24 research outputs found

    The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): an alternative three-factor model

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    Background and aims: Due to its important role in both healthy groups and those with physical, mental and behavioral disorders, impulsivity is a widely researched construct. Among various self-report questionnaires of impulsivity, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is arguably the most frequently used measure. Despite its international use, inconsistencies in the suggested factor structure of its latest version, the BIS-11, have been observed repeatedly in different samples. The goal of the present study was therefore to test the factor structure of the BIS-11 in several samples. Methods: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on two representative samples of Hungarian adults (N 5 2,457; N 5 2,040) and a college sample (N 5 765). Results: Analyses did not confirm the original model of the measure in any of the samples. Based on explorative factor analyses, an alternative three-factor model (cognitive impulsivity; behavioral impulsivity; and impatience/ restlessness) of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is suggested. The pattern of the associations between the three factors and aggression, exercise, smoking, alcohol use, and psychological distress supports the construct validity of this new model. Discussion: The new measurement model of impulsivity was confirmed in two independent samples. However, it requires further cross-cultural validation to clarify the content of self-reported impulsivity in both clinical and nonclinical samples

    Effects of a single aerobic exercise session on body image

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    Background and Objectives Most research on the effects of exercise on body image has concentrated on the benefits of regular exercise. However, some research has indicated that exercise has an immediate impact on body image. The aims of this study were to investigate the immediate effects of aerobic exercise in a fitness class and the at-home environment on body image, and to examine the impact of nutritional status (i.e., normal weight vs. overweight/obesity) and exercise addiction on these changes. Method 322 Hungarian women participated in the study with two different environmental conditions, fitness class condition (N = 155) and at-home video condition (N = 167). They completed the Body Appreciation Scale and Exercise Addiction Inventory before and after a one-hour aerobic exercise session. Self-report data on weight, height and exercise frequency were also collected. Results There were no significant differences between the fitness class and video groups in terms of age, educational level, BMI, body appreciation, exercise frequency and exercise addiction. We found that 7.5% (N = 24) of the participants were at risk for exercise addiction. Aerobic exercise had a significant positive effect on body appreciation (t(321) = 7.564, p < .001) independently from environment and nutritional status. Exercise addiction moderated the relationship between exercise and body image, the at risk for exercise addiction group showed the greatest improvement (F(1) = 3.252, p = .040). Conclusion The results indicate that even a one-hour aerobic exercise session has a positive effect on body image; this has important practical implications for intervention strategies and weight-loss treatments. | Elméleti háttér és célkitűzés Bár a legtöbb kutatás a rendszeres testedzés testképre gyakorolt pozitív hatására fókuszál, néhány vizsgálat eredménye a testedzés testképre tett azonnali hatására hívja fel a figyelmet. Jelen tanulmány célja az aerobik edzés testképre gyakorolt azonnali hatásának vizsgálata fitnesztermi és otthoni edzési körülmények között, továbbá a tápláltsági állapot (normális testsúly vs. túlsúly/elhízás) és a testedzésfüggőség potenciális moderátor szerepének vizsgálata az edzés és a testkép alakulása közötti kapcsolatban. Módszer A vizsgálatba aerobikedzést folytató nőket vontunk be (n = 322). A résztvevők egyik része edzőteremben folytatta a testgyakorlást (n = 155), másik része otthon végzett aerobik testedzést, video vagy DVD segítségével (n = 167). Mérőeszközök önbeszámolóval nyert testtömeg és testmagasság, a testedzés gyakoriságára vonatkozó kérdés, Testértékelési Skála, Testedzés Addikció Kérdőív. Az adatfelvétel az egyórás testgyakorlást megelőzően és azt követően történt. Eredmények Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget az edzőteremben és az otthonukban aerobik edzést folytató nők között az életkor, az iskolai végzettség, a BMI, a testértékelés, a testedzés gyakorisága és a testedzésfüggőség tekintetében. A válaszadók 7,5%-a (n = 24) esetében jelenik meg a testedzésfüggőség kockázata. Az egyórás testedzés szignifikáns, kedvező hatást gyakorolt a testképre (t(321) = 7,564; p < 0,001), amely hatás a testgyakorlás helyszínétől (edzőterem vs. otthon) és a tápláltsági állapottól függetlennek bizonyult. A testedzésfüggőség azonban moderálta a testgyakorlás és a testkép változásának kapcsolatát: a testedzést követően a testedzésfüggőség szempontjából veszélyeztetett csoportban mutatkozott meg a legnagyobb mértékű, pozitív irányú változás a testkép tekintetében (F(1) = 3,252; p = 0,040). Következtetés Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy akár egy egyórás testgyakorlásnak is pozitív hatása lehet a testképre, amelynek jelentős gyakorlati implikációi vannak a testsúlycsökkentő kezelések szempontjából

    Science for success – a conflict of interest? Researcher position and reflexivity in socio-ecological research for CBNRM in Namibia

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    This paper emphasizes the importance of researcher position and reflexivity for professionals in the ecological and development sciences. We draw on critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyze a selection of scientific papers written by Namibian Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) professionals and their relationships with public discourse regarding this conservation and development program. These papers mainly show “success” whilst disregarding “failure” of elements in the program that elsewhere are highly criticized (especially trophy hunting and ecotourism). In addition, they seem to disregard questions concerning researchers’ conflicts of interest that bear on the papers’ “objectivity.” We argue that such positions beg more transparency and epistemological accountability. In particular, we propose greater disclosure and reflexivity regarding researcher positioning as an important methodological response for illuminating when and how researchers have an interest in specific outcomes of their research, so as to enhance interpretation of the knowledge produced by such research

    Panduan Penatalaksanaan Klinis Batu Saluran Kemih

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    Tujuan adanya pedoman penatalaksanaan batu saluran kemih adalah memberikan panduan bagi dokter dalam menangani kasus mengenai batu saluran kemih berbasis bukti (evidence-based) dan berkaitan dengan praktik klinis. Penatalaksanaan yang akan diberikan bergantung pada keadaan pasien, sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia, komplikasi yang terjadi, dan pilihan pasien. Pedoman ini dapat digunakan untuk penyusunan penatalaksanaan pasien disesuaikan dengan kompetensi dan ketersediaan peralatan

    The Analysis of Personnel Management: A Case Study in English Department Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    Managing an agency is not easy. Many things must be considered, such as personnel management, so that the agency goes well. This study aimed to obtain brief description of personnel management in the English department of UGM. For the field study, the author interviewed faculty and staff and chairman of the English department of UGM. The data analysis is qualitative analysis. The methods of collecting the data field observation. In the library research, the writer studies several books and materials. Writer interviews the staff Personnel Management and does participatory observation. In conclusion, the Personnel Management give counseling concerned the people at work, and developing potential source of the employees


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    ABSTRACT FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF DAIRY CATTLE FARM IN TOMOHON CITY (CASE STUDY AT THE RAMULU SANGKOR FARMER GROUP). Study was conducted to analyze feasibility of the Ramulu Sangkor farmer group in Tomohon city. Study was implemented using survey method in the case study of the farm. Data were taken directly to thefarmer as primary data and taken from related institution as secondary data. Survey was done for March to April 2015. Data were analyzed using infestation criteria analysis including NPV, BC Ratio, IRR, ROI and profit analysis. Results showed that total investment were IDR 721.599.633/year and total receipt were IDR 951.217.667/year, of selling milk product and biogas. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Ramulu Sangkor farmer group was feasibly operated with NPV of IDR 448,929,526.-; BC Ratio of 2.880; IRR of 50.05, ROI of 41.82 and profit value of IDR 229.618.034.- for one months.   Keywords: Dairy Cattle, Finance, Ramulu Sangkor Farmer Grou


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    Community Services is one of the applications of responsibility as a student stated in the Tri Dharma of University in the form of publics empowerment with the purpose of giving solutions to problems in the publics without expecting anything in return. One purpose of community services is by giving accompaniment to JAPA UMKM in the publics community. JAPA UMKM is one of the UMKM is located in Malang Regency which produces banana chips of the Great Banana type. JAPA UMKM is located in Princi, RT 02 RW 04 Gadingkulon Village, Dau, Malang Regency, East Java. This JAPA UMKM assistance purpose is provide solutions, evaluations and improvements to the problems that exist in JAPA UMKM including of the production system, application of GMP and estimation of shelf life. The solutions and improvements that we have made at JAPA UMKM are assisting the production process from raw materials to finished products, implementing the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) process for JAPA UMKM, calculating the estimated shelf life of banana chips and assisting the packaging process of banana chips JAPA UMK

    Hubungan Usia, Hipertensi dan Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 pada Penderita Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia dengan Disfungsi Ereksi.

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    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) adalah perubahan histolpatologis prostat terjadi peningkatan volume prostat. Disfungsi Ereksi (DE) adalah ketidakmampuan untuk mendapat dan mempertahankan ereksi yang kuat dalam berhubungan seksual. Berdasarkan data epidemiologi, kejadian DE dan BPH meningkat pada beberapa faktor risiko yang sama, seperti usia, penyakit metabolik, status hormonal, dan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prevalensi DE dan hubungannya dengan usia dan adanya komorbid hipertensi (HT), dan diabetes melitus tipe-2 (DMT2) pada penderita BPH. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross-sectional dan metode purposive sampling. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar dan RS Hermina Tangkubanprahu Malang. Didapatkan 44 subjek penelitian dengan responden kuesioner IIEF-5 sebanyak 21 orang, sementara kuesioner EHS diberikan kepada keseluruhan subjek. Prevalensi DE berdasarkan usia penderita BPH didapatkan mencapai 100,0% pada usia 70-79 tahun melalui kuesioner IIEF-5 dan usia Âł80 tahun melalui kuesioner EHS. Prevalensi DE pada penderita BPH dengan HT didapatkan sebesar 100,0% melalui kuesioner IIEF-5 dan 76,3% melalui kuesioner EHS. Prevalensi DE pada penderita BPH dengan DMT2 didapatkan sebesar 100,0% melalui kuesioner IIEF-5 dan 70,0% melalui kuesioner EHS. Faktor usia penderita BPH memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan DE melalui kuesioner EHS (p= 0.006) sedangkan tidak didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan melalui kuesioner IIEF-5 (p=1.000). adanya komorbid HT dan DMT2 pada penderita BPH tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian DE (IIEF-5: p= 0.229 dan 0.526; EHS: p= 0.518 dan 1.000). Prevalensi DE pada penderita BPH meningkat pada usia tinggi dan adanya komorbid penyakit metabolik meliputi HT dan DMT2. Meskipun begitu, tidak didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara HT dan DMT2 dengan DE pada penderita BPH. Hubungan signifikan antara usia dengan DE hanya didapatkan melalui kuesioner EHS tetapi tidak pada kuesioner IIEF-5