481 research outputs found

    Micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels in aqueous solutions: Mechanisms, maps, materials selection

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    The area of micro-abrasion is an interesting and relatively recent area in tribo-testing methodologies, where small particles of less than 10 μm are employed between interacting surfaces. It is topical for a number of reasons; its direct relation to the mechanisms of the wear process in bio-tribological applications, ease in conducting tests and the good repeatability of the test results. It has widespread applications in conditions used in the space and offshore industries to bio-engineering for artificial joints and implants. There have been many recent studies on the micro-abrasion performance of materials, ranging from work basic metals to nano-structured coatings. However, no significant work is reported on the micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels. Hence, this paper looks at the performance of two thermochemically treated steels, Tenifer bath nitride stainless steel (T-SS) and vanadized carbon steel (V-CS) in such conditions with reference to the stainless steel (SS) by varying the applied load and sliding distance. The results indicated that T-SS demonstrates exceptionally poor resistance to micro-abrasion. It was observed that the heat treatment process and properties of the hardened layer (hardness and thickness) are extremely important in determining the micro-abrasion resistance of such steels. Finally, the results were used to develop micro-abrasion mechanism and wastage maps, which can be used to optimize the surface treated materials for micro-abrasion resistance

    GG-prime and GG-primary GG-ideals on GG-schemes

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    Let GG be a flat finite-type group scheme over a scheme SS, and XX a noetherian SS-scheme on which GG-acts. We define and study GG-prime and GG-primary GG-ideals on XX and study their basic properties. In particular, we prove the existence of minimal GG-primary decomposition and the well-definedness of GG-associated GG-primes. We also prove a generalization of Matijevic-Roberts type theorem. In particular, we prove Matijevic-Roberts type theorem on graded rings for FF-regular and FF-rational properties.Comment: 54pages, added Example 6.16 and the reference [8]. The final versio

    Single-lined Spectroscopic Binary Star Candidates in the RAVE Survey

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    Repeated spectroscopic observations of stars in the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) database are used to identify and examine single-lined binary (SB1) candidates. The RAVE latest internal database (VDR3) includes radial velocities, atmospheric and other parameters for approximately quarter million of different stars with little less than 300,000 observations. In the sample of ~20,000 stars observed more than once, 1333 stars with variable radial velocities were identified. Most of them are believed to be SB1 candidates. The fraction of SB1 candidates among stars with several observations is between 10% and 15% which is the lower limit for binarity among RAVE stars. Due to the distribution of time spans between the re-observation that is biased towards relatively short timescales (days to weeks), the periods of the identified SB1 candidates are most likely in the same range. Because of the RAVE's narrow magnitude range most of the dwarf candidates belong to the thin Galactic disk while the giants are part of the thick disk with distances extending to up to a few kpc. The comparison of the list of SB1 candidates to the VSX catalog of variable stars yielded several pulsating variables among the giant population with the radial velocity variations of up to few tens of km/s. There are 26 matches between the catalog of spectroscopic binary orbits (SB9) and the whole RAVE sample for which the given periastron time and the time of RAVE observation were close enough to yield a reliable comparison. RAVE measurements of radial velocities of known spectroscopic binaries are consistent with their published radial velocity curves.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Exploring the Morphology of RAVE Stellar Spectra

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    The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) is a medium resolution R~7500 spectroscopic survey of the Milky Way which already obtained over half a million stellar spectra. They present a randomly selected magnitude-limited sample, so it is important to use a reliable and automated classification scheme which identifies normal single stars and discovers different types of peculiar stars. To this end we present a morphological classification of 350,000 RAVE survey stellar spectra using locally linear embedding, a dimensionality reduction method which enables representing the complex spectral morphology in a low dimensional projected space while still preserving the properties of the local neighborhoods of spectra. We find that the majority of all spectra in the database ~90-95% belong to normal single stars, but there is also a significant population of several types of peculiars. Among them the most populated groups are those of various types of spectroscopic binary and chromospherically active stars. Both of them include several thousands of spectra. Particularly the latter group offers significant further investigation opportunities since activity of stars is a known proxy of stellar ages. Applying the same classification procedure to the sample of normal single stars alone shows that the shape of the projected manifold in two dimensional space correlates with stellar temperature, surface gravity and metallicity.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    4MOST Consortium Survey 3: Milky Way Disc and Bulge Low-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-LR)

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    The mechanisms of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way are encoded in the orbits, chemistry and ages of its stars. With the 4MOST MIlky way Disk And BuLgE Low-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-LR) we aim to study kinematic and chemical substructures in the Milky Way disc and bulge region with samples of unprecedented size out to larger distances and greater precision than conceivable with Gaia alone or any other ongoing or planned survey. Gaia gives us the unique opportunity for target selection based almost entirely on parallax and magnitude range, hence increasing the efficiency in sampling larger Milky Way volumes with well-defined and effective selection functions. Our main goal is to provide a detailed chrono-chemo-kinematical extended map of our Galaxy and the largest Gaia follow-up down to G=19G = 19 magnitudes (Vega). The complex nature of the disc components (for example, large target densities and highly structured extinction distribution in the Milky Way bulge and disc area), prompted us to develop a survey strategy with five main sub-surveys that are tailored to answer the still open questions about the assembly and evolution of our Galaxy, while taking full advantage of the Gaia data.Comment: Part of the 4MOST issue of The Messenger, published in preparation of 4MOST Community Workshop, see http://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/2019/4MOST.htm

    The RAVE survey: the Galactic escape speed and the mass of the Milky Way

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    We construct new estimates on the Galactic escape speed at various Galactocentric radii using the latest data release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE DR4). Compared to previous studies we have a database larger by a factor of 10 as well as reliable distance estimates for almost all stars. Our analysis is based on the statistical analysis of a rigorously selected sample of 90 high-velocity halo stars from RAVE and a previously published data set. We calibrate and extensively test our method using a suite of cosmological simulations of the formation of Milky Way-sized galaxies. Our best estimate of the local Galactic escape speed, which we define as the minimum speed required to reach three virial radii R340R_{340}, is 53341+54533^{+54}_{-41} km/s (90% confidence) with an additional 5% systematic uncertainty, where R340R_{340} is the Galactocentric radius encompassing a mean over-density of 340 times the critical density for closure in the Universe. From the escape speed we further derive estimates of the mass of the Galaxy using a simple mass model with two options for the mass profile of the dark matter halo: an unaltered and an adiabatically contracted Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) sphere. If we fix the local circular velocity the latter profile yields a significantly higher mass than the un-contracted halo, but if we instead use the statistics on halo concentration parameters in large cosmological simulations as a constraint we find very similar masses for both models. Our best estimate for M340M_{340}, the mass interior to R340R_{340} (dark matter and baryons), is 1.30.3+0.4×10121.3^{+0.4}_{-0.3} \times 10^{12} M_\odot (corresponding to M200=1.60.4+0.5×1012M_{200} = 1.6^{+0.5}_{-0.4} \times 10^{12} M_\odot). This estimate is in good agreement with recently published independent mass estimates based on the kinematics of more distant halo stars and the satellite galaxy Leo I.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Synthesis of CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites using a novel single-molecule precursors approach

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    The synthesis of CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites using the thermolysis of several dithioor diselenocarbamato complexes of cadmium in trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) is reported. The nanodispersed materials obtained show quantum size effects in their optical spectra and exhibit near band-edge luminescence. The influence of experimental parameters on the properties of the nanocrystallites is discussed. HRTEM images of these materials show well-defined, crystalline nanosized particles. Standard size fractionation procedures can be performed in order to narrow the size dispersion of the samples. The TOPO-capped CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites and simple organic bridging ligands, such as 2,2¢-bipyrimidine, are used as the starting materials for the preparation of novel nanocomposites. The optical properties shown by these new nanocomposites are compared with those of the starting nanodispersed materials

    The VMC Survey -- XXXIV. Morphology of Stellar Populations in the Magellanic Clouds

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    The Magellanic Clouds are nearby dwarf irregular galaxies whose morphologies show different properties when traced by different stellar populations, making them an important laboratory for studying galaxy morphologies. We study the morphology of the Magellanic Clouds using data from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC). We used about 1010 and 2.52.5 million sources across an area of 105\sim105 deg2^2 and 42\sim42 deg2^2 towards the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC), respectively. We estimated median ages of stellar populations occupying different regions of the near-infrared (JKs,KsJ-K_\mathrm{s}, K_\mathrm{s}) colour-magnitude diagram. Morphological maps were produced and detailed features in the central regions were characterised for the first time with bins corresponding to a spatial resolution of 0.130.13 kpc (LMC) and 0.160.16 kpc (SMC). In the LMC, we find that main sequence stars show coherent structures that grow with age and trace the multiple spiral arms of the galaxy, star forming regions become dimmer as we progress in age, while supergiant stars are centrally concentrated. Intermediate-age stars, despite tracing a regular and symmetrical morphology, show central clumps and hints of spiral arms. In the SMC, young main sequence stars depict a broken bar. Intermediate-age populations show signatures of elongation towards the Magellanic Bridge that can be attributed to the LMC-SMC interaction 200\sim200 Myr ago. They also show irregular central features suggesting that the inner SMC has also been influenced by tidal interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 20 pages, 12 figures and 2 table

    Yule-Simpson's paradox in Galactic Archaeology

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    Simpson’s paradox, or Yule–Simpson effect, arises when a trend appears in different subsets of data but disappears or reverses when these subsets are combined. We describe here seven cases of this phenomenon for chemo-kinematical relations believed to constrain the Milky Way disc formation and evolution. We show that interpreting trends in relations, such as the radial and vertical chemical abundance gradients, the age–metallicity relation, and the metallicity–rotational velocity relation (MVR), can lead to conflicting conclusions about the Galaxy past if analyses marginalize over stellar age and/or birth radius. It is demonstrated that the MVR in RAVE giants is consistent with being always strongly negative, when narrow bins of [Mg/Fe] are considered. This is directly related to the negative radial metallicity gradients of stars grouped by common age (mono-age populations) due to the inside-out disc formation. The effect of the asymmetric drift can then give rise to a positive MVR trend in high-[α/Fe] stars, with a slope dependent on a given survey’s selection function and observational uncertainties. We also study the variation of lithium abundance, A(Li), with [Fe/H] of AMBRE:HARPS dwarfs. A strong reversal in the positive A(Li)–[Fe/H] trend of the total sample is found for mono-age populations, flattening for younger groups of stars. Dissecting by birth radius shows strengthening in the positive A(Li)–[Fe/H] trend, shifting to higher [Fe/H] with decreasing birth radius; these observational results suggest new constraints on chemical evolution models. This work highlights the necessity for precise age estimates for large stellar samples covering wide spatial regions