224 research outputs found

    Superconducting Cosmic Strings and Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    We show that the presence of superconducting cosmic strings in the early Universe may have dramatic consequences for primordial nucleosynthesis. Due to the enormous currents that they potentially can carry, very large magnetic fields can be produced in the vicinity of such strings. As they then move through the primordial plasma, charged particles are deflected away by the magnetic pressure surrounding the strings. We show that the predicted primordial abundances can differ radically from standard big-bang predictions, and may even be consistent with an Ωb=1 universe

    Protecting Classical-Quantum Signals in Free Space Optical Channels

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    Due to turbulence and tracking errors, free-space optical channels involving mobile transceivers are characterized by a signal's partial loss or complete erasure. This work presents an error correction protocol capable of protecting a signal passing through such channels by encoding it with an ancillary entangled bipartite state. Beyond its ability to offer protection under realistic channel conditions, novel to our protocol is its ability to encompass both classical and quantum information on the encoded signal. We show how, relative to non-encoded direct transmission, the protocol can improve the fidelity of transmitted coherent states over a wide range of losses and erasure probabilities. In addition, the use of ancillary non-Gaussian entangled bipartite states in the signal encoding is considered, showing how this can increase performance. Finally, we briefly discuss the application of our protocol to the transmission of more complex input states, such as multi-mode entangled states

    Neutrino-Lasing in The Early Universe

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    Recently, Madsen has argued that relativistic decays of massive neutrinos into lighter fermions and bosons may lead, via thermalization, to the formation of a Bose condensate. If correct, this could generate mixed hot and cold dark matter, with important consequences for structure formation. From a detailed study of such decays, we arrive at substantially different conclusions; for a wide range of masses and decay times, we find that stimulated emission of bosons dominates the decay. This phenomenon can best be described as a neutrino laser, pumped by the QCD phase transition. We discuss the implications for structure formation and the dark-matter problem.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures included as uuencoded file, CITA/93/

    Brans-Dicke model constrained from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and magnitude redshift relations of Supernovae

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    The Brans-Dicke model with a variable cosmological term (BDΛBD\Lambda) has been investigated with use of the coupling constant of ω=104\omega=10^4. Parameters inherent in this model are constrained from comparison between Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the observed abundances. Furthermore, the magnitude redshift (m−zm-z) relations are studied for BDΛBD\Lambda with and without another constant cosmological term in a flat universe. Observational data of Type Ia Supernovae are used in the redshift range of 0.01<z<20.01<z<2. It is found that our model with energy density of the constant cosmological term with the value of 0.7 can explain the SNIa observations, though the model parameters are insensitive to the m−zm-z relation.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis of 26 Barium Stars II. Contributions of s-, r- and p-processes in the production of heavy elements

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    Barium stars show enhanced abundances of the slow neutron capture (s-process) heavy elements, and for this reason they are suitable objects for the study of s-process elements. The aim of this work is to quantify the contributions of the s-, r- and p-processes for the total abundance of heavy elements from abundances derived for a sample of 26 barium stars. The abundance ratios between these processes and neutron exposures were studied. The abundances of the sample stars were compared to those of normal stars thus identifying the fraction relative to the s-process main component. The fittings of the sigmaN curves (neutron capture cross section times abundance, plotted against atomic mass number) for the sample stars suggest that the material from the companion asymptotic giant branch star had approximately the solar isotopic composition as concerns fractions of abundances relative to the s-process main component. The abundance ratios of heavy elements, hs, ls and s and the computed neutron exposure are similar to those of post-AGB stars. For some sample stars, an exponential neutron exposure fits well the observed data, whereas for others, a single neutron exposure provides a better fit. The comparison between barium and AGB stars supports the hypothesis of binarity for the barium star formation. Abundances of r-elements that are part of the s-process path in barium stars are usually higher than those in normal stars,and for this reason, barium stars seemed to be also enriched in r-elements, although in a lower degree than s-elements. No dependence on luminosity classes was found in the abundance ratios behaviour among the dwarfs and giants of the sample barium stars.Comment: 30 pages including 24 figures, accepted to A&

    Do primordial Lithium abundances imply there's no Dark Energy?

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    Explaining the well established observation that the expansion rate of the universe is apparently accelerating is one of the defining scientific problems of our age. Within the standard model of cosmology, the repulsive 'dark energy' supposedly responsible has no explanation at a fundamental level, despite many varied attempts. A further important dilemma in the standard model is the Lithium problem, which is the substantial mismatch between the theoretical prediction for 7-Li from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the value that we observe today. This observation is one of the very few we have from along our past worldline as opposed to our past lightcone. By releasing the untested assumption that the universe is homogeneous on very large scales, both apparent acceleration and the Lithium problem can be easily accounted for as different aspects of cosmic inhomogeneity, without causing problems for other cosmological phenomena such as the cosmic microwave background. We illustrate this in the context of a void model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor rearrangements in the text, comments and references expanded, results unchange

    The Deuteron Confronts Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    Recent determinations of the deuterium abundance, 2^2H/H, in high redshift Lyman limit hydrogen clouds challenge the usual picture of primordial nucleosynthesis based on \lq\lq concordance\rq\rq\ of the calculated light element (2^2H, 3^3He, 4^4He, 7^7Li) nucleosynthesis yields with the observationally-inferred abundances of these species. Concordance implies that all light element yields can be made to agree with the observationally-inferred abundances (within errors) for single global specifications of the baryon-to-photon ratio, η\eta; lepton number; neutron lifetime; and expansion rate (or equivalently, effective number of light neutrino degrees of freedom NÎœN_{\nu} ). Though one group studying Lyman limit systems obtains a high value of 2^2H/H (∌2×10−4\sim 2\times {10}^{-4}), another group finds consistently low values (∌2×10−5\sim 2\times {10}^{-5}). In the former case, concordance for NÎœ=3N_{\nu} =3 is readily attained for the current observationally-inferred abundances of 4^4He and 7^7Li. But if the latter case represents the primordial deuterium abundance, then concordance for {\it any} NÎœN_{\nu} is impossible unless the primordial value of 7^7Li/H is considerably larger than the abundance of lithium as measured in old, hot Pop II halo stars. Furthermore, concordance with NÎœ=3N_{\nu}=3 is possible for low 2^2H/H only if either (1) the primordial 4^4He abundance has been significantly underestimated, or (2) new neutrino sector physics is invoked. We argue that systematic underestimation of both the 7^7Li and 4^4He primordial abundances is the likely resolution of this problem, a conclusion which is strengthened by new results on 4^4He.Comment: To be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), in the proceedings of "Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe", held in Santa Monica, Feb. 14-16 1996. 5 pages. Replaced version has a TeX command removed that apparently caused some latex compilers to fai

    Cosmic Strings in an Open Universe with Baryonic and Non-Baryonic Dark Matter

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    We study the effects of cosmic strings on structure formation in open universes. We calculate the power spectrum of density perturbations for two class of models: one in which all the dark matter is non baryonic (CDM) and one in which it is all baryonic (BDM). Our results are compared to the 1 in 6 IRAS QDOT power spectrum. The best candidates are then used to estimate Ό\mu, the energy per unit length of the string network. Some comments are made on mechanisms by which structures are formed in the two theories.Comment: uu-encoded compressed tar of postscript files, Imperial/TP/94-95/0

    The Quark-Hadron Phase Transition, QCD Lattice Calculations and Inhomogeneous Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We review recent lattice QCD results for the surface tension at the finite temperature quark-hadron phase transition and discuss their implications on the possible scale of inhomogeneities. In the quenched approximation the average distance between nucleating centers is smaller than the diffusion length of a protron, so that inhomogeneities are washed out by the time nucleosynthesis sets in. Consequently the baryon density fluctuations formed by a QCD phase transition in the early universe cannot significantly affect standard big-bang nucleosynthesis calculations and certainly cannot allow baryons to close the universe. At present lattice results are inconclusive when dynamical fermions are included.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Scales of the Extra Dimensions and their Gravitational Wave Backgrounds

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    Circumstances are described in which symmetry breaking during the formation of our three-dimensional brane within a higher-dimensional space in the early universe excites mesoscopic classical radion or brane-displacement degrees of freedom and produces a detectable stochastic background of gravitational radiation. The spectrum of the background is related to the unification energy scale and the the sizes and numbers of large extra dimensions. It is shown that properties of the background observable by gravitational-wave observatories at frequencies f≈10−4f\approx 10^{-4} Hz to 10310^3 Hz contain information about unification on energy scales from 1 to 101010^{10} TeV, gravity propagating through extra-dimension sizes from 1 mm to 10−1810^{-18}mm, and the dynamical history and stabilization of from one to seven extra dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Re
