8,780 research outputs found

    Prótesis de cadera : sistema modular

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    Recientemente se ha creado un nuevo sistema modular de prótesis de cadera canina capaz de resolver las lesiones degenerativas coxofemorales por displasia, traumatismo, artrosis, luxaciones crónicas y otras deformaciones anatómicas de la articulación citada. La prótesis de cadera modular reduce los fallos mecánicos que a veces ocurrían con otros sistemas protêsicos con lo que se da un avance en la cirugía de cadera.A new modular Total Hip Replacemenr (THR) system has recently been invented to treat hip degeneratives lesions caused by dysplasia, traumas, arthrosis, chronic luxations, and othet hip deformities. The new modular system reduces mecanical failures thet sometimes acure with other replacement system, and so it represents a new advance in hip surgery

    RanBP2-Mediated SUMOylation Promotes Human DNA Polymerase Lambda Nuclear Localization and DNA Repair

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    Cellular DNA is under constant attack by a wide variety of agents, both endogenous and exogenous. To counteract DNA damage, human cells have a large collection of DNA repair factors. Among them, DNA polymerase lambda (Polλ) stands out for its versatility, as it participates in different DNA repair and damage tolerance pathways in which gap-filling DNA synthesis is required. In this work we show that human Polλ is conjugated with Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) proteins both in vitro and in vivo, with Lys27 being the main target of this covalent modification. Polλ SUMOylation takes place in the nuclear pore complex and is mediated by the E3 ligase RanBP2. This post-translational modification promotes Polλ entry into the nucleus, which is required for its recruitment to DNA lesions and stimulated by DNA damage induction. Our work represents an advance in the knowledge of molecular pathways that regulate cellular localization of human Polλ, which are essential to be able to perform its functions during repair of nuclear DNA, and that might constitute an important point for the modulation of its activity in human cells

    Groundwater pollution in quaternary aquifer of Vitoria - Gasteiz (Basque Country, Spain)

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    As a result of diverse changes in land use and in water-resource management in the high basin of the Zadorra River (Basque Country), an important loss of water resources and an intense contamination by nitrogen compounds has taken place. The purpose of this paper is to detail the land transformations that have taken place on the aquifer since the 1950s: increase of drainage network, change from dry to irrigated farming, and diversion of rivers at the aquifer unit inlet. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of these transformations on the hydrodynamics and water quality of this aquifer system

    Determination of Soluble Sugars in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves by Anion Exchange Chromatography

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    Determination of soluble sugars is basic for the study of carbon metabolism in plants. Soluble sugar quantitation can be achieved by enzymatic methods implying different coupled reactions. Here we describe a simple method that allows rapid determination of the most abundant soluble sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) in Arabidopsis leaves by anion exchange chromatography. We have applied this method to study the levels of soluble sugars during the photoperiodic transition to flowering (Ortiz-Marchena et al., 2014).España, MINECO projects CSD2007-00057, BIO2008-02292, and BIO2011-28847-C02-00España, Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-01450 and P08-AGR-0358

    Minimally non-local nucleon-nucleon potentials with chiral two-pion exchange including Δ\Delta's

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    We construct a coordinate-space chiral potential, including Δ\Delta-isobar intermediate states in its two-pion-exchange component. The contact interactions entering at next-to-leading and next-to-next-to-next-to-leading orders (Q2Q^2 and Q4Q^4, respectively, QQ denoting generically the low momentum scale) are rearranged by Fierz transformations to yield terms at most quadratic in the relative momentum operator of the two nucleons. The low-energy constants multiplying these contact interactions are fitted to the 2013 Granada database, consisting of 2309 pppp and 2982 npnp data (including, respectively, 148 and 218 normalizations) in the laboratory-energy range 0--300 MeV. For the total 5291 pppp and npnp data in this range, we obtain a χ2\chi^2/datum of roughly 1.3 for a set of three models characterized by long- and short-range cutoffs, RLR_{\rm L} and RSR_{\rm S} respectively, ranging from (RL,RS)=(1.2,0.8)(R_{\rm L},R_{\rm S})=(1.2,0.8) fm down to (0.8,0.6)(0.8,0.6) fm. The long-range (short-range) cutoff regularizes the one- and two-pion exchange (contact) part of the potential.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physical Review

    Identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers

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    The identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity is often based on sample cross-correlations between past and squared observations. In this paper we analyse the effects of outliers on these cross-correlations and, consequently, on the identification of asymmetric volatilities. We show that, as expected, one isolated big outlier biases the sample cross-correlations towards zero and hence could hide true leverage effect. Unlike, the presence of two or more big consecutive outliers could lead to detecting spurious asymmetries or asymmetries of the wrong sign. We also address the problem of robust estimation of the cross-correlations by extending some popular robust estimators of pairwise correlations and autocorrelations. Their finite sample resistance against outliers is compared through Monte Carlo experiments. Situations with isolated and patchy outliers of different sizes are examined. It is shown that a modified Ramsay-weighted estimator of the cross-correlations outperforms other estimators in identifying asymmetric conditionally heteroscedastic models. Finally, the results are illustrated with an empirical application.Financial support from the Spanish Government under project ECO2014-58434-P by the first author and under project ECO2012-32401 by the second and third authors, is gratefully acknowledged. The first and second authors also acknowledge financial support from Generalitat Valenciana under project PROMETEO/2013/037 and from Comunidad de Castilla y León under project VA066U13, respectively

    Clumsiness and Motor Competence in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

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    One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develop motor competence in children. While many schoolchildren practice sports, there is a group of children that does not receive the educational opportunities to be competent. These children show low motor competence and poor motor coordination. International agencies have called this condition as developmental coordination disorders (DCD) and its definition in short is “poor motor performance in daily activities that is not consistent with the child’s age and intelligence, and is not due to medical condition.” Physical education and sport teachers are the first interventionist with these children. They have the first opportunity of providing primary care to these children. In this chapter, motor coordination problems in school, its prevalence, how these children learn, how physical education and sport teachers can detect them, and why physical education and sport pedagogy must be concerned with this problem, will be analyzed

    Simulation of many-qubit quantum computation with matrix product states

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    Matrix product states provide a natural entanglement basis to represent a quantum register and operate quantum gates on it. This scheme can be materialized to simulate a quantum adiabatic algorithm solving hard instances of a NP-Complete problem. Errors inherent to truncations of the exact action of interacting gates are controlled by the size of the matrices in the representation. The property of finding the right solution for an instance and the expected value of the energy are found to be remarkably robust against these errors. As a symbolic example, we simulate the algorithm solving a 100-qubit hard instance, that is, finding the correct product state out of ~ 10^30 possibilities. Accumulated statistics for up to 60 qubits point at a slow growth of the average minimum time to solve hard instances with highly-truncated simulations of adiabatic quantum evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    Purification of Starch Granules from Arabidopsis Leaves and Determination of Granule-Bound Starch Synthase Activity

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    Starch constitutes the most important carbon reserve in plants and is composed of branched amylopectin and linear amylose. The latter is synthesized exclusively by the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS, EC Here we report a readily reproducible, specific and highly sensitive protocol, which includes the isolation of intact starch granules from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves and the subsequent determination of GBSS activity. We have applied this method to study GBSS activity in diurnal cycles in vegetative growth and during the photoperiodic transition to flowering in Arabidopsis (Tenorio et al., 2003; Ortiz-Marchena et al., 2014).España,MINECO CSD2007-00057, BIO2008-02292, and BIO2011-28847-C02-00España, Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-01450 and P08-AGR-0358

    Automedicação e termos relacionados: uma reflexão conceitual

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    Introducción: la automedicación se ha convertido en una práctica creciente en la población mundial. Este fenómeno ha sido promovido como una forma de autocuidado, con impacto positivo en la reducción del gasto dentro de los sistemas de salud; sin embargo, también se ve con preocupación, por los potenciales efectos negativos relacionados con diagnósticos y manejos inadecuados, que pueden afectar la salud de los individuos. Esta doble percepción del fenómeno se relaciona, en parte, con una gran diversidad de términos y conceptos relacionados, que hacen difícil su abordaje teórico-empírico. Para hacer comparaciones epidemiológicas adecuadas se requiere armonizar las definiciones implicadas. Objetivo: analizar el concepto de automedicación y términos relacionados a partir de las definiciones que aparecen en la literatura especializada del tema. Conclusiones: en las últimas cuatro décadas ha habido una evolución tanto de los términos como de las definiciones relacionadas con automedicación, desde un concepto muy simple que implica la ausencia de prescripción médica, hasta conceptos más complejos que abarcan conductas de muy diversa índole; aun aquellas en las que media un acto de prescripción no seguido o no cumplido por el paciente. Adicionalmente se aprecia una proliferación conceptual que justifica el ordenamiento de los términos relacionados con automedicación. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de clasificación en cuatro grupos: a. automedicación, b. autocuidado, c. preparaciones farmacéuticas y medicamentos, y d. prescripción. Esta propuesta puede facilitar la exploración y análisis del fenómeno y permitir futuras aproximaciones teóricas.Introduction: self-medication has become a growing practice in the world population. This phenomenon has been promoted as a form of self-care, with a positive impact on reducing spending in health systems, however there is concern about the potential negative effects related to inadequate diagnosis and treatment, which can affect health of individuals. This dual perception of the phenomenon is partly related to a variety of terms and concepts used, that make difficult its theoretical and empirical approach. Harmonization of the definitions involved is required in order to make adequate epidemiological comparisons. Objectives: analyze the concept of self medication and related terms from the definitions in the literature of the subject. Conclusions: in the last four decades it has been an evolution of both the wording and the definitions related to self-medication, from a very simple concept that implies the absence of prescription, to more complex ones that encompass very diverse behaviors, even those mediated by an act of prescription but not followed or not completed by the patient. Additionally the conceptual proliferation seen, justify the ordering of the terms related to self-medication. This paper presents a proposal for classification in four groups: a. self-medication, b. self care, c. pharmaceutical preparations and medicines, and d. prescription. This proposal should facilitate the exploration and analysis of the phenomenon and allow future theoretical approaches.Introdução: A automedicação tem se convertido em uma prática crescente na população mundial. Este fenômeno tem sido promovido como uma forma de auto-cuidado, com impacto positivo na redução do gasto dentro dos sistemas de saúde; por enquanto, também se vê com preocupação pelos potenciais efeitos negativos relacionados com diagnósticos e gestões inadequadas, que podem afetar a saúde dos indivíduos. Esta dupla percepção do fenômeno se relaciona, em parte, com uma grande diversidade de termos e conceitos relacionados, que fazem difícil sua abordagem teórico-empírica. Para fazer comparações epidemiológicas adequadas se requere harmonizar as definições implicadas. Objetivo: Analisar o conceito de automedicação e termos relacionados a partir das definições que aparecem na literatura especializada do tema. Conclusões: Nas últimas quatro décadas tem havido uma evolução tanto dos termos quanto das definições relacionadas com automedicação desde um conceito muito simples que implica a ausência de prescrição médica, até conceitos mais complexos que abarcam condutas de muita diversa índole; ainda aquelas nas que intervém um ato de prescrição não seguido ou não cumprido pelo paciente. Adicionalmente se aprecia uma proliferação conceitual que justifica o ordenamento dos termos relacionados com automedicação. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de classificação em quatro grupos: a. automedicação b. auto-cuidado c. preparações farmacêuticas e medicamentos, e d. prescrição. Esta proposta pode facilitar a exploração e análise do fenômeno e permitir futuras aproximações teóricas