463 research outputs found

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    We describe the methodology of the Bone and Soft Tissue Bank, from extraction and storage until use. Since the year 1986, with the creation of the Bone Bank in the University Clinic of Navarra, more than 3,000 grafts have been used for very different types of surgery. Bone grafts can be classified into cortical and spongy; the former are principally used in surgery to save tumour patients, in large post-traumatic reconstructions and in replacement surgery where there are massive bone defects and a structural support is required. The spongy grafts are the most used due to their numerous indications; they are especially useful in filling cavities that require a significant quantity of graft when the autograft is insufficient, or as a complement. They are also of special help in treating fractures when there is bone loss and in the treatment of delays in consolidation and pseudoarthrosis in little vascularized and atrophic zones. They are also used in prosthetic surgery against the presence of cavity type defects. Allografts of soft tissues are specially recognised in multiple ligament injuries that require reconstructions. Nowadays, the most utilised are those employed in surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament although they can be used for filling any ligament or tendon defect. The principal difficulties of the cortical allografts are in the consolidation of the ends with the bone itself and in tumour surgery, given that these are patients immunodepressed by the treatment, the incidence of infection is increased with respect to spongy grafts and soft tissues, which is irrelevant. In short, the increasingly widespread use of allografts is an essential therapeutic weapon in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology. It must be used by expert hands

    Graphene-Based Sensors for the Detection of Bioactive Compounds: A Review

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    Over the last years, different nanomaterials have been investigated to design highly selective and sensitive sensors, reaching nano/picomolar concentrations of biomolecules, which is crucial for medical sciences and the healthcare industry in order to assess physiological and metabolic parameters. The discovery of graphene (G) has unexpectedly impulsed research on developing cost-effective electrode materials owed to its unique physical and chemical properties, including high specific surface area, elevated carrier mobility, exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity, strong stiffness and strength combined with flexibility and optical transparency. G and its derivatives, including graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), are becoming an important class of nanomaterials in the area of optical and electrochemical sensors. The presence of oxygenated functional groups makes GO nanosheets amphiphilic, facilitating chemical functionalization. G-based nanomaterials can be easily combined with different types of inorganic nanoparticles, including metals and metal oxides, quantum dots, organic polymers, and biomolecules, to yield a wide range of nanocomposites with enhanced sensitivity for sensor applications. This review provides an overview of recent research on G-based nanocomposites for the detection of bioactive compounds, providing insights on the unique advantages offered by G and its derivatives. Their synthesis process, functionalization routes, and main properties are summarized, and the main challenges are also discussed. The antioxidants selected for this review are melatonin, gallic acid, tannic acid, resveratrol, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and curcumin. They were chosen owed to their beneficial properties for human health, including antibiotic, antiviral, cardiovascular protector, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, neuroprotective, antiageing, antidegenerative, and antiallergic capacity. The sensitivity and selectivity of G-based electrochemical and fluorescent sensors are also examined. Finally, the future outlook for the development of G-based sensors for this type of biocompounds is outlined

    Graphene Oxides Derivatives Prepared by an Electrochemical Approach: Correlation between Structure and Properties

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    Graphene oxide (GO) can be defined as a single monolayer of graphite with oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxides, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. It is an interesting alternative to graphene for many applications due to its exceptional properties and feasibility of functionalization. In this study, electrochemically exfoliated graphene oxides (EGOs) with different amounts of surface groups, hence level of oxidation, were prepared by an electrochemical two-stage approach using graphite as raw material. A complete characterization of the EGOs was carried out in order to correlate their surface topography, interlayer spacing, defect content, and specific surface area (SSA) with their electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. It has been found that the SSA has a direct relationship with the d-spacing. The EGOs electrical resistance decreases with increasing SSA while rises with increasing the D/G band intensity ratio in the Raman spectra, hence the defect content. Their thermal stability under both nitrogen and dry air atmospheres depends on both their oxidation level and defect content. Their macroscopic mechanical properties, namely the Young's modulus and tensile strength, are influenced by the defect content, while no correlation was found with their SSA or interlayer spacing. Young moduli values as high as 54 GPa have been measured, which corroborates that the developed method preserves the integrity of the graphene flakes. Understanding the structure-property relationships in these materials is useful for the design of modified GOs with controllable morphologies and properties for a wide range of applications in electrical/electronic devices

    Tailorable synthesis of highly oxidized graphene oxides via an environmentally friendly electrochemical process

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    Graphene oxide (GO) is an attractive alternative to graphene for many applications due to its captivating optical, chemical, and electrical characteristics. In this work, GO powders with a different amount of surface groups were synthesized from graphite via an electrochemical two-stage process. Many synthesis conditions were tried to maximize the oxidation level, and comprehensive characterization of the resulting samples was carried out via elemental analysis, microscopies (TEM, SEM, AFM), X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies as well as electrical resistance measurements. SEM and TEM images corroborate that the electrochemical process used herein preserves the integrity of the graphene flakes, enabling to obtain large, uniform and well exfoliated GO sheets. The GOs display a wide range of C/O ratios, determined by the voltage and time of each stage as well as the electrolyte concentration, and an unprecedented minimum C/O value was obtained for the optimal conditions. FT-IR evidences strong intermolecular interactions between neighbouring oxygenated groups. The intensity ratio of D/G bands in the Raman spectra is high for samples prepared using concentrated H2SO4 as an electrolyte, indicative of many defects. Furthermore, these GOs exhibit smaller interlayer spacing than that expected according to their oxygen content, which suggests predominant oxidation on the flake edges. Results point out that the electrical resistance is conditioned mostly by the interlayer distance and not simply by the C/O ratio. The tuning of the oxidation level is useful for the design of GOs with tailorable structural, electrical, optical, mechanical, and thermal properties.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidade

    Energy use optimization in ventilation of operating rooms during inactivity periods

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    Producción CientíficaHospitals are highly energy demanding buildings, where simple actuations can involve large savings. However, energy efficiency actions must comply with the high safety standards. Operating rooms demand continuous ventilation despite the short activity periods. Setback during non-occupation of the operating rooms can reduce ventilation loads but must not hinder indoor overpressure to avoid infiltrations. Besides, it prevents any existing heat recovery system from operation. This work evaluates setback ventilation in operating rooms at a case study in Spain, from two approaches: its effect on indoor overpressure and its preference to an existing coil heat recovery (runaround) loop. It bases on monitored data of two operating rooms under setback and normal ventilation with operation of the heat recovery system. Seven tests are performed throughout the year, whose comparison to estimated results enables extrapolation to yearly operation. Results show that indoor overpressure maintain at 15 Pa under setback, thus meeting current and coming standards. Setback turned to be always preferable to hear recovery under cooling needs. Estimated heating and electric yearly supply energy savings reach 29 MWht and 262 MWhe, the latter accounting for 2% of the total electric energy consumption of the hospital during 2019.Junta de Castilla y León (grant EREN_2019_L2_UVA

    Elucidating the real-time Ag nanoparticle growth on alpha-Ag2WO4 during electron beam irradiation: experimental evidence and theoretical insights

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORWhy and how Ag is formed when electron beam irradiation takes place on alpha-Ag2WO4 in a vacuum transmission electron microscopy chamber? To find an answer, the atomic-scale mechanisms underlying the formation and growth of Ag on alpha-Ag2WO4 have been investigated by detailed in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies, density functional theory based calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The growth process at different times, chemical composition, size distribution and element distribution were analyzed in depth at the nanoscale level using FE-SEM, operated at different voltages (5, 10, 15, and 20 kV), and TEM with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) characterization. The size of Ag nanoparticles covers a wide range of values. Most of the Ag particles are in the 20-40 nm range. The nucleation and formation of Ag on alpha-Ag2WO4 is a result of structural and electronic changes in the AgOx (x = 2,4, 6, and 7) clusters used as constituent building blocks of this material, consistent with metallic Ag formation. First principle calculations point out that Ag-3 and Ag-4-fold coordinated centers, located in the sub-surface of the (100) surface, are the most energetically favorable to undergo the diffusion process to form metallic Ag. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and the nudged elastic band (NEB) method were used to investigate the minimum energy pathways of these Ag atoms from positions in the first slab layer to outward sites on the (100) surface of alpha-Ag2WO4. The results point out that the injection of electrons decreases the activation barrier for this diffusion step and this unusual behavior results from the presence of a lower energy barrier process.Why and how Ag is formed when electron beam irradiation takes place on alpha-Ag2WO4 in a vacuum transmission electron microscopy chamber? To find an answer, the atomic-scale mechanisms underlying the formation and growth of Ag on alpha-Ag2WO4 have been investigated by detailed in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies, density functional theory based calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The growth process at different times, chemical composition, size distribution and element distribution were analyzed in depth at the nanoscale level using FE-SEM, operated at different voltages (5, 10, 15, and 20 kV), and TEM with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) characterization. The size of Ag nanoparticles covers a wide range of values. Most of the Ag particles are in the 20-40 nm range. The nucleation and formation of Ag on alpha-Ag2WO4 is a result of structural and electronic changes in the AgOx (x = 2,4, 6, and 7) clusters used as constituent building blocks of this material, consistent with metallic Ag formation. First principle calculations point out that Ag-3 and Ag-4-fold coordinated centers, located in the sub-surface of the (100) surface, are the most energetically favorable to undergo the diffusion process to form metallic Ag. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and the nudged elastic band (NEB) method were used to investigate the minimum energy pathways of these Ag atoms from positions in the first slab layer to outward sites on the (100) surface of alpha-Ag2WO4. The results point out that the injection of electrons decreases the activation barrier for this diffusion step and this unusual behavior results from the presence of a lower energy barrier process.17753525359FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP [2013/07296-2, 2012/14468-1, 2010/16970-0, 2013/02032-7]CNPq [573636/2008-7, 150753/2013-6]CAPES [088/2013]2010/16970-02012/14468-12013/02032-72013/07296-2573636/2008-7150753/2013-6088/2013The authors are grateful to Prometeo/2009/053 (GeneralitatValenciana), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain), CTQ2012-36253-C03-02, Spanish Brazilian program (PHB2009-0065-PC), FAPESP (Project 2013/07296-2) (Project 2012/14468-1) (Project 2010/16970-0), grant (2013/02032-7), CAPES and CNPq (Project 573636/2008-7, Grant 150753/2013-6) and CAPES (Project 088/2013) for financially supporting this research. Most of the calculations were performed using IFGW-UNICAMP computer facilities and the National Center for High Performance Computing in São Paulo (CENAPAD-SP). We also acknowledge the Servei Informática, Universitat Jaume I, for the generous allotment of computer time

    Modeling Response Variables in Taguchi Design Parameters Using CART and Random Forest Based Systems

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    [EN] Taguchi parameter design is a quality approach to design better products and processes, less sensitive to changes of the environmental and productive conditions. Robustness against changes in factors affecting processes is the key concept. Some recent papers have used a two steps methodology to improve parameter design. The first step determines the objective function using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict the value of the response variable when factors are in some specific levels (different to those included in the experiments). The second step looks for the optimal parameter combination. Our proposal here is centered in improving the first of these two steps, and consists in the development of new systems to model the response variable, based in Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and in Random Forest (RF), as an alternative to ANN and with the aim of creating a more robust strategy.Villa M, A.; Carrión García, A.; San Matías Izquierdo, S. (2012). Modeling Response Variables in Taguchi Design Parameters Using CART and Random Forest Based Systems. Communications in Dependability and Quality Management. 15(4):5-15. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/59860S51515

    Inappropriate Hospital Admission According to Patient Intrinsic Risk Factors: an Epidemiological Approach

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    Background: Inappropriate hospital admissions compromise the efficiency of the health care system. This work analyzes, for the first time, the prevalence of inappropriate admission and its association with clinical and epidemiological patient characteristics. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence, associated risk factors, and economic impact of inappropriate hospital admissions. Design and Participants: This was a cross-sectional observational study of all hospitalized patients in a high complexity hospital of over 901 beds capacity in Spain. The prevalence of inappropriate admission and its causes, the association of inappropriateness with patients’ intrinsic risk factors (IRFs), and associated financial costs were analyzed with the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol in a multivariate model. Main Measures and Key Results: A total of 593 patients were analyzed, and a prevalence of inappropriate admissions of 11.9% (95% CI: 9.5 to 14.9) was found. The highest number of IRFs for developing health care-related complications was associated with inappropriateness, which was more common among patients with 1 IRF (OR [95% CI]: 9.68 [3.6 to 26.2.] versus absence of IRFs) and among those with surgical admissions (OR [95% CI]: 1.89 [1.1 to 3.3] versus medical admissions). The prognosis of terminal disease reduced the risk (OR [95% CI]: 0.28 [0.1 to 0.9] versus a prognosis of full recovery based on baseline condition). Inappropriate admissions were responsible for 559 days of avoidable hospitalization, equivalent to €17,604.6 daily and €139,076.4 in total, mostly attributable to inappropriate emergency admissions (€96,805.3). Conclusions: The prevalence of inappropriate admissions is similar to the incidence found in previous studies and is a useful indicator in monitoring this kind of overuse. Patients with a moderate number of comorbidities were subject to a higher level of inappropriateness. Inappropriate admission had a substantial and avoidable financial impact

    Prevalence, characteristics, and impact of adverse events in 34 Madrid hospitals. The ESHMAD study

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    Introduction: Adverse Events (AE) are one of the main problems in healthcare. Therefore, many policies have been developed worldwide to mitigate their im pact. The Patient Safety Incident Study in Hospitals in the Community of Madrid (ESHMAD) measures the results of them in the region. Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted in May 2019, in hospitalised patients in 34 public hospitals using the Harvard Medical Practice Study methodology. A logistic regression model was carried out to study the association of the variables with the presence of AE, calibrated and adjusted by patient. Results: A total of 9975 patients were included, estimating a prevalence of AE of 11.9%. A higher risk of AE was observed in patients with surgical procedures (OR[CI95%]: 2.15[1.79 to 2.57], vs. absence), in Intensive Care Units (OR[CI95%]: 1.60[1.17 to 2.17], vs. Medical) and in hospitals of medium complexity (OR[CI95%]: 1.45[1.12 to 1.87], vs. low complexity). A 62.6% of AE increased the length of the stay or it was the cause of admission, and 46.9% of AE were considered prevent able. In 11.5% of patients with AE, they had contributed to their death. Conclusions: The prevalence of AE remains similar to the previously estimated one in studies developed with the same methodology. AE keep leading to longer hospital stays, contributing to patient's death, showing that it is necessary to put focus on patient safety again. A detailed analysis of these events has enabled the detection of specific areas for improvement according to the type of care, centre and patient