16 research outputs found


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    Каротиноїди – це синтезовані рослинами і мікроорганізмами жовті, оранжеві і червоні пігменти, які є попередниками вітаміну А та можуть виконувати імуномодулюючі функції. Зазвичай у птахівництві каротиноїди вносять у раціон курей-несучок для отримання оптимальної пігментації яєчного жовтка і збільшення окисної стабільності його ліпідів. З метою оцінки ефекту синтетичних і натуральних каротиноїдів на денну продукцію яєць і деяких інших параметрів їх якості були проведені два досліди. Курей утримували на раціонах, а саме: контрольному і дослідних з добавками синтетичних каротиноїдів - червоного і жовтого Carrophyl®, лютеїну, водоростей хлорели і гірчичної муки. Каротиноїди не мали ніякого впливу на денну продукцію яєць курки. Достовірно посилювали інтенсивність кольору жовтка як і синтетичні, так і природні каротиноїди. Carophylls, лютеїн і Chlorella достовірно збільшили окисну стабільність ліпідів жовтка. Звідси можна зробити висновки, що, по-перше, лютеїн і Chlorella – це альтернатива синтетичним каротиноїдам, а, по-друге, використання хлорели є більш вигідним з економічної точки зору, ніж лютеїну. Каротиноиды – это синтезированные растениями и микроорганизмами желтые, оранжевые и красные пигменты, которые являются предшественниками витамина А и могут выполнять иммуномодулирующие функции. Обычно в птицеводстве каротиноиды вносят в рацион кур-несушек для получения оптимальной пигментации яичного желтка и увеличение окислительной стабильности его липидов. С целью оценки эффекта синтетических и натуральных каротиноидов на дневную продукцию яиц и некоторых других параметров их качества были проведены два опыта. Кур содержали на рационах, а именно: контрольном и опытных с добавками синтетических каротиноидов - красного и желтого Carrophyl®, лютеина, водорослей хлореллы и горчичной муки. Каротиноиды не имели никакого влияния на дневную продукцию яиц курицы. Интенсивность цвета желтка достоверно усиливали, как и синтетические, так и природные каротиноиды. Carophylls, лютеин и Chlorella достоверно увеличили окислительную стабильность липидов желтка. Отсюда можно сделать выводы, что, во-первых, лютеин и Chlorella – это альтернатива синтетическим каротиноидам, а, во-вторых, использование хлореллы является более выгодным с экономической точки зрения, чем лютеина.Carotenoids are yellow, orange and red pigments, synthesized by plants and microorganisms. They are precursors of vitamin A and can perform immunomodulatory functions. Usually, in poultry, carotenoids are included in the diet oflaying hens to obtain the optimal pigmentation of egg yolk and increase oxidative stability of yolk lipids. In order to evaluate the effect of synthetic and natural carotenoids on daily production of eggs and other quality parameters, two experiments were performed. Chickens were on control diet and experimental one supplemented synthetic carotenoids – red and yellow Carrophyl®, lutein, algae Chlorella and mustard meal. Carotenoids have had no impact on daily production of chicken eggs. Yolk colour intensity significantly strengthened under influence synthetic and natural carotenoids. Carophylls, lutein and Chlorella significantly increased oxidative stability of yolk lipids. It can be concluded that, firstly, lutein and Chlorella are an alternative to synthetic carotenoids, and, secondly, the use of chlorella is more advantageous from an economic point of view than lutein

    Effect of housing system and feed restriction on meat quality of medium-growing chickens

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to evaluate the differences in meat quality of 420 Hubbard JA757 cockerels in relation to the housing system (litter and mobile box) and level of mixed feed (ad libitum [AL], reducing the level by 20% [R20] and 30% [R30]). Three groups of chickens were housed in litter boxes for the entire fattening period (stocking density: 0.094 m2/bird). The other 3 groups were housed in litter boxes until 28 d of age and then relocated into mobile boxes (stocking density: 0.154 m2/bird) on pasture until the end of the experiment at 57 d of age. Restricted groups received a reduced diet level from 29th to 57th d of age. Feed mixture restriction increased the pasture vegetation intake of chickens from 2.63 to 3.50 (R20) and 3.94 g of dry matter/bird/d (R30). Restriction adversely affected the dressing percentage (P < 0.001) and breast yield (P < 0.001), while the leg yield (P < 0.001) was increased with increasing restriction levels. Meat of chickens housed in mobile boxes on a pasture showed lower cooking loss (P < 0.001) and higher redness and yellowness values in the skin (P = 0.030 and P = 0.026; respectively) and meat (P = 0.008 and P < 0.001; respectively). The fragile meat after cooking was observed in chickens reared on litter (P = 0.001). As the level of restriction increased, the number of muscle fibres (P = 0.001) increased, and their cross-sectional area (P = 0.001) and diameter (P = 0.002) decreased. The highest contents of lutein (P = 0.002) and zeaxanthin (P = 0.006) in breast muscle were found in chickens housed in mobile boxes and fed 80% and 70% AL. However, the concentrations of α- and γ-tocopherol (P = 0.006 and P = 0.003) were negatively affected by feed restriction. A 30% reduction in feed level in outdoor housed chickens led to a decrease in oxidative stability (P = 0.024). Feed restriction (R20) in chickens housed in mobile boxes significantly increased the n3 fatty acids content (P = 0.002) and h/H index (P = 0.005) and reduced the n6/n3 ratio (P < 0.001) and atherogenic (P < 0.001) and thrombogenic index (P = 0.003), which possess a health benefits for human. In addition, restriction of mixed feed decreased cholesterol content in breast meat (P = 0.042). It might be concluded that, in terms of meat quality, cereal diet restriction of 20% in medium-growing cockerels housed in mobile boxes on a pasture is beneficial. The higher level of restriction does not lead to further improvement in meat quality indicators

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Rat Brain after Epileptic Seizures -Preliminary Results Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Rat Brain after Epileptic Seizures

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    Abstract: The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the rat brain after the epilepsy seizures has been performed. As a first step, the model of the kainic acid (KA) induced seizures has been conducted to examine the possibilities of magnetic resonance imaging system kept in disposition. Seven Wistar albino rats, weighing about 300 g, were used in this study. We administered six of them with intraperitoneal injection of 10 mg/kg of KA. The control animal received corresponding volume of the saline. Every animal was examined under systemic anaesthesia induced by an intraperitoneal injection of thiopental sodium approximately 15 minutes before scanning. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has been used to acquire the coronary scans of the rat brain. The progress of hyper intense signal at the cerebral cortex and amygdale has been observed. Marked asymmetry of the signal intensity between hemispheres has been discovered. Subsequently the experimental model of audiogenic epilepsy will be conducted. Introduction Many animal models have been established to study the mechanism of epilepsy. The kainic acid (KA) induced seizures are one of the common models. KA is a cyclic analogue of glutamate that depolarises both pre-and postsynaptic cells by interaction with the non -NMDA type of glutamate receptor It has been shown, that the diffusion-weighted images (DWI) showed improved contrast for oedematous tissu

    Mineral Nutrients Sourced in Deep Regolith Sustain Long‐Term Nutrition of Mountainous Temperate Forest Ecosystems

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    Primary productivity of forest ecosystems depends on the availability of plant‐essential mineral nutrients. Because nutrient demand of trees often exceeds nutrient supply from rock, tree nutrition is sustained by efficient reutilization of organic‐bound nutrients. These nutrients are continuously returned from trees to the forest floor in litterfall. However, over millennia nutrient limitation may develop in landscapes from which nutrients are permanently lost by drainage and erosion. Such a deficit is prevented if advection of unweathered bedrock toward the surface as driven by erosion continuously supplies fresh nutrients. Yet the mechanisms and the depth range over which this deep nutrient resource is accessed are poorly known. We show that in two montane temperate forest ecosystems in the Black Forest and Bavarian Forest the geogenic source of nutrients was found within a depth zone of several meters. This deep zone contains a large pool of biologically available nutrients. We applied isotope ratios as proxies for nutrient uptake depth, and we tracked the regolith depth at which the isotope ratios of 87Sr/86Sr and 10Be(meteoric)/9Be match the respective values in plant tissue. We mapped the depth distribution of the biologically available calcium‐bound form of the most plant‐essential mineral nutrient phosphorus and found that the depth of phosphorus availability is as deep or even deeper as the range defined by the isotope ratios. We conclude that nutrient supply from a regolith depth of several meters is critical for forest ecosystem function in landscapes of moderate hillslopes and rainfall that are affected by permanent nutrient loss.Key Points: Combined 87Sr(radiogenic)/86Sr and 10Be(cosmogenic)/9Be isotope ratios were applied as proxies for mineral nutrient uptake depth. These systems suggest mineral nutrient uptake by Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica of 2 to >10 m depth. Potentially biologically available calcium phosphate is not available at a depth shallower than 3 m. Loss of mineral nutrients from the nutrient‐rich forest floor is balanced by mineral nutrient uptake from the deep saprolite.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000165