136 research outputs found


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    SrFe12O19 coatings, intended as electromagnetic wave absorbers, were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) using two different kindsof feedstock powders: spray-dried agglomerates of micrometric SrFe12O19 particles (type-A) or spray-dried agglomerates of raw materials (SrCO3,Fe2O3), reactively sintered at 1100 ◦C (type-B).During spraying, type-A agglomerates either remain unmelted, producing porous coating regions where crystalline hexaferrite is retained, orare disrupted into smaller granules which melt completely, resulting in dense coating regions with no crystalline hexaferrite.The sintered type-B agglomerates possess higher cohesive strength and do not fall apart: the finer ones melt completely, whereas, in the largerones, the outer region melts and infiltrates the porous unmelted core which retains crystalline hexaferrite. Dense coatings can therefore be obtainedwhile preserving high amounts of crystalline hexaferrite even inside the dense areas. Such coatings show magnetic properties that are promisingfor electromagnetic wave absorption applications

    ADHD-aikuisten informaatiokäyttäytyminen ja -resilienssi koulutusvalinnassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella ADHD-aikuisten koulutusvalinnan tiedontarpeisiin, -hankintaan, -lähteisiin ja tiedon käyttöön mahdollisesti kytkeytyviä vastoinkäymisiä ja epävarmuuden tunteita sekä näiden haasteiden ratkaisemista. Tätä koulutusvalinnan päätöksentekoon tähtäävää toimintaa tarkastellaan informaatiokäyttäytymisen ja -resilienssin välisenä yhteytenä. Teemahaastatteluun osallistui seitsemän aikuisiällä ADHD-diagnosoitua henkilöä maalis-syyskuussa 2019. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisesti. Työssä noudatettiin tarkasti tutkimusetiikkaa. Tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystämme informaatiokäyttäytymisen ja -resilienssin yhteyksistä koulutusvalinnoissa. Esille tulleet tiedontarpeet ovat fysiologisia, affektiivisia ja kognitiivisia ja tiedon tietoista välttelyä on jonkin verran. Aiemmasta koulutusvalinnan tutkimuksesta poiketen tuloksissa korostuvat tiedontarpeet valintakokeiden erityisjärjestelyistä, opintojen yksilöllisistä järjestelyistä, opintojen toteutumismuodoista ja harjoittelujaksoista. Oppilaitosten verkkosivujen, Opintopolku-sivuston ja muiden yhteishakusivustojen käyttö tukee aiempaa tutkimusta. Opinto-ohjaajan erittäin vähäinen rooli poikkeaa aiemmasta tutkimuksesta ja esille nousee Ohjaamojen palvelupisteiden sekä työkokeilujen ja -pajojen henkilöstöjen ja omien kollegojen rooli tiedonlähteinä. Välineellinen tiedon käyttö ilmenee tiedon reflektointina yksilön sisäistämän tiedon valossa. Käsitteellinen tiedon käyttö kohdistuu koulutusvalinnan päätöksentekoon johtaneiden yksittäisten faktatietojen arviointiin. Informaatioresilienssin piirteistä yksilön hyvät tunnesäätelytaidot, kielteisten tunteiden toleranssi, positiiviset elämänkokemukset, itsetuntemus ADHD:stä sekä ammatillinen itsetuntemus edistävät etenkin negatiivisen informaation reflektointia ja siten vahvistavat myös yksilön informaatioresilienssiä. Huomionarvoista on, että Ohjaamojen palvelupisteiden sekä työkokeilujen ja -pajojen henkilöstöjen antama tieto ja ohjaus kytkeytyy affektiivisiin tiedontarpeisiin, käsitteelliseen tiedon käyttöön, yksilöllisten vahvuuksien tiedostamiseen ja ammatillisen itsetuntemuksen lisääntymiseen. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetut tiedonhankinnan esteet osoittavat tarpeen koota oppilaitosten verkkosivujen sekä Opintopolku-sivuston hakijoille -osioihin kattavasti tietoa koulutusalojen työllisyydestä, urapolkuvaihtoehdoista, valintakokeiden erityisjärjestelyistä sekä opintojen yksilöllisistä järjestelyistä. Aiemmista koulutusvalinnoista, opiskelu-, työ- ja elämänkokemuksista sekä ADHD:stä sisäistetty tiedon käyttö herättää jatkotutkimuksen tarpeen ei-ensikertalaisten koulutusvalinnan päätöksentekijöiden informaatiokäyttäytymisestä ja -resilienssistä

    Comparing soft robotic affective touch to human and brush affective touch

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    Affective touch is important for maintaining emotional bonds and providing comfort. In this pilot study, we developed a silicone pneumatic soft robotic haptic device (S-CAT) to provide affective touch and compared its performance with commonly used brush and human affective touch. The S-CAT device simulates the attributes of CT-optimal affective touch in terms of velocity, temperature and force. In 22 participants we administered touch on their forearm from the S-CAT device (robot), a human hand and a soft brush at 6cm/s (CT-optimal speed) and 36cm/s (non-CT optimal speed). We collected subjective ratings on pleasantness and intensity, as well as electroencephalography (EEG) responses. The results showed that pleasantness and intensity ratings depend on velocity of the touch. Moreover, S-CAT touch delivered at these different velocities elicits similar subjective ratings to using a human hand or brush. Findings point to the potential for soft robotic haptic devices to modulate subjective and electrophysiological response in a similar way to more natural, human touch

    Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

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    Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes' or children's holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activity instructors, aged 18 to 22, were taught to promote positive youth development, personal and social responsibility, and shared leadership in a physical activity context. The participants had minimal to no leadership training or experience. The training program consisted of seven meetings totaling 20 h. Helllison's teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model was the theoretical and practical framework of the training program. Feasibility of the leadership training program was evaluated across four domains of an evidence-based framework: demand, practicality, acceptability, and implementation fidelity. Data of the current complex intervention were collected with application videos, questionnaires, researcher's log, lesson plans, video recordings, and a semi-structured focus group interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the qualitative data using deductive and inductive content analysis. There was a demand for the leadership training program. The training program was perceived as practical and highly acceptable by the novice instructors and the trainers, and implemented with fidelity, indicating high overall feasibility. No implementation issues were found. Consequently, the current leadership training program has a high probability of efficacy and can be accepted for further evaluation.Peer reviewe

    EGFR gene amplification is relatively common and associates with outcome in intestinal adenocarcinoma of the stomach, gastro-oesophageal junction and distal oesophagus

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    BACKGROUND Approximately 50 % of gastric adenocarcinomas belong to a molecular subgroup characterised by chromosomal instability and a strong association with the intestinal histological subtype. This subgroup typically contains alterations in the receptor tyrosine kinase-RAS pathway, for example EGFR or HER2 gene amplifications leading to protein overexpression. In clinical practice, HER2 overexpressing metastatic gastric cancer is known to respond to treatment with anti-HER2 antibodies. By contrast, anti-EGFR antibodies have not been able to provide survival benefit in clinical trials, which, however, have not included patient selection based on the histological subtype or EGFR gene copy number analysis of the tumours. To examine the role of EGFR as a potential biomarker, we studied the prevalence, clinicopathological associations as well as prognostic role of EGFR and HER2 expression and gene amplification in intestinal adenocarcinomas of the stomach, gastro-oesophageal junction and distal oesophagus. METHODS Tissue samples from 220 patients were analysed with EGFR and HER2 immunohistochemistry. Those samples with moderate/strong staining intensity were further analysed with silver in situ hybridization to quantify gene copy numbers. The results were associated with clinical patient characteristics and survival. RESULTS Moderate/strong EGFR protein expression was found in 72/220 (32.7 %) and EGFR gene amplification in 31/220 (14.1 %) of the tumours, while moderate/strong HER2 protein expression was detected in 31/220 (14.1 %) and HER2 gene amplification in 29/220 (13.2 %) of the tumours. EGFR and HER2 genes were co-amplified in eight tumours (3.6 %). EGFR gene amplification was more common in tumours of distal oesophagus/gastro-oesophageal junction/cardia than in those of gastric corpus (p = 0.013). It was associated with shortened time to cancer recurrence (p = 0.026) and cancer specific survival (p = 0.033). CONCLUSIONS EGFR gene amplification is relatively common in intestinal adenocarcinomas and associates with decreased survival. It is rarely concurrent with HER2 gene amplification, suggesting that anti-EGFR therapies might be applicable to some patients not eligible for anti-HER2 treatment. Analogous to HER2 testing, determination of EGFR gene amplification status in concert with immunohistochemistry could improve the specificity of patient selection when investigating the possible benefits of anti-EGFR therapies in the treatment of gastric adenocarcinomas

    Stem emissions of monoterpenes, acetaldehyde, and methanol from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) affected by tree water relations and cambial growth

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    Abstract Tree stems are an overlooked source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Their contribution to ecosystem processes and total VOC fluxes is not well studied, and assessing it requires better understanding of stem emission dynamics and their driving processes. To gain more mechanistic insight into stem emission patterns, we measured monoterpene, methanol, and acetaldehyde emissions from the stems of mature Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a boreal forest over three summers. We analysed the effects of temperature, soil water content, tree water status, transpiration, and growth on the VOC emissions, and used generalized linear models to test their relative importance in explaining the emissions. We show that Scots pine stems are considerable sources of monoterpenes, methanol, and acetaldehyde, and their emissions are strongly regulated by temperature. However, even small changes in water availability affected the emission potentials: increased soil water content increased the monoterpene emissions within a day, whereas acetaldehyde and methanol emissions responded within two to four days. This lag corresponded to their transport time in the xylem sap from the roots to the stem. Moreover, the emissions of monoterpenes, methanol, and acetaldehyde were influenced by the cambial growth rate of the stem with six- to ten-day lags. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    PTTG1-interacting protein (PTTG1IP/PBF) predicts breast cancer survival

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    Background: PTTG1-interacting protein (PTTG1IP) is an oncogenic protein, which participates in metaphase-anaphase transition of the cell cycle through activation of securin (PTTG1). PTTG1IP promotes the shift of securin from the cell cytoplasm to the nucleus, allowing the interaction between separase and securin. PTTG1IP overexpression has been previously observed in malignant disease, e.g. in breast carcinoma. However, the prognostic value of PTTG1IP in breast carcinoma patients has not previously been revealed.Methods: A total of 497 breast carcinoma patients with up to 22-year follow-up were analysed for PTTG1IP and securin immunoexpression. The results were evaluated for correlations with the clinical prognosticators and patient survival.Results: In our material, negative PTTG1IP immunoexpression predicted a 1.5-fold risk of breast cancer death (p = 0.02). However, adding securin immunoexpression to the analysis indicated an even stronger and independent prognostic power in the patient material (HR = 2.5, p < 0.0001). The subcellular location of securin was found with potential prognostic value also among the triple-negative breast carcinomas (n = 96, p = 0.052).Conclusions: PTTG1IP-negativity alone and in combination with high securin immunoexpression indicates a high risk of breast cancer death, resulting in up to 14-year survival difference in our material

    Бокс в Томском Политехническом университете

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    Это первая книга о боксе в одном из томских университетов. События, факты, рассказы о боксёрах и их тренерах основаны на документальных материалах, в том числе из архивных источников, воспоминаниях ветеранов и действующих спортсменов. Это знак благодарности и признания боксёрам, тренерам и спортивным организаторам за их нелёгкую, но благодарную работу, за популяризацию бокса. В результате работы получилась содержательная и увлекательная книга, которая вызовет несомненный интерес у читателей, и будет способствовать популяризации такого замечательного вида единоборств как бокс