805 research outputs found

    Earthquake source effect and impact of the applied methodology to assess the overstrength factors of RC bridges

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    Seismic hazard assessment in several sites worldwide depends on two or more seismic sources. Many countries affected by subduction zones have strong motions earthquakes originated in at least two important seismic sources. In Mexico, interplate earthquakes (subduction process) have epicenters located in the Pacific coast with hypocenter depths less than 45 km and intraplate earthquakes (intermediate-depth earthquakes) normally have epicenters inside the continent with depth hypocenters greater than 45 km. Both seismic sources can potentially produce events with magnitudes Mw greater than 8.0 and, therefore, generate severe damage to the country's infrastructure. The design process of the bridges in Mexico is based on the chapter of Seismic Design of the Manual of Civil Structures of the Federal Electricity Commission. The standard allows to reduce the spectral ordinates of the design spectra by ductility and overstrength. It establishes an overstrength factor of 1.5 to reduce the design spectra, value not well supported by the Manual. This study evaluates the effect of the seismic source and methodology used to compute overstrength factors of common typologies of reinforced concrete bridges. The seismic capacity of the bridges was calculated with nonlinear static analysis and nonlinear time history analysis. The results showed that the importance of the seismic source on the overstrength factors depends on the seismic location of the bridges and, in general terms, nonlinear static analysis overestimates the bridges overstrength.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADON/

    Overstrength factors of RC bridges supported on single and multi-column RC piers in Mexico

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    Mexico highway network has more than 14,000 bridges. Most of them are reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The bridges design process incorporates the use of an overstrength factor that is not justified and has received little attention in published works. Mexican regulations allow using an overstrength factor for buildings in the range of 2?3, to reduce the design spectra as a function of the selected seismic behavior factor. However, for bridges, a single factor of 1.5 is proposed independent of any design parameter. The bridges in Mexico are mostly simply supported structures with maximum span lengths of 50 m. A relevant and distinctive aspect of the bridges designed in Mexico is the large load amplitudes of the trucks used to define the live load and the high seismic activity in the country. This study determines overstrength factors of a family of medium-length RC bridges composed of simply supported superstructures and substructure made up of single and multi-column RC piers. Non-linear dynamic analyzes using a set of 80 accelerograms were carried out. The results show that the height of the bridges and their seismic location are relevant parameters in the overstrength of the structures. Finally, analytical expressions are proposed to assess the overstrength factors of a very common bridge typology in Mexico and the world.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADON/

    Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES

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    We present a study of galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster at z~0.165, based on HST ACS F606W, COMBO-17, Spitzer 24um, XMM-Newton X-ray, and gravitational lensing maps, as part of the STAGES survey. We characterize galaxies with strong externally-triggered morphological distortions and normal relatively undisturbed galaxies, using visual classification and quantitative CAS parameters. We compare normal and distorted galaxies in terms of their frequency, distribution within the cluster, star formation properties, and relationship to dark matter (DM) or surface mass density, and intra-cluster medium (ICM) density. We revisit the morphology density relation, which postulates a higher fraction of early type galaxies in dense environments, by considering separately galaxies with a low bulge-to-disk (B/D) ratio and a low gas content as these two parameters may not be correlated in clusters. We report here on our preliminary analysis.Comment: To appear in the ASP conference proceedings of the "Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy", Eds. A. Frebel, J. Maund, J. Shen, M. Siegel. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Master equations for effective Hamiltonians

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    We reelaborate on a general method for obtaining effective Hamiltonians that describe different nonlinear optical processes. The method exploits the existence of a nonlinear deformation of the su(2) algebra that arises as the dynamical symmetry of the original model. When some physical parameter (usually related to the dispersive limit) becomes small, we immediately get a diagonal effective Hamiltonian that represents correctly the dynamics for arbitrary states and long times. We apply the same technique to obtain how the noise terms in the original model transform under this scheme, providing a systematic way of including damping effects in processes described in terms of effective Hamiltonians.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Naturally presented HLA class I-restricted epitopes from the neurotrophic factor S100-? are targets of the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) results from the destruction of pancreatic beta-cells by the immune system, and CD8(+) T lymphocytes are critical actors in this autoimmune response. Pancreatic islets are surrounded by a mesh of nervous cells, the peri-insular Schwann cells, which are also targeted by autoreactive T lymphocytes and express specific antigens, such as the neurotrophic factor S100-beta. Previous work has shown increased proliferative responses to whole S100-beta in both human T1D patients and the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model. We describe for the first time naturally processed and presented epitopes (NPPEs) presented by class I human leukocyte antigen-A*02:01 (A2.1) molecules derived from S100-beta. These NPPEs triggered IFN-gamma responses more frequently in both newly diagnosed and long-term T1D patients compared with healthy donors. Furthermore, the same NPPEs are recognized during the autoimmune response leading to diabetes in A2.1-transgenic NOD mice as early as 4 wk of age. Interestingly, when these NPPEs are used to prevent diabetes in this animal model, an acceleration of the disease is observed together with an exacerbation in insulitis and an increase in S100-beta-specific cytotoxicity in vaccinated animals. Whether these can be used in diabetes prevention needs to be carefully evaluated in animal models before use in future clinical assays.-Calvino-Sampedro, C., Gomez-Tourino, I., Cordero, O. J., Reche, P. A., Gomez-Perosanz, M., Sanchez-Trincado, J. L., Rodriguez, M. A., Sueiro, A. M., Vinuela, J. E., Calvino, R. V. Naturally presented HLA class I-restricted epitopes from the neurotrophic factor S100-beta are targets of the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetes

    Erratum Analysis of the physical and photoelectrochemical properties of c Si p a SiC H p photocathodes for solar water splitting

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    The photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of sputtered aluminum doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide thin films grown on p-type crystalline silicon substrates were investigated in 1 M H2SO4<i solution under chopped light illumination. Optical and structural properties of the top absorber layer were systematically assessed after post-deposition isochronical annealing treatments. Samples exhibited a noticeable improvement of the opto-electronic properties after thermal treatments. In addition, an abrupt enhancement of the photocurrent was observed reaching a saturation value of 17 mA cm(-2) at -1.75 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3.5 M KCl). In this research we propose that this enhancement effect is associated to a charge transfer kinetic mechanism influenced by surface states and the p-type substrate. The latter most likely due to the space charge region extending beyond the absorber layer reaching the substrate. Current density-potential and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements in dark revealed a reduction of the SiO2 native layer at cathodic potentials higher than -1 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3.5 M KCl), which contributes to the high charge transfer kinetic of the system. We believe that these results will contribute to understand the substrate influence in the PEC performance of top absorber layers in multilayer structures for solar water splitting.This research was funded by FONDECYT (National Fund for Scientific, Technological Development and Technological Innovation) under the agreement 147-2017. The author M Mejia has been supported by the CONCYTEC Peru (National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) doctoral scholarship under the Contract Number 236-2015-FONDECYT as well as by the PUCP vicechancellorship for research (VRI, Project No. CAP-2019-3-0041/702). The authors would like to thank the Katholischer Akademischer Auslander-Dienst institution (KAAD) for the short-term grants given to conduct research internships in the Technische Universitat Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau). Finally, the authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) (DFG-Gz: INST 273/56-1 FUGG) and the Materials Characterization Center (CAM) at PUCP, for the financial support to conduct the characterization experiments

    Drosophila Insulin Pathway Mutants Affect Visual Physiology and Brain Function Besides Growth, Lipid, and Carbohydrate Metabolism

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    OBJECTIVE—Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes worldwide. Some of its complications, such as retinop-athy and neuropathy, are long-term and protracted, with an un-clear etiology. Given this problem, genetic model systems, such as in flies where type 2 diabetes can be modeled and studied, offer distinct advantages. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—We used individual flies, control, and mutant individuals with partial loss-of-function insulin pathway genes. We measured wing size and tested body weight for growth phenotypes, the latter by means of a microbal-ance. We studied total lipid and carbohydrate content, lipids by a reaction in single fly homogenates with vanillin-phosphoric acid, and carbohydrates with an anthrone-sulfuric acid reaction. Cholinesterase activity was measured using the Ellman method in head homogenates from pooled fly heads, and electroretinogram

    Environmental and Economic Impacts of Growing Certified Organic Coffee in Colombia

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    According to advocates, eco-certification can improve developing country farmers' environmental and economic performance. However, these notional benefits can be undercut by self-selection: the tendency of relatively wealthy farmers already meeting eco-certification standards to disproportionately participate. Empirical evidence on this matter is scarce. Using original farm-level survey data along with matching and difference-in-differences matching models, we analyze the producer-level effects of organic coffee certification in southeast Colombia. We find that certification improves coffee growers' environmental performance. It significantly reduces sewage disposal in the fields and increases the adoption of organic fertilizer. However, we are not able to discern economic benefits