575 research outputs found

    Thaumetopoea Pinivora Treitschke, 1834, Thaumetopoidae nou per a la fauna de Catalunya (Lepidoptera)

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    Se da cuenta del hallazgo en Cataluña (Els Coms de Das, Baixa Cerdanya, Pirineo oriental) de Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke, 1834, Thaumetopoeidae nuevo para la región. Se exponent los aspectos más interesantes de su bionomía y se pone al día la distribución de esta especie en la Península Ibérica.Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke, 1834, Thaumetopoidae new for Catalonia (Lepidoptera). In this paper the authors report the found in Catalonia (Els Coms de Das, Baixa Cerdanya, Pirineu oriental) of Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke, 1834, Thaumetopoeidae new for the area. We expose the more interesting aspects of its bionomy and actualize its distribution in the lberian fauna

    Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, a Catalunya i les Illes Balears

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    Es descriu , comenta i il·lustra un interessant t áxon de les CantharelI ácies: Cantharellus Iilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recol·lectat per primer cop a Catalunya i Illes Balears.An interesting taxon of Cantharellaceae: Cantharellus lilacinop ruinatu s Hennitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, previou sly unrecorded in Catalonia and the Balearic Island s, is described, commented and illustrated.Se describe, comenta e ilustra un interesante taxón de las Cantareláceas: Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hennitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recolectado por primera vez en Cataluña y Baleares

    Psathyrella globosivelata Gröger, un fong rar i interessant citat per primera vegada a Catalunya

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    Es descriu , es comenta i s'il·lustra Psathyr ella globosivelata Groger, una especie rara i sorprenent del genere Psathyr ella. D'acord amb la informació de que disposem, creiem que aquesta és la primera citació d'aquesta espec ie a Catalunya i a la Península Ibérica,Arare and intere sting species of the genus Psathyr ella: P. globosivelata Groger, is described , discussed and illustrated. To our knowl edge, this is its first record for Catalonia and the Iberian Peninsula.Se describe, se comenta y se ilustra Psathyr ella globosivelata Groger, una especie rara e interesante del género Psathyr ella. De acuerdo con la información que disponemos, creemo s que ésta es la primera vez que se cita en Cataluña y en la Península Ibérica

    Population tendency of the magpie (Pica pica) in the period 1994-2009 at the mouth of the Millars river (Castelló)

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    Aquesta nota mostra la tendència poblacional de la garsa (Pica pica) al llarg del kilòmetre 1 (des de la línea de costa, riu amunt) del paisatge protegit de la Desembocadura del riu Millars (Castelló), per al període comprés de 1994-2009 (16 anys). Els resultats se centren en censos realitzats a la zona mitjançant el mètode del transecte lineal duts a terme 3 o 4 vegades al mes. L’espècie se censa per primera vegada l’any 1997 i des l’aleshores mostra una tendència a l’alça sobretot a partir de 2003 i molt especialment en els dos últims (2008-2009). S’ha estabilitzat una abundància mitjana de 8,3 aus/km. Pel que fa a les correlacions amb la meteorologia, en els anys més freds presenta menor abundància que en els càlids. Els hiverns càlids podrien permetre major supervivència i, a més, major disponibilitat de recursos amb els quals assegurar un bon nombre de polls. L’espècie troba en la zona suficients recursos tròfics per sobreviure i un lloc excel·lent on lliurar-se de la pressió cinegètica.This note shows the population trend of the magpie (Pica pica) over 1 kilometer (up river from the coast line) of the protected landscape of the mouth of the Mijares river (Castellón), for the period of 1994-2009 (16 years). I focus on census conducted in the area by the method of linear transect, carried out 3 or 4 times every month. The species was registered for the first time in 1997 and since then it shows an upward trend, especially after 2003 and more so in the last two years (2008-2009). Abundance has stabilized arround an average of 8.3 birds/km. Regarding correlations with weather, the species presented lower abundance in cold years than in warm ones. Cool winters could allow higher survival rates and increased resources availability to breed a higher number of youngs. The species founds in the area sufficient food resources to survive and an excellent place to avoid hunting pressure

    Concerns, Mental Health, and Quality of Life in Living Kidney Donation–Parent Donor Candidates Worry Less about Themselves

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    Even though the majority of living kidney donor candidates appear in good mental health and show few concerns little is known concerning the influence of the type of donor-recipient relationship on donor candidates’ specific concerns with regard to kidney donation. 136 donor candidates at Virgen del Rocío University Hospital of Seville filled in the Scale of Concerns Regarding Living Kidney Donation of whom 105 donor candidates and their corresponding recipients (105 patients with End-Stage Renal Disease) were further evaluated with regard to mental health (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory-II) and quality of life (SF-36 Health Survey). As hypothesized recipients scored higher on depression and lower on quality of life. Donor candidates intending to donate to their children were significantly less concerned about risks of donation for themselves compared to donor candidates donating to siblings. Our findings highlight the importance of the type of donor-recipient relationship to understand specific concerns of donor candidates and optimize psychosocial assessment and support. From an evolutionary perspective parents lack of concern about their own well-being can be seen as an altruistic behavior to increase children’s fitness at the (potential) expense of their own fitness

    SpecForce: A Framework to Secure IoT Spectrum Sensors in the Internet of Battlefield Things

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    The battlefield has evolved into a mobile and dynamic scenario where soldiers and heterogeneous military equipment exchange information in real-time and wirelessly. This fact brings to reality the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT). Wireless communications are key enablers for the IoBT, and their management is critical due to the spectrum scarcity and the increasing number of IoBT devices. In this sense, IoBT spectrum sensors are deployed on the battlefield to monitor the frequency spectrum, transmit over unoccupied bands, intercept enemy transmissions, or decode valuable information. However, IoBT spectrum sensors are vulnerable to heterogeneous cyber-attacks, and their accurate detection is an open challenge in the literature. Thus, this paper presents SpecForce, a security framework for IoBT spectrum sensors based on device behavioral fingerprinting and ML/DL techniques. SpecForce considers heterogeneous data sources to detect the most dangerous and recent cyber-attacks affecting IoBT spectrum sensors, such as impersonation, malware, and spectrum sensing data falsification attacks. To evaluate the SpecForce detection performance, it has been deployed on 25 real spectrum sensors, and results show almost perfect detection for the three cyber-attack families previously mentioned

    Towards a Semantic-Aware Collaborative Working Environment

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    Collaborative Working Environments (CWEs) enable an efficient collaboration between professionals, specially those settled in different locations of a company or stakeholders from different companies. This can be of great help for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as an effective way to share information. However, it can be difficult for SMEs to have access to a fully integrated CWE providing different tools (e.g., videoconferencing, instant messaging, etc.). Currently, they may define a CWE as a combination of heterogeneous and non-integrated tools which are not able to share information between them. An integrated CWE would provide SMEs with the necessary means to collaborate, making information exchange easier.&nbsp

    Integrating Teams In Multidisciplinary Project Based Learning in Mechanical Engineering

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    Mechanical/Industrial Engineering students at Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII) of Technical University of Madrid (UPM) receive an in-depth knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing processes, but the increasing interaction with other engineering branches, induces the need to integrate concepts which allow students to make an integral design of new products, and thereby facilitate their subsequent integration into multidisciplinary engineering teams in industry. Complex engineering projects are usually carried out by the assimilation of different work teams, which could even be located geographically distant. Collaborative Web environments are proven to be ideal knowledge repositories, as it has seen in Academia and in Industry. The work here presented reproduces the organization of actual engineering projects, and brings it into the classroom. This new way of developing Project Work documentation and discussion has helped students become self-directed learners who internalize specific topics from different subjects, programmes and courses with their own interests, and has been considered as an easy alternative to promote active learning, not only in this area but in other courses. Project were launched in the engineering disciplines, each offering possibilities for the application of specific skills in the following courses: TEC -Manufacturing Technology-, CAD -Computer Aided Design-, SIM -Simulation in Mechanical Engineering-, and FAB -Fabrication / Manufacturing. TEC and SIM are applied in the Mechanical Engineering programme at ETSII, while FAB is part of the Industrial Engineering programme; finally CAD is voluntarily employed by students in different semesters and programmes. The new approach is oriented towards inducing collaboration within multidisciplinary teams. This paper describes the experience of collaboration among students and teachers in order to develop multidisciplinary projects, and to reproduce as closely as possib- - le, the team's integration into a company environment. A new methodology based on student interaction and content development in a Wiki environment has been developed. The collaborative server has allowed creating an “out-of-the-classroom” active discussion forum for students of different teams /topics, and to compile an important “project work” portfolio. This experience has been very satisfactory for students and teachers, who have participated with enthusiasm due to the exit of the well-distributed work and the easiness of use of the selected platform (Wiki). The quality of the developed projects has been dramatically improved due to the integration of the results provided by the different teams

    Use of Aerial Thermal Imaging to Assess Water Status Variability in Hedgerow Olive Orchards

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    Characterization of the spatial variability in tree water status is a prerequisite to conduct precise irrigation management within an orchard. This study assessed the suitability of a crop water stress index (CWSI) derived from high-resolution aerial thermal imagery to estimate tree water status variability in super high density (SHD) olive orchards. The experiment was conducted at a commercial SHD olive orchard near Seville (southwestern Spain). The drip irrigated trees were submitted to three irrigation regimes (four plots per treatment): a full irrigation treatment replacing the crop water needs (ETc) and two regulated deficit irrigation treatments replacing ca. 45% of ETc. During the irrigation season, meteorological variables, soil moisture content, leaf water potential and leaf gas exchange measurements were performed. Infrared temperature sensors (IRTS) installed about 1 m above the canopies were used to derive the required baselines for CWSI calculation. A thermal camera installed on a mini RPAS (Remote Piloted Aerial System) allowed recording high-resolution thermal images at 5 representative dates of the olive tree growing season. CWSI values derived from aerial thermal imagery were sensitive to the deliberately imposed variations in tree water status within the SHD olive orchard. Maximum stomatal conductance and midday stem water potential showed tight correlations with CWSI. We conclude that high resolution thermal imagery captured from a mini RPAS has proven to be a suitable tool to capture tree water status variability within SHD olive orchards.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012- 34544/ECOLIMAJunta de Andalucía P12-AGR-122