101 research outputs found

    The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions

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    The effect of fluorine-containing inhibitors of corrosion of copper in atmospheric conditions was studied by method of removing anodic polarization curves and corrosion of full-scale tests. The introduction of the inhibiting compositions as corrosion inhibitor of copper polyfluorinated amines leads to a decrease of the peak current of active dissolution of copper, which increases the corrosion resistance of copper wire rod during transportation in various climate conditions

    Исследование влияния композиционного состава плесневой и заквасочной микрофлоры на формирование органолептических показателей мягких сыров

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    The article presents the results of a study of the characteristics of growth, incl. joint, mold cultures of Penicillium camembеrti and yeast-like fungi of Geotrichum candidum on a dense nutrient medium and the regularities of changes in the organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of Camembert-type cheeses in the process of production, ripening and storage, depending on the combinations of bacterial and mold starter microflora. The objects of the study were the cultures of Penicillium camembеrti and Geotrichum candidum, cheeses with white mold, made according to the type of “Camembert” cheese, produced from cow’s milk with mesophilic and thermophilic fermenting microflora, mold cultures of Penicillium camembеrti and yeast-like fungi of Geotrichum candidum. The study of cheeses was carried out in the process of ripening and storage after 15, 30, 60 days from the date of manufacture. It was found that when Penicillium camembеrti and Geotrichum candidum were co-cultivated on Petri dishes, visual assessment showed a symbiotic effect of culture development, which manifests itself in the stimulating effect of yeast-like fungi on the growth of mold fungi compared to the cultivation of each culture separately. Under the conditions of the experiment carried out, the main mold culture influencing the organoleptic characteristics of the cheese was the mold culture of Penicillium camemberti. The combination of mold cultures did not affect the improvement of the organoleptic characteristics of the cheeses. It is shown that the composition of the main acid-forming starter microflora, both mesophilic and thermophilic, has a significant effect on the lactic acid process and flavoring of Camembert-type cheese. The cheeses produced on the basis of mesophilic starter microflora were distinguished by an accelerated ripening process and less storage capacity due to deeper proteolysis. At the same time, cheeses produced on the basis of thermophilic fermenting microflora retained quality stability for up to 60 days. Thus, the use of various combinations of starter cultures will make it possible to create a flavor line of cheeses with white mold, depending on consumer preferences with different storage capacity.В статье представлены результаты исследования особенностей роста, в т. ч. совместного, плесневых культур Penicillium camembеrti и дрожжеподобных грибков Geotrichum candidum на плотной питательной среде, а  так же закономерностей изменения органолептических, физико-химических и  микробиологических характеристик сыров типа Камамбер в процессе выработки, созревания и хранения в зависимости от комбинаций бактериальной и плесневой заквасочной микрофлоры. В качестве объектов исследования использовали культуры Penicillium camembеrti и Geotrichum candidum, сыры с белой плесенью, изготовленные по типу сыра «Камамбер», выработанные из коровьего молока с мезофильной и термофильной заквасочной микрофлорой, плесневыми культурами Penicillium camembеrti и дрожжеподобными грибками Geotrichum candidum. Исследование сыров проводили в процессе созревания и хранения через 15, 30, 60 суток с момента изготовления. Установлено, что при совместном культивировании Penicillium camembеrti и Geotrichum candidum на чашках Петри при визуальной оценке наблюдается симбиотический эффект развития культур, проявляющийся в стимулирующем влиянии дрожжеподобных грибков на рост плесневых грибов, по сравнению с  культивированием каждой культуры по отдельности. В  условиях проведенного эксперимента основной плесневой культурой, оказывающей влияние на органолептические показатели сыра, явилась плесневая культура Penicillium camembеrti. Комбинация плесневых культур не оказала влияния на улучшение органолептических показателей сыров. Показано, что состав основной кислотообразующей заквасочной микрофлоры, как мезофильной, так и термофильной, оказывает значимое влияние на молочнокислый процесс и вкусообразование сыра типа «Камамбер». Сыры, выработанные на основе мезофильной заквасочной микрофлоры, отличались ускоренным процессом созревания и меньшей хранимоспособностью за счет более глубокого протеолиза. Одновременно сыры, выработанные на основе термофильной заквасочной микрофлоры, сохраняли стабильность качества до 60 суток. Таким образом, использование различных комбинаций заквасочных культур позволит создавать вкусовую линейку сыров с белой плесенью в зависимости от потребительских предпочтений с разной хранимоспособностью

    Изучение возможности выработки полутвердых сыров из замороженного козьего молока

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    The article presents the results of a study of the quality indicators of semi-hard cheeses produced from defrosted goat’s milk. Natural and defrosted goat’s milk, semi-hard cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating were used as objects of research. Studies of defrosted goat’s milk were carried out after 6±1 days of its storage at a temperature of minus 18°C and subsequent defrosting at a temperature of 37±2°C for 60 minutes; natural goat’s milk — after storage for 24±12 hours at a temperature of 4±2°C. It was found that milk freezing and its subsequent defrosting did not affect the chemical composition of milk and the total content of microorganisms, but the number of somatic cells decreased. Cheeses were produced according to the traditional technological scheme of semi-hard cheese using a bulk mesophilic-thermophilic bacterial starter culture. There was no significant effect of the freezing process of goat’s milk on its technological properties: the duration of curd formation in both variants was (30±1) min, the duration of processing of cheese grain was (90±2) min. The level of syneresis was (55±2)% in the control, (55±6)% — in the test versions and was in the range of error of the method. The degree of transition of dry matter to whey was: in the control — (7.26±0.21)%, in the test — (7.21±0.32)%. It was found that there were no differences in the degree of proteolysis in cheeses during ripening. The values of the acidity the content of available fat in the cheeses of both variants was comparable. The organoleptic characteristics of cheeses at the standard age of 60 days had similar characteristics, both in terms of the degree of intensity of the cheese taste, and in the taste notes of “zest” and “spice”, typical of goat’s milk cheeses. The cheese texture of both variants was characterized as “homogeneous, moderately dense”. It has been established that the process of freezing goat’s milk does not reduce its cheese properties and the qualitative characteristics of the semi-hard cheese produced from it.В статье представлены результаты исследования показателей качества полутвердых сыров, выработанных из дефростированного козьего молока. В качестве объектов изучения использовали натуральное и дефростированное козье молоко, полутвердые сыры с низкой температурой второго нагревания. Исследования дефростированного козьего молока проводили через 6±1 сут его хранения при температуре минус 18°C с  последующей дефростацией при температуре 37±2°C в течение 60 мин; состав натурального козьего молока рассматривался после хранения в течение 24±12 ч при температуре 4±2°C. Установлено, что замораживание молока и последующая его дефростация не оказали влияния на химический состав молока и на общее содержание микроорганизмов, однако количество соматических клеток уменьшилось. Сыры вырабатывали по традиционной технологической схеме полутвердого сыра с использованием производственной мезофильно-термофильной бактериальной закваски. Не было выявлено значимого влияния процесса замораживания козьего молока на его технологические свойства: продолжительность образования сгустка в обоих вариантах составляла (30±1) мин, продолжительность обработки сырного зерна — (90±2) мин. Уровень синерезиса составил в контроле (55±2)%, в опытных вариантах — (55±6)% и находился в пределах погрешности метода. Степень перехода сухих веществ в сыворотку составила: в контроле — (7,26±0,21)%, в опыте — (7,21±0,32)%. Было установлено отсутствие различий в степени протеолиза в сырах при созревании. Значения кислотности жировой фазы в сырах из натурального молока были выше в сравнении с сырами из дефростированного молока в среднем на 15%, но темпы изменения кислотности жировой фазы были идентичны. При этом содержание доступного жира в сырах обоих вариантов было сопоставимо. Органолептические показатели сыров в кондиционном возрасте 60 сут имели схожие характеристики как по степени выраженности сырного вкуса, так и по характерным для сыров из козьего молока вкусовым нотам «острота» и «пикантность». Консистенция сыров обоих вариантов характеризовалась как однородная, умеренно плотная. Установлено, что процесс замораживания козьего молока не снижает его сыропригодные свойства и качественные характеристики выработанного из него полутвердого сыра

    Activin-A induces regulatory T cells that suppress T helper cell immune responses and protect from allergic airway disease

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    Activin-A is a pleiotropic cytokine that participates in developmental, inflammatory, and tissue repair processes. Still, its effects on T helper (Th) cell–mediated immunity, critical for allergic and autoimmune diseases, are elusive. We provide evidence that endogenously produced activin-A suppresses antigen-specific Th2 responses and protects against airway hyperresponsiveness and allergic airway disease in mice. Importantly, we reveal that activin-A exerts suppressive function through induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells that suppress Th2 responses in vitro and upon transfer in vivo. In fact, activin-A also suppresses Th1-driven responses, pointing to a broader immunoregulatory function. Blockade of interleukin 10 and transforming growth factor β1 reverses activin-A–induced suppression. Remarkably, transfer of activin-A–induced antigen-specific regulatory T cells confers protection against allergic airway disease. This beneficial effect is associated with dramatically decreased maturation of draining lymph node dendritic cells. Therapeutic administration of recombinant activin-A during pulmonary allergen challenge suppresses Th2 responses and protects from allergic disease. Finally, we demonstrate that immune cells infiltrating the lungs from individuals with active allergic asthma, and thus nonregulated inflammatory response, exhibit significantly decreased expression of activin-A's responsive elements. Our results uncover activin-A as a novel suppressive factor for Th immunity and a critical controller of allergic airway disease

    Impact of Aspergillus fumigatus in allergic airway diseases

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    For decades, fungi have been recognized as associated with asthma and other reactive airway diseases. In contrast to type I-mediated allergies caused by pollen, fungi cause a large number of allergic diseases such as allergic bronchopulmonary mycoses, rhinitis, allergic sinusitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Amongst the fungi, Aspergillus fumigatus is the most prevalent cause of severe pulmonary allergic disease, including allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), known to be associated with chronic lung injury and deterioration in pulmonary function in people with chronic asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF). The goal of this review is to discuss new understandings of host-pathogen interactions in the genesis of allergic airway diseases caused by A. fumigatus. Host and pathogen related factors that participate in triggering the inflammatory cycle leading to pulmonary exacerbations in ABPA are discussed

    Generation of a Novel Regulatory NK Cell Subset from Peripheral Blood CD34+ Progenitors Promoted by Membrane-Bound IL-15

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    BACKGROUND: NK cells have been long time considered as cytotoxic lymphocytes competent in killing virus-infected cells and tumors. However, NK cells may also play essential immuno-regulatory functions. In this context, the real existence of a defined NK subset with negative regulatory properties has been hypothesized but never clearly demonstrated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Herein, we show the in vitro generation from human peripheral blood haematopoietic progenitors (PB-HP), of a novel subset of non-cytolytic NK cells displaying a mature phenotype and remarkable immuno-regulatory functions (NK-ireg). The main functional hallmark of these NK-ireg cells is represented by the surface expression/release of HLA-G, a major immunosuppressive molecule. In addition, NK-ireg cells secrete two powerful immuno-regulatory factors: IL-10 and IL-21. Through these factors, NK-ireg cells act as effectors of the down-regulation of the immune response: reconverting mature myeloid DC (mDC) into immature/tolerogenic DC, blocking cytolytic functions on conventional NK cells and inducing HLA-G membrane expression on PB-derived monocytes. The generation of "NK-ireg" cells is obtained, by default, in culture conditions favouring cell-to-cell contacts, and it is strictly dependent on reciprocal trans-presentation of membrane-bound IL-15 forms constitutively and selectively expressed by human CD34(+) PB-HP. Finally, a small subset of NKp46(+) HLA-G(+) IL-10(+) is detected within freshly isolated decidual NK cells, suggesting that these cells could represent an in vivo counterpart of the NK-ireg cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, NK-ireg cells represent a novel truly differentiated non-cytolytic NK subset with a self-sustainable phenotype (CD56(+) CD16(+) NKp30(+) NKp44(+) NKp46(+) CD94(+) CD69(+) CCR7(+)) generated from specific pSTAT6(+) GATA3(+) precursors. NK-ireg cells could be employed to develop new immuno-suppressive strategies in autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection or graft versus host diseases. In addition, NK-ireg cells can be easily derived from peripheral blood of the patients and could constitute an autologous biotherapic tool to be used combined or in alternative to other immuno-regulatory cells

    Peptide immunotherapy in allergic asthma generates IL-10-dependent immunological tolerance associated with linked epitope suppression

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    Treatment of patients with allergic asthma using low doses of peptides containing T cell epitopes from Fel d 1, the major cat allergen, reduces allergic sensitization and improves surrogate markers of disease. Here, we demonstrate a key immunological mechanism, linked epitope suppression, associated with this therapeutic effect. Treatment with selected epitopes from a single allergen resulted in suppression of responses to other ("linked") epitopes within the same molecule. This phenomenon was induced after peptide immunotherapy in human asthmatic subjects and in a novel HLA-DR1 transgenic mouse model of asthma. Tracking of allergen-specific T cells using DR1 tetramers determined that suppression was associated with the induction of interleukin (IL)-10(+) T cells that were more abundant than T cells specific for the single-treatment peptide and was reversed by anti -IL-10 receptor administration. Resolution of airway pathophysiology in this model was associated with reduced recruitment, proliferation, and effector function of allergen-specific Th2 cells. Our results provide, for the first time, in vivo evidence of linked epitope suppression and IL-10 induction in both human allergic disease and a mouse model designed to closely mimic peptide therapy in humans

    Treg-mediated immunosuppression involves activation of the Notch-HES1 axis by membrane-bound TGF- 

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