240 research outputs found

    A associação salmeterol//fluticasona é mais eficaz do que a fluticasona e o montelukast oral na asma

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    RESUMO: Em todo o mundo, as taxas de morbilidade e mortalidade relacionadas com a asma têm vindo a aumentar. Segundo as normas intervencionais (Guidelines), os objectivos do manejamento da asma brônquica devem ser o controlo de sintomas e a prevenção das exacerbações e consequente melhoria da qualidade de vida do doente asmático. à amplamente aceite que a terapêutica corticosteróide inalada é o tratamento preventivo disponível mais eficaz devido ao seu papel anti-inflamatório. No caso de doentes que permanecem sintomáticos sob corticoterapia por via inalatória, a associação de β2 agonista de longa acção com o salmeterol traduzse numa melhoria da função pulmonar e controlo dos sintomas mais significativa do que a observada com a duplicação da dose de corticosteróides. Está comprovada a eficácia da combinação de β2 agonistas de longa acção e corticosteróides inalados no tratamento da inflamação e disfunção do músculo liso â mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos na asma.Não é ainda perfeitamente clara a vantagem da adição de antileucotrienos embora existam diversos estudos que evidenciam uma modesta melhoria da função pulmonar e dos sintomas diários quando esta classe de fármacos é associada à corticoterapia inalada.A análise actual compara a eficácia clínica de associação do salmeterol e do montelukast à corticoterapia por via inalatória (propionato de fluticasona) em adultos com asma que estão sintomáticas apesar da terapêutica referida.Foi efectuado um estudo multicêntrico, randomizado, duplamente cego, com um grupo controlo, englobando indivíduos asmáticos com idadeâ¥15 anos medicados com corticóides inalados durante, pelo menos, as 4 semanas que antecederam o estudo. Apresentavam obstrução das vias aéreas reversível após inalação de um β2 agonista de curta acção numa dose â¤800 μg (â FEV1â¥15%).Foram excluídos os doentes com infecções respiratórias, exacerbações requerendo hospitalização nas últimas 4 semanas, submetidos a corticoterapia oral ou endovenosa nesse período ou mais de 2 vezes nas últimas 12 semanas, fumadores UMA>10, mulheres grávidas ou em período de amamentação e doentes cuja terapêutica de manutenção foi alterada nas últimas semanas.Após um período de run-in de 4 semanas, os doentes foram submetidos durante 12 semanas à associação salmeterol/ propionato de fluticasona 50/100 μg duas vezes/dia ou propionato de fluticasona 100 μg duas vezes/dia e montelukast 10 mg uma vez/dia. Os doentes registaram diariamente os scores de sintomas, o PEF matinal e o uso de terapêutica de alívio.Foram observados às 4, 8 e 12 semanas de tratamento, tendo a função pulmonar sido avaliada nessas datas. Foi feito o levantamento das exacerbações que foram classificadas em ligeira (terapêutica de alívioâ¥3 inalações/ dia em relação ao basal em 2 dias consecutivos), moderada (requerendo CT oral e/ ou antibióticos) ou grave (necessitando de hospitalização).Foi monitorizada a segurança e tolerabilidade do tratamento através do registo dos efeitos adversos em cada visita clínica. Nestas foi efectuada observação pela ORL.Foram avaliados 1168 doentes, tendo sido 725 submetidos a terapêutica (356 salmeterol/ propionato de fluticasona e 369 a propionato de fluticasona e montelukast). A compliance foi elevada em ambos os grupos: 96% e 97%, respectivamente.Após 12 semanas de tratamento, o aumento do PEF matinal foi significativamente superior no grupo salmeterol/ fluticasona (36 L/min) em comparação com o 2.º grupo (19 L/min; p<0,001). A melhoria do FEV foi também significativamente maior no grupo salmeterol/fluticasona (p<0,001). A associação permite um melhor controlo dos sintomas diurnos e nocturnos, sendo as exacerbações mais raras e o uso da terapêutica de alívio menor. Ambos os tratamentos foram bem tolerados. A satisfação com os resultados obtidos com a terapêutica instituída foi superior no 1º grupo (92,9% versus 83,8%; p<0,005). A melhoria da função pulmonar observada após a administração de associação salmeterol/ fluticasona foi significativamente superior em relação à verificada com a corticoterapia inalada e o montelukast. COMENTÃRIO: Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que a associação salmeterol/ propionato de fluticasona (50 μg/ 100 μg) em 2 tomas/dia durante 12 semanas era mais eficaz que propionato de fluticasona 10 μg duas vezes/dia e montelukast 10 μg uma vez/dia no tratamento de doentes com asma moderada ou grave. A associação traduz-se numa melhoria significativamente superior da função pulmonar, dos scores de sintomas e numa redução da frequência das exacerbações.Este estudo foi efectuado para demonstrar os benefícios da associação de β2 agonistas de longa duração (salmeterol) ou anti-leucotrienos (montelukast) à corticoterapia por via inalatória em doentes sintomáticos.Os critérios de inclusão implicaram que se tratasse de indivíduos asmáticos com sintomatologia e requerendo aumento da terapêutica de manutenção. A reversibilidade com a administração de salbutamol podia potencialmente favorecer o grupo salmeterol/ fluticasona. No entanto, este critério de selecção é fundamental para o correcto diagnóstico de asma e foi utilizado em numerosas análises retrospectivas. O período de 12 semanas é suficiente para demonstrar o máximo efeito do salmeterol e do montelukast, o que já tinha sido provado anteriormente.A redução da frequência da exacerbação de asma é importante na diminuição da morbilidade e mortalidade dos doentes asmáticos, melhorando a sua qualidade de vida e reduzindo os custos associados à doença.Numerosos estudos revelaram que a associação de salmeterol/corticóides inalados tem maiores benefícios clínicos do que a administração deste fármaco e anti-leucotrienos, traduzindo-se num menor número de visitas ao Serviço de Urgência e diminuição do uso de terapêutica de alívio.No estudo actual, a diferente eficácia não pode ser atribuída à diferença na compliance, visto esta ter sido elevada em ambos os grupos. Está, também, provado que o uso da terapêutica múltipla em dispositivos diferentes e várias tomas diárias contribui para uma má compliance.Em resumo, nos doentes sintomáticos sob doses baixas de corticóides inalados, ambas as terapêuticas são eficazes, embora no 1.º grupo os benefícios sejam significativamente superiores. Estes resultados estão de acordo com estudos realizados anteriormente com montelukast e zafirlukast e confirma que a associação salmeterol/fluticasona é a opção preferencial para doentes não controlados com a corticoterapia inalada. Palavras-chave: Salmeterol propionato de fluticasona, associação terapêutica, asma, montelukas

    Implementation of recommended trauma system criteria in south-eastern Norway: a cross-sectional hospital survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Formalized trauma systems have shown beneficial effects on patient survival and have harvested great recognition among health care professionals. In spite of this, the implementation of trauma systems is challenging and often met with resistance.</p> <p>Recommendations for a national trauma system in Norway were published in 2007. We wanted to assess the level of implementation of these recommendations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A survey of all acute care hospitals that receive severely injured patients in the south-eastern health region of Norway was conducted. A structured questionnaire based on the 2007 national recommendations was used in a telephone interview of hospital trauma personnel between January 17 and 21, 2011. Seventeen trauma system criteria were identified from the recommendations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nineteen hospitals were included in the study and these received more than 2000 trauma patients annually via their trauma teams. Out of the 17 criteria that had been identified, the hospitals fulfilled a median of 12 criteria. Neither the size of the hospitals nor the distance between the hospitals and the regional trauma centre affected the level of trauma resources available. The hospitals scored lowest on the criteria for transfer of patients to higher level of care and on the training requirements for members of the trauma teams.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study identifies a major shortcoming in the efforts of regionalizing trauma in our region. The findings indicate that training of personnel and protocols for inter-hospital transfer are the major deficiencies from the national trauma system recommendations. Resources for training of personnel partaking in trauma teams and development of inter-hospital transfer agreements should receive immediate attention.</p

    Even chained acylcarnitines predict long-term cardiovascular prognosis in patients with chest pain and non-obstructive coronary artery disease

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    Background Acylcarnitines are essential for mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Earlier studies suggest that impaired energy metabolism may be implicated in the pathogenesis of microvascular angina. We explored metabolites from the carnitine pathway as predictors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) - and all-cause mortality among patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease (NOCAD). Methods A total of 1046 patients with suspected stable coronary syndrome underwent coronary angiography during 2000–2004, with findings of NOCAD. Serum levels of 8 selected carnitine metabolites were analyzed through liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Associations with CVD- and all-cause mortality were assessed by multivariable Cox regression models. Results Median age at inclusion was 57 years. 51.5% were men. During median (25th- 75th percentiles), 14.1 (13.2–15.4) years of follow-up, 5.7% of the participants died from CVD and the incidence of all-cause mortality was 17.3%. Serum acetyl, octanoyl- and palmitoylcarnitine predicted CVD mortality with multivariable HR and 95% CI (per SD increment log transformed) of 1.36 (1.01–1.83), 1.49 (1.15–1.93) and 2.07 (1.49–2.85), p ≤ 0.04, respectively. Higher serum acetyl- and palmitoylcarnitines were also associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality (HR (95% CI): 1.27 (1.01–1.50), and 1.51 (1.26–1.81), p ≤ 0.007. Baseline levels of the precursors trimethyllysine and ƴ-butyrobetaine, carnitine or the odd chained propionylcarnitine and (iso)valerylcarnitine were not associated with adverse outcomes. Conclusion Elevated serum even-chained acylcarnitines predicted adverse long-term prognosis in NOCAD. The strongest risk estimates were observed for palmitoylcarnitine, which predicted both CVD- and all-cause mortality after extensive multivariable adjustments. Underlying pathomechanisms should be further elucidated.publishedVersio

    The marketing firm and co‐creation: An empirical study of marketer and customer's co‐creation process

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    This study empirically investigates the marketer and customer's co‐creation process within the context of the marketing firm. Based on principles from bilateral contingencies, findings from a conjoint study (n = 98) indicate that utilitarian and informational reinforcing consequences from the marketer have a stronger impact on customers' co‐creation behavior relative to informational reinforcing consequences from other customers. Consequently, analyzing the impact of important reinforcing contingencies through the lens of bilateral contingencies expands our understanding of how and why co‐creation outcomes might occur. Also, a good co‐creation process may increase the business companies' research and intelligence and, as a consequence, strengthen their competitiveness.The marketing firm and co‐creation: An empirical study of marketer and customer's co‐creation processacceptedVersio

    Memories of being injured and patients' care trajectory after physical trauma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to acquire a deeper understanding of patients' memories of being injured and the trajectory of care before, during and after their Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stay.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Interviews were conducted with eighteen informants who after physical trauma had been cared for in the ICU. The interviews were analyzed by using a phenomenological hermeneutical method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The memories of injury during the trajectory of care are illustrated in a figure in which the injured informants have memories from five scenes; the scene of the accident, emergency unit, ICU, nursing ward and of coming home. Twelve subthemes were abstracted and four themes emerged; a surrealistic world, an injured body, care, and gratitude for life. After the accident, a "surrealistic world" appeared along with bad memories of being in a floating existence where plans had to be changed. This world was unfamiliar, sometimes including delusional and fragmentary memories from the ICU, and it was experienced as uncontrollable. They felt connected to an "injured body", experiencing bad memories from the ICU of being injured, from the nursing ward of simply enduring and of being in a No Man's Land when coming home; their lives had become limited. At the same time they were "connected to care" with good memories of receiving attention from others at the scene of the accident, being taken cared of at the emergency unit and cared for in the ICU. This care made them realise that people are responsible for each other, and they felt comforted but also vulnerable. Finally, they experienced "gratitude for life". This included good memories of being loved together with support from their families at the ICU, wanting to win life back at the nursing ward and acceptance when returning home. The support from their families made them realise that they fit in just as they are.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When bad memories of a surrealistic world and of being injured are balanced by good ones of care and love with a gratitude for life, there are more possibilities to move on despite an uncertain future following the injury.</p

    Reliability of sickness certificates in detecting potential sick leave reduction by modifying working conditions: a clinical epidemiology study

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    BACKGROUND: Medical sickness certificates are generally the main source for information when scrutinizing the need for aimed intervention strategies to avoid or reduce the individual and community side effects of sick leave. This study explored the value of medical sickness certificates related to daily work in Norwegian National Insurance Offices to identify sick-listed persons, where modified working conditions might reduce the ongoing sick leave. METHODS: The potential for reducing the ongoing sick leave by modifying working conditions was individually assessed on routine sickness certificates in 999 consecutive sick leave episodes by four Norwegian National Insurance collaborators, two with and two without formal medical competence. The study took place in Northern Norway in 1997 and 1998. Agreement analysed with differences against mean, kappa, and proportional-agreement analysis within and between groups of assessors was used in the judgement. Agreements between the assessors and the self-assessment of sick-listed subjects were additionally analysed in 159 sick-leave episodes. RESULTS: Both sick-listed subjects and National Insurance collaborators anticipated a potential reduction in sick leave in 20–30% of cases, and in another 20% the potential was assessed as possible. The chance corrected agreements, however, were poor (k < 0.20) within and between groups of National Insurance collaborators. The agreement between National Insurance collaborators and the sick-listed subjects was no better than chance. Neither extended medical information nor formal medical competence increased agreement in cases where modified working conditions might have reduced sick leave. CONCLUSION: Information in medical sickness certificates proved ineffective in detecting cases where modified working conditions may reduce sick leave, and focusing on medical certificates may prevent identification of needed interventions. Strategies on how to communicate directly with sick-listed subjects would enable social authorities to exploit more of the sick leave reduction potential by modifying the working conditions than strategies on improving medical information