473 research outputs found

    Comparison of logistic regression and growth function models for the analysis of the incidence of virus infection

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    Percepciones de los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas tratados con biológicos subcutáneos sobre su nivel de información. encuesta RHEU-LIFE

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    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate, in Spanish patients with rheumatic diseases treated with subcutaneous biological drugs, their sources of information, which sources they consider most relevant, and their satisfaction with the information received in the hospital. Methods: Rheumatologists from 50 hospitals handed out an anonymous survey to 20 consecutive patients with rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis or psoriatic arthritis treated with subcutaneous biologicals. The survey was developed ad hoc by 4 rheumatologists and 3 patients, and included questions with closed-ended responses on sources of information and satisfaction. Results: The survey was handed-out to 1,000 patients, 592 of whom completed it (response rate: 59.2%). The rheumatologist was mentioned as the most important source of information (75%), followed by the primary care physician, nurses, and electronic resources; 45.2% received oral and written information about the biological, 46.1% oral only, and 6.0% written only; 8.7% stated that they had not been taught to inject the biological. The percentage of patients satisfied with the information received was high (87.2%), although the satisfaction was lower in relation to safety. If the information came from the rheumatologist, the satisfaction was higher (89.6%) than when coming from other sources (59.6%; P<.001). Satisfaction was also higher if the information was provided orally and written (92.8%) than if provided only orally (86.1%; P=.013); 45.2% reported having sought information from sources outside the hospital. Conclusions: The rheumatologist is key in transmitting satisfactory information on biological treatment to patients. He or she must also act as a guide, since a high percentage of patients seeks information in other different sources.[Resumen] Objetivo. Conocer las fuentes de las que los pacientes españoles con enfermedades reumáticas tratados con fármacos biológicos subcutáneos obtienen información, cuáles consideran más relevantes y su satisfacción con la información recibida en el hospital. Métodos. Reumatólogos de 50 hospitales entregaron una encuesta anónima, desarrollada ad hoc por 4 reumatólogos y 3 pacientes, a 20 pacientes consecutivos con artritis reumatoide, espondiloartritis axial o artritis psoriásica tratados con biológicos subcutáneos. La encuesta incluyó preguntas con respuestas cerradas sobre los aspectos mencionados previamente. Resultados. Recibieron la encuesta 1.000 pacientes, 592 la devolvieron cumplimentada (tasa de respuesta: 59,2%). El reumatólogo fue mencionado como la fuente de información más importante (75%), seguido del médico de atención primaria, la enfermería y los recursos electrónicos. El 45,2% recibió información oral y por escrito sobre el biológico, el 46,1% solo oral, el 6% solo por escrito. Un 8,7% declaró no haber sido enseñado a inyectarse el biológico. El porcentaje de pacientes satisfechos con la información recibida fue elevado (87,2%), aunque la satisfacción fue menor en temas relacionados con la seguridad. Si la información provenía del reumatólogo, la satisfacción era mayor (89,6%) que cuando provenía de otras vías (59,6%; p < 0,001). La satisfacción también era mayor si se dio oral y por escrito (92,8%) frente a solo oral (86,1%; p = 0,013). Un 45,2% declaró haber buscado información en fuentes fuera del hospital. Conclusiones. El reumatólogo es clave a la hora de transmitir información satisfactoria al paciente en tratamiento biológico. Debe además actuar de guía, ya que un elevado porcentaje busca información en fuentes distintas

    Perceptions of patients with rheumatic diseases on the impact on daily life and satisfaction with their medications: RHEU-LIFE, a survey to patients treated with subcutaneous biological products

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    [Abstract] Objective: The aim of this study was to explore perceptions of patients with rheumatic diseases treated with subcutaneous (SC) biological drugs on the impact on daily life and satisfaction with current therapy, including preferred attributes. Methods: A survey was developed ad hoc by four rheumatologists and three patients, including Likert questions on the impact of disease and treatment on daily life and preferred attributes of treatment. Rheumatologists from 50 participating centers were instructed to handout the survey to 20 consecutive patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA), or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) receiving SC biological drugs. Patients responded to the survey at home and sent it to a central facility by prepaid mail. Results: A total of 592 patients returned the survey (response rate: 59.2%), 51.4% of whom had RA, 23.8% had ax-SpA, and 19.6% had PsA. Patients reported moderate-to-severe impact of their disease on their quality of life (QoL) (51.9%), work/daily activities (49.2%), emotional well-being (41.0%), personal relationships (26.0%), and close relatives’ life (32.3%); 30%–50% patients reported seldom/never being inquired about these aspects by their rheumatologists. Treatment attributes ranked as most important were the normalization of QoL (43.6%) and the relief from symptoms (35.2%). The satisfaction with their current antirheumatic therapy was high (>80% were “satisfied” or “very satisfied”), despite moderate/severe impact of disease. Conclusion: Patients with rheumatic diseases on SC biological therapy perceive a high disease impact on different aspects of daily life, despite being highly satisfied with their treatment; the perception is that physicians do not frequently address personal problems. Normalization of QoL is the most important attribute of therapies to patients

    Effectiveness and persistence of golimumab as a second biological drug in patients with spondyloarthritis

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    This observational, longitudinal retrospective, noncomparative study was designed to assess the persistence and effectiveness of golimumab as a second anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) drug in patients with spondyloarthritis requiring discontinuation from a first anti-TNF drug.Data were collected retrospectively for all patients with axial spondyloarthritis or psoriatic arthritis from 20 rheumatology clinics in Spain who started golimumab as a second anti-TNF drug between January 2013 and December 2015. Golimumab persistence was assessed with Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and associated factors were assessed with Cox regression analysis.210 patients started golimumab as a second anti-TNF drug: 131 with axial spondyloarthritis and 79 with psoriatic arthritis. In axial spondyloarthritis patients, the mean (standard deviation) Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index score at baseline was 5.5 (2.1), decreasing to 3.9 (2.0) at month 3 and 3.5 (2.0) at year 1, and remaining stable thereafter. In psoriatic arthritis patients, mean (standard deviation) baseline Disease Activity Score was 4.0 (1.3), reducing to 2.5 (1.2) at month 3 and to 2.2 (1.3) at year 1. Corresponding improvements were recorded from baseline in C-reactive protein levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rates. The probability of persistence of treatment with golimumab was 80% at year 1, 70% at year 2 and 65% at years 3 and year 4, and was similar in those who had stopped the first anti-TNF due to loss of efficacy or other reasons. Cox regression analysis showed that the probability of survival with golimumab was higher in patients with higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in patients with axial spondyloarthritis than with psoriatic arthritis, and in those who had discontinued adalimumab as first anti-TNF. Seventy-two patients (34.3%) discontinued golimumab during follow-up, 50 of them due to lack of efficacy.In patients with spondyloarthritis requiring discontinuation from a first anti-TNF drug, treatment with golimumab was effective and showed a high probability of persistence up to 4 years of treatment

    Uso del tramadol como analgésico en el postoperatorio inmediato. The use of tramadol as an immediate postoperative analgesic

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    El dolor constituye una experiencia sumamente desagradable para quienes lo experimentan, el descubrimiento de nuevos fármacos hacen posible el control eficaz del mismo. Con el objetivo de demostrar la efectividad del tramadol, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en el hospital universitario "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de enero a diciembre 2003, a 60 pacientes ASA I y II los cuales fueron divididos en tres grupos de 20 pacientes cada uno, sometidos a cirugía electiva en las especialidades de ortopedia, cirugía general y ginecología. La selección de la muestra fue al azar, utilizando la tabla de números aleatorios. Obtenemos que la analgesia lograda fue buena en el 88% de los casos en la primera evaluación y en sentido general el método se puede extender a cualquier tipo de cirugía, ya sea somática o visceral ya que no hubo diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos, p > 0.05. Las dosis de rescate analgésico fueron mas necesarias a las 8 horas dado que la concentración plasmática de la primera dosis comienza a decaer a las 5.7 ± 2.9 horas. La primera hora fue la más crítica en cuanto a sedación, destacándose mejor estado de vigilia en el grupo C, en las sucesivas evaluaciones los pacientes se mantuvieron despiertos sin diferencias significativas, p> 0.05. Las reacciones secundarias más frecuentes fueron las náuseas y los vómitos observados en los grupos A y C. En la cirugía traumatológica las náuseas y los vómitos juntos apenas llegan al 20 %. El método se puede hacer extensivo a cualquier proceder quirúrgico con buena efectividad y pocos efectos secundarios. Palabras clave: TRAMADOL, ANALGESIA, DOLOR POSTOPERATORIO. ABSTRACT The pain is an extremely unpleasant experience for those undergoing it. The discovering of new drugs makes it possible for the effectiveness of Tramadol, a descriptive and prospective study was performed at Abel Santamaría University Hospital from Junary to December, 2003 with 60 patients ASA I and II who were devided into 3 groups of 20 patients each, who underwent an electic surgery in the specialties of orthopedics, general surgery and gynecology. The sample selection was at random numbers. We found that analgesia achieved was good in 88 % cases at first assesment and generally the method can be extended to any type of surgery, whether somatic or visceral, since there was no significant difference between groups, p 0.05. most frequent side effects were nausea and vomits observed in groups A and C. In trauma surgery nausea and vomits together hardly reach 20 %. The method can be extended to any surgical procedure effectively and with few side effects. Key words: TRAMADOL, ANALGESIA, POSTOPERATIVE PAIN

    Evaluación del serodiagnóstico en el absceso hepático amebiano

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    fase de la evaluación. El estudio de este grupo nos ayudaría a obtener valores reales de sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos y nos darían una estimación real de la capacidad discriminatoria de la prueba para obtener el verdadero valor del área bajo la curva y no el casi ideal que informamos aquí. Summary This study was carried out to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of a serological test for amebic liver abscess (ALA) in an endemic amoebiasis area. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect specific IgG against Entamoeba histolytica using a solid phase with high adherent capacity was applied.El presente estudio fue diseñado para evaluar la eficacia del diagnóstico serológico del absceso hepático amibiano (AHA). Se utilizó una prueba de ELISA para la detección en suero de IgG especifica, utilizando una fase sólida con una alta capacidad de adherencia. Se estudiaron 147 personas; 22 pacientes con sospecha clínica y ultrasonográfica de AHA, 30 individuos completamente sanos, 9 portadores asintomáticos de E. histolytica, 35 con colitis amebiana pasada, 35 con otras parasitosis intestinales, 9 con otras patologías hepáticas y 6 con colitis amebiana presente. El rendimiento global de la prueba fue analizado por medio de las curvas del receptor-operador y del área bajo la curva. Se determinó que existe una diferencia significativa en la densidad óptica (DO) de los siete grupos estudiados (Kruskal-Wallis entre todos los grupos: p=0,0001); esta diferencia no existe cuando, al comparar, se elimina el grupo 1 del análisis (Kruskal-Wallis exceptuando el grupo 1: p=0,8203). El área bajo la curva ROC fue igual a 0,9941, dato muy cercano al ideal que es 1. Se recomienda la utilización de esta fase sólida teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la fase de bloqueo con albúmina de huevo. Se determinó que, a pesar de estar en una zona donde el diagnóstico de amebiasis es frecuente, las infecciones intestinales por esta ameba no presentan niveles detectables de IgG especifica contra E. histolytica por esta prueba. Sin embargo, es importante ampliar la cantidad de personas estudiadas en estos grupos, principalmente, en el grupo de pacientes con otras patologías hepáticas puesto que este grupo incluye las entidades clínicas con las que realmente se debe hacer el diagnóstico diferencial de (AHA) (absceso hepático piógeno (AHP), principalmente) para poder realizar la última fase de la evaluación. El estudio de este grupo nos ayudaría a obtener valores reales de sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos y nos darían una estimación real de la capacidad discriminatoria de la prueba para obtener el verdadero valor del área bajo la curva y no el casi ideal que informamos aquí

    Infant rhinitis and watery eyes predict school-age exercise-induced wheeze, emergency department visits and respiratory-related hospitalizations

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    Background: Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are often linked to asthma development through an allergic pathway. However, runny nose and watery eyes can result from nonallergic mechanisms. These mechanisms can also underlie exercise-induced wheeze (EIW), which has been associated with urgent medical visits for asthma, independent of other indicators of asthma severity or control. Objective: To test the hypothesis that rhinitis or watery eyes without cold symptoms (RWWC) in infancy predict development of EIW and urgent respiratory-related medical visits at school age, independent of seroatopy. Methods: Within a prospective birth cohort of low-income, urban children (n = 332), RWWC was queried during the first year of life. Relative risks (RRs) for EIW, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma and other breathing difficulties at 5 to 7 years of age were estimated with multivariable models. Seroatopy was determined at 7 years of age. Results: Infant RWWC was common (49% of children) and predicted school-age EIW (RR, 2.8; P < .001), ED visits (RR, 1.8; P = .001), and hospitalizations (RR, 9.8; P = .002). These associations were independent of infant wheeze. They were also independent of birth order, an indicator of increased risk of exposure to viruses in infancy, and infant ear infections, an indicator of sequelae of upper airway infections. The association between infant RWWC and ED visits at 5 to 7 years of age was attenuated (RR, 1.2; P = .23) when EIW at 5 to 7 years of age was included in the model, suggesting EIW mediates the association. Adjustment for seroatopy did not diminish the magnitudes of any of these associations. Conclusion: These findings suggest a nonallergic connection between infant nonwheeze symptoms and important consequences of urban respiratory health by school age through EI

    Patients' perceptions on shared decision making during prescription of subcutaneous biological drug treatments for inflammatory arthritis: the RHEU-LIFE survey

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    Short report[Abstract] Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the preferences of patients with rheumatic diseases and their perceived experience regarding participation in shared decision making (SDM) when they were prescribed a subcutaneous (SC) biological drug. Methods: A printed survey was handed to 1,000 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases treated with SC biological drug. The survey included closed questions about preferences regarding decision making and about patients' experience when they were prescribed an SC biological drug. Descriptive statistics were performed with stratification by patient profiles, using chi-square for comparisons between groups. Results: A total of 592 surveys were received (response rate 59.2%, mean age 51.7 years, 57.6% women). Some 28.2% of patients reported preferring to take part in treatment selection, a percentage that was higher in younger patients, in those with higher academic degree and in those who search information in sources different to that of health care professionals. Over half of patients (56.3%) perceived that the rheumatologist considered their opinion when prescribing an SC biological drug, a percentage higher in younger people. Only in 40.8% of cases did the patients' preference match their perception of their participation in the process. No differences were observed by sex, disease or number of biologics. Conclusions: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases want information about their treatments but mostly leave the prescription decision to the rheumatologist. Younger people, or those with higher academic degree, more often want to participate in the SDM. There are discrepancies between patient preferences and perceptions of this process