288 research outputs found

    An exploratory randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of different duration of canine-assisted interventions in higher education students

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    The aim of this study was to explore whether different durations of canine-assisted intervention (CAI) influenced the beneficial effects of CAI on anxiety, stress, depression, and the well-being of higher education (HE) students. Eighty-eight participants took part in an exploratory randomised control trial (RCT) and were assigned to the 2, 5, and 10-min CAI groups who interacted with a canine, or a control group who watched an unrelated slideshow. Pre- and post-intervention anxiety, stress, depression, and well-being levels were measured. Additionally, the type of interaction between humans and canines was recorded as well as participants’ views of the canines’ neoteny (juvenile features) to explore whether interaction activity and canine features have an impact on the beneficial positive effects of CAI. The results showed no differences in the duration of CAI in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression, meaning a 2-min CAI session was as effective as a 10-min session. The results also found individual intervention activities between humans and canines did not predict a reduction in anxiety, stress, depression, or an increase in general well-being. Additionally, a negative correlation was found between the cuteness of the canine and anxiety, and between the cuddliness of the canine and stress, although these results should be interpreted with caution due to high canine trait scores. Overall, this study used a CAI and control group to explore the differences between a single 2, 5, and 10-min CAI sessions in HE students and demonstrated a 2-min CAI session was as effective as a longer 10-min CAI session in supporting the mental health of HE students, by reducing anxiety, stress, and depression levels in the treatment group

    Canine-assisted intervention reduces anxiety and stress in higher education students: a randomized controlled trial

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    The purpose of this study was to explore benefits of interacting with a canine on anxiety, stress, depression, and wellbeing in Higher Education (HE) students. Sixty participants took part in a randomized controlled trial. Assigned to either the canine-assisted intervention (CAI) or control group, the CAI group interacted with a canine whereas the control group watched an unrelated slideshow. Anxiety, depression, stress, and wellbeing measures were completed pre- and post-intervention and demonstrated there was a significant decrease in anxiety and stress in the CAI group. Due to group differences pre-intervention, findings for depression measures were uninterpretable and there was no significant effect found for general wellbeing. Overall, this study uses a CAI and control group and explores the use of a singular, brief CAI session in HE students demonstrating CAI to be an effective means of supporting mental health by decreasing levels of anxiety and stress in the treatment group

    Effects of canine-assisted intervention on the mental health of higher education students: a systematic review

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    The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate existing literature exploring the effects of canine assisted intervention (CAI) on the mental health of Higher Education (HE) students. A literature search was performed on 14th January 2021 for studies that investigated the effects of CAI on HE students. Thirty three papers (6093 participants) encompassing 37 studies were included in this review. Study design varied in research objective, intervention type, timing, procedure, and measures. The Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool found studies ranged in quality from moderate (n=7) to weak (n=30). The review identified CAI has a positive effect on levels of anxiety and stress in HE students. Key limitations of the studies include confounding influences during the intervention as well as a lack of control groups and standardized measures. Furthermore, intervention and procedures ranged substantially in design and application making direct comparisons difficult. The authors conclude two main outcomes from the review. Firstly, CAI improves mental health in HE students, in particular anxiety and stress. Secondly, CAI has a social benefit, encouraging communication and a shared experience. However, a number of methodological limitations of the studies are identified and reviewed. To conclude, this systematic review reveals strong support for the use of CAI in HE students as a form of therapy

    Real-time prediction of rain-triggered lahars: incorporating seasonality and catchment recovery

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    Rain-triggered lahars are a significant secondary hydrological and geomorphic hazard at volcanoes where unconsolidated pyroclastic material produced by explosive eruptions is exposed to intense rainfall, often occurring for years to decades after the initial eruptive activity. Previous studies have shown that secondary lahar initiation is a function of rainfall parameters, source material characteristics and time since eruptive activity. In this study, probabilistic rain-triggered lahar forecasting models are developed using the lahar occurrence and rainfall record of the Belham River valley at the Soufrière Hills volcano (SHV), Montserrat, collected between April 2010 and April 2012. In addition to the use of peak rainfall intensity (PRI) as a base forecasting parameter, considerations for the effects of rainfall seasonality and catchment evolution upon the initiation of rain-triggered lahars and the predictability of lahar generation are also incorporated into these models. Lahar probability increases with peak 1 h rainfall intensity throughout the 2-year dataset and is higher under given rainfall conditions in year 1 than year 2. The probability of lahars is also enhanced during the wet season, when large-scale synoptic weather systems (including tropical cyclones) are more common and antecedent rainfall and thus levels of deposit saturation are typically increased. The incorporation of antecedent conditions and catchment evolution into logistic-regression-based rain-triggered lahar probability estimation models is shown to enhance model performance and displays the potential for successful real-time prediction of lahars, even in areas featuring strongly seasonal climates and temporal catchment recovery

    Third revision of the global surface seawater dimethyl sulfide climatology (DMS-Rev3)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Copernicus Publications via the DOI in this recordCode and data availability: ​​​​​​​The data used for creating the climatology, along with the algorithm, can be found in the online repository: https://doi.org/10.17632/hyn62spny2.1 (Mahajan, 2021).This paper presents an updated estimation of the bottom-up global surface seawater dimethyl sulfide (DMS) climatology. This update, called DMS-Rev3, is the third of its kind and includes five significant changes from the last climatology, L11 (Lana et al., 2011), that was released about a decade ago. The first change is the inclusion of new observations that have become available over the last decade, creating a database of 873 539 observations leading to an ∼18-fold increase in raw data as compared to the last estimation. The second is significant improvements in data handling, processing, and filtering, to avoid biases due to different observation frequencies which result from different measurement techniques. Thirdly, we incorporate the dynamic seasonal changes observed in the geographic boundaries of the ocean biogeochemical provinces. The fourth change involves the refinement of the interpolation algorithm used to fill in the missing data. Lastly, an upgraded smoothing algorithm based on observed DMS variability length scales (VLS) helps to reproduce a more realistic distribution of the DMS concentration data. The results show that DMS-Rev3 estimates the global annual mean DMS concentration to be ∼2.26 nM (2.39 nM without a sea-ice mask), i.e., about 4 % lower than the previous bottom-up L11 climatology. However, significant regional differences of more than 100 % as compared to L11 are observed. The global sea-to-air flux of DMS is estimated at ∼27.1 TgS yr-1, which is about 4 % lower than L11, although, like the DMS distribution, large regional differences were observed. The largest changes are observed in high concentration regions such as the polar oceans, although oceanic regions that were under-sampled in the past also show large differences between revisions of the climatology. Finally, DMS-Rev3 reduces the previously observed patchiness in high productivity regions. Copyright

    An Estimate of Avian Mortality at Communication Towers in the United States and Canada

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    Avian mortality at communication towers in the continental United States and Canada is an issue of pressing conservation concern. Previous estimates of this mortality have been based on limited data and have not included Canada. We compiled a database of communication towers in the continental United States and Canada and estimated avian mortality by tower with a regression relating avian mortality to tower height. This equation was derived from 38 tower studies for which mortality data were available and corrected for sampling effort, search efficiency, and scavenging where appropriate. Although most studies document mortality at guyed towers with steady-burning lights, we accounted for lower mortality at towers without guy wires or steady-burning lights by adjusting estimates based on published studies. The resulting estimate of mortality at towers is 6.8 million birds per year in the United States and Canada. Bootstrapped subsampling indicated that the regression was robust to the choice of studies included and a comparison of multiple regression models showed that incorporating sampling, scavenging, and search efficiency adjustments improved model fit. Estimating total avian mortality is only a first step in developing an assessment of the biological significance of mortality at communication towers for individual species or groups of species. Nevertheless, our estimate can be used to evaluate this source of mortality, develop subsequent per-species mortality estimates, and motivate policy action

    Wire Marking Results in a Small but Significant Reduction in Avian Mortality at Power Lines: A BACI Designed Study

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    10 paginas, 4 figuras y 4 tablesBackground: Collision with electric power lines is a conservation problem for many bird species. Although the implementation of flight diverters is rapidly increasing, few well-designed studies supporting the effectiveness of this costly conservation measure have been published. Methodology/Principal Findings: We provide information on the largest worldwide marking experiment to date, including carcass searches at 35 (15 experimental, 20 control) power lines totalling 72.5 km, at both transmission (220 kV) and distribution (15 kV-45 kV) lines. We found carcasses of 45 species, 19 of conservation concern. Numbers of carcasses found were corrected to account for carcass losses due to removal by scavengers or being overlooked by researchers, resulting in an estimated collision rate of 8.2 collisions per km per month. We observed a small (9.6%) but significant decrease in the number of casualties after line marking compared to before line marking in experimental lines. This was not observed in control lines. We found no influence of either marker size (large vs. small spirals, sample of distribution lines only) or power line type (transmission vs. distribution, sample of large spirals only) on the collision rate when we analyzed all species together. However, great bustard mortality was slightly lower when lines were marked with large spirals and in transmission lines after marking. Conclusions: Our results confirm the overall effectiveness of wire marking as a way to reduce, but not eliminate, bird collisions with power lines. If raw field data are not corrected by carcass losses due to scavengers and missed observations, findings may be biased. The high cost of this conservation measure suggests a need for more studies to improve its application, including wire marking with non-visual devices. Our findings suggest that different species may respond differently to marking, implying that species-specific patterns should be explored, at least for species of conservation concern.We thank A. Garcıa Fernandez and M. Carrasco for their assistance during the field work. We also thank J. Camaño and J. Velasco of HENARSA, and the electric companies Iberdrola, Union Fenosa and Red Electrica de España for their cooperation. S. Young reviewed the English. RB was contracted within the project CGL2008-02567 of the Direccion General de Investigacion, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and later supported by a postdoctoral grant from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. C. Ponce, C. Palacın, CM and BM were supported by contracts CSICHENARSA. This study was carried out within the Preventive, corrective and compensatory measures to balance the impact of the M-50 and R-2 highways on the population of great bustards and other steppe-land birds in the Important Bird Area Talamanca-Camarma and the Site of Community Importance Cuenca de los rıos Jarama y Henares, supported by a contract HENARSA-CSIC. Additional financial support was provided by project GL2008-02567 of the Direccion General de Investigacion, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Supporting open innovation with the use of a balanced scorecard approach: a study on deep smarts and effective knowledge transfer to SMEs

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    This study aims to develop the theory of knowledge management and organizational performance within a small and medium enterprise (SME) context using action research (AR) involving a higher education institution (HEI) and an SME. The vehicle for the knowledge exchange was Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), the United Kingdom’s primary mechanism for delivering government funded knowledge transfer to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). KTPs facilitate knowledge exchange from HEIs to SMEs via the recruitment of a graduate plus an academic supervisor from the partnering HEI. The AR study was an award-winning KTP and the project deliverable included the implementation of a balanced scorecard for the SME to improve organizational performance. The transfer of knowledge was subsequently fed-back into the university in order to develop a performance framework for measuring the effectiveness of KTP research within the HEI in order to share knowledge and improve effective for other KTP projects
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