1,267 research outputs found

    A Tone-Aided/Dual Vestigial Sideband (TA/DVSB) system for mobile satellite channels

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    Tone-aided modulation is one way of combatting the effects of multipath fading and Doppler frequency shifts. A new tone-aided modulation format for M-ary phase-shift keyed signals (MPSK) is discussed. A spectral null for the placement of the tone is created in the center of the MPSK signal by translating the upper sideband upwards in frequency by the same amount. The key element of the system is the algorithm for recombining the data sidebands in the receiver, a function that is performed by a specialized phase-locked loop (PLL). The system structure is discussed and simulation results showing the PLL acquisition performance are presented

    Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for distributed hydrological modeling: potential of variational methods

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    Variational methods are widely used for the analysis and control of computationally intensive spatially distributed systems. In particular, the adjoint state method enables a very efficient calculation of the derivatives of an objective function (response function to be analysed or cost function to be optimised) with respect to model inputs. In this contribution, it is shown that the potential of variational methods for distributed catchment scale hydrology should be considered. A distributed flash flood model, coupling kinematic wave overland flow and Green Ampt infiltration, is applied to a small catchment of the Thoré basin and used as a relatively simple (synthetic observations) but didactic application case. It is shown that forward and adjoint sensitivity analysis provide a local but extensive insight on the relation between the assigned model parameters and the simulated hydrological response. Spatially distributed parameter sensitivities can be obtained for a very modest calculation effort (~6 times the computing time of a single model run) and the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian matrix provides an interesting perspective for the analysis of the rainfall-runoff relation. For the estimation of model parameters, adjoint-based derivatives were found exceedingly efficient in driving a bound-constrained quasi-Newton algorithm. The reference parameter set is retrieved independently from the optimization initial condition when the very common dimension reduction strategy (i.e. scalar multipliers) is adopted. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis results suggest that most of the variability in this high-dimensional parameter space can be captured with a few orthogonal directions. A parametrization based on the SVD leading singular vectors was found very promising but should be combined with another regularization strategy in order to prevent overfitting

    Defining dyadic cost and risk in international trade: a review of incoterms 2000 with strategic implications

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    As trade markets continue to expand due to developments in transportation and logistics technologies, distribution networks extend well beyond national frontiers. With obstacles such as distance, language, and business customs, allocation of legal responsibility between a buyer and a seller of goods becomes even more crucial in international commerce. This document is presented in three general sections. Reviewing the basics, including definition, origin, use and classifications of INCOTERMS constitutes the first section. The second section describes and analyzes the differences between each of the 13 INCOTERMS 2000. Lastly, the changes introduced by the 2000 revision are studied in more detail in section three and implications are proffered

    Analyses directionnelles multivariées de la qualité des précipitations sur la région de Québec

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    La question des précipitations acides est devenue une des principales préoccupations environnementales de ce siècle. Les dommages engendrés touchent l'ensemble des composantes atmosphérique, aquatique et terrestre de notre écosystème. Dans cet article, l'intérêt est tourné vers le transport des substances polluantes en faisant intervenir le vecteur des précipitations acides: le vent. Il existe une croyance populaire, largement répandue dans l'est du Canada, consistant à admettre que les vents d'est ou du nord sont associés à des précipitations faiblement chargées en éléments acides, contrairement aux vents du sud-ouest qui transporteraient les charges plus contaminées des industries situées dans le Midwest nord-américain. Une confirmation expérimentale de la réalité du phénomène est présentée ici.Une analyse factorielle des correspondances permet de mettre en évidence des relations entre la direction des vents et la composition chimique des précipitations. Des analyses de variance permettent ensuite de montrer la signification de l'effet de la direction des vents sur les concentrations de sulfates et de nitrates, en plus de mettre en évidence un effet saisonnier significatif pour ces deux variables. Les concentrations de nitrates et de sulfates associées aux vents de l'ouest sont respec- tivement de 0,33 mg/l-¹ et 1,73 mg/l-¹ comparativement à 0,24 mg/l-¹ et 1,48 mg/l-¹ pour les vents provenant de l'est. En ce qui concerne l'effet saisonnier, les concentrations moyennes de nitrates sont plus élevées durant les mois de janvier et de mars alors que les concentrations de sulfates sont plus elevées durant les mois d'été.The problem of acidic precipitation has become an important environmental concern; related damages can affect atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic components of our ecosystem. This paper focuses on wind-driven atmospheric transport of contaminants, notably niirates and sulfates. Conventional wisdom in eastern Canada holds that winds originating from the east bring precipitation less loaded with acidic components than winds originating from the southwest; the latter carry contarninants generated by industries located in the American Midwest.An experimental confirmation of this phenomenon is presented here. SPERBER (1987) showed that hourly series of piecipitation content and wind direction, measured at a reception site are adequate to represent the lagrangian history of precipitating systems (New York City region). Following this result, we suppose that the northesastern continental atmospheric system is homogeneous enough so that winds measured at our reception site (Québec City region) are representative of the whole system. Thus, our experiment is performed in eulerian coordinates.The data bank used in the statistic alana|yses contains 10 time series: the weekly concentrations of 9 compounds found in the precipitation (H, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Na, NO3, NH4 and SO4) gathered at the local Montmorency site and a s:ries ofweekly prevailing winds measured at the nearby Québec City airport. The time series contain 312 observations covering a full six year period (December 1981 to December 1987). As the original data bank of corcentrations is episodic, i.e. an obsercvation is available for each day with a significant precipitation event, volumes and loadings are used to derive the average weekly values of concentrations. In contrast, hourly series of direction (projected in 36 directions) and velocity of the prevailing winds are used to build, via a vectorial addition, a weekly series of wind direitions projected on a 12 point wind rose where directions corespond to the nind origin and not its destination.Classic statistical methods are used to deal with this data bank. Principal component analysis studies relationships between series of concentrations in the precipitations, while correspondence analysis highrights the relationships betwlen tile series of precipitation content and the series ofwind direction. The final statistical method, analysis of variance, is used to test the signilïcance of relationships higtrlighted by the correspondence analysis.The principal component analysis shows that all variables were positively correlated with the first component which reflects the fact that a higtrly loaded precipitation event will show high concentrations for each ofthe nine variables. The second component discriminates two groups of variables: one includes NO3, NH4 and SO4, the other Ca, Mg and Cl. The acidity variable, H, is nearer to the acid ion group (NO3, NH4 and SO4) than to the other ion group (Ca, Mg and Cl).The correspondence analysis shows that high concentrations of acidic compounds (NO3, NH4 and SO4) are highly rerated to winds from the W and WSW directions; conversely lower concentrations of the same compounds are associated with winds from the E and ENE directions. The elements Ca, Mg and Cl, reputed to be of oceanic origin, show high functional relationships between high concentrations and E, ENE winds and also between low concentrations and W, WSW winds. These results support the popular belief initially presented that acid precipitation is largely associated with winds from the southwest.The analyses of variance show that precipitation concentrations (NO3 and SO4) are significantly different according to the wind directions. Nitrate and sulfate concentrations associated with winds originating from the west are respectively 0.33-mg.l-l and 1.73 mg.l-l compared, to 0.24 mg.l-l and 1.48 mg.l-l for winds originating from the east. The analyses ofvariance also indicate a significant seasonal effect where mean monthly concentrations in nitrates are hilhest for winter months and early spring whereas sulfate concentrations are highest for the summer months

    Seasonality in coastal macrobenthic biomass and its implications for estimating secondary production using empirical models

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    Macrobenthic secondary production is widely used to assess the trophic capacity, health, and functioning of marine and freshwater ecosystems. Annual production estimates are often calculated using empirical models and based on data collected during a single period of the year. Yet, many ecosystems show seasonal variations. Although ignoring seasonality may lead to biased and inaccurate estimates of annual secondary production, it has never been tested at the community level. Using time series of macrobenthic data collected seasonally at three temperate marine coastal soft-bottom sites, we assessed seasonal variations in biomass of macrobenthic invertebrates at both population and community levels. We then investigated how these seasonal variations affect the accuracy of annual benthic production when assessed using an empirical model and data from a single sampling event. Significant and consistent seasonal variations in biomass at the three study sites were highlighted. Macrobenthic biomass was significantly lower in late winter and higher in summer/early fall for 18 of the 30 populations analyzed and for all three communities studied. Seasonality led to inaccurate and often biased estimates of annual secondary production at the community level when based on data from a single sampling event. Bias varied by site and sampling period, but reached similar to 50% if biomass was sampled at its annual minimum or maximum. Since monthly sampling is rarely possible, we suggest that ecologists account for uncertainty in annual production estimates caused by seasonality.Agência financiadora EDF French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition through the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Agreement French Biodiversity Agency (Agence francaise pour la biodiversite) as part of the CAPANOUR projectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Slip vs viscoelasticity in dewetting thin films

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    Ultrathin polymer films on non-wettable substrates display dynamic features which have been attributed to either viscoelastic or slip effects. Here we show that in the weak and strong slip regime effects of viscoelastic relaxation are either absent or not distinguishable from slip effects. Strong-slip modifies the fastest unstable mode in a rupturing thin film, which questions the standard approach to reconstruct the effective interface potential from dewetting experiments.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.