564 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Variable Zone for Concave Arcs -Fin of Heat Sink with Multi Air Jet Impingement

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    Novel array arcs- fin heat sink 7×2 with 6×2 multi air jet impingement are presented in this paper by using numerical simulation. Temperature distribution of jets diameter of 5mm and arcs- fin heat sink with variety shapes at constant radius of 45mm are evaluated. Reynolds number ranges from 7000 – 11000. The study has been done at constant Z/d= 6 and constant heat flux =8333.33 W/m2. The best shapes of fins has an effective role in improving the rate of heat transfer .In this paper, the design concerned in arcs ships to construct fin geometry. Four concave arcs constricted the shape of fins heat sink for model A. This model has been changed to construct models (B-C-D-E) by reflect two concave arc from it to be convex arc. All five models at the same radius. The five configurations were comparative between each other and the best model comparative with flat plate heat sink. It is observed that model D of heat sink showed best temperature dissipation than the others. The results of this paper can help to select heat sink that meets a design's thermal, Power, packaging and cost requirements (specialized in arcs fins) with array of impingement jet, which is a popular used in cooling electronic devices. Keywords: arcs –fin heat sink; array of impingement jet; CFD. DOI: 10.7176/CMR/13-2-02 Publication date:May 31st 202


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    AbstrakSecara konstitusional sistem pemerintahan yang dipilih bangsa Indonesia adalah sistem pemerintahan presidensial, meskipundalam praktek penyelenggaraannya sering ditemui praktikpraktikyangmengarahkepadasistempemerintahanparlementer.Kerancuansistem yang demikian menyebabkan siapapunpresidennya akan tidak berdaya menyusun kabinet secaramandiri karena harus mengakomodasi kepentingan partai politikuntuk menghindari konflik dengan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat(DPR). Praktik yang demikian tentu tidak sehat dalam penerapansistem presidensiil karena justru akan mengganggu stabilitaspemerintahan untuk melaksanakan fungsinya sebagai lembagaeksekutif. Kata kunci: Multi Partai, Presidensiil, DPR,  parlemente

    Crew Motion and the Dynamic Environment of Spaceborne Experiments

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    Analytical study of crew motion on dynamic environment of orbiting laboratorie

    Analysis and Comparative Master Plan of Hindiya City with its Morphological Development

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    The master plan of the city most important planning tools to regulate land uses, where, and to meet the needs of the citizens for different services, according to the criteria and indicators developed in order to achieve the well-being of its population, and thus control the growth of the city and the various trends. The study goals to research the essence of the difference between the master plan of the stomach with the reality of the situation and the causes of non-implementation of these designs as planned, and compared to the present uses planned and implemented with the standards of planning to determine the efficiency of services provided to residents of this city. And found through search changes non studied in land use within the master plan the result of political decisions which have been under which convert some of the uses of green areas and public buildings to residential uses, in addition to the nonimplementation of the master plans fully despite the end of the time period for the implementation of this design, and the lack of conformity and planned uses of the land implementing to the current criteria planning and by following a lack of services provided to residents of this city, and the city suffers addition, there are many residential areas as a result of non-implementation of the master plan and irregular random fragmentation of the groves, which led to increased pressure on servicesresidential neighborhoods adjacent to these areas. One of the main conclusions of her research that the master plan of the Hindiya city has not been prepared in accordance with the contexts of planning, in addition tonot rely on the principle of feedback at the implementation, which occur randomly in the implementation, and thus the lack of the master plan for which it was intended. And study recommended the necessity meet the needs of the city from different services to get to the level of planning standards, in addition to the fast development of treatments for residential areas irregulars by preparing designs and sectoral its regularopen streets and provide them with the necessary services

    In vitro antimicrobial activity of fermented spices and Capsicum Frutescens against multi drug resistance clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria

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    Introduction: Food preservation is required to maintain for a long period of time. Traditional organic food preservative, “Datta” is spice mainly made up of Chili Peppers which frequently used in southern and western part of Ethiopia. Datta can be consumed almost with every kind of foods and it is believed as appetizer and antimicrobial agent against food borne pathogen. This study aimed to assess in vitro antimicrobial activity of fermented condiment and Capsicum frutescens against multi drug resistance clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria.Method: Datta samples collected from different level hotels and Capsicum frutescens (Chili peppers) were extractedin different solvents.Agar well diffusion assay was used to determine antimicrobial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration was determined by tube dilution method. One way analysis of variant was used in comparison of the finding.Results: Extracted fermented condiment (Datta) sample and Chili Pepper showed antimicrobial activities against multidrug resistant clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria in well diffusion assay. Datta extract showed MIC ranged from 25 mg/L to 66.7 mg/L and MBC ranged from 25 mg/L to 100 mg/L. The Datta and Chili pepper extracts showed high antimicrobial activities against standard Staphylococcus aureus. The water based extract of Datta sample were exhibited significantly low antimicrobial activities (P=0.000) as compared to the other extraction solvents.Conclusion: Water was weak extractor of active compounds having antimicrobial activities. Reference S. aureuswasmore susceptible organism while ATCC Salmonella enteritidis and clinical isolated multi-drug resistant E. coli less susceptible. The traditional use of fermented condiment for food preservation by the local people is supported by this study.Key words: Antimicrobial activity; Chili Pepper extract; Fermented condiment; Minimum bactericidal concentration; Minimum inhibition contractionActivite antimicrobienne en vitro d'epices fermentees et de fruits de capsicume pour la resistance aux medicaments isolate clinique et bacteries de reference standardIntroduction: La conservation des aliments est nécessaire pour maintenir pendant une longue période de temps. Conservateur de nourriture organiqu et raditionnel, "Datta" est l'épicé compose principalement de Chili Peppers qui fréquemment utilize dans le sud et l'ouest de l'Ethiopie. Datta peu têtre consommé presque avec toutes sortes d'aliments et on le croit comme un apéritif et un agent antimicrobien contre l'agent pathogène alimentaire. Cette etude visait à évaluer l'activité antimicrobienne in vitro du condiment fermenté et Capsicum frutescens contre l'isolement clinique de résistance aux médicaments multiples et les bactéries de référence standard.Méthode: Les échantillons de Datta prélevés dans des hôtels de différents niveaux et Capsicum frutescens (Chili Peppers) ont été extraits dans différents solvants. Un dosage de diffusion de puits a été utilisé pour determiner l'activité antimicrobienne et la concentration inhibitrice minimale (MIC) et la concentration bactericide minimale a été determine par la méthode de dilution du tube. Une analyse à sens unique de la variante a été utilisée en comparaison de la découverte.Résultats: L'échantillon extrait de condiments fermentés (Datta) et Chili Pepper ont montré des activités antimicrobiennes contre l'isolement Clinique résistant aux médicaments multiples et les bactéries de référence standard dans le dosage par diffusion de puits. L'extrait de Datta a montréque le MIC variait de 25 mg / L à 66,7 mg / L et le MBC variait de 25 mg / L à 100 mg / L. Les extraits de poisson de Datta et de Chili ont montré des activités antimicrobiennes élevées contre Staphylococcus aureus standard. L'extrait à base d'eau de l'échantillon de Datta a montré des activités antimicrobiennes significativement faibles (P = 0,000) par rapport aux autres solvants d'extraction.Conclusion: L'eauétaitun extracteur faible de composes actifs ayant des activités antimicrobiennes. Référence S. aureus était un organisme plus susceptible tandisque ATCC Salmonella enteritidis et E.coli. E. coli résistant aux médicaments multiples isolés était moins susceptible. L'utilisation traditionnelle du condiment fermenté pour la conservation des aliments par les populations locales est soutenue par cette étude.Mots clés: Activitéantimicrobienne; Extrait de poivre de piment; Condiment fermenté; Concentration bactéricide minimum; Contraction minimaled'inhibitio

    The effect of polluted samples on Bayesian Estimators of Burr type –XII distribution

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    Bayesian estimators may be affected by the polluted samples, because these samples can lead to the influence of the estimation methods in general and the Bayesian methods in particular, and thus the deviation of the values of the distribution parameter from their real values, and this leads to the divergence of the capabilities of the Bayes survival estimators from the real values. The results showed that the estimators of the parameters were affected by many factors (sample size, distribution parameter, number of outliers and the estimation method). Simulation experiment results also showed a difference in Mean Square Error (MSE) of the Bayes survival estimators for each different experiment. Bayesian methods can be compared with other estimation methods (Maximum likelihood Estimation (MLE), Moment estimation (MOM) and shrinkage method (SH)). Also, Bayesian methods can be used to estimate the survival function of other distributions (exponential, Gamma and mixed) to observe the estimation results with the presence of extreme values

    Identifying Patterns of Breast Cancer Genetic Signatures using Unsupervised Machine Learning

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    Deploying machine learning to improve medical diagnosis is a promising area. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze unique genetic signatures for breast cancer grades using publicly available gene expression microarray data. The classification of cancer types is based on unsupervised feature learning. Unsupervised clustering use matrix algebra based on similarity measures which made it suitable for analyzing gene expression. The main advantage of the proposed approach is the ability to use gene expression data from different grades of breast cancer to generate features that automatically identify and enhance the cancer diagnosis. In this paper, we tested different similarity measures in order to find the best way that identifies the sets of genes with a common function using expression microarray data

    Improved Techniques for the Conditional Generative Augmentation of Clinical Audio Data

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    Data augmentation is a valuable tool for the design of deep learning systems to overcome data limitations and stabilize the training process. Especially in the medical domain, where the collection of large-scale data sets is challenging and expensive due to limited access to patient data, relevant environments, as well as strict regulations, community-curated large-scale public datasets, pretrained models, and advanced data augmentation methods are the main factors for developing reliable systems to improve patient care. However, for the development of medical acoustic sensing systems, an emerging field of research, the community lacks large-scale publicly available data sets and pretrained models. To address the problem of limited data, we propose a conditional generative adversarial neural network-based augmentation method which is able to synthesize mel spectrograms from a learned data distribution of a source data set. In contrast to previously proposed fully convolutional models, the proposed model implements residual Squeeze and Excitation modules in the generator architecture. We show that our method outperforms all classical audio augmentation techniques and previously published generative methods in terms of generated sample quality and a performance improvement of 2.84% of Macro F1-Score for a classifier trained on the augmented data set, an enhancement of 1.14% in relation to previous work. By analyzing the correlation of intermediate feature spaces, we show that the residual Squeeze and Excitation modules help the model to reduce redundancy in the latent features. Therefore, the proposed model advances the state-of-the-art in the augmentation of clinical audio data and improves the data bottleneck for the design of clinical acoustic sensing systems
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