1,994 research outputs found

    The relation between career anchors, emotional intelligence and employability satisfaction among workers in the service industry

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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship betweenthe career anchors (measured by the Career Orientations Inventory),emotional intelligence (measured by the Assessing Emotions Scale)and employability satisfaction (measured by a one-item scale) of arandom sample of 270 adults employed in the service industry. Aquantitative survey design was used. Multiple regression analysesrevealed significant relationships between the participants’ careeranchors, emotional intelligence and employability satisfaction.The results further showed the entrepreneurial creativity, service/dedication to a cause and autonomy career anchors to be significantpredictors of emotional intelligence. Employability satisfactionsignificantly predicted the pure challenge and service/dedicationto a cause career anchors. Managing others’ emotions significantlypredicted employability satisfaction. The findings contribute newknowledge to the field of career psychology and may be used toinform human resource practices concerned with optimising person–job fit and the job and career satisfaction of employees. In the lightof the turbulent world of work context, career counsellors may alsofind the results useful in facilitating proactive career behaviouramong employees


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    In stratified sampling with k different variables and H strata it is often of interest to minimize the survey cost with respect to variance restrictions on each of the k variables. This problem has previously been solved using compromise solutions or using a linear approximation to this nonlinear problem. In this paper a nonlinear optimization routine is tested on this problem. The formulation of the problem in its original form proved problematic. For the test cases run, the transformation th = l/nh, where nh is the number of samples in stratum h, performed best when k and H are less than 7. As the number of strata and variables increase, the transformation th = nh 2 performs better. In addition, simple modifications to the routine used can improve the convergence

    The unique procoagulant adaptations of pseudonaja textilis venom factor V and factor X

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    Blood coagulation is a highly specialized process that is required to prevent blood loss following vascular damage. Central to the formation of a blood clot are the blood coagulation proteins factor V and factor X. Aside from preventing blood loss, the coagulation system can also be exploited to gain selective advantages. The procoagulant venom of the Australian Elapid snakes comprises a powerful prothrombin-activating enzyme complex consisting of FV- and FX-like proteins that are specifically expressed in the venom gland. These coagulation proteins have evolved into potent toxins due to some remarkable gain-of-function adaptations that enable this prothrombinase-like complex to initiate coagulation in an uncontrolled manner. In this thesis, we focus on the unique evolutionary adaptations of the P. textilis venom derived proteins v-ptFV and v-ptFX. By using biochemical approaches, we assess the structure-function relationships of several uniquely modified structural elementsLUMC / Geneeskund

    Prosodic cues for morphological complexity: The case of Dutch plural nouns

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    It has recently been shown that listeners use systematic differences in vowel length and intonation to resolve ambiguities between onset-matched simple words (Davis, Marslen-Wilson, & Gaskell, 2002; Salverda, Dahan, & McQueen, 2003). The present study shows that listeners also use prosodic information in the speech signal to optimize morphological processing. The precise acoustic realization of the stem provides crucial information to the listener about the morphological context in which the stem appears and attenuates the competition between stored inflectional variants. We argue that listeners are able to make use of prosodic information, even though the speech signal is highly variable within and between speakers, by virtue of the relative invariance of the duration of the onset. This provides listeners with a baseline against which the durational cues in a vowel and a coda can be evaluated. Furthermore, our experiments provide evidence for item-specific prosodic effects

    Paradigmatic structure in speech production

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    The main goal of the present study is to trace the consequences of local and global markedness for the processing of singular and plural nouns. Decompositional models such as proposed by (Pinker (1997); Pinker (1999)) and (Levelt et al. (1999)) predict a lexeme frequency effect and no effects of the frequencies of the singular and the plural forms. Experiments 1 and 4 reveal the expected lexeme frequency effect. Furthermore, in these experiments there are no clear independent effects of the frequencies of the inflected forms. However, the effects of Entropy and Relative Entropy that emerge from these experiments show that in production knowledge of the probabilities of the individual inflected forms do play a role, albeit indirectly. These entropy effects bear witness to the importance of paradigmatic organization of inflected forms in the mental lexicon, both at the level of individual lexemes (Entropy) and at the general level of the class of nouns (Relative Entropy)

    BO-Bodemdiensten pilot Schokland : een methodiek voor maatwerk bij vergoedingen

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    De Nederlandse bodem bevat veel waardevolle archeologische en aardkundige objecten die zich voor een groot deel in agrarisch gebied bevinden. Agrarische activiteiten kunnen een bedreiging vormen voor het behoud van deze objecten, maar boeren kunnen ook een bijdrage leveren aan het in stand houden van deze waardevolle objecten. De Nederlandse Catalogus Groen Blauwe Diensten (GBC) is geschikt om de vergoeding van bodemdiensten op te nemen. Dit onderzoek stelt een methodiek voor die provincies en gemeentes kunnen gebruiken om vergoedingen vast te stellen op de locaties waar archeologische en aardkundige waarden liggen

    Participation and compliance in a 6-month daily diary study among individuals at risk for mental health problems.

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    Intensive longitudinal (IL)measurement,which involves prolonged self-monitoring, may have important clinical applications but is also burdening. This raises the question who takes part in and successfully completes IL measurements. This preregistered study investigated which demographic, personality, economic, social, psychological, or physical participant characteristics are associated with participation and compliance in an IL study conducted in young adults at enhanced risk for psychopathology. Dutch young adults enrolled in the clinical cohort of the TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) were invited to a 6-month daily diary study. Participant characteristics came from five earlier TRAILS assessment waves collected from Age 11 onwards. To evaluate participation, we compared diary study participants (N =134) to nonparticipants (N =309) and a sex-matched subsample (N = 1926) of individuals from the general population cohort of TRAILS. To evaluate compliance, we analyzed which characteristics were related to the proportion of completed diary entries. We found that participants (23.6 ± 0.7 years old; 57% male) were largely similar to nonparticipants. In addition, compared to the general population, participants reported more negative scores on nearly all characteristics. Internalizing problems predicted higher compliance. Externalizing problems, antisocial behavior, and daily smoking predicted lower compliance. Thus, in at-risk young adults, who scored lower on nearly every positive characteristic and higher on every negative characteristic relative to the general population, participation in a diary study is unbiased. Small biases in compliance occur, of which researchers should be aware. IL measurement is thus suitable in at-risk populations, which is a requirement for its usefulness in clinical practice.</p

    The Relationship Between Career Patterns And Personality Types

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    Contemporary career research emphasises the need for career counselling practices that will assist individuals in shifting from linear career preferences to non-linear career patterns. A Career counselling framework that facilitates self-insight in personal motives and personality preferences seems to enable individuals to develop the inner sense of direction and identity required to view new career patterns as challenges for personal growth. Opsomming Hedendaagse loopbaannavorsing beklemtoon die behoefte aan loopbaanberadingspraktyke wat individue kan help omdie verskuiwing van liniere loopbaanvoorkeure na nie-liniere loopbaanpatrone te maak.‘n Loopbaanberadingsraamwerk wat selinsig in persoonlike motiewe en persoonlikheids-voorkeure fasiliteer blyk individue te help om die innerlike gevoel van rigting en identiteit te ontwikkel om nuwe loopbaanpatrone as uitdagings vir persoonlike groei te beskou
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