective line tension.Comment: replaced with published version, 21 pages, 16 figures include