95 research outputs found

    Scaling limits of integrable quantum field theories

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    Short distance scaling limits of a class of integrable models on two-dimensional Minkowski space are considered in the algebraic framework of quantum field theory. Making use of the wedge-local quantum fields generating these models, it is shown that massless scaling limit theories exist, and decompose into (twisted) tensor products of chiral, translation-dilation covariant field theories. On the subspace which is generated from the vacuum by the observables localized in finite light ray intervals, this symmetry can be extended to the M\"obius group. The structure of the interval-localized algebras in the chiral models is discussed in two explicit examples.Comment: Revised version: erased typos, improved formulations, and corrections of Lemma 4.8/Prop. 4.9. As published in RMP. 43 pages, 1 figur

    Communication and conflict

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    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine": The Coordination and Support Action to Foster Collaboration in Personalized Medicine Development between Europe and China

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    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine"(IC2PerMed) is a coordination and support action funded within the Horizon 2020 work program. Following the guidance of the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed), the project's overarching aim is to align the European Union and China's research agendas in the field of personalized medicine (PM) to enable a swift development of PM approaches in the EU with strong leverage upon EU-Chinese collaboration. Living in the CO-VID-19 era, we are witnessing how the challenges imposed by the pandemic all around the globe have been acting as a catalyst for collaborations and knowledge sharing among national health systems worldwide. Given the strong interest on behalf of both Europe and China in the advancement of PM approaches, now more than ever, a cross-border collaboration between the 2 powers can accelerate the effective translation of such innovation to healthcare systems, advance research, and ensure that such change follows the directions toward the path of sustainability. IC2PerMed developments will be led by European and Chinese experts equally assembled into 3 Working Groups: (1) people and organization, (2) innovation and market, and (3) research and clinical studies in PM. This complex and dynamic network of actions thrives on dialog, cooperation, and alignment of research at national and global levels; work in the direction taken by IC2PerMed shall pave the way toward the realization of PM's full potential, prevent it from becoming a burden for healthcare systems, and, rather, prove that it provides an essential and irreplaceable contribution to their effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability

    Sources of avoidance motivation: Valence effects from physical effort and mental rotation

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    When reaching goals, organisms must simultaneously meet the overarching goal of conserving energy. According to the law of least effort, organisms will select the means associated with the least effort. The mechanisms underlying this bias remain unknown. One hypothesis is that organisms come to avoid situations associated with unnecessary effort by generating a negative valence toward the stimuli associated with such situations. Accordingly, merely using a dysfunctional, ‘slow’ computer mouse causes participants to dislike ambient neutral images (Study 1). In Study 2, nonsense shapes were liked less when associated with effortful processing (135° of mental rotation) versus easier processing (45° of rotation). Complementing ‘fluency’ effects found in perceptuo-semantic research, valence emerged from action-related processing in a principled fashion. The findings imply that negative valence associations may underlie avoidance motivations, and have practical implications for educational/workplace contexts in which effort and positive affect are conducive to success

    Detección de anticuerpos séricos en toros inmunizados contra campylobacteriosis

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    En el presente ensayo se evaluó la repuesta sérica vacunando 169 toros jóvenes para carne, vírgenes de 12–24 meses de edad, inmunizados con vacunas a célula entera de Campylobacter fetus. El trabajo se realizó en cuatro establecimientos libres de campylobacteriosis de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se utilizaron tres vacunas comerciales nacionales, conteniendo cepas inactivadas de C. fetus y sus subspecies: vacunas A (n= 84), B (n=19) y C (n=58) (suspensión de C. fetus subsp. fetus, intermedius y venerealis, inactivadas con formol). Las vacunas A y B poseían como vehículo hidróxido de aluminio, la vacuna C presentaba adyuvante oleoso. También se utilizó una vacuna experimental (D) (n=8) dual, oleosa, elaborada por el INTA Balcarce, conteniendo antígenos inactivados de C. fetus subsp. fetus, C. fetus subsp. venerealis y Tritrichomonas foetus. Todas las vacunas se aplicaron por vía subcutánea, dos dosis con intervalo de 21 días. Los animales se sangraron a los días 0, 21, 42, 93 y 123 post primera dosis vacunal (DPV). Los sueros fueron procesados por ELISA indirecto. Los valores de absorbancia expresados en densidad óptica fueron transformados a valores ELISA (VE). La vacuna experimental dual D demostró un incremento importante en los VE de los anticuerpos séricos con respecto las vacunas A, B y C (p< 0,05). Las vacunas B y C tuvieron mejor respuesta a los 21 y 42 días DPV respecto a la vacuna A (p< 0,05). A los 93 DPV, los animales del grupo C tuvieron un débil incremento de VE en comparación con aquellos animales de los grupos A y B (p< 0,05). El desempeño general tendió a ser mayor en los animales inmunizados con la vacuna experimental que aquellos del grupo de vacunas comerciales. Se observaron VE muy bajos en general en las vacunas comerciales utilizadas. El método ELISA fue adecuado para la evaluación de la respuesta inmune sistémica en los toros vacunados.

    Scaling algebras and pointlike fields: A nonperturbative approach to renormalization

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    We present a method of short-distance analysis in quantum field theory that does not require choosing a renormalization prescription a priori. We set out from a local net of algebras with associated pointlike quantum fields. The net has a naturally defined scaling limit in the sense of Buchholz and Verch; we investigate the effect of this limit on the pointlike fields. Both for the fields and their operator product expansions, a well-defined limit procedure can be established. This can always be interpreted in the usual sense of multiplicative renormalization, where the renormalization factors are determined by our analysis. We also consider the limits of symmetry actions. In particular, for suitable limit states, the group of scaling transformations induces a dilation symmetry in the limit theory.Comment: minor changes and clarifications; as to appear in Commun. Math. Phys.; 37 page

    Talk to the Virtual Hands: Self-Animated Avatars Improve Communication in Head-Mounted Display Virtual Environments

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    Background When we talk to one another face-to-face, body gestures accompany our speech. Motion tracking technology enables us to include body gestures in avatar-mediated communication, by mapping one's movements onto one's own 3D avatar in real time, so the avatar is self-animated. We conducted two experiments to investigate (a) whether head-mounted display virtual reality is useful for researching the influence of body gestures in communication; and (b) whether body gestures are used to help in communicating the meaning of a word. Participants worked in pairs and played a communication game, where one person had to describe the meanings of words to the other. Principal Findings In experiment 1, participants used significantly more hand gestures and successfully described significantly more words when nonverbal communication was available to both participants (i.e. both describing and guessing avatars were self-animated, compared with both avatars in a static neutral pose). Participants ‘passed’ (gave up describing) significantly more words when they were talking to a static avatar (no nonverbal feedback available). In experiment 2, participants' performance was significantly worse when they were talking to an avatar with a prerecorded listening animation, compared with an avatar animated by their partners' real movements. In both experiments participants used significantly more hand gestures when they played the game in the real world. Conclusions Taken together, the studies show how (a) virtual reality can be used to systematically study the influence of body gestures; (b) it is important that nonverbal communication is bidirectional (real nonverbal feedback in addition to nonverbal communication from the describing participant); and (c) there are differences in the amount of body gestures that participants use with and without the head-mounted display, and we discuss possible explanations for this and ideas for future investigation

    On dilation symmetries arising from scaling limits

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    Quantum field theories, at short scales, can be approximated by a scaling limit theory. In this approximation, an additional symmetry is gained, namely dilation covariance. To understand the structure of this dilation symmetry, we investigate it in a nonperturbative, model independent context. To that end, it turns out to be necessary to consider non-pure vacuum states in the limit. These can be decomposed into an integral of pure states; we investigate how the symmetries and observables of the theory behave under this decomposition. In particular, we consider several natural conditions of increasing strength that yield restrictions on the decomposed dilation symmetry.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figur

    Descripción de un caso de paratuberculosis caprina juvenil en Argentina

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    La paratuberculosis (PTBC) es una enfermedad crónica causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) que puede afectar a varias especies de rumiantes, entre ellos los caprinos, ocasionando importantes pérdidas productivas.Trabajo publicado en Cagliada, Maria del Pilar Lilia y Galosi, Cecilia Mónica (comps.). I Congreso de Microbiología Veterinaria. Libro de resúmenes. La Plata: Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2021.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria